May 6, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

What do you think the relationship between Russian, Ukranian and Canadian people would be like if we had leaders of integrity who loved the world and its people? I mean obviously your government and mine have our best interests at the forefront of their minds, but apparently the way they are framing them is like a chair without legs or a seat, it seems.

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What if we didn't depend on leaders? As Emiliano Zapata said just over 100 years ago, "a strong people don't need leaders."

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Then what we have is a world of leaders. I do think that in a world of self-leaders we will organically arrange ourselves into various functions from a sense of personal sovereignty as well as interconnectedness...we all are leaders at something if we are being fully our True Nature, but also are learning from each other, so we are also all followers at something. Yet if we are guided from within, from sovereignty, it is never by coercion, force or deceit. Leadership from within allows us to navigate our place within the larger whole individually, uniquely, yet with an awareness of life and those who share it with us that leads to compassion, unity and abundance for all. Communion is the TRUE nature of life. Communism is the artificial, inverted version. Uniqueness is the TRUE nature of each soul expression. Stakeholder Capitalism is the exploitative version - the inversion of this that seeks to make us the same while speaking of individualism and communities.

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Excellent statement. The one disagreement is the word "communism." What it actually means is a social system based upon the community, which shares everything, the commune. That's how humans lived for 99% of our existence. What was called "communism" in the 20th Century, which is what the word came to mean, namely the system first instituted in Russia in 1917, leading to the formation of the USSR, and it was state capitalism, as openly stated by the founding head of state Vladimir Ulanov (better known as Lenin). See link below. Stalin, when he finally took complete control in 1927, renamed it "communism," based upon the flimsiest reasoning, but mostly on :"because i say so," and those who disagreed got free long-term vacations in resorts north of the Arctic Circle or east of the Urals. Served his regime well to call it something other than what it was, and it served the ruling elites in the West to call it "communism." rendering the word so as to mean something totally repulsive, legitimating the capitalist order.


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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

Exactly. Stakeholder Capitalism/State Capitalism (aka Lenin's communism and the kind Trudeau admires) are the same in the end. For me communalism would be the outgrowth of communion - the natural desire to share, contribute, be benevolent, to add joy to those around us, to help, to love, to exist in symbioses. Communion is the inner state that would be naturally reflected in the outer practice of communalism. Having been born in a commune I can tell you that evil (inversion) and ego in various guises will seep into even the most spiritual of places where people do not practice discernment as well as spiritually heightened states. So, clarity and integrity are as important as love and union with True Nature and the interconnectedness of All Life.

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WELL-SAID, Lily Chili!

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:) honored to know you think so.

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NOPE! He made it clear he was just facilitating, that unless everyone became a leader, the movement would fail. Likewise with Nestor Makhno in Ukraine. The two were simply well-known and outspoken.

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President Lukashenko is the only leader of a country (Belarus) that has NOT been injected. I live in Belarus and I respect him more than all the world leaders COMBINED. He is NOT associated with the WEF whatsoever. President Lukashenko gave an interview to AP last week that did not get much western coverage. His answers in this AP interview were honest and straightforward with integrity. So many people worldwide are programmed to believe he is a dictator like figure head. However more research will reveal he really is a no nonsense type of person and is quite logical and really truly cares about Belarus and the people living here. Belarus is the only country that I know of that NEVER locked down and kept ALL businesses open, NO QR code, NO mask mandate. NO injection mandate.

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Texas governor Abbott and Florida governor DeSantis (2nd and third more populous states) also have eliminated mask and jabs mandates. But are pushing the Great Reset/Digital ID via other means, e.g. e-government, education and social programs. I'll believe Lukashenko is apart from the WEF when he gets told by Putin to start using Russian digital money for trade and to adopt digital passports.

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Belarus adopts Russia-backed vax passport: It was inevitable (Feb 14, 2022):


So if a Belarusian wants to venture outside of Belarus, he or she will need to upgrade to OS Cattle Tag. It’s that simple.

As state-run Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA) reported last week, starting on February 15, Belarus will issue vaccination certificates with a QR code for the mobile app “I travel without COVID-19”

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NOT true and taken completely OUT of context! I live in Belarus. Do you? IF ANYONE decides to fly into BELARUS RIGHT NOW, then NO (I REPEAT NO) QR code is needed. I can and will fly freely in and out of Belarus WITHOUT a QR code and WITHOUT PCR test. The article that is referred to is for ONLY people (coerced) who VOLUNTARILY OPT IN. President Lukashenko conceded an agreement that people (mostly businessmen) who frequently fly in and out of CIS countries can VOLUNTARILY OPT IN to a QR code system IF one travels on an AIRPLANE TO OTHER CIS countries. IF one flies INTO Belarus, a QR code is NOT needed. PLEASE get your facts straight BEFORE posting a misleading post!

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Thank you very much, good piece of information, i missed that, had seen Riley's work at Off G previously but didn't know he had his own blog till literally a week after this item.

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You can apply that to all countries of course. The secret elite have infiltrated the governments of them all.

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PROVE IT! With FACTS! I repeat NOT in Belarus. NO mask mandate! NO injection mandate! NO QR code! NO PCR testing requirement to fly into BELARUS. NEVER a lockdown! ALL businesses ALWAYS stayed OPEN! Are you jealous that that nightclubs stayed open to 4 AM in Belarus this whole time? Belarus can NOT be included in ALL countries. PLEASE do NOT be an absolutist and include Belarus to YOUR ALL countries list! President Lukashenko is NOT associated with the World Economic Forum whatsoever! Please name a Belarusian who is with a VERIFIED NEWS SOURCE!

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Change "Russia" with pretty much any other nation and your article would still be accurate.

