Apr 1Liked by Edward Slavsquat

"I don’t know why Moscow and the Collective West are arch-enemies—they’re so similar.

Just my words to everybody who wants to hear them. I never will understand why Russia and the west is on war - they are following the same agenda.

Lovely puppets. It is a pity that I can't smuggle one to Germany because of the sanctions.

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Apr 1Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Thanks for sharing your perspective Riley. And YAY puppies! Hope they all find happy homes.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

In the Info Wars AstraZeneca/Sputnik is better and safer than the deleterious Western AstraZeneca shots distributed throughout Europe.

In the Info Wars RFK, Jr. is determined to fight the deep state and end wars, but is a diehard Zionist who doesn't believe genocide is being committed against the Palestinians. In fact, his running mate happens to be a techno/fasist whose charity funded Event 201.

In the Info wars, Mercola's bank account was frozen for opposing the official security narrative, yet he's an avid supporter of

RFK, Jr. an IDF shill.

Interesting how populations are being fragmented into diverse ideologies but eventually are all herded into one biosecurity surveillance state "chopping block."

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the Russian attitude to Covid is the biggest single disappointing thing I've learned about my great hope: Russia. It is really bad. Really.

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Many thanks to Riley and Rolo, whose revolutionary analysis are getting better by the day, for helping to open our eyes to reality. You are indeed a great duo.

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Anyone who promotes those vaccines to treat a flu are full of shit, period.

This is nowadays extending to other vaccines too, as measles etc are basically flu like illnesses that were hyped up by assholes like this SOB.


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No Government can be trusted. I don't care from which country.

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Thank you very much, Riley. I don't seem to be able to get around to reading all your articles as soon as you publish them - actually, I only read one in about ten when I do get around to reading them. But whenever I've read an article, I wonder what the hell have I been doing instead of reading your articles.

In these days of Fifth Generation Warfare, while Oceania is at war with Eurasia (Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia) and East Asia at the same time, your perspective and criticism is essential, as important almost as is oxygen. And puppies.

But Putin and Russia: what a bloody mindf@%k! I understand some rudimentary game theory, so I can make arguments for using the same dirty tricks (biomedical-surveillance, CBDC, injections, 4IR, all of that kind of ordure) as your purported 'enemies' are, but from your reporting, Russia seems to be going about it in a sneakier way; being the only adult in the room, on the one hand, and displaying the same deranged psychopathy on the other. What's the real game here? Russia must be as pwned as U.S.+U.K.+Europe are by the same transnational financier-corporation owners, because they're all playing by the same playbook. BRICS was, after all, devised by Goldman Sachs' and GS former economist Jim O’Neill, so perhaps we really shouldn't be surprised. No, what we should be is morose.

Thanks again, Riley. I'm sorry for not paying. I haven't worked since COVID-19 and the deadly genetic injection slurry mandates. When they wanted us to believe they lifted the mandates (they never really lifted the mandates, because they'll have many more shots they'll coerce us into taking when the brand new Moderna factories they're building on all continents across the world come on-line and start pumping-out new injections), it was too late. I knew enough to decide that I wouldn't be paying taxes any longer because I couldn't knowingly abet government crime by providing it with material support, nor would I be complicit in state-mediated and executed crime. That means I'm really poor.

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Lovely puppies.

Yeah, Putin's Russian flavored variant of AstraZeneca's chemical slurry makes for much better clot-shots, to protect people against a virus which has never even been proven to exist. How can we refuse it? 🤣 Thanks, Riley!

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My grandfather had occasion to visit Poland back in the 1950s-60s, but not Russia. He would come back home and at times would refer to us grandkids by saying "my little Sputnik". But calling a deadly vaccine "Sputnik" is an affront to Russian space exploration. Oh yes, all vaccines are deadly.

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It is troubling how forgiving and uncritical of Putin some people in the West have become because of losing faith in their own clown leaders.

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"I don’t know why Moscow and the Collective West are arch-enemies". For me, this is the real, one and only important question in all this. Probably this enmity is just fed to the masses (with or without our leaders' awareness) to keep us distracted while the true Rulers do or devise their designs. Of course this conjecture leads to further questions (like for instance, why those designs must necessarily involve bombings, bloodshed, wars, etc?)

Since February 2022 I've been very suspicious that Covid-19 panic campaign ended just when the SMO begun, and as I've already said, I have a premonition that Disease X will begun by the end of the SMO.

Anyway, seen as Russia is as hopeless as the Col. West, I definitely need a better psychoanalist, because I should have wholly stopped being interested in Russia since Riley opened my eyes one year ago.

[EDIT] By the way, we shouldn't exclude the possibility that many of the world's governments leaders have sincerely bought into the plandemic. One of my closest relatives, an intelligent, extremely cultured and very well read man, totally fell for it and still does. And will do over and over again. As we say in my country: "fear is free".

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To me, this seems like a ''Special Vaccine Operation.'' Slow-rollin' for Maximum devastation. Sweet pups, 'squat! I probably don't need to tell you, ''puppy shots'' are just as 'safe and effective' as the human iterations.

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Riley is always entertaining and informative...since 'substacks' became a thing, I have had to winnow down the many that I've subscribed to...but this place hits just the right spot. Love those pups as well as the local feel. A tip of the glass to everyone.

We are all Slav!

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Puppies?, clot shot?, puppies?, clot shot?. I'll take puppies please. One in each arm.

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I do have a brilliant idea Riley: why don't ask Rubber Balone to make a fundraising to save Russians children from the evil hands of WHO? He could show them his brevets collection into Mrna research, like Raoult did in France in 2020? You know, those insiders are so useful when it comes to explain the tricky psy ops to the herds... And people like them, they tell them how and what to think, this is all so convenient! You know what? They could all choke themselves with their lies and hang themselves in the closet where they come from. The only regret I have is that folks don't get the move, even the more alert. They all vote for the experts. Who paid this cloaque of thieves and murderers you think? Religious people believed in « conversions » from the state or the institutions players... They are all pointing in the same open sky digital gulag direction, and they are all in bed with WHO's technocracrats, backed by EVERY state representative, every NGO, every corporation, all the zombie propaganda, whatever they say or declare on the social media circus of operations. I'd like things goes faster now. Let them have their fucking nazo weirdos world with all their supporters. Quick. The only problem I see is that they won't leave us alone playing in the countryside with puppies, animals and trees and grass and cow and flowers. Until we destroy them. My last point is, how?

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