"The number of pensioners in Russia decreased by 700,000 in 2023."

Hmm, I wonder if it had anything to do with the "Sputnik V" vaxx.

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In Australia the average age of supposed Covid deaths was eighty seven so we also lost lot of oldies. I suspect your suspicion is correct. Vaccination for the old and infirm was pushed harder that any other age group.

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In addition, flu shots might've further diminished the natural immunity of the elderly making them more susceptible to COVID and other respiratory infections.

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Every time I see my GP I get harangued because I won't get jabbed . The latest jab being pushed is the shingles vaccine. My doctor told me that she is required by the government to offer all of the vaccines on the "free" list. She then said that the shingles shot costs the taxpayer $600 a shot , yes six hundred bucks for big Pharma and the government mandates that the GP s must push it , what a state of affairs!

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Shingles is a side effect from the Chicken Pox vaccine.


See how it all works. If you call CVS a taped message tells you about the 15 different vaccines they offer. 😁

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Hi Charlotte, Although we agree 100% on vaccines in general and the covid vaccine in particular being very bad for your health, we differ as to the existence of the covid virus and viruses in general. I do not think that the covid virus exists nor do I think that viruses exist in general. Therefore, I do not think that one can be susceptible to something that doesn't exist nor do I think that there is such a thing as a respiratory infection, or any infection.

According to Koch's postulates, the gold standard among virologists, a virus has NEVER been proven to exist.

Dr. Lanka, Dr. Cowan, and Dr. Kaufman all give persuasive arguments against the existence of viruses.

The culprit in almost all diseases are toxins not viruses.

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I know that theory, but I'm not going down that rabbit hole.🐇

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May I add a comment here for Charlotte and Anton please?

Charlotte commented "COVID and other respiratory infections."

COVID is not a virus. Covid-19 is the name the World Health Organization used to rebrand pneumonia found in association with one alleged virus called SARS-CoV-2, which has never to this date been isolated, and all PCR tests were calibrated based on the genomic computer sequence handed out by communist China in early 2020.

An interesting exercise that helps us to see the fear mongering propaganda - Iff you replace all the places you see the words "COVID-19" with the word 'pneumonia' it all starts to look really stupid. Tedros of the W.H.O. said over and over again for nearly 3 years "COVID-19 is not over" - translation "Pneumonia is not over." Right. Real translation "Our public health war on humanity is not over."

Too many of us forget in our discussions that COVID-19 is just pneumonia, which is a real disease created by bacterial infection that is found in conjunction with respiratory illnesses - Dr. Anthony Fauci, along with several other researchers around the world in 2008, determined that the actual cause of 97% of all deaths during the Spanish Flu was not a virus but bacterial pneumonia. Antibiotics cures pneumonia in 95% of cases.

While I agree with Anton on the issue of Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory, and that it has never been proven that viruses spread diseases - it's still a theory as such, the unfortunate truth is that the pharmaceutical industry has been funding this doctrine for so long, - and I would argue it began in 1853 with the British Vaccination Act which started a 46 year mandatory "vaccine" program for smallpox, under the slogan 'safe and effective' - that there is a veritable mountain of dogma to fight against in arguing against it.

But there are some wonderful scientists and doctors like Dr. Sam Bailey and her team who wrote Virus Mania to try and help debunk this.


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Greetings Ivan, You say that pneumonia is caused by bacterial infection. My opinion is that it's caused by toxins and that the bacteria are there to clean things up. From my point of view, there are no "bad" bacteria. In other words, humans and bacteria have a symbiotic relationship.

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Interesting point of view Anton, and thanks for sharing. I don't myself 'say it' I am just repeating what the docs tell us. But I like your thought and agree we have a symbiotic relationship, and that it is wholly possible that the bacteria are fufilling the role you suggest. Cheers mate.

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I agree with you completely. Do you think Putin and the senior members of the Russian government take the covid fairy tale seriously, or are they playing politics?

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"or are they playing politics"!

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"The number of pensioners in Russia decreased by 700,000 in 2023."

Possible explanation - retirement age for men in Russia increased to 63 Years in 2024 from 61.50 Years in 2023. So while deaths remained similar year to year, people who under old rules would qualify for pensions will now have to serve extra year and a half before retirement, hence the big gap. Sputnik likely did not help either, or maybe some pensioners did not have good enough social credit score to be fed. Sorry, that's just my clairvoyant ability kicking in again.

But as we learned recently Russian Ministry of Defense wants to change the age limit for mobilized soldiers from 50 to 65 - so these old timers might still have some adventure ahead of them and will be utilized until their last breath.

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The Lockstep Plan is to kill people off before they qualify for their pensions....

probably because all the funds are broke.

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Let's hope more money goes missing from the Safe City budgets.

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> The number of pensioners in Russia decreased by 700,000 in 2023.

Sputnik taking effect?

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Matt . People are already in jail for this kind of questions .

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I noted that, too.

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Putin says that Russia is close to a cancer vaccine. Is he really stupid enough to believe that shit or is he simply on board with the depopulation scheme?

