"Moscow airports will begin to collect personal biometric data of foreigners arriving in the country, as part of a pilot program outlined in Rusisa’s migration policy for 2024-2025."

Prior to WWI passports did not exist. In just 106 years, Russia one of the "multipolar saviors" is collecting biometric data on all foreigners entering the country.

"The first passport conference was held in Paris in 1920, under the auspices of the League of Nations (the predecessor of the United Nations). Part of the Committee on Communication and Transit’s aim was to restore the pre-war regime of freedom of movement.

Indeed, for much of the 19th century, as an International Labour Organisation report stated in 1922:

Migration was generally speaking, unhindered and each emigrant could decide on the time of his departure, his arrival or his return, to suit his own convenience.

But World War I brought harsh restrictions on freedom of movement."


Every military conflict or manufactured crisis provides justification for establishing heightened controls on the population.

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Does this mean that if I visit Russia, my biometric data will be collected and shared internationally, in accordance with uni-polar, bi-polar and multi-polar cooperative agreements, in promoting the best interests of all in all areas?

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It's enough to give youu cognitive dissonance...😁

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The ratchet mechanism: produce a crisis --> create new normal --> make the old normal illegal (repeat as desired)

I always think about this when taking off my shoes at TSA (US airport security) because of the scary shoe bomber — remember him?

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Worth mentioning that some countries still do not impose visa/stay restrictions on visitors. You can come and go whenever you want (although you do need an ID document).

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Name two.

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Carlson is controlled opposition as he is being blasted into all the homes through YouTube and other media. Carlson interviewed Brett Weinstein recently. Weinstein called the mRNA an elegant technology and that the 17 million deaths were the result of Big Pharma making mistakes in their greed. There’s evidence that the Poison-19 agents are bioweapons made to kill with premeditation. Laws have been changed to legalize mass murder when the HHS Secretary declares a Public Health Emergency and medical countermeasures kill, there is no criminal legal penalty. Carlson and Weinstein spread this narrative that is false. Reference Sasha Latypova.

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Anyone that has listened to that entire conversation, between Tucker and Bret easily hears a very different context that what the edited “an elegant technology” grab communicates. It has been used to confuse and obfuscate the truth and divide in the same way as the Trump / Charlottesville “there are good people of both sides” edit. Further more, anyone that has read and or listened to Weinstein’s absolute brilliant work shedding the damning light on and in denouncing the evil done by Big Pharma and their minions with the use of the mNRA technology scoff at this attempt at gaslighting.

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Wasn't Carlson's father an attaché or embassador in one of the eastern European countries? And/or CIA? Also did Tucker not get rejected by the CIA when he tried to join up?

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At one time, Carlson’s father was head of Voice of America.

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Yes, Tucker Carlson went to prep school and then to Trinity undergraduate. Carlson applied to the CIA and says that he was rejected.

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But was he really......?????


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Sometimes, undercover agents posing as journalists uncover more than actual journalists.

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Had to do a search for VoA. No idea what it is. Now, yes.

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There is no "COVID-19" or any "SARS-CoV-2" virus which allegedly causes this imaginary disease. And 120+ years of attempts to prove contagion theory have failed. Without contagion theory being right, there is no such thing as "bioweapons."


Virology - The Damning Evidence. The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession. DPL, 3/7/23.

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Why do you think Carlson was in Russia? My cynical side says that he's was being prepped for something..like the next war.

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Still the best Russian newsletter - Thanks again for your efforts.

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The "relaxed" compulsory vaccination requirements sound pretty damned awful. I'm 68, which probably qualifies me as "elderly", and I've never taken the jab. So in Russia I'd be forcibly jabbed the next time there's another virus panic -- which is sure to happen.

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Neither are sure to happen.

There is always hope.

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Maybe you're right. But it does get discouraging at times, e.g., when I still see people driving around in their cars and wearing masks, or when the librarian at the library where I volunteer quickly puts on a mask when she sees me walk into the building. It seems as if a huge portion of the population has been permanently brain-damaged by the fear porn.

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People who do not know where true North is, will go off course.

My job is to stay on course regardless.

