Abhorrent: "The Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Sverdlovsk Region began to report to the guardianship authorities about parents who deliberately do not vaccinate their children."

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Russian media have apparently copied the Western propaganda term "anti-vaxxer":

"the specialist notes that there is no need to talk about reducing the number of anti-vaxxers (active opponents of vaccination)."

And that's not the first time I've heard it from Russians.

The problem is not that it makes no sense, just like an anti-smoker who actively opposes cigarette smoke, the problem is that once you have a word for it, people tend to think it is a thing. And it's the first step to identify them.

I'm curious as to which Russian media organizations import those terms (or which Western ones export them to Russia through their Russian-language outlets). I think it's similar to how "freedom" and its Russian translation "svoboda", when used in the name of some organization, is an almost sure sign of a link to Western intelligence...

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They are all singing from the same hymn sheet and are In. On. It.

Read with a rock of salt:

CNN via State Department: The agency’s Global Engagement Center identified three Russian outlets – News Front, New Eastern Outlook and Oriental Review – that are spreading not only misinformation about the virus, but also regarding “international organizations, military conflicts, protests; and any divisive issue that they can exploit."


CIA cut-out VOA on Anti-vx Blowback: For more than a year, Russian-aligned troll factories overseeing thousands of social media accounts have been accused by Western countries and disinformation experts of spreading anti-vaccine messages in an aggressive campaign to spread conspiracy theories and cast doubt on Western coronavirus vaccines.

Russian officials now worry that the anti-vaccine skepticism encouraged by the troll factories has spilled over and is partly responsible for the high level of vaccine hesitancy among Russians. Only 35% of the country’s population is fully vaccinated, despite the wide availability of the country’s home-grown Sputnik vaccine. Despite surging cases the uptake remains sluggish.


Guardian on Fazze: Don’t blame Russian trolls for America’s anti-vaxx problem. Our misinformation is homegrown - I blew the whistle on inauthentic behavior at Facebook.

.."German YouTuber Mirko Drotschmann tweeted an unusual message: a marketing agency was asking him to share allegedly leaked documents on Covid-19 vaccine deaths. Within a week, French YouTuber Léo Grasset shared similar news. News reports followed: Fazze, a London-based marketing firm with ties to Russia, was offering money to influencers to falsely disparage a Covid-19 vaccine."


Msm Spider: "Sophie Zhang was a data scientist for Facebook for two and a half years. In 2021, she blew the whistle on the company’s failure to prevent politicians and world leaders from using the platform to deceive the public and harass opponents"

Yes it seems "Svoboda" as a term was promoted to mirror the Western narrative and support for the Maidan Coup - widely embraced, like the fake Syrian Revolution; the murder of Gaddafi; and destruction of Libya - by liberals under the guise of liberation and democracy.

They conveniently ignored the fact that Svoboda Party members were torch-carrying, Black Sun and SS-emblem-wearing, Bandera-worshipping, sieg-heiling Nazis.

Nato pretended to ignore it too.

The article below was written in 2014. Obama's administration armed these factions and helped asset-strip Ukraine. It was very much a bi-partisan endeavour. Republican John McCain was a front man in Ukraine - just as he had been a front man in Libya and Syria. Along with Bernard-Henri Lévy, the pair were like a two-man Terror Welcome Wagon.

Seven Decades of Nazi Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret

An interview with Russ Bellant, author of Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party.


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"Russian regions have begun to purchase the updated Sputnik Light vaccine"

You either disable updates or the update disables you.

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The picture that shows everyone wearing a mask except Putin really pisses me off. The level of Putin's arrogance is disgusting. He is INSANE.

Lavrov saying that Russia's goal in Ukraine is the same as Israel's goal in Gaza really pisses me off. The level of Lavrov's corruption is disgusting. He is an INSANE Zionist.

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If only people realised the true relationship of the ruling class...incestuous, it is.

When the G7 'elite', including the British Royal Family with Queen Betty, 95-years-old, gathered at the Eden Centre in Cornwall for a Pandemic Cocktail Party in 2021, only the 'servants' wore masks.

Almost all the photos have now been cropped to hide that fact.

