This is epic: "I am genuinely shocked by how personally people (many of whom have zero connection to Russia) have taken these events. Based on scant or zero evidence, and wild conjecture, they have convinced themselves they are Frodo E-Baggins, heroically transporting the Tweet of Power to Mount Zuckberg, or some other urine-stained corner of the internet, where they balk at the pathetic simpletons who Don’t Understand.

Please don’t be this person—I beg you."

Made my day, thanks! :))

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aye, got a good chuckle out of me, nice words Ragga ; )

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This had me chortling. Especially the hookah bit. And yes, Bach is mandatory.

That aside, I do so love this meatier medium of news. MSM will circulate a few days' worth of repeated pablum and soundbites, before it ADHDs onto the next pre-prepared soundbite. I can't believe that I used to watch it every day, slack-jawed, only to hear my friends regurgitate it like so much chewed cud, for vigorous "analysis" and tut-tutting in our meet-ups. That still happens, but I let it all slide past and nod enigmatically every now and then to signal "engagement" - but mostly to keep from falling asleep....

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Just think: thirty years ago, we had no choice at all. The MSM was the only place we could go for news. What a different world that was! Heck, I was a different person then myself. I used to sneer at 'conspiracy theory.' Now look at me! I'm like Alex Jones and David Icke rolled into one.

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Ditto here! 😂

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No offence at all to esteemed, insightful and handsome Mr Slavsquat, but yes! We crave Marko too! Maybe you could both do a podcast with Rolo?

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It's called the Worst Of All Worlds.

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if they can pull off the plandemic, they can pull off some grandiose theatre anywhere they like. we know this.

i still think it was theatre, purge theatre to weed out the bad guys within.

it was an entertaining 24 hours,

unless you were a pilot.. : (

who knows???

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Agree - the World's a stage.

Notice how the Titanic sub stories have almost disappeared ?.... all BS.

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all the explanations of yesterday's events offered so far, however, leave a sense of surreality: why would Putin have orchestrated such a "humiliating" psyop for his image, to obtain the regulation of internal clashes? all of Russia is talking about this tragic circus. I don't think that when power orchestrates a psyop like this, if it is, it wants to pursue only one goal, for example the introduction of new "emergency" laws. Even if it's not sure who won in this story, it seems clear to me that someone was even more humiliated: Shoigu and those whom Prigozhin apostrophizes as "just old clowns". https://twitter.com/willingwitness/status/1672624678052175872

There are other strange coincidences, but I no longer believe in these coincidences. http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/0001202306230007


I am aware that these are only guesses, but I am also a witness of a state power that operates precisely through grotesque drama. do you remember the military trucks in Bergamo in March 2020?

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Or the great 'insurrection' of 2021, which was said to have resulted in the shooting death of Ashley Babbitt, and Air Force intelligence officer? There's just no telling anymore.

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Using Jan. 6 as a reference, I know what Wagner just tried was not an insurrection: Prigozhin’s people had guns.

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Hey as soon as I got 38 bucks burning a hole in my pocket, you deserve it. As someone here who appreciates you casting your shadowy pugilistic spell upon the emanations of the feverish imaginations so of many esteemed human minds, from the now-too-serious Ritter to that Brazilian oracle, many pseudo ego journos, and probably some entertaining wits you point me to read. I say "emanations" politely, noting your sarcasm directed as 'excretions'. Unforgettable, "urine stained corners of the internet" hahahahaha. That refers to your pissing contest with Tom?

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with or without the $38, I appreciate the kind comment, and your readership, John!

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If anything, yesterday was another litmus test for all the charlatans on the alt-media side. The way some of them tried to spin the whole story, instead of asking questions themselves, was an indication of who to stop following - or keep following but with a HUGE grain of salt. And that's basically everybody who said this was 1) a nothingburger (eg. the New Atlas), 2) a "ploy to redeploy" (eg. Dima from the Military Summary) or 3) an act of a lunatic who "needs a rest" (eg. the two Alexes from the Duran). And I've written Johnson, Ritter, Escobar, Dreizin and similar types off a long time ago. They were too poppy and optimistic for my taste. Like listening to the MSM in reverse.

That leaves you and Rolo, essentially, for the rest of our days. Keep up the good work!

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I respect Pepe Escobar but how can he say Putin won "ON ALL COUNTS"? Everything Pepe writes about is the new multipolar world led by Russia and BRI, BRiCS+ , SCO etc. and now the country looks like a chaotic shitshow.

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Pepe lost it, when the SMO started. He now seems to consider the mission of journalism in war to support your side BY ALL MEANS. That is the opposite to the principle "Good journalism never sides with a cause, not even with a good one."