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"Russia hopes to create a “universal vaccine” against flu and Covid-19, the composition of which does not need to be changed annually, Gamaleya Center Director Alexander Gintsburg said while speaking at the Russia International Exhibition and Forum on February 2. [Interfax]"

That's an odd one. How can one develop a vaccine that doesn't need to be updated when viruses constantly mutate as we were told during the "pandemic"?

Every one of these new 'vaccines' should be avoided.

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A universal vaccine is probably another hallucination of the elect (unelected) ego-trippers, whose messianic complexes empower them, to guide us all safely to utopia on earth, via pathways that are not visible to ordinary people.

The fact that these secret pathways are devoid of sound logical, scientific, medical or any other rational foundations, is entirely irrelevant.

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It's not about the vaxx. It's about plebs getting used to be treated as cattle. Follow this government procedure to the point like anyone else. From man to cattle, that's the overriding principle in all their actions.

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Gintsburg lives in an alternate reality.

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"a “universal vaccine” against flu and Covid-19, the composition of which does not need to be changed annually"

Well once you figure out how to keep people sick and dependent on big pharma (while slowly killing off a solid percentage of the population through crippling their natural immune function, destroying circulatory function and increasing the likelihood of cancer) why bother changing it annually!?

Seems to me our loving governments are coming to the conclusion, "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

Our loving and caring governments here in Canada are also using the money they stole (sorry, I mean lovingly collected using the threat of violence for our own good) to fund the creation of a universal mRNA "vaccine"


Though, while both Russian and Canadian governments may be neck to neck in their vigorous efforts to inject their populations with genetic mystery slurries that help out with the overpopulation problems mentioned in the UN's "Sustainable Development" agenda, Canada is definitely leading the way in offing their own citizens 'safely and effectively' through a range of different means.

All the government cheerleading statists here in Canada can now rejoice in celebrating how efficient and compassionate our involuntary governance structure is as we can now be proud to call our selves "The Euthanasia Capital of the World" https://druthers.ca/maid-canada/

If Statistics Canada included MAiD as a cause of death, it would be the sixth leading cause of death in Canada. The total number of deaths since the legalization of MAiD was reported to be 44,958.

Yay! I am so glad I live in a free and liberal democracy with so many honorable laws and human rights !

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Also makes sense from a financial point of view. Vaxxing your cattle once with one slurry is much cheaper than taking care of each sheep individually.

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The government wants to give us free blankets and helpful nutritious vaccines because they love us https://archive.org/details/240527734-958238365024572-364953472727936757-n-4

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"That is, the guys in the West are running the Russian economy from offshore companies." That's been the case since 1917 - see https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_the_bolshevik_revolution-5.pdf and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3nDbJooPu0

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Thanks for that link. You may have already seen this:

In The Shadow Of Hermes (2009)


"After Trotsky, another 8000 Yiddish speaking revolutionaries arrived..The Freemason Alexander Parvus (real name Israel Gelfand), who had organised the Revolution of 1905, in 1915 was instructed to enlist Lenin and his comrades as German agents."

‘Agents of Revolution’:

Leon Trotsky aka Leiba Bronstein - prime mover Red Revolution

Karl Marx aka Mordechai Levy - The Communist Manifesto

Moses Hess (mentor Marx & Engles) - Socialist Communist Theory

Vladimir Lenin (Ulyanov) - Supreme Dictator Soviet Union


Jacob Henry Schiff - born 1847, Frankfurt, emigrated after Civil War

Jewish banker and leader of Boy Scouts of America

Masonic 'brother' to Trotsky

Financed and trained 'Russian Revolutionaries' since 1890 in cooperation with B'nai B'rith

Estate worth $50million when he died in 1920


Jacob Henry Schiff

Max Warburg - Bolshevik financier

House of Rothschild

At the time of the first World War, four-fifths of the world's Freemasons lived in the United States.



