Not very different from the US ! So we know for sure now that we are living in a totalitarian regime. Disagreeing with the government is forbidden. But luckily, they are too late with the law to forbid thousands of people coming out with the lies on the non pandemic and the non vaccines. Supposedly the Russian vaxxes were just as bad and killed more than they saved?

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Yes. Sputnik V is the clotshot po russki

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I think you have to look at this from the perspective of a government under siege and one that has been for sometime now. The rabidity of the CIA et al with their mania for color revolutions cannot and must not be underestimated. If Russia allows these protests you can damn well bet the psychos of the US government will exploit them for the purpose of "regime" change. Believe me Russia has enough problems without introducing the so-called values of the West that would been forced on her by a Zelensky type Putin replacement. But there is much more going on than meets the eye. Russia has already suffered enough of the wests corrosive influence.

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Yeah if they didn't paint that frozen canal it would be a slippery slope. Curtail harder!

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This is true but unfortunately Russia has signed on with the Nazi world enslavement forum agenda

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For some reason, Russians are very bad at propaganda, and they don't handle at all the hedonistic and emotional narratives that make western slaves hearts beat. They do it so badly, that even when they suppress protest, the make it even worse.

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so, to clarify, this is NWWIII ?

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Very interesting take, seeing the war as part of the Great Reset's plan, the segment which involves a shift from a unipolar world order to a multipolar one, a decentralization of the world order's enforcement mechanism, and the various ways the war facilitates the Great Reset's plans.


The Great Reset Phase 2: War, “Special Correspondent, 3/9/22. Graphics, links.

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A very insightful article. And so horrifying.

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Pro tip: Make sure you don’t read War and Peace! And if you do, cover it up with an old Pravda newspaper!

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The no war movement is being used in the west as war propaganda. Where were these people when their "democratic" masters bombed, massacred and invaded Irak, Libia, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Kosovo... ( am I missing anything?) Russian leaders are not able to handle this psycho warfare, they don't possess this sophisticated social engineering technology. Then, what are they supposed to do? Let the Femen nazis spit on their crucifixes for freedom of speech sake? Give a microphone and a camera to the prowestern liberal fitth and sixth columnist traitors inside Russia, to the whores eager to show the assholes to Victoria Nuland and her rippers? Tell me something, what are you up to? Wouldn't you be another jew pseudo journalists working to slain Russia's image in any possible way? Everything you say is Russia trashing. Would you be happier with the Ukronazis hords massacring civilians in Donetsks? Don't you think they were ready to do exactly that to force Russia to another war, but in that case in terrible circumstances and a losing position? Have you heard about Nuland-financed biolaboratories just at the Russian border? Of course you have. But you are a journalist and you must stay "independent", mustn't you?

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None of the posts on this blog trash Russia. NONE. Russia ≠ the Russian government.

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Thanks for this, amazing how people don't get it. In no nation is the government the same as the people. Everywhere, the state is a social control instrument of the ruling elite.

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So if we could disband the state, government and all its oppressive structures Jeffrey..What then? Anarchy is wonderful in principle, a spiritual and uplifting way of life for like-minded souls, until that is, the shells of an unsympathetic and murderous neighbour begin to rain down their preferred kind of ´´enlightenment´´. When the NATO Banderites arrive and start nailing babies to tables as they did in WWII, bleeding hearts and ´´not war´´ virtue signalling in the snow will provide little comfort or safety for anyone.

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And that's why the person writing in the snow had to be jailed? The hell with your arrogance, and with your pretense that both sides are not merely factions within the WEF, both fully pursuing The Great Reset, though each side is passing the other one off as "the barbarians." The hell with Russian government bots (i doubt any NATO ones are here) and with dupes who wanna believe in "good guys" within the world power scramble within the elites as they squeeze us 99+%.

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No one was jailed for the painting. You are lying. The Russian government response to demonstrator is being much much more polite and respectful that what France did to the yellow vests. Anyone exposing you is a Russian bot. Ha ha ha. What an anarchist Soros-paid antifa piece of shit you are. No, both sides are not equal as you 6th columnists claim.

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Это верное утверждение.

Тем не менее, это чувство выражается снова и снова (Russia bashing).

Интересно, почему?

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Russia bashing? Only if you identify "Russia" with Vladimir Putin and his WEF-connected cohorts in Russia. I sure hope no one identifies me with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump, Killery Clinton,...

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The remark wasn't directed at you, dude. We are in complete agreement.

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Cool, sorry for seeming a bit jumpy, mohn!

