Same, same in Australia. Our federal government is determined to keep pushing the boosters on a now very leery population. Everybody knows somebody dead, nobody admits it's the mRNA poisons but NOBODY is gonna take another! Cognitive dissonance... it smells like... 5th gen warfare...

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Yes my friend, same in Canada.. the cognitive dissonance runs DEEP here.

I share some of my own personal experienced with the covidian cultists in this post:


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Any human 6 months or older is encouraged to receive endless genetic slurry clot shots here


The government is still pressing forward suggesting more parents roll the dice with their kids lives to appease the big pharma priests... very disturbing indeed.


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UK doubles down:

"Don't Let Your Protection Fade This Winter"

Get both Coronavirus (COVID-19) and flu vaccinations at the same time...

Pregnant women: 2-for-1

Cold-blooded Killas

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Yes. Looks like the Elite$ have taken out the British Royal family, ay? Yet, WEF Young Leaders Acolyte Jacunta Adern and 11,006 other, senior NZ administrators WERE EXEMPT... 🤔

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I doubt any of them took the vx.

Queen Liz's first cousin, Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, is the Masonic Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England.

My personal opinion is that the Queen was 'retired' to one of their many immense estates - or even to Malta - to progress the succession. There was a lot of 'activity' between the UK and Malta that week. The House of Windsor are Knights of Malta.

I think they really want Prince William (born through induction on Summer Solstice) to assume the throne over the coming years...so they need to concoct an excuse to move Charles on.

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Do you see the stuff Paul Cook finds in Malta? Check out his YouTube and theory on geopolymers.

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Your post reads like some evil version of GoT.

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Royalty have always used covert means, deception and intrigue to maintain power.

“Abdication” is a dirty word in the context of the British monarchy:

but despite the fact that Charles was one of the originators of the Green movement and is one of the KIngpins of The Green New Deal and The Great Reset, his links to Jimmy Savile are enduring and are proving a problem.

British royalty has played a blinder in convincing the public they are 'mere figureheads'...

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Queen Elizabeth II - played the part of everyone's ideal grandma.

She came to the throne young and suddenly.

I think she must have been pretty innocent at the time.

Who knows how/when/why she chose, or was forced, to play the game.

Elizabeth remained publicly loyal to Phillip, who may not have been a saint, or even near.

Perhaps Phillip shielded Elizabeth to some extent.

Only they know the true facts.

Mere speculation, is not likely to advance the cause of exposing the true facts, to enable liberating outcomes.

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Always thought your Royals were part of the mob.

But maybe mob leaders decided to take them out bc they were considered too degenerated even for mob standards.

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Same in good ol' Schörmäääny.

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I've been reading about CJ Hopkins... zee Chermin court zyztem... and AfP problems! Those disgusting people think they can vote for zer own good! Mein Gotte en Himmel! Oh, and how's the gas prices since Victoria Nuland bombed Nordstrom II? 💣 WADDAWOYLD!

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"To bring our relations to a new level, Russia needs to make a turn neither to the West nor to the East, but to itself."

EVERY NATION needs to turn their attention toward HOME - IMHO.

All this looking here and there for advantages, while our national interests and our people's welfare are negated and undermined.

Internationalism isn't a vision for world peace and prosperity.

It is a globalist tool for a NWO and OWG.

Pay attention to international/global affairs - forget what is happening at home.

Pay attention to what is happening at home - forget what is happening elsewhere.

Our focus is being deliberately focused outside our nations, while the wolves increasingly savage our people, with the help of not-our governments.

We focus on non-wars abroad, while the real undeclared wars at home, are destroying our national and personal, identity and sovereignty.

National cultures are being weakened to make way for multi-cultural identity.

National economies are being destroyed and placed in the OWG basket.

Moral values are being eroded and being replaced by non-moral non-values.

We can awaken with a bucket of cold water or something far worse.

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"..fighting the enemy is futile when you inhabit a system that has the endless generation of enemies built into it. That is a recipe for endless war."

(from: https://charleseisenstein.org/books/climate-a-new-story/eng/the-fight/ )

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

RE: "our national interests and our people's welfare are negated and undermined."