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"What the Wagner chief did is unacceptable, as was Escobar's twisting of NRPRs' perceptions about the patriotism of those who explore a political solution to this proxy war instead of further escalation. Nobody in the AMC should be misled by either of them into supporting Prigozhin's coup attempt. The Russian state is united and all efforts to divide it, whether by force or reckless speculation, will fail. Prigozhin's fate is sealed, but Escobar's reputation can still be salvaged if he repents and makes amends. "


Will Pepe be allowed to go to Belarus if he amends, put a knee on the ground? (Lol)

What a clown show...

I haven't been able to read Pepe since I discovered the slav squating school of Riley anyway...

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Pepe is a "multipolar world order" shill.

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Please, pleeease Marko Marjanović,write an article

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I noticed in his speech that Putin did not mention Prigozhin by name in connection with treason. Could this omission mean that he might also have been referring to others around him who are subtly working on behalf of the west? It might also have left open options for Putin to deal with Prigozhin--since Putin might actually agree with Prigozhin's assessment of Shoigu and Gerasimov. I note that we have not heard or seen anything from these two since the "coup" began., although we have heard from other generals. It will be instructive to see how visible these 2 are in the coming months.

I also note the warm send-off the people of Rostov gave to Wagner soldiers when they turned around to go back where they were supposed to be. By pardoning them, Putin brought himself even closer to the Russian people, I suspect. I think his show of mercy was a sign of strength.

I will say I have wondered for months why no one put a muzzle on Prigozhin.

This whole episode is another example of Churchill's characterization: "Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."

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I enjoyed the tone in this piece, just right in the circumstances 😎.

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As for Rolo: he is oh so vewwy vewwy seerious(sic). One wearies of prophets. Your focus on verifiable events happening on Terra rather than some politically adventurous imagospehere, is refreshing.

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As were many others, I was hugely entertained. I initially thought the event might be real.

Rose wrote a brilliant reply to me on Rolo's site yesterday. I called it a 🎯.

"The unseen masters in the shadow exert control through the puppets governments. so, the real Masters will be out of harm's way. Can't be seen to throw it. They use mass manipulation techniques to deliver whatever ‘public opinion‘ they desire. They use their power to create and destroy parties and lobby groups, as they wish. They finance popular movements and revolutions to achieve their geostrategic goals They finance all sides in wars for their own profit. WEF, WHO, USA, NATO, government etc. are only small performers. Puppets and scapegoats. Choose a clown and get a circus. All your famous hero's are gatekeepers. Worship 'Rescuers' and you will relinquish your power. The margin for error narrows, so thinking without illusions becomes necessary."

"They use mass manipulation techniques to deliver whatever ‘public opinion‘ they desire." Russia is no different from the U.S. You have the same controllers. They're exercising the same dominion over Russia.

You have to ask yourself only one question. Why didn't Ukraine seize the opportunity to launch a true counteroffensive as Progizhin forces rapidly descended upon Moscow? Why did Ukraine, the bitter, sworn enemy of Russia, not seize the day? Carpe diem!!! What "foe" remains silent, apparently stupefied, while their enemy is disassembling with a "traitor" in their midst? While their enemy's .gov looks to defend against a coup d'etat?

And you continue to wonder why to this day Russia didn't seize Kiev?😂

NWO wars are hard to orchestrate without experience. Fuck-ups occur. Even controlled men and events can screw up.

What would Sun-Tzu have to say do you think?

You saw no movement from the Ukrainians. Supposedly an hour before the final resolution of Prog's SMO, they began some attack. Really?

Then, the final scene of the play opens. Progizhin supposedly orders his troops to cease and desist 150 miles from Moscow. Although embittered less than 24 hours previously to initiate a coup d-etat, he suddenly backs down in loyal fervor to Putin, God, and country.😂

Have you had enough diversion for 72 hours? Are you revived for your war which ends only when your controllers decide?

The other event we are enjoined to believe is that Lukashenko appeared from nowhere to mediate and diffuse the situation.😂

You need to ask: what am I being lead to believe in this situation? Why would anyone want me to believe this? You'll know soon enough.

Reminds me so much of Beckett's "Waiting for Godot."

One character sez to another: “Nothing happens Nobody comes, nobody goes It s awful.”

Or "Estragon: I can't go on like this.

Vladimir: That's what you think."

Or “I’m going. [He does not move].”

You saw no movement because the "Ukraine War" is just like every war you see today. It's staged. It's directed on ALL sides. Apparent events happen or don't which defy human nature and history and ultimately make no human sense except to divert your attention, cause a flood of endorphins, and renew the game players' vigor for continuous useless analysis.

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Jun 26, 2023
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Exactly, Anri! I wish more people understood this: "And the outcome of any action reveals the reason of said action and is in most cases the reason itself: The reason is the outcome." Just as we learn far more by observing a man's actions rather than his words. Actions always reveal the true intent although he might protest with the finest words.

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Whatever just happened, it was thoroughly entertaining

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Yesterday's events appeared very personal, like in family fighting.

On Fox, it was declared that Putin's fall was imminent, a self-serving wish for Washington.

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Props to Edward, but …


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