It's bed time.

I kneel beside my matress on the floor and say my night prayers, for the first time since I was five.

Please, God, make the Americans, Russians, and Chinese governments bomb each other into oblivion, which will enable we Australians to expel the US military and corporations from our now almost destroyed country and then kick out the 2.2 million Chinese invaders who have used CCP money to buy up our houses and farms.

As you know, I have deleted "Please bless mummy and daddy and grandma" because they are dead.

Your favourite atheist


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Like Cynthia, I like your comments and I agree 100%. Here in the USA, our news has become nothing more than government propaganda, we are told nothing about what is happening in the rest of the world (except for our ward Ukraine). While some are still blinded by jingoism, I see America's citizens (including myself) as maggots feeding on the festering and dead thing that once was the United States of America. It is hard not to believe that Amerika is making its final push for world domination and that we have become a vile and degrading force in the world.

It's time to take out the garbage. As Walt Kelly said, using the voice of his creation Pogo Possum, "We have met the enemy and it is us."

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Charles... While I like to push points with a certain amount of whimsey and ironical deflection, I would hate to see good people fall into the trap of national guilt. There is no such thing these days. People like you are decent people who are victims of a global conspiracy. It is as simple as that. Likewise most French and most Russians. Probably, this principle applies world wide. My surveys in Australia showed that 80% of Australians disagree with 90% of government decisions. This tells you everything. We lost democracy and we now pay the price.

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Please, God, make somebody bomb the theater where the American, Russian, EU, Aussie, and Chinese leaders meet next time.

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May 30, 2023
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I think that assassinating bad leaders "is not how we do things." Usually, the leaders get us to kill each other, not them. I'm asking why.

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😭 I’m sorry...and I “liked” your post; well said and I’m American 😳

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Gidday Cynthia. I was generalising for brevity. In point of fact, I read the posts of Stew Peters,Tucker Carlson, Dell Bigtree, Joe Mercola, RFK Defenders, and Mike Adams, and so many more Americans who are in the same shit as we Aussies. My only regret is that Americans are so insular. This would work so much better if Americans would team up with us to defeat the globalists. We could then get them in a pincer movement.

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True! If only we could be less insular...

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Not even if you program a bot to pray multipolarly in various languages. Australia's a branch of king Charlie's Crown Corporation and of the USEUNATO conglomerate, here comes more AUKUS blessings for the people, defending the king's democracy and freedom against evil communist China and tyrannical authoritarian Russia demands it.

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May 30, 2023
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Anri... 70% of the population supports the tyranny, so it is simple logistics that c ivil disobedience etc cannot be effective. If I were you I would abandon all hope of a career as a general.

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Amen 🙏 and please throw Scummo & all Plandemic Premiers of the States of Australia into gaol FOR LIFE, or until we Aussies reinstste the Death Penalty. AAAAAAAMMMMMEEENNNNNN.😇

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Unfortunately, if the bombs go off we're all in it together.😁

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Unless one is not on ground zero or downwind. If sanity cannot break through zombie inertia, I plan to be elsewhere.

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Which planet?😁

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Point taken, but if the nukes are limited to the northern hemisphere, where I'll be will take two years for the cloud to reach, and much diluted. I will be just fine, albeit producing kids with three eyes and extra limbs, who will get bit parts in planetary apocolypse movies. All good.

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The kids might even light up at night avoiding the need for flashlight batteries.

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You are right on to it, Charlotte. At night they will sleep in reflector beds so that the light resonates. You seem like a useful survivalist so you are welcome to join me, as long as you don't mind a north Australian hut in a tropical monsoonal wilderness, accessible by 4wd three months per year and teeming with rogue buffalo and 6 metre crocodiles.

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May 30, 2023
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That is a straight out ignorant statement. In 1975, a coup d'etat was launched by the CIA and MI6 and our democratically elected government was sacked and the US corporations and military took over. Out top politicians were CIA agents. Then they killed 35 people and confiscated our guns. I was overseas at the time and could do nothing about it. One of the CIA agents, Christopher Boyce, had severe remorse, saw the whole thing as a betrayal, and blew the whistle. He got 22 years in prison for that loyalty. Many of us had attempts on our lives for speaking out. There have been 12 attempts to eliminate me, the most recent 11 months ago. It is ironic you call yourself freelander.