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I agree with you. In this moment, whatever we choose to call it, ´´war´´ ..´´no-war´´or maybe just ´´the great cleansing´´; because she has to contend with the shameless and powerful Western propaganda juggernaut, Russia, its government, its patriotic citizens have every right to be intolerant of what I would call ´´lazy virtue signallers´´ or ´´sleeper disinformation agents´´, who can now be used to sap the morale of the leaders and military while also pleasuring her western enemies . There must be total solidarity and support if Russia is to win in a situation like this. And WIN they must, if Russia is to have a future. If Russia loses, well that´s it ...and Europe too will be gobbled up by the US fascists. They are salivating in preparation for the feast. If Russia comes out on top, the US won´t be able to stop a gradual gravitation of Europe towards Russia. Relationships will be repaired. NATO will be disbanded. A lot could change for the better in Russia and in Europe. Maybe even banking could be reformed. Nobody wants this bloodshed, but I believe there was no alternative. This is an existential crisis. Apart from the ever escalating horrors in Donbass, NATO is howling at the gate and if the American fascists finally catch up in the hypersonic field (in 2 or 3 years), they most definitely will attack. ´´Operation Unthinkable´´ realised at last.

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And, we're joined by a second Russian government bot. Yes, what utter traitors, writing "no war" with a heart sign in the snow. Jail is too good for them, they deserve the firing squad, Nazi sympathizers and foreign agents one and all.

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No one was jailed for the painting. You are lying. The Russian government response to demonstrator is being much much more polite and respectful that what France did to the yellow vests. Anyone exposing you is a Russian bot. Ha ha ha. What an anarchist Soros-paid antifa piece of shit you are. No, both sides are not equal as you 6th columnists claim

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And the Russian government bots are here. The idea that both sides are wrong just never seems to occur to some people, but then some of them just don't wanna know, and don't want anyone else to know.

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If you don’t buy into the western paradigm in lockstep- you are a ‘Russian bot’. Get a grip.

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Show us where either i or Edward or the others here buy even a micro-cent of "the western paradigm." Nice try, but your attempt to force this discussion into the same Manichean dead-end won't fly, won't even get to the airport's highway off-ramp. Two factions of the WEF are fighting, or at least creating the image of a (not-) war, because this is useful for their Great Reset goals. https://winteroak.org.uk/2022/03/09/the-great-reset-phase-2-war/

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Focusing on inanities like ice scribblings is tantamount to picking sides while ignoring massive censorship in the west for just pointing out the real Russian complaints over the doings in Ukraine for 8 years. Not everything is a Shcwab plot. There are real fault lines left over from the 20 th century that the Davis gang turn to their advantage- this doesn’t implicate the entire Russian government as operatives of Davos. We have people getting years in jail just for being ridiculous on Jan 6th.

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Fault lines? Is that what you call the head of the Russian state bank, Sberbank, being on the board of trustees of the WEF? Or Anatoly Chubais, the man in charge of the post-Soviet Union "privatization," an oligarch of oligarchs, being in charge of the Russian "Sustainable development" program, meaning a redesign of Russian society per the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? Or the work of Pavel Luksha, Russia's rep to the BRICSA, in redesigning the world's education system to fit the needs of the 4IR and AI-run society? You can find stuff about Chubais in Riley's article re the interview by Tessa Lena from two weeks ago. The other two:


Herman Gref.

Since 2007, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank. Member, boards and supervisory boards of joint stock corporations and companies. Member of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum. Awards and honours: Citation and Certificate of Honour from the Russian President; Order for Distinguished Service, Grade IV; Stolypin Medal; Officer of the Legion of Honour.


Dr. Pavel Luksha is a founder and a director of Global Education Futures initiative, aimed at catalyzing the transformation of educational ecosystems at a global scale, and a co-founder of Global Change Leaders movement of educational & social innovators.......Since 2014 he acts as a representative of Russia in BRICS Skills Development Council (and chaired the group in 2015-16). He is also a co-founder (and a program director for several years) of the Foresight Fleet, one of the largest events on future thinking education held globally since 2012.

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Don't waste your time with these people. They are probably paid to create havoc in the contrary's informational field. There are a couple of them hanging out here. They claim to be Edwards friends, so this could well be a desinformational Russian slandering blog.

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Yes, I think you are right.

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"The no war movement is being used in the west as war propaganda. "

> Isn't it always used by the other side!?

"Where were these people when their "democratic" masters bombed, massacred and invaded Irak, Libia, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Kosovo... ( am I missing anything?) "

> At least the "diabolic" west let you protest against it and didn't already fine u 4 already calling it war!?

"Russian leaders are not able to handle this psycho warfare, they don't possess this sophisticated social engineering technology. "

> What a good excuse for a more brutal approach!?

