What is the true cost of the Virus Scam? What is the total damage from more than two years of gaslighting, coercion, humiliation, and healthcare “optimization”? What are the long-term consequences of deciding that the meaning of life is to suppress the number of positive PCR tests?
Incalculable. But Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) is doing its best:
Rosstat reported an increase in excess mortality in March. The indicator increased by 7 thousand deaths compared to February. Mortality in Russia has been rising despite a decrease in the number of deaths from coronavirus.
This is evidenced by data published by Rosstat. In March, 201.1 thousand people died in Russia. For comparison: in March 2021, the figure reached 191.3 thousand, and in March 2020 - 152.7 thousand. Excess mortality reached 49.2 thousand people in March against 42.1 thousand in February and 20.5 thousand in January.
At the same time, the number of deaths from coronavirus amounted to 30.2 thousand people in March against 37.9 thousand in February and 32.4 thousand in January. The total number of Russians who have died since the beginning of the year has reached 584.7 thousand. The number of births in the first three months amounted to 320.4 thousand. As a result, the natural population decline has grown to a new historical anti-record - 264.3 thousand people in the first quarter of the year.
If there isn’t a sharp U-turn in the very near future, the decrease in population will likely surpass last year’s “anti-record” of 1 million people.

But wait, why are deaths rapidly increasing, even as Virus-attributed fatalities are decreasing?
It seems this is the unanticipated price of Public Health:
Why, then, is the excess death rate on the rise? … The most logical conclusion of experts is that in Russia, as in the United States, we are faced with public health “discrimination” against people with common diseases (priority is given to patients infected with COVID). However, “ordinary” medicine itself was deprived of finances, personnel, and new equipment—all innovations, developments, and the best specialists were thrown into the fight against COVID.
As a result, three-quarters of excess deaths in Russia and the United States are associated with traditional diseases and causes: cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, thrombosis, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, etc.
(And please don’t forget: A large number of “COVID” deaths in Russia have been the result of medical malpractice and horrific neglect, and of course: clot-shots.)
Or as Russian sociologist Dmitry Petrosyan noted in January while discussing excess mortality in the Vladimir region:
Naturally, the reason here is not only the coronavirus, but also a change in the situation in medicine. The shift in focus to the coronavirus has led to less attention being paid to traditional cancers and heart diseases, which account for a large proportion of deaths… Among social problems, the problem of the quality of medical care stands out.
This is very surprising. Nobody could have guessed this would happen. But it happened.
But it would be completely wrong to attribute this magnificent achievement to COVID Cultism alone. The ongoing “optimization” is the result of years of hard work.
According to the Institute of National Economic Forecasting (INP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
“The availability of medical care for the population of Russia… has decreased as a result of a sharp reduction in the network of medical, primarily inpatient (hospital) organizations. The closure of hospitals in rural settlements and small towns has led to the ‘curtailment’ of the country’s hospital network. At the same time, there was no restructuring of medical care for the population of rural and small urban settlements,” the researchers said. […]
In the United States, for example, between 1990 and 2018, the number of hospitals decreased by 9% and beds by 30%. In Germany, between 2000 and 2017, the number of hospitals decreased by 7% and the number of hospital beds by 12%. At the same time, in the Russian Federation, the number of both hospitals and beds has halved over the period 1990–2018.
Very nice. Very public health-y. Very illustrative of how they Care About Us.
We don’t want to point fingers. We’re sure the Russian government tried its best. Who could have foreseen the consequences of karate-chopping routine medical care while obsessing over positive PCR tests? No one has a crystal ball.

What do you think the relationship between Russian, Ukranian and Canadian people would be like if we had leaders of integrity who loved the world and its people? I mean obviously your government and mine have our best interests at the forefront of their minds, but apparently the way they are framing them is like a chair without legs or a seat, it seems.
Change "Russia" with pretty much any other nation and your article would still be accurate.
The 64 trillion dollar question (sorry, inflation...) is: WHO's behind all of this?