Can you list what exactly "our national interests" are so that everyone knows exactly what they should conform to believing in so that they can be seen as "patriotic" please? I have not been watching the government sponsored "news" very often recently and so I have begun to forget what I am supposed to see as the "national interest" and, silly me, I have begun to focus on what the local community interests and needs are where I live.

Can you please help me correct my anti-nationalist behavior so that I can be a better citizen?

Personally, considering nationstates are typically inordinately large regions comprised of myriad communities, human cultures, topographical variations, bioregions, watersheds and geological morphologies I do not think focusing on "national interests" is a beneficial idea. Feeding into hyper-centralized systems of governance and distant bureaucracies with our time, loyalty and money is a great way to make rich people richer, corporate CEOs fatter, military contractors happy, big pharma emboldened and destructive GMO Ag empowered.

Even if you wanna paint me a fairy tale of a super neato crypto-true democracy system where the will of the every day people is actually heard and made into law/policy, that is still a system where a majority imposes what it wants onto a minority. You seem to be clinging to an ideal of "democracy" and "nation-states" that are corrupt and immoral at their heart.

Members of our local communities understand the the needs of the people who live there, the land (forests, water, air) they depend on to survive and the non-human beings they share that community with. Millions of people from a vast region (most of whom know nothing about your community nor its unique people, land and their needs) voting on some large scale infrastructure implementation or one size fits all "services" that will be provided cannot and will not be able to provide your community with the unique support, reciprocal relationships with and reverence for the land that only you and your community members can provide (assuming you are ecologically literate and not an earth/human pillaging bandit that is).

RE: "National cultures are being weakened to make way for multi-cultural identity."

Could you please explain to me exactly what defines the proper and pure "national culture" where you live so that everyone knows what they are allowed to believe, how they are allowed to practice spirituality, what languages are approved and which ones are frowned upon and what color of skin is seen as the "truest example" of said national culture, so that we can discern which ones are not?

What ever way you want to define it, in truth, this idea of "National culture" you are talking about is really a totalitarian belief system that was imposed onto the land where you live by an invading army of imperialistic goons that could not have cared less what the people of that land wanted. I guess "democracy" is only applicable and able to be benefited from by those with the biggest guns and the most willingness to mass murder any indigenous cultures that stand in the way of them artificially imposing their idea of "manifest destiny" onto the land.

Talk about non-moral/non-values.

How is that for a bucket of cold water?

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The stop you want is Waterloo, Napoleon.

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Care to elaborate on that a bit?

If you think that having a national military force is a good idea in some specific contexts (a group of people trained to kill humans, funded by money stolen from the people of a given region under threat of violence aka via “taxation”, which have entire corporate industries that build up around said groups of organized murder specialists) then you are creating a situation that becomes self-propelling and eventually, when that group (and the industries built up around it) run out of people to kill elsewhere (for profit) that group will be turned on you (one way or another).

Having large groups of humans being trained for years or decades in how to be obedient in following orders to kill people and investing their lives in that skillset (funded by money extracted via the threat of violence) is a recipe for endless death, destruction and chaos on planet Earth.

For more info: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/lest-we-forget-war-is-still-a-racket

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"genetic passports" sounds like something our polite (killer drone funding) government here in Canada would love to roll out.

They seem to love to push for any policies and themes that are reminiscent of Elysium, Johnny Mnemonic, The Giver, Gattica and/or Minority Report.

If it involves putting everyone's biometric and DNA data in a giant database (like the one IBM made for the nazis), anything to do with sticking microchips into people or making them into cyborgs and just generally turning city life into a hellish dystopia they are on board 100%!



Such are the wonders of the 'liberal democracy' of Canada.

Be well my friend, looking forward to those "village institute" life updates later this spring

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"If it involves putting everyone's biometric and DNA data in a giant database (like the one IBM made for the nazis), anything to do with sticking microchips into people or making them into cyborgs and just generally turning city life into a hellish dystopia they are on board 100%!"

Good ol' times coming back once a century!

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What kind of barbarian would send a drone into an apartment building housing families with small children. Who can even be sure where it came from.

But this act of savagery is minor in comparison to the Gaza slaughter where nearly two million are being systematically starved to death and machine gunned down by the IDF when the famished run to aid trucks delivering flour.

Perhaps, that's why these recent murders are known as the "flour massacres."