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« Rejection of selfish practices » is a nice touch of pure communist rhetoric, almost poetic in its perverseness.

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I read Glogolev’s statement that “some countries preferred to look for the guilty and politicize the situation” as doing China a solid against U.S. congresspersons et al. in terms of blame for covid origins, but maybe Edward’s idea is right, who knows?

Anyway, here we have a Russian official speaking for Belarus via the Union State, and roping Minsk into the dystopia agenda they – essentially alone in the “developed” world – had the sense to shun in 2020. I fear that’s very much the wave of the future.

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For me, it's not about assigning blame for covid (which has become very trendy in both the West and the East), but rather the fact that Moscow is praising China for its response to the "pademic". Deeply troubling, for reasons I believe do not need to be spelled out.

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Same dynamic in the West - China was widely praised for its response; rulers here were drooling over the technologies of control (and social compliance) to be found in China but not yet achieved in the West. But they tried - look at Michael Senger - Snake Oil : https://www.michaelpsenger.com/p/the-importance-of-snake-oil-how-xi

His claim is that, very early in 2020, NSA actors gained control of the USA Covid response and from the start advocated for "what worked in China" - mostly lockdowns - business school closures, etc - as the basis of a USA response. (NSA = spooks - National Security Agency). Birx in the US was an NSA plant in Trump Admin.

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It's not "masochism" at all, Edward. The Russian neo-nomenklatura are the truest adepts of "globalism" aka "the NWO", and the Russian turn-key neo-slave society is actually the goal of and the model for the Western globalists, albeit it will take them some time to build it. They ARE a true community of like-minded ghouls.

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Thank you Edward. You really opened my eyes to the truth of the medical establishment in Russia. My girlfriend's father died after getting vaccinated from a blood clot in the brain. I didn't have the heart to tell her because all of her family were vaccinated. Subsequently both her and her mom fell ill with long Covid! Fortunately I have use information from various alternative health care practitioners to detox both my girlfriend and her mom from Covid-19 using intravenous vitamins. What is really interesting is that I have used a supplement which is made from four algae grown in a bioreactor in Kamchatka's volcanic waters. Unfortunately it is then shipped to Canada for manufacturing by the doctor (originally from Moldova) who created it. I have used it for more than 20 years and never had even a cold in that time. I tried to get my girlfriend to take the same supplement but she believes too much in conventional doctors. Go figure!

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I'm trying to find something about the WEF or some Western "school of economics" in the biography of Sergey Glagolev, but I can't find anything. I don't know how hypnotizing Russian covid1984 tv was, maybe he actually believes what he's talking about? But then again, his agency is probably the one that decided to test every man and mouse with Mr. not-a-Dr. Drosten's PCR protocol...

Can it all be due to incompetence? Then again, the German health minister is an alcoholic who can't even talk for a minute without contradicting himself so anything is possible...

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The serpent symbolism on the WHO emblem reflects truly the real nature of the organization:


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May 30, 2023Edited
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Kabbalah being their "religion", the Globalists are fond of symbolism and gematria. To the examples you mentioned, we could add Google and the WEF suggesting the number of the beast in their logo or Bill Gates using it in his famous patent number. Trump having studied Kabbalah, that number also ended up on the Trump tower.

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May 31, 2023Edited
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I like your expression "demons wearing small round hats". It applies also to all popes and this suggests who has always been in control of Christianity. Their main "obsession" has always been the messianic utopia they call "redemption" and the Great Reset should be the trigger to make it unfold.

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May 31, 2023
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Thanks for the link. We seem to be pretty much on the same wavelength. I liked the example you gave for insanity: it falls well in line with Ezra Pound's definition of democracy. My research led me to a slightly different view on Islam. I think that it was, ab ovo, created by Judaism. In fact, I am now of the opinion that Hegelian dialectics existed before Hegel and that Christianity and Islam are to religion what the Republican and Democratic parties are to politics.