"Then, what are they supposed to do? "

> Get better in "psycho warfare"!? This whole tyrannical logic just strikes me, as one might subsume everything among "psycho warfare": if u can't please ur ppl than what is a ruler supposed to do ... other than force!?

"Let the Femen nazis spit on their crucifixes for freedom of speech sake?

Give a microphone and a camera to the prowestern liberal fitth and sixth columnist traitors inside Russia, to the whores eager to show the assholes to Victoria Nuland and her rippers? Tell me something, what are you up to? Wouldn't you be another jew pseudo journalists working to slain Russia's image in any possible way?"

> Sounds to me like the filthiest MSM russophobes if u turn that statement around, condemning any none pro-Ukrainian reporting/propaganda - or as u "spit" it: "independent" views!

"Everything YOU say is WEST trashing."

" Would you be happier with the Ukronazis hords massacring civilians in Donetsks? Don't you think they were ready to do exactly that to force Russia to another war, but in that case in terrible circumstances and a losing position? "

> Objection, Your Honor: hypothetical! The best friend of any pretext longing aggressor: Hitler, since u r so fond of "Nazis", was also a big fan of it, against Russia as well, said his preemptive strike anticipated Russia's aggression that would have to fought otherwise in a "losing position". Or prevent Polish "hords" from further massacring Germans in Poland and trying aggressively to provoke Germany to war with card blanche from the west...

"Have you heard about Nuland-financed biolaboratories just at the Russian border?"

> U mean those sovjet biolabs that also weren't shot down under Russian puppet in Ukraine? So biolabs now might legitimate a "none"-war!? Dunno whether Saddam had one though ...

"But you are a journalist and you must stay "independent", mustn't you?"

> I think that's a good objective - obviously far from urs!

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Point, set, match!! Good work.

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> At least the "diabolic" west let you protest against it and didn't already fine u 4 already calling it war!? YES, YOU CAN PROTEST ONLY TO BE CRUSHED BY THE POLICE. REMEMBER THE YELLOW VESTS? There is no point in answering to your objections. Your side is taken and nothing will make you change your mind.

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Apart from condemning ANY crushing of peaceful(!) protests: What war did the yellow vests protest!? And how would those protests be met in Russia!? The Anti-war protests in the west against any of the above mentioned wars were NOT supressed by any means, instead it was again the anti-west left masturbating on full scale EVERYWHERE unopposed! I still DO acknowledge that there were some anti-war protests in the usual urban centres in Russia that were disposed but seem 2 be not utterly crushed, @leasr no horse trampeling ...

Just like any lefty u r projecting as Ur side is taken as well and nothing will change Ur mind as u have invested urself 2 much in2 ur obvious un-principled position that merely bends around ANTI-WEST no matter what and a brute force approach anyhow seems 2 resonate w/ u!

I still wanna channel some counter perspective here 2 not let ur "piece of crap" remain unchallenged.

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Western protests are permitted as long as they keep irrelevant. When they become relevant and might represent a problem for the powers that be, then they are crushed, in many so called "democratic" western societies. In fact capitalist oligarchies like the one in Ukraine. Demonstrations in the fake capitalist democracy pattern are a result of media propaganda and are used to reinforce the "democratic" narrative. You can't obviously see that. Please use long words in your writing. I can hardly understand your abbreviations.

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What a piece of crap you wrote. Even Nuland recognised the biowarfare labs.

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Nuland 2 me is no "authoritative" source - but I guess she recognized US/western funding for research in "biolabs": there are pathogens collected in most biolabs anyhow, no matter whether they r developed or used to do research on antidotes against them. "Funding biolabs" as another pretext 4 war seems a bit far fetched ... and just compromises those that try to legitimate wars on that!

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On the contrary, Nuland is the wife of Kagan, one of the leading heads of the New world order and full imperial dominance. She had the leading role in the 2014 Ukranian Maidan coup the etat and the subsequent accession of nazi banderist thugs to power in Ukraine. You obviously haven't heard of that. Concerning the biolabs, please check this research paper. Biological warefare is prohibited by UN conventions and were and are being massively set by fascist America in the Russian borders of conquered countries such as Kosovo, Ukraine and Georgia. https://dilyana.bg/the-pentagon-bio-weapons/

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Russia's government is carrying out biological/chemical warfare against its own population.

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Yes sure, just like Cuba and Venezuela are. But Belarus is a covid free country. Still they are best friends with Russia. You might have information Lukashenko does not have. I encourage you to hand it to him.

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Let's hear your excuse for Putin pushing the "pandemic" fraud for two years, including the mass poisoning of Russians, even children, using genetically engineered poisons posing as "vaccines," co-made with Western multinational corporations like Astra Zeneca. I've challenged you over this, you keep trying to evade the matter, sure sign of being an official apologist.

