Sadly, we had to let our goats, Polinka and Horu, go last summer. They were just too much work. - Cutting hey, finding them grazing during the hot Portuguese summer, and constantly keeping them out of my gardens and in their pen - plus constantly repairing the fence around their pen, etc, etc, all got a bit much (especially for hubby). In retrospect I wish we'd kept them! Goats are such lovely animals. I miss them a lot.

On a brighter note, chickens!!! Funny, naughty, and they make eggs!! (We have three, which is 21 eggs a week!)

As for your news from Russia, Mr Skavsquat, why it's almost as if "they're all in it together" as far as their policies go! That said, I'm still very much looking forward to the collapse of the hegemon.

In the meantime, creating our own economic independence on/in the ground seems the only sensible way to go for us little people. Very best of luck/success with all of your excellent villaging!

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The Nigerian rollout of CBDCs lasted only 109 days before they abandoned it.

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I looked it up. It still exists, but people refuse to use it. This article sheds some light on the topic:


Seems even they marketed it perfectly with lies like "distributed" and "blockchain" people still understood it's slavecoin characteristics. They even enabled useful functionality like smart contracts. So pretty perfect marketing and some useful features and people still couldn't get fooled. A good sign!

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Hmm... I'm not sure people reject it because they understand its slavecoin characteristics. My guess would be, the economy is not yet ready for it. I live in a rural area and, I'd say, three/four out of five persons here would find themselves unable to go along without cash. When I talk to my friends about the digital trap they look at me as if I were nuts.

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I was listening to a podcast with Alex Krainer, I think is his name, just yesterday. He has a substack also.

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Does he? I read his book about the Browder hoax and I enjoyed it a lot.

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Also their covid vaccination rate is only 8%.

Low IQ doesn't mean stupid!

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“types of lice that live on the hair of intimate parts of the human body”, and “alcoholics”.

I would like to learn how to say this in the original Russian. It is what I feel about many in my government. You have the best puppies on the internet.

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Amazing that the Russian people have "a positive assessment of future technologies." Don't they realize the reason for their existence i.e an existential threat is being worked out by these maniacs on a daily basis? Or, maybe this poll is fake, too...

Love the baby goats....babies are so lovely

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So, Chinese banks respond to US pressure and, as a result, stop cooperating with Russian banks? As it was the case with some Turkish banks.

Is there an explanation from the Chinese side why they're now following US orders?

Also, isn't this bad publicity for their CBDC project?

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One plausible explanation might be: China does not follow US orders, but both China and US obey someone else's orders. :-)

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Ro... the bankers' ;)

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Good questions...

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Will you name the goats? It has been demonstrated that when cows were given a name, they secreted more milk. In France, before the industrialization of agriculture, most cows had a name and very often written in their resting place in barns.

Must watch, a happy survivor:


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At 0'44, the Country Man says laughingly: "I am not a sheep and I don't want to enter the sheephold"... I hope the translator will work for you.

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"Who are these people who are waiting for the mass introduction of the digital ruble?" Some people I personally know are looking forward to mass introduction of CBDC's. Others don't care or are not aware. Only one of my acquaintances is vocally against it. In my past Easter family meeting, out of a dozen people nobody except me had cash for paying the lumberjack. My family's all obsessed with electronic payments/transfers.

"The number of foreign companies controlled by Russians..." This would be some good news if it weren't because, I reckon, "Russians" here means Shlomo.

"Chinese banks have started blocking payments from Russia for electronic components". That much for Russia's "esteemed partners and allies" from the East and the multipolar drivel.

"Russia has developed a neural network that is capable of identifying terrorists and criminals among migrant workers". Except they're not migrants, but IMMIGRANTS, it is universally known that terrorists and criminals have specific facial traits that make them identifiable by AI; unless -God forbid!- what they're telling us is that such neural network has every Russian citizen face-ID'ed and it can from its database pick up previously identified criminals and terrorists.

"The majority of Russians (90%) have a positive assessment of future technologies, such as the development of artificial intelligence." At this point, humankind is hopeless.

"Gazprom supplies gas to Europe in transit through Ukraine in the amount of 42.4 million cubic meters per day". That's ~470 m3 per second. Just in case someone is tempted to think Moscow is fighting the Col. West.

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"Chinese banks have started blocking payments from Russia for electronic components, which could cause production delays for Russian manufacturers."

I guess, Putin and Xi aren't besties in the multipolar utopia. 😁

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But who won the puppy naming contest???

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Riley, watch at 24' and you might find how to use the goats to carry water! Beautiful Switzerland...