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always wondered what it must be like to be a speechwriter for the upper echelons:

- they know public speeches are utterly pointless because all the globalist's mafia important stuff is discussed/agreed behind closed doors

- at the same time speech can't be utterly pathetic because more inquisitive plebs' minds might see through it, so it has to be semi-intelligent, a bit inspiring, contain at least a grain of truth

- speechwriter for a true top dog country can even afford to include a bit of criticism of others to fool the plebs they are valiantly fighting for them, speechwriters from small chihuahua countries can't even do that

- there are still some lower level countries / politicians who believe in all this SDG, ESG, WHO, climate crap. So the speech should make sure they continue being brainwashed and work tirelessly

- never go into detail, less is better. always remember the nasty factcheckers now and in the future.

as you can see, the truth, the real events, the agreements and their real meaning are just one of many options in speechwriter's toolbox and many times telling the truth would be a self inflicted death sentence. I presume top speechwriters long ago gave up on all ideals, became alcoholics and just nihilistically exchange their talent for a bag of gold.

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"In October, the Ministry of Health approved a completely insane new rule, which allows for “updated” genetic COVID “vaccines” to be approved and released to the public, almost without testing, in as little as 16 days. "

"Who funds the sustainable development goals?

The World Bank Group Partnership Fund for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG Fund) was established to promote best practices and knowledge sharing for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."

The brave new multipolar world is proudly developing a WHO International monetary fund (IMF).🤑

The "equity" espoused by China, Russia and the US is merely guidelines on how all the usual international hoodlums will work together ensuring everyone gets a piece of the gravy train, as biosecurity scam industries are permanently established worldwide.

Public health/equity is equated to getting a first class seat on the rip-off pharmaceutical bullet train barreling down the tracks at record speed in search of trillions.

So how dare the WHO eliminate the Moscow office as all worthy oligarchs and loyal believers of the WEF/UN initiatives demand a window seat near the "carving station."

A cushy seat ensuring unimaginable profits as the unwitting on every continent are physically exploited not just for their labor, but also as human experiments testing an endless array of mRNA gene therapy toxins.

So as it turns out, multipolarism is actually a "unipolar" technocratic biosecurity surveillance state guaranteeing that the usual mobsters are well-compensated as long as they keep their proles QR coded and frequently injected with dubious toxins.

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"We hope that this organization and its member states are able to develop and achieve their goals, primarily the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals], progress towards which has been slowed down by the coronavirus pandemic." — Sergey Glagolev, May 22, 2023

"The pandemic has blown us off course, but it has shown us why the SDGs must remain our north star, and why we must pursue them with the same urgency and determination with which we countered the pandemic." — Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, May 22, 2023 (Source: https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/05/1136912)

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Russia's elites wanna be in the central game room, so they are playing the game, to the hilt. Thanks again, Riley, great job breaking down this outrageous speech.

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"Moscow's WHO masochism" The communists (Russia) are behind the sick $hit! The communists control nearly the whole world USA, Ukraine etc. included.

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Very dark indeed.

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as horrible as Donald "warp speed" Trump is at least he wanted to withdraw the U.S from the big pharma controlled WHO...and despite some of his misguided "green energy" faults at least RFK wrote a book exposing the rotten corruption at the WHO...and CDC...and FDA...and big pharma...and Fauci and Gates...and congress

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Warp speed the vaccine was developed over a decade ago

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Excellent break down of this speech.

Two observations about the speech.

1. I've not see, so many run-on sentences since my day in school. Back then I was woefully ignorant of the purpose for or need of commas and periods. Don't these bureaucrats have minions, who edit and proof things??

2. Credit where credit is due - agreed, Thanks to him, for saying this on the globalist - trans stage.

Aside from that, they are all alike, as you point out. We are just game pieces on a board, that gets reset every several decades.

I have a Russian co-worker, that I will foreword your substack to. He is quite savvy on world affairs and will enjoy your work.


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Like I said before - an awake Американский can spot a farce a mile away and this hopefully is one that can be contained . I see that Краснодар is banning all English signs because they don't want the outside influence. I guess Mayor Naumov doesn't understand the difference between Multi polar society or a Bi-Polar Mayor. Gee, don't tell him that 20 million Slavs live in North America and are welcomed to use their old slavic languages - without prejudice or Racist attacks.

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