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It is clear to me that you are an anti Russian propagandist. So, no comments.

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In other words, unable to answer specific questions. Thank you! BTW, my ancestry is from this region. Being against the government of any nation does not make you an enemy of the entire people. The American government is the worst enemy of the American people, the Russian government is the worst enemy of Russians, the Ukrainian government...... German,..... Israeli, .... Chinese..... Brazilian.....and any other one in between.

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I have commented on everything I wanted to. My points are clear. If I don't want to talk to you on a particular issue, because I think that you are an information intoxicator, that's my right which by the way doesn't make your point right just because I consider it's not worth discussing it with you. Get lost

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Riley!!! Meanwhile, outside Russia, everything Russian is cancelled, brutally discriminated and punished. It's very likely that any citizen with strong Russian heritage will be put into concentration camp, just like the Japanese Americans were during the WWII.

Don't ever open your mouth and say "That won't happene here!"

By the way, Have you seen enough "powerful Jews" supporting " Jew-haters and Jew-killers" a.k.a Nazis?

Hitler was strongly assisted and supported by both powerful German Jews inside Germany and Wall Street Jews in the USA at the time. This is the fact!

And now you are witnessing not only powerful Jews in Ukraine, in Israel, especially in the USA, but also the whole Kosherized West a.k.a "the democratic free world" are supporting, assisting, protecting, defending and going to die for a bunch of mad, retarded Ukrainian nationalists a.k.a neo-Nazi, who publicly vow to kill Jews, Russians...and any Ukrainians who just disagree with them! They are all Orthodox Christians, except the Russian Jews, I guess.

How can one explain or rationalize this Jewish "phenomenon? and this democratic phenomenon of the "Christian West?"

Well that's nature of statism anyway!

However, I will try to explain this "phenomenon" in my next post!

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In the US get could get Canceled, beat up, Jailed, ostracized, kicked out of your apartment or Rental Home depending on where you live. In Canada you might get trampled by Horses or have your Bank Account seized.

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If Russia is not on a war footing, then it doesn't need restrictions on speech, because there is no national emergency.

What does the "man in the street" think about the situation of the Russians in Ukraine, and the puppet of the West nature of the Ukraine?

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I'll reply to my own comment.

All these leaders are WEF puppets anyway.

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Have you considered the radical possibility that you're wrong

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Tell me how you see it ML.

I could be wrong, but I am skeptical of MSM.

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when i try to talk about it on WhatsApp to friend there i get ‘shushed’

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Kitten, what sort of things are you wanting to say?

This is all so cloak and dagger, everyone scared to express an opinion.

Can you be jailed for speaking about it.

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there is a state department warning regarding the potential for violence against American citizens in Russia.

Yesterday we were talking (English- i don’t speak/understand Russian) and she/ we were told by her companion to lower our voices) as she was walking down street.

In the past two weeks when she was at apartment when my call came in, she told me not to talk about the war if the housekeeper or anyone else was there.

It’s really not a healthy situation when you feel the need to self-censor... no?

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actually in California you become used to self censoring

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A couple of weeks ago I met a 30something Russian guy at a party in N Z. He has been living in Wellington for the past three years, having arrived from his native St.Petersburg. He said that NZers say that they have free speech, but not in his opinion. He says that NZers are very scared to express their opinions.

(He is probably a spy. :) )

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Yes. It appears their all cause mortality is similar to ours, perhaps due to embracing the vaccine.

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Their relentless attacks on those that refuse to comply speaks of their desperation to prop up the parasitic systems that thrive on fear, conflict and suffering. Their systems of oppression may be monolithic and they may possess terrifying weapons tech, but in the end these are still systems that are completely dependent on our cooperation to continue to exist.

Their top heavy systems teeter and become ever weaker as more of us remove our support from their base.

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Riley, I came across this article. Since you are inside Russia right in Moscow, Is it TRUE of what this writer said?

The Great Russian Restoration I: The Purge of the Liberal Media and Rumblings of Economic Nationalization

March 8, 2022/29 Comments/in Featured Articles /by Rolo Slavski

And this by Israel Shamir


his conclusion : "Good side: the COVID-19 withdrew its viruses from Ukraine and Russia. In Russia Covid is gone from the news."

Pro-Putinist wishfulldreamers say he/Putin has abandoned all "covid related measures!!!"

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Looks like apart from the name, not much has changed in the Soviet Union

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Please watch this video and come to your own conclusion


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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022

Yes I remember that Storm Cloud part of the video. Thanks

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Yo Riley! Haven’t heard from you! Worried!

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