I'm going to keep an eye on you, I want that toaster oven 😉

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we all want the toaster oven!

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Major props for posting the latest HEAT from Lil’Kremlin! We will throw down stacks and new tracks for the blog!

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can't wait for the next track, Lil' Kremlin!!!

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You are a freaking amazing journalist, Edward! It's hard to believe you could put out that much content. I'm having trouble keeping up with everything I subscribe to already lol. But best wishes and I will read as much as I can. These are certainly interesting times! I also love the music videos you share. I'm more into classical however this one was awesome too! Word is getting out.

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thanks MoutainBlues :) be well!

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If you go full time I'll cancel my subscription to the Economist and pay you instead.

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Thank you! :)

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I'll gladly pony up for Slavsquat journalism.

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good man! we'll, don't go anywhere...

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I don’t normally listen to rap music but I made an exception since you posted it. I must say it’s an excellent summary and understanding of the current situation including the role of Klauss Schwab.

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Lil' Kremlin is a very talented rapper.

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Thanks so much for your kind words! Glad you enjoyed the track! Will gladly support the blog efforts with spare coin and provide a soundtrack for it as well!

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I believe your work is worth come coin. Crypto perhaps?

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appreciate that. would definitely accept crypto, as one of several options.

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Happy New Year bro. I love your stuff and I'd pay for it. If you want to discuss anything Crypto hit me up. I got the low low down.

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Thanks, happy New Year!

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I am SO SLOW at times…yes, crypto🙄

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Well worth the 20 minutes it take to watch; creator said it took a year of his life to produce!

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL


RW, you are my primary parallell structure creator. I am really thankful for the intro to Отава Ё. They have become a favorite. Here's another one for you, if you didn't already know about them.


The vocalist is American, Jennifer Davis. I wish she would write a book. Most of the band members went on to form the nucleus of Шну́ров Серге́й Влади́мирович band, Ленинград. I am sure you know of them. How about a Leningrad video link in the future? I am curious to learn which production you would find appropriate for your blog.

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good idea. definitely will include a Leningrad vid in the future

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Just shared the article on VK. Could not have wished a better post to start with. Thank you, Edward!

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Thanks Mina, appreciate that. happy New Year to you and yours!

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Thank you very much! Wishing you and yours Happy New Year, good health, lots of love, joy and success with everything you do!

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