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Hmmm... i just love goat meat. Roasted on an open fire. (Oh, please don't banish me for being an honest omnivore human being! I don't eat puppies. And I don't consent to genocides.)

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"A pensioner from the village of Magnitka (Kusinsky district, Chelyabinsk region) was issued a fine of 5,000 rubles for insulting local deputies. According to the text of the court decision, she referred to the lawmakers as “types of lice that live on the hair of intimate parts of the human body”, and “alcoholics”. [ura.news]"

This woman, was apparently making her opinion of those fining her, perfectly clear.

However, the provocation is not perfectly clear.

Did she consider, that the deputies deserved the insults, and therefore no fine was warranted?

Did she consider 5,000 rubles to be an excessive fine regardless?

Or was she just expressing her personal opinion of the particular lawmakers, or lawmakers in general, regardless of the circumstances of the case?

Whatever the case, this woman was obviously unimpressed, with the administrators of justice!

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Hmm. I'm looking at this snippet:

"Aluminum prices on the London Metal Exchange rose by 9.4%, and nickel prices by 8.8%, following the announcement of new US and UK sanctions against Moscow."

and then this one:

"Supplies of Russian aluminum, nickel and copper to the US and UK last year amounted to $77.8 million, which is only 0.5% of Russia’s total exports of these metals."

I'm very ignorant about this stuff, but it seems that these sanctions will hurt us in the Land of the Free a lot more than those of you in Russia.

P.S. Those baby goats are in a Cuteness Contest with the puppies; I can't decide the winner.

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These goats are an EXCELLENT addition to your thinktank!

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fwiw, I think Riley should be proud that I included among my list of oracles I take seriously:


To be clear, I jump Riley's shit like I sometimes do when I perceive him stooping to mere muck-raking ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muckraker ).

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Totally unrelated:

Riley has a lot of clever and very well informed followers, so I'm throwing here this question in case someone's got a clue.

Along with the algorithm for airplane ticket prices (that makes, say, a Madrid-Buenos Aires flight via Dubai twice as cheap -despite being twice as long- as a direct Dubai-Buenos Aires for THE SAME airline, day and flight nr), the second best hidden secret in the world is the autumn and spring time change (the so-called Daylight Savings Time). Throughout my many travels around the globe I have not been able to find one single person who likes it, one single person who benefits from it, or one single person who has a clear explanatioin. Three or four times along the past several decades there have been talks by the politicians to get away with the time change, yet they never seem to revoke it once and for all. So, given the undeniable fact that the huge majority of the population rejects it, I reckon there must be a very powerful (meaning $$$) reason to keep it in place. Does anybody here know why is it so? Who profits, and how?

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Concerning DST, you probably could guess the answer, but it's: banks. One of the most difficult things for banks to do (yes, even in the computer age) is to "settle" accounts between themselves, i.e. transfering money and ensuring they're not getting fucked by the other bank (which happens way more often than you'd think).

Coordinating vacation days (aka bank holidays) in different countries/states/etc, time zone differences, other weird observances (such as each individual bank in Japan having a different day off to celebrate "Founder's Day") and other factors is already a massive logistical issue. If one country stops adopting DST, then that just amps up the difficulty level because banks do some types of transactions when they're open (aka "banking hours") and other things in a different way when they're closed (both overnight and during the weekends).

Only if the entire planet collectively agreed to stop using DST would that problem disappear (albeit it would create a smaller new one). As it is, you'll note that it is only in Russia (cut off from the rest of the world) and a handful of "edge cases" such as the American state of Arizona that don't "observe" DST, and most of those decisions (such as in Arizona) occurred in the pre-computer age, so those things are already "baked in" to the current system.

As for your question about airlines, that is far, far more difficult to answer since it isn't always profitable for them to do the things that they do.

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Thank you.

I'm more than ready to believe that banks (or any other powerful interest groups) are behind DST, and yet, this explanation does not seem too plausible to me. For instance, even though Europe is all in DST, along with the US, the fact is more than half of the countries in the world are not (see this article for instance: https://www.worlddata.info/timezones/daylightsavingtimes.php), and they're not cutt off from the IBS. As you rightly point out, we're in the computer age (actually the AI age), and it's hard to think that such a "problem" could not be solved relatively easily.

Piqued by my own curiosity I've done some online search, but most of the "official explanations" I've found about the reasons for summer time shift are either ridiculous, propagandistic or -in the best case- too feeble to counter the ovewhelming popular rejection. AAMOF, official reasons behind DST seem weak even for the times when it was first implemented, one century ago (unsurprisingly promoted by the Brits).

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