Never forget: One day you'll also be a "terrorist"
Eventually you'll be curb-stomped like the rest
By Riley Waggaman, a former RT “senior editor” (newsroom errand boy)
By now it should be clear to everyone that Edward Slavsquat’s views on the situation in Kazakhstan do not perfectly align with press releases issued by the Russian government—which of course is unconscionable and probably against the law.
We sincerely hope this will be the last Kazakhstan-related blog post we write—because honestly we just want to return to making fun of Sputnik V shills—but we do feel obliged to piss everyone off again, one last time.
Let’s just recap: Kazakhstan is a forced-injection, cattle-tagged hellhole that was preparing to ratchet up its cattle tag system on January 5 and possibly make cattle tags necessary for banking—like, for withdrawing your own money from the bank.
Some peaceful protesters marched on some buildings and the space lizard who controls Kazakhstan fired the government in hopes of appeasing the angry cattle-tagged masses. Why exactly did they march? Probably for lots of reasons. It doesn’t even matter. There were plenty of good reasons to march. It would have been weird for them not to have marched.
Then things started getting violent and very weird. Unsavory elements—both internal and external—took advantage of the social and political upheaval. Arson, looting, reports of cops getting beheaded—unsettling stuff. Not good.
Then Russia and the rest of the CSTO sent in peacekeeping troops while Russian state media and the trusted Russophile Media went into overdrive to defend the violent suppression of peaceful protests as well as riots and looting.
Then everyone clapped.
You can nitpick if you want, but is this an unfair summary of what has occurred? We are open to being corrected if you think this is an incorrect version of events. In truth, what we are most concerned about is the knee-jerk reaction to these events.
Foreign-backed terrorists, everywhere!
Everywhere you look there is a foreign-backed terrorist trying to undermine Multipolarism (neo-feudal bug-burger paradise).
In November, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence revealed something truly shocking and horrifying: Russia had weaponized Ukrainian anti-vaxxers in a cynical attempt to destabilize Kiev:
“They want to foment unrest, through protests and meetings, that show the people are against the government,” he said.
Those efforts include ongoing anti-COVID-19 vaccination protests that Budanov said have been organized by Russia, which is also trying to stoke unrest related to the economy and energy supplies.
Around the same time, Russia’s Security Council announced that foreign-backed terrorists were trying to destabilize Russia with their “confusing” opposition to mandatory vaccination and QR codes!
[T]errorist organizations are actively working on social networks in order to “discredit the actions of local authorities in the fight against the pandemic, and create a mood of confusion and uncertainty among the population,” Kokov said.
These monsters are everywhere.
What constitutes a “terrorist”? The definition becomes broader with each passing day. The current Cambridge Dictionary definition of “terrorist” is: “someone who slightly irritates their omnipotent government.”
Do you fit that description? Then it’s probably not a super great idea to revel in the violent suppression of cattle-tagged protesters who were later lumped together with “terrorists.”
Go ahead and cheer for the liquidation of all the horrible terrorists in Kazakhstan but just remember—you’re playing with fire.
We don’t pretend to know exactly what happened/is happening in Kazakhstan, but if we had to pick a “side,” the cattle-tagged dude on the street who doesn’t like his government—for whatever reason—is undoubtedly the safest bet. It’s not even a difficult decision!

Some will accuse us of being horribly naïve and allowing ourselves to be “exploited” by George Soros and The Empire or whatever. Okay fine—you checkmated us so hard.
But you think your Very Serious Person “analysis”—death to the terrorists!—isn’t being exploited by Russia, Kazakhstan and other pro-forced-injection, pro-cattle-tag governments?
And this is double-sad if you spend all day (rightfully) denouncing forced injections and cattle tags. At least be honest with yourself.

Others will say we are being “manipulative” by not explaining—in microscopic detail—the “other side” of this issue.
Most of you know our position.
We don’t want to be injected. We don’t want to be cattle tagged. We don’t want to be labeled a terrorist by SouthFront (although the confession video would be absolutely epic).
Probably the vast majority of Russians agree with that statement above, by the way. So please don’t try to accuse us of being a NATO shill. Maybe you’re the shill? Checkmate!
If nothing else, please think carefully before clapping and cheering when “terrorists” get curb-stomped. It’s 2022. The game has changed. You never know—one day you could be the “terrorist” getting your skull crushed. Yes, you! And who will defend you? Who will demand justice for you? Not a single fucking person if people keep this bullshit up.
By the way: we are not overly concerned about what Serious People on social media or The Blogs think. We can think for ourselves, thank you very much.
And we will continue to think for ourselves, even if it angers all the Serious People (many of whom have lost touch with the basics and desperately need a hug). We know it’s unthinkable to think for ourselves—but we will keep doing it anyway. That’s the Edward Slavsquat Guarantee!
Great article again.
In France at that point we are not terrorists but according to the word ot the psychopath in power we are litteraly, "irresponsibles not deemed being considered as citizens" he also said that he wanted to piss off all of us, up unitl the end", what end? The expression used in French means litteraly, "to cover someone with shit"... That rather weird way of talking to the population might backfire and is mainly a part of a psyop which has started with people in the MSM being more and more aggressive. At that point, I don't see the population ready to do some witch hunting on our skin.
There are a lot of very motivated people on our side (at the very least 6 millions uninjected) and more so since the double injected are refused "pass vaccinal" if they don't get the third jab and so the same status as the unjabed. There are also an inumerable lot who have had false injections and who are undetectable, unless the injection contain stuff that can emit MAC codes.
Meanwhile the work around the theory that Brigite macron wouldn't be a woman is being revealed a little bit more everyweek by a freelance journalist who has built her case very seriously. Writing letters to the Élysée palace asking for answers to very relevant questions, she suffers a lot of pression (and the French state is rather mafia like: but never any answer. The local damage control apparatus is having a hard time trying to debunk the claims.
Keep on the good work
Back in the day we had a running joke with my friends about politicians worldwide accusing each other of "supporting terrorism". Every time we saw a headline like that we posted it in a chat - which got filled up very quickly.
You had Turkey being accused of supporting terrorism, while also accusing the US of supporting terrorism, while Russia accused someone else of that and got the same accusation right back in its face. And now of course there's "domestic terrorism", a natural continuation of the trend.
The word itself sounds pretty sharp and piercing, from a NLP perspective, so I guess that's why the reptiles use it a lot.