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Russia is well ahead on the path to NWO. Empty villages. The dream of young people to be in a city. The population is declining. Big new prison called USSR v2.0 is the goal. West is following the steps with building another big prison EU. Is anything similar growing in Americas or Asia? Options for prison set up are endless. Unless people in every country stop to look elsewhere for someone else bringing them the freedom but start to take the freedom back bit by bit where they are, around them, the NWO will come very fast with all forth.

Practical question to become free:

Has anyone tried and succeeded to travel from and to another /prison/ country without /permit to leave a prison/ passport but just on the basis of being a man with a freedom to walk on earth (God's given freedom) or being a human and use article 13 UDHR (assigned right by man's made law)?

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That video of the dog and the cow was great! She`s brave and cheeky getting that close to the horns, but it looks like those two have a kind of amicable relationship so perhaps the cow would not hurt her even if she was corned.

In any case, it was a heart warming and enjoyable clip!

I hope the Tosha pups find homes.

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class individual Riley, gotta look after the dogs. i was in Tbilisi recently, and saw graffiti "dogs > Russians", i thought to myself duh stating the obvious, dogs > all humans

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"716000 of the 713000 votes cast were cast electronically"- fixed it! Our democracy (tm)!

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"Experts predict that the labor shortage in Russia will reach 2-4 million people by 2030."

Don't we all love these "experts"? Are they there to look important and say whatever government needs - in this case to justify further immigration to Russia?

One would have thought that exponential growth of AI by 2030 will lead to significant (double digits) decrease in labor req. across all industries on average, which is the opposite of labor shortage...Unless these experts are explosively clever and take into consideration also very low birth rate, and many Slavs killed (and who will be killed) in Ukraine etc.

And I 'm sure I am not the only one who gets Pavlovian response when 2030 is mentioned.. Grrr

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"An Abrams tank was spotted and reportedly destroyed for the first time in Ukraine at the end of February. [lenta.ru] "

I initially read this as: An Abrams tank was spotted and repeatedly destroyed for the first time in Ukraine at the end of February.

Been reading to much Slavsquat !

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"79.6% of Russians trust Vladimir Putin, according to a recent survey conducted by the state-owned All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM). [tass.ru]"

Very informative.

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HELP. Is the linked video from an enthusiastic independent or from a confused mainstream media?

Said to be from Belarus but I don't want to get my hopes up.


Seems to be available on YT as well.


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Bravo Belarus. Alone amongst all the nations of the world.

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It's on the Belarus state tv website (at around 17.30), although the title of the video doesn't seem to match the video at all. https://www.tvr.by/videogallery/informatsionno-analiticheskie/vokrug-planety/minsk-kharare-ucheniya-nato-v-moldove-oruzhie-dlya-ukrainy-antiukrainskiy-bunt-v-evrope/

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"case involving the illegal privatization of state assets" ?! - but that's been the game for 33 years - has it suddenly become illegal? - poor Yuri must not have gotten the memo from the CIA staffers in Yeltsin's office.

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Probably guy is not part of Putin's horde.

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"The sad thing is that Russia is choosing the same peripheral model in relations with China as it did with the West. We have become a raw material appendage and a sales market for the Celestial Empire. […] To bring our relations to a new level, Russia needs to make a turn neither to the West nor to the East, but to itself."

This is not sad, merely pragmatic. China and Russia have an increasingly codependent relationship, and that makes for strong alliances. It works for now. Meanwhile, Russia is experiencing a demographic crisis via shrinking birth rates and must primarily "turn inward to itself" via knocking itself up big time.

But generals gonna gripe that they're not president.

A knocked-up note from the glorious Cold War days:


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Exactly. There are almost exactly 1 billion more Chinese people than there are Russians, so how the hell could anyone compete against that? Even if you're just manufacturing pencils, of course China is gonna be your most lucrative sales market. Not to mention that China manufactures a lot of stuff that results in some truly nasty pollution (e.g. rare earth extraction, nickel mining, etc) - let China keep that on their lands, eh?

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Apparently we agree. This is a bad omen. I suggest pistols at dawn. ;)


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I have received permission to tell the Gamaleya Center to go jump into Lake Ladoga

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I just follow Edward for the comments. Ever since he took my money on a beer tour of Moldavia... When in humanity has there been such a monster ?


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