There is no cure for "cancer". There will never be a cure for "cancer". From a holistic point of view, symptoms are your body's attempt at homeostasis. Your symptom is your friend. If you repress it with so called medicine, your body will resort to a more heroic symptom in its attempt at homeostasis.

Furthermore, there are no diseases. There are only diseased individuals. Which means that each diseased individual's path to health is unique.

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There has been a cure for cancer since the 70s, but they decided not to use it because people are going to die sooner or later anyway, and it's better to die sooner...


Now, with Professor Garjaev's wave method, anything can be cured, but now the goal is genocide.

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You are right about that 'cancer' can be cured but actually, there are many path to restoring health/homeostasis. Of course, all have been suppressed. Stay healthy

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Yes, I just wanted to point out their meanness. Poor patients are injected with all kinds of chemicals to make more money off of other people's problems, even though they could cure them!

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He is just a mouthpiece, its like hey look at us inventing this to score some global points. Doubt its real tho.

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Safe city program...where no one is safe from government tyrants.

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I don't know. I feel cheated.

After reading "The Ukrainian military shelled Belgorod, killing nine people, including an infant. " I looked up the war map because I thought it is geographically impossible for Ukraine to shell Russian cities.

Turns out all of this war-thing happens in this 100km wide dirt strip:


Snow- Nigger against snow- Nigger, billions and billions of resources, near to a million lives.

I mean, the war- preachers tell us Ukraine has lost, yet we are still in this dirt strip, 100m forth, 20m back day by day. Isn't that just a gigantic waste on resources and human lives?

It smells so much after "If nothing else works, send them to war" and "war is a racket". A fake war. And a warmup for ww3.

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in instituting a new form of warfare, the WWI lasted 4 years fighting over 4 miles of space while killing millions, right?

what's that saying? "second verse, same as the first" plus "history doesn't repeat, but it rhymes".

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Thanks Riley, great info.

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Did Russia expel the WHO?

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The cancer "vaccine"? Like some sort of prevention from getting cancer? Even if it's from Vlad himself, it strains credulity. There's no such thing as prophylactic treatment for cancer.

I guess it could stop you from getting cancer by killing you. But the "covid vaccine" already does that...

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They are all intent on jabbing us to death.

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Salut à tous!

Yes, it appears that Occupied France (as well as Occupied Germany) is preparing for war. the first indications appeared in 2023 with the new Loi de Préparation Militaire and ever since we have more and more signs the international sickos hope to have us all bombed. Once again, I strongly recommend the reading Karine Bechet-Golovko: http://russiepolitics.blogspot.com/ which has already been interviewed by Riley (will he do it again? That would be great!).

Meanwhile, the disconnect between the mentally troubled (or rather possessed) higher-ups in Europe is total. The Germans have been protesting like never before for almost two months, same in France, Spain, Poland... Demonstration unseen before on such a wide scale. I don't meet anyone who defends micron and what is going on in our country at that point (sex lessons since 4 years old, electrification of cars while it obviously don't work... I could list whole pages...).

It reminds me of the very great movie Nausicaä of the valley of wind:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zhLBe319KE

At the end, some protagonists hope to definitely get rid of their arch enemy using the final weapon, an invincible warrior creature. They rise it up but the monster collapses while it is trying to aninhilate it's target... It you haven't watched that movie, it is worth it.

Our society is like that "warrior", an abyss of decay... How come could they build an army with mentally, physically sick people or millions of rebels who don't buy the bullshits anymore?

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In France they have started something called the Service National Universel, currently volontary but scheduled to become compulsary. Here your teenage children are taken for 2 weeks, to an an place always far from home for training in the support of 'republican' values. Commentators here, especially François-Xavier Rochette from the magazine Rivarol have noted how this is part of a european trend and matches similar initiatives in France prior to WW1.

The news also bring to attention instant heroes in 'terrorism' events such as Arnaud Beltrame who exchanged his life for that of a hostage and Henry d'Anselme, who happened to be in the right place at the right time and fought off a knife attacker in a park in Annecy. Almost all terror events in France have the trademark of manufactured storytellings and the heroes, much like the flight 93 "Let's roll" event, are an important part of the narrative.

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Salutations confiteor!

You are right about SNU, it's a shame and it's also a farce. I think it was on Tocsin Media that I've heard that the kids in fact vote to say if they want or not. I remember that only 20% only voted positively. My 16 years old daughter told me recently that the army was mend to protect the country. To that my answer had been to take her in the corridor where there is a picture of General Smedley Butler and then I read her some of his comment about war and the genuine role of armies, servicing the bank (la très haute finance).

I also attest that, after having spent quite some time for each of the events you wrote about, and other like Charlie Hebdo's killing or Bataclan that they have all been manufactured. The Nael's story is not clear, for sure.

As to the guy in Annecy, what is going on? I can't believe that that guy could have been married in Sweden, lived there for 13 years without having had the Swedish citizenship? I mean, a so called Oriental Christian. I know Sweden. Why haven't the MSM talk or wrote more about the guy's life, in Sweden.

Meanwhile Confiteor, que la Paix soit avec Vous et avec votre Esprit .

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the disconnect is between the pseudo archontes and the population of course!!!

