By Riley Waggaman, a Moscow-based writer and former “senior editor” at RT
People have a wide range of views about the Not-War in Ukraine. That’s normal and okay.
Except in Russia, it’s not okay. You either support the Not-War or you shut the fuck up. That’s the rule. If you don’t like it you can go live in Nazi Ukraine.
You can face criminal charges in Russia for even hinting that you have doubts about the Not-War.
Yes, yes, I know: this is totally normal! After all, free speech is always “curtailed” during wartime. But there’s no war in Ukraine. That’s the official policy of the Russian government. Naturally, Russians are now getting fined just for calling it a war—sorry, Not-War.
Here are some fun Not-War stories from across Russia:
A resident of Krasnoyarsk was fined 30,000 rubles for “discrediting the armed forces of Russia.” This disgusting criminal was captured and brought to justice after writing “no to war” (with a heart) in the snow:

Media reports blurred out the word “war”—you can’t even show a photograph of the word “war”? Of course not. Only a Nazi would publish a photograph of the word “war.”
A man from Kuzbass was ordered to cough up 60,000 rubles after daring to call for a protest against the Not-War. Reportedly he was seduced by “Ukrainian bots.” Interesting.
A resident of St. Petersburg was fined 35,000 rubles for spreading malicious rumors that Russia was engaged in a war—sorry, Not-War:
Also in St. Petersburg: after an unidentified criminal carved “no to war” into the frozen Moyka river, city workers rushed to the scene and painted over the hate speech. And not a moment too soon.
Just look at this. Just stop for a moment and really look at this:
In Kostroma, an Orthodox priest got in trouble for giving a sermon in which he said it was wrong for Christians to kill each other. He soon saw the error of his ways and posted an update to his church’s website:
I could go on and on, but what’s the point? You get it.
The Not-War is Love. The Not-War is Life. The Not-War shows that the Kremlin Cares.
Good luck with the 5D chess.
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Not very different from the US ! So we know for sure now that we are living in a totalitarian regime. Disagreeing with the government is forbidden. But luckily, they are too late with the law to forbid thousands of people coming out with the lies on the non pandemic and the non vaccines. Supposedly the Russian vaxxes were just as bad and killed more than they saved?
I think you have to look at this from the perspective of a government under siege and one that has been for sometime now. The rabidity of the CIA et al with their mania for color revolutions cannot and must not be underestimated. If Russia allows these protests you can damn well bet the psychos of the US government will exploit them for the purpose of "regime" change. Believe me Russia has enough problems without introducing the so-called values of the West that would been forced on her by a Zelensky type Putin replacement. But there is much more going on than meets the eye. Russia has already suffered enough of the wests corrosive influence.