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"Karl Marx aka Mordechai Levy" - Karl Marx was baptized as a Lutheran in about 1824, his father converted in 1817: "Heinrich Marx was born in Saarlouis into an Ashkenazi Jewish family with the name Herschel Levi,[inconsistent] the son of Rabbi Marx Levi Mordechai ben Samuel HaLevi of Rödelheim (1743–1804) and Eva Lwow (1753–1823). Heinrich Marx's father was the rabbi of Trier, a role which his older brother, the Rabbi Samuel Marx von Trier would later assume.[2] Heinrich Marx qualified as a lawyer in 1814, but upon Napoleon's 1815 defeat at Waterloo, the Rhineland came into the conservative control of the Kingdom of Prussia.[2] An 1812 edict, unenforced by the French, asserted that Jews could not occupy legal positions or state offices, and Prussian enforcement of the law led to trouble for Heinrich Marx.[2] Marx's colleagues, including the President of the Provincial Supreme court, defended him and sought an exception for him.[2] The Prussian Minister of Justice rejected their appeals. In 1817 or 1818, he changed his name to Heinrich Marx and converted to Lutheran Christianity in the state Evangelical Church of Prussia[2] to be allowed to practice law in Prussia.[3] His wife and children were baptized in 1825 and 1824, respectively." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Marx "Mordechai Levy" appears to be drawn, somewhat inaccurately, from his grandfather's name. Marx was raised as a Lutheran, not a Jew, and to the extent he had any religious faith, it wasn't Jewish.

Incidentally, Marx was fluent in English and wrote many of his written works in it.

"Moses Hess" does not show up as a major influence: "Marx himself had taken up residence in 38 Rue Vaneau, in the Left Bank of the city, in October 1843.[7] In Paris, he came into contact with German revolutionary artisans and secret meetings of French proletarian societies.[8] It was in this period that Marx made the acquaintance of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Louis Blanc, Heinrich Heine, Georg Herwegh, Mikhail Bakunin, Pierre Leroux and most importantly, Friedrich Engels.[9] The Manuscripts evolved from a proposal Marx had made in the Jahrbücher to write separate pamphlets critiquing the various topics of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's philosophy of law — law, morals, politics, etc. — ending with a general treatise that would show their interrelations.[4] The notebooks are a fragmentary, incomplete work, that ranges from extracts from books with comments, loosely connected notes and reflections on various topics, to a comprehensive assessment of Hegel's philosophy.[10] The text marks the first appearance together of what Engels described as the three constituent elements in Marx's thought: German idealist philosophy, French socialism and English economics.[11] In addition to Hegel, Marx addresses the work of various socialist writers, and that of the fathers of political economy: Francois Quesnay, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Jean-Baptiste Say and James Mill.[12] Die Bewegung der Produktion by Friedrich Wilhelm Schulz is also a key source.[13][14] Ludwig Feuerbach's humanism is an influence that underlies all of Marx's notes." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_and_Philosophic_Manuscripts_of_1844

Thus, Hegel and Feuerbach take credit as major influences.

After establishing residence in London UK in 1849, he went to New York City in 1851, and when he returned to London in 1852, he was the London correspondent for Horace Greeley's New York Daily Tribune, in which position he held until 1861. An example of his writing is here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/subject/russia/crimean-war.htm#22 He had an excellent and deep knowledge of history and politics, and his analysis was often spot on. His prescription, of taking centralized power from the capitalist class and placing it in the State, was disastrous, as history has shown; if he had adopted decentralization of power downwards, history might have been different.

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Other sources claim Marx's birth name was: Chaim Herschel Mordechai.

In this well known photo published here on the Museum of the Jewish People's website located on the campus of Tel Aviv University, in Ramat Aviv, we have Marx adopting that age old "Lutheran" pose of his hand tucked into his coat - aka The Hidden Hand of Freemasonry. It is also alleged that he and Engels were members of Unity of Truth Masonic Lodge (London).

On the question of the "Holy Land":

“They are not natives of Jerusalem, rather arrived from various places, drawn to the city for its religious magnetism. They suffer and pray, while looking up to Mount Moria, where the temple used to stand, daring not to approach it. They shed their tears on their destruction and exile.”

Mount Moriah is also 'sacred' to the Freemasons.


Practitioners of Judaism converted to Christianity under duress:

"..Prussia expanded to absorb the Rhineland, but demoted its Jews to the unequal status of the Jews of Prussia. This fateful reversal meant that they could no longer serve as lawyers, judges, civil servants, university lecturers or schoolteachers – unless they converted to Christianity. Marx’s father, Heinrich, a lawyer, was one of several thousand affected by this discriminatory measure.

