Jan 11, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Great article again.

In France at that point we are not terrorists but according to the word ot the psychopath in power we are litteraly, "irresponsibles not deemed being considered as citizens" he also said that he wanted to piss off all of us, up unitl the end", what end? The expression used in French means litteraly, "to cover someone with shit"... That rather weird way of talking to the population might backfire and is mainly a part of a psyop which has started with people in the MSM being more and more aggressive. At that point, I don't see the population ready to do some witch hunting on our skin.

There are a lot of very motivated people on our side (at the very least 6 millions uninjected) and more so since the double injected are refused "pass vaccinal" if they don't get the third jab and so the same status as the unjabed. There are also an inumerable lot who have had false injections and who are undetectable, unless the injection contain stuff that can emit MAC codes.

Meanwhile the work around the theory that Brigite macron wouldn't be a woman is being revealed a little bit more everyweek by a freelance journalist who has built her case very seriously. Writing letters to the Élysée palace asking for answers to very relevant questions, she suffers a lot of pression (and the French state is rather mafia like:https://www.seuil.com/ouvrage/la-mafia-d-etat-vincent-jauvert/9782021500769) but never any answer. The local damage control apparatus is having a hard time trying to debunk the claims.

Keep on the good work

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Back in the day we had a running joke with my friends about politicians worldwide accusing each other of "supporting terrorism". Every time we saw a headline like that we posted it in a chat - which got filled up very quickly.

You had Turkey being accused of supporting terrorism, while also accusing the US of supporting terrorism, while Russia accused someone else of that and got the same accusation right back in its face. And now of course there's "domestic terrorism", a natural continuation of the trend.

The word itself sounds pretty sharp and piercing, from a NLP perspective, so I guess that's why the reptiles use it a lot.

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Geeze! You get better and sharper, Riley! However, this time I beg to differ just a "little" bit: WE ALL the cattle-tag-injection-refusers have been classified as domestic-terrorists by both governments and their Karen sheeple! Governments around the world already created special "law" and measures to deal with all of us, the cattle-tag-injection-refusers. Last but not least, the "obedient cattle" always get slaughtered first, simply because the butchers don't need to make any effort to do so; whereas the butchers must take all safety measures and try not to get "hurt" when dealing with "defiant human beings" ( or cattle in your parlance)

And I concur... enough of Kazakh invasion. Don't let THEM distract us from the biggest present danger "being cattle tagged into the slaughter house"

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Only a litle coment. I'm a portuguese woman and i Love Russia and his people. Your blogue is very good. Thanks. I will read it Always. Now fb blocked me for 30 days. It's finishing my fascist punishment. Soon i das free i share your articles. Big hug my friend.

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in USA parents who wish to guide their kids in accordance to their own values and beliefs are deemed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as of 2021 to be labeled as ‘domestic terrorists’ ... on another unrelated dark note, given your shared boarder with China, has there been any news there about the breakout of a ‘hemorrhagic fever’ resembling Ebola in China... just wondering, only heard about yesterday but apparently going on since October .

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Brilliant headline and apt observation. And lovely music at the end.

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You're right. You never know who's going to be next. To give you a little example, last year our national coordinator of anti terrorism had this to say about Blue Tiger publishing house:

"A porthole of anti-government propaganda, fake news and conspicary theories. An organisation that strengthens the polarisation of society".

This is a book publisher, of which the publisher itself also does interviews and talkshows on the internet. Usually with people that have been cancelled by main stream media.

Here we see a classic use of the mirroring technique. You accuse your opponents of the thing you are guilty of yourself. Together with the use of NLP language a very effective tool to influence the sheeple. Fortunately, there are more and more people who see trough this.

One mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. If they continue like this, the term "domestic terrorist" will be worn as a badge of honor. Some of us already do. So yes, even staunch believers in the system will succum to it eventually. And some will even defend it in spite of their branding, Solzhenitsyn told us already.

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This blog's author is apparently well versed in Russian culture and I commend him for that! To illustrate his article he chose a photoshopped picture from one of the cult movies of Soviet era, Kin-Dza-Dza, by Georgian-Soviet movie director Grigori Daneliya. This movie and its fable have a lot of relevance to our life today and especially the last two years. If you never watched that film, I recommend you do. Here is the link to the version that has English subtitles (you have to turn them on in YouTube).


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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

This post of yours is pure gold. Honestly, I feel like printing it out and putting it in every single mailbox in my neighbourhood. Not many people that I know were bothered by what happened in Kazakhstan - and they should be.

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Yeah I'm growing tired of 5d chess. I never liked chess anyway. I find it to be an obsession of people who obsess over strategizing.

I don't get why we need to think 5 steps ahead to do the right thing, if only the Germans knew that was bullshit, maybe Hitler wouldn't have gained power.

I give up on every authority that operates without transparency.

F China aka eastasia

F Russia aka eurasia

F the ussa aka Oceania

Endless wars by chess players, not real philosophers.

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at this point is quite clear that the vaccine´s greatest harm is degradation of the immune system, which if you think is quite reasonable. that makes your immune system dependent of unlimited booster jabs thus turning a once-for-all source of revenue into a very stable income stream for pfizer, moderna et caterva

but given how hard it hits the immune system, a case to be made is that the more you wait the more you will the vaxxed getting turned into zombies. the problem is, how big is group of vaxxed people who will get even more radically pro vaxx the more degraded their immune system is

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