Here's Her Majesty cutting a cake with a ceremonial sword.


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No!!! Its the evil anglo-saxon satanic nazi's that cause all the worlds problems.

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Look at that picture. All but one person wearing a mask. What a bunch of pussies.

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Every pictures that come from China's head of state show the same people around him wearing these masks... At least, China makes a killing out of selling these craps worldwide and it could be considered an advertisement if we had sense of humour...

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It's the elites showing how much power they have over everyone else. Just like the "royals" others have mentioned here. Show everyone how powerful you are by making them wear a totally useless mask but you don't have to.

Power tripping control freaks gonna power trip and control.

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That's because of the New Normal virus that won't spread while talking, but otherwise it could spread like crazy and make all the vax-protected humans sick.

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Happy New Year Riley. I knew this was gonna be a shit show year and weve only just begun🎶

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Happy new year, and thanks for the beautiful music!

"The solo voice personalizes this song of praise, while the choral voices depict two contrasting realms – the earthly and the heavenly."

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Happy new year to you "Tortue pensante"!!

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So.....now we have the soap opera of the West placing sanctions on Kadyrov's horsies?

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"More than 1 million people took part in Christmas services in Moscow, according to the head of the capital’s department of national policy and interregional relations. "

-Were they wearing masks all along?

"Autumn conscription in 2024 will be carried out using an electronic register developed by the Ministry of Digital Development. The plan includes the issuance of electronic summonses and military registration without the physical appearance of individuals at military enlistment offices."

-This one picture fits that article very well doesn'it?


trad:"As of the 12th, the paper version is no longer available! Please go to PQ.fr and activate your customer area." (PQ is abbreviation for "papier cul" litteraly "ass paper", that most french use instead of toilet paper).

"“Israel’s declared goals of its ongoing operation against Hamas militants in Gaza seem nearly identical to Moscow’s in its campaign against the Ukrainian government, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview.”"

What a crap of a declaration!! How deeply stupid, sadly, from Lavrov... So the goal of the Russian Federation would be for the world to puke at the mere thought of Russia as a psychopathic entity ?

Has the Ukrainian presidency and government been erased by bomnbs and the ministry buildings of that shitty country been reduced to dust? Have we witnessed Zelenskyi and his partner in crime under the rubbles and their wives and children dismembered or traumatized? ...

In case you would have missed it (as well as the interview with Rurik Skywalker)


Riley, you could interview Karinne Bechet-Golovko again... maybe...


One Love

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Interesting updates - I love to see what's really happening in Russia - sounds like just another globalist country - at the onset of the SMO I was like many of my "conservative" countrymen who were rooting for Russia but now I think this slow motion war is just a smokescreen designed to kill off more white people and distract us from what's really going on

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This war is to kill off nationalists,patriots and poor fools and useless eaters being dragged into the war and to be killed off or maimed by killers drones which either side uses and from which there is no escape. Its also another distraction as this 'war' started right on queu when covid lockdowns ended. Its also a justification why everything is more expensive and we all need to go green because buying Russian oil is evil yet we still buy it via India and China.

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Putin is a scaredy cat! He is soooo afraid of the fake c-virus.

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Well done Edward, it's good to have your reports as an addendum to some of my readers in Russia who also give me their views. The thing is - your Rus are my tribe, so I feel an affiliation as I am 90% Viking by genome test years ago. Go well and Happy New Year! :-)

"The origin and identity of the Rus are much in dispute. Traditional Western scholars believe them to be Scandinavian Vikings, an offshoot of the Varangians, who moved southward from the Baltic coast and founded the first consolidated state among the eastern Slavs, centering on Kyiv" - https://www.britannica.com/topic/Rus

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Another week in putinlandia.

All is fine just trust putin's plan.

Rússia RIP.

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Because Science

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Very well done. Thanks. Not all the news is encouraging or joyful, but at least it is there, for us to think it over and draw our conclusions.

A Merry Christmas to all of you.

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Happy and Merry, one and all.

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This mask theater in the hospital. I am sure that all the wounded soldiers and the staff was forced to a pcr test. It is really .. I am not able to find a English word to describe it.

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It's called "The New Normal". They are the New Normals.

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