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Can anyone explain why the teachers are quitting in droves in Russia?

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endless bureaucracy and unpaid meetings, working 60 hours a week and until late at night in order to do all the fucking paperwork required (pen and paper stuff since most things aren't digital/computerized, including grades, attendance reports, etc), and then you're lucky to make 50k rubles ($650) a month. Plus, half your colleagues are "lifers" who hate their jobs and get off making the younger generation miserable.

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boy, that sounds like my schooling 30 years ago in the USA and it's only gotten worse, from what i hear around.

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So even though "communism" ended things have never really gotten better for many in the public service.

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What is meant by "bank card" tourism?

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For example, you run a blog that accepts Paypal donations or have a Patreon or sell books on Amazon etc, but because you have a Russian bank account, you can't receive any funds from these "Western" sources, so instead, you get a bank account (and Visa/mastercard) card from Uzbekistan, which isn't under sanctions, to receive the money.

Note: most but not all countries require you to reside there in order to open a bank account there. Apparently the rules in Uzbekistan are/were more lax.

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"were ordered on February 12 to take PCR tests to prepare for a possible visit from Vladimir Putin"

What a pussy this Putain is...

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all of the world leaders are still instituting anti-covid measures. Biden also does this.

also note: very serious measures (include air cleaning) for Davos.

CDC director and other high level folk here in USA made sure their own children had a good, air-cleaned school to attend too.

you should notice what the elites are doing to save themselves, while telling the virtual opposite to the rest of us.

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The difference is that Putin brags publicly about being a pussy, and is constantly claiming he is being deceived by his Western partners. Is he actively trying to shame the Russian people to oblivion? Nowadays it's really hard to have proud in being Russian with that slime at the helm. The way the whole ukranian operation is/was conducted, was the worst possible for the Russian people.

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Commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Viktor Sokolov, was relieved of duty. Hopefuly he was stripped of his rank and send to a penal detachment aswell for losing another big boat to Ukrainian water drones.

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Tucker is useful idiot on Russian affairs but he does good work exposing the deep state in the US. If you are addicted to hopium do not watch this video ,it will give those who believe that it is possible to MAGA extreme anxiety . The same control devices and principles are at work through most of the world. The West thought they would make China more like the West. This interview shows that the opposite has happened and just how far down the CCP road we are. Abandon all hope everybody , there will bee no MAGA.


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Small correction. The western elites and bankers that helped lift China out of the rice fields never had any intention of making China more like the west. They went there to make their Chinese communist party partners rich, to use China to destroy the industrial strength of the western nations, and suck out the wealth into tax havens and into the hands of their partners in the CCP, which was always the purpose of the fake narratives of Neo-liberalism. The western technology companies of Silicon Valley helped the CCP perfect the digital fascism system and now since Covid, as they rolled out 5G, which is needed to cope with the workload of the Internet of Things, they are trying to roll out the system they perfected in the laboratory called China to make slaves of the Chinese and impose it on all mankind. The objective was always to increase totalitarianism which is why western bankers and industrialists have been funding communists since they funded Karl Marx to write the crap that he did to create the ideology. The true communists are the western elites.

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it's a weird kind of communism in name only that is mostly full on state capitalism. sounds very much like Mussolini from here.

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The whole "communism" ideology was a con from the start. It was only ever to con the bottom half of society impoverished by the monarchial structures of power and use them to attack the emergent middle classes, who rode on the coat-tails of the global Monopoly Capitalists, sanctioned by the monarchies, and use the workers revolution to rise up and destroy the entire existing power structure and replace it with a new totalitarian power structure, minus god, so the psychopaths can really come out of the closet and rule, and then use the state to control the banks and create a new round of Monopoly Capitalism, and taken all the goddman wealth, just as the CCP is doing now to the Chinese as they implode the economy consolidate all the banks and take all the assets!!!!!! If you have never read Vladimir Lenin's 1916 book Imperialism, the Last Stage of Capitalism, download it free from the Internet Archive, and even if you just skim it, you will see he uses the phrase 'monopoly capitalism' often, and it is a financial blue print for taking control of a nation using central banking and banking, the model the British Empire created, and it was the bankers of the City of London and Wall Street that have funded the entire communism movement!!!!! It's fascism. Any public-private partnership is fascism. Totalitarianism through oligarchy.

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Interesting take on 5G. If every smartphone automatically takes a picture every 2 seconds and sends it to a global database to document every persons journey throughout the day, you need quite some bandwidth.

Same with recording constant audio takes.

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Yes. I read an article on the 5G rollout recently that said by the end of 2019 4G was reaching its limits of capacity and did not have enough capacity for their ramping up of everything digital.

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Great interview.

Given this guy is right, the censorship complex and the inner workings of it finally get some shape.

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This tucker guy seems out of touch with reality if you ask me.

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he's also out of touch with his own body. He ate a hamburger in Moscow and went into a nervous giggling fit after one bite because he's so mentally twisted that he thinks a man eating a sandwich on camera is "disgusting." Watch the video for yourself, if you don't believe me.

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Yes , but Benz is not , he has the great knowledge of the deep censorship state .

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