Heinrich fought it for several years, distancing himself from the label of Jewishness, proclaiming himself ‘a deist’, but in the end he capitulated to the demands of the Prussian state. Significantly, he did not convert to Catholicism, but to Lutheran Protestantism. Yet remarkably he continued to be the legal representative of the Jewish community in Trier and his brother was its Chief Rabbi. Did the brothers meet at family gatherings? What was their relationship like?"


As Marx's mother was Jewish, he would be considered Jewish according to halacha (Jewish law), and also by all Jews - unless he openly declared otherwise.

"Jewish" is his ancestral lineage. His lineage is even described as being a 'dynasty' of rabbis.

"Marx was a 100% Jew whose father, Herschl Halevi, was forced to convert in order to make a living as a lawyer, therefore he also changed his last name to Marx, and the rest is history."

Of course he spoke English: he lived in London for eight years.

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"Universal vaccine" - doesn't sound good

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Only 3/4 million dollars for Putin over 5 years? Here in the US, The Dummy steals that much in a month from US citizens.

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This the kind of thinking I had when reading that part of Riley's invaluable input. Just to name one of the sinister clowns in so-called French government, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. So infamous that ever since she had been nominated as minister of education, sport, so-called olympian games has accumulated reason for opprobe almost everyday and I could write a page detailing her permanent fraud as an individual. Anyway, as the ex-CIO of Carrefour she made 1 million Euros per year. Then as head of the Fédération Française de Tennis, she made 500 000 euros, at least....

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OK. How much Stalin made ???

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Putin is a WEF/China puppet. Not sure why Tucker is bothering to interview him.

Everything is manufactured chaos to bring on the great reset. Putin obliges because the North American green agenda to stop domestic oil production benefits him.

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He does not obey, but works together in the name of the Masonic fraternity on higher orders. Tucker is also a Freemason. So nothing out of the ordinary happened.

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Do some doctors/scientists, actually believe in "vaccines" producing super healthy, super-humans?

Reportedly, the Russian military has long subjected soldiers to forced vaccinations, aimed at making them super healthy, with some success.

I have not heard of Russian soldiers having adverse reactions to vaccines.

I have become aware that US soldiers have been subjected to forced vaccinations also.

The anthrax and the agent orange "vaccines" for instance.

Some soldiers had severe adverse reactions, that ruined their careers and their lives.

Those who have gotten any compensation, have had to fight very hard for it, while most have received none.

Some medical professionals think that, "gulf war syndrome" is really a cover, for illnesses caused by vaccines.

Does this narrative sound at all familiar?

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Correction typo should have read 17 million deaths. Reference is Denis Rancourt.

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Just give a little time to Gates and his gang they will prove, Denis was right .

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excellent work riley. we need more people in the alt media like you. brics+ is controlled opposition.

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Riley a wee clarification. Putin gets $150k a year. That's what I get for selling ginger beer at a market stall. Can this be right ??

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"Russia has significantly relaxed its requirements for compulsory vaccination against Covid-19, under the new rules, only those that have never been vaccinated against Covid-19 or contracted the disease itself and the elderly will have to take a mandatory shot.”

So the message from the overlords is simple : we know that you know that our MRNA Pina Colada doesn't prevent infection, doesn't stop transmission, and has scary side effects, but we don't care. Our plan is to vax everyone, and you may have escaped the first round of our Russian roulette, but your time is up.


Now that American journalist Tucker Carlson is likely to interview Putin, may I suggest another American Journalist (Edward Slawsquat) to interview say Elvira Nabiullina and ask about digital gulag?

If you play your cards right Edward, you'll earn your 15min of fame..or 10 years of hard labor for asking rude questions. I will settle for interview with E. Snowden, or at least Scott Ritter (hehe, hope you spilled your coffee reading this :) )

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Infection by what? Transmission of what? Imaginary viruses? LOL

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What? No comments? I read all over Twitter that Tucker was in Moscow to interview President Putin! Can't wait for that!

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deletedFeb 4
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I'm not saying I trust anyone. I'm an anarchist, at heart. But I do find the Tucker interviews entertaining if I'm interested in the subject.

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deletedFeb 4
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We need rules, but we DONT NEED rulers.

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deletedFeb 9
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Why do we need rulers?

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