The 64 trillion dollar question (sorry, inflation...) is: WHO's behind all of this?

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The culling of the sheeple is going according to plan. They don't even notice it yet. Elites might accelerate it with a global famine or world war, maybe that will get the sheeples attention. If so, and the sheeple start getting upset they got another far deadlier virus ready, probably flu for which the elites can protect themselves first with a safe vaccine and antivirals.

The focus is on the developed nations. They understand population in poor countries like Africa is not as important since the consume less and are easier to enslave

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May 6, 2022·edited May 7, 2022

The implications are enormous and appalling. It's implausible this systemic democidal "failure" could have escaped the notice of either the Putin administration or the Duma, both of which could have taken corrective action. All involved knew the PCR was, and is, as we say down on the farm here in the American south: "Bull$hit".

The "special operation" in Ukraine, some eight years overdue in the minds of the Donbass's shellshocked residents, requires serious re-examination for evidence of benefit to the transnational ruling plutocracy (aka the "WEFfers"). It may be worth noting these excess death numbers roughly agree with Ukrainian claims of casualties inflicted by Ukrainian forces on Russian forces, claims Russian-aligned "experts" denounce as absurd.

Is the elimination of Ukraine's "nationalists", fascist and not, seen as a mission critical to the success of WEF goals in Ukraine? The degradation of Russia's military would be sine qua non to bringing Russia under their control, though it would have to be accomplished under false pretenses to enjoy the cooperation of most of the Russian people I know.

I fear that Putin's political essence remains to be properly characterized. Is Putin an agent of the WEF and its AngloZionist Plutocrats as his longstanding affiliation with Satan Klaus (Schwab) and Henry Kissinger suggest or is he a sincere warrior for Russian sovereignty and a multi-polar world?

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All down through the ages it's the most despicable scum of the human kind who end up in positions of power. Once folks wrap their heads around that and stop being baffled and bewildered by reality maybe then we could start from there towards something new.

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Shurely not!?! Shurely not the THE EXACT SAME phenomena of killing large numbers of the public on the pretext of "pandemic management", as has been observed all over the decadent West, in Our Glorious Anti Imperialist Rodina ruled by the Wisest and Most Based Czar.

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Unfortunately, Modi and the public health apparatus of India are now basically wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Gates Misanthropy, an expensive acquisition for certain but necessary as the prior government had decided to pursue charges against Gates for, among other things, poisoning half a million Indian children with the Oral Polio Vaccine, said to be the #1 cause of polio on the planet, illegal everywhere in the west. It was an intentional act of indirect sterilization as are many, perhaps even most, western vakseens.

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deletedMay 9, 2022·edited May 13, 2022
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Thank you! At what point is it safe to call Gates a psychopath? A criminal? A democidal eugenist? There's an undeniable pattern there that requires the grandest of coincidence theories to suggest something very sinister is not at work with Mr. Gates and his collaborators.

He seems to be especially obsessed with sterilizing and crippling underclass children from economically less developed countries where these children come from families that might leave ecological footprints less than one billionth the size of his.

Perhaps he believes the new WHO powers will be necessary for him to escape justice. Thank you for doing your part to expose this monster and his wicked deeds.

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Hey, who doesn't love the modern world's high tech efficiency? :-) Thanks again, Riley!

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Comrade, you are missing the point here: it is the Sputnik V that is causing this increase in mortality just as it is in every DEATHVAXXED nation.

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By The Way, I've lived long enough thru different regimes and their wars to know for a fact that EVERY GOVERNMNET DOES REALLY CARE ABOUT US, indeed! That's why and how we are where we are now!

"The Public: Fool Me Once That's OK! Fool Me Twice, I Love It! Fool Me Thrice, I Believe You, Trust You Even More"


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The Ashkenazi...sorry the Khazarians have to dispose of as many Slavs as possible. With the Khazarian puppet Putin they are doing just that. It's amazing to us Anglos how the Slavs are simply going along with their own self immolation. We expected more. We got less.

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TargetMol Chemicals Inc. is headquartered in Boston, MA, and specializes in products and services that serve the research needs of chemical and biological scientists worldwide. With a client base in 50+ countries, TargetMol has evolved into one of the biggest global research suppliers for compound libraries and small molecule compounds.


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What are the long-term consequences of deciding that the meaning of life is to suppress the number of positive PCR tests?. The tests were useless in any event. They were not diagnostic but a tool to support a narrative.

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All by design. It’s a global class war against humanity, to rid the planet of of billions of us while reducing the living standards and liberties to the bare minimum of those who are generously allowed to continue existing (it certainly won’t be anything worthy of the word “living”) on *their* planet and breathing *their* air and serving as *their* slaves.

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The article highlights the shockingly fast decline in the number of small rural medical facilities in Russia over the last 30 years, but we should remember that in Soviet times there was an extensive web of FREE prophylactic medical outreach services. That type of service of course would be incompatible with the transition to ´´capitalism´´ abruptly introduced in the 90s.

To give the RF its due, free high quality medical care is still possible today for those unable to afford it or maybe not so attracted by ´´for profit´´ private hospital care, as a peniless friend of mine can attest, who recently received two complex heart operations in Kaliningrad.

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In the mean time , just FYI, Riley! This report was published in 2021!



The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse Events Resulting from the Experimental COVID-19 Injections

By David John Sorensen and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Global Research, May 07, 2022

David John Sorensen and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, The Vaccine Death Report, 2022



The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.


We aim to only present scientific facts and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. Over one hundred references can be found for all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.


The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class-action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice.


Although this report focuses on the situation in the United States, it also applies to the rest of the world, as the same type of experimental injections with similar death rates – and comparable systems of corruption to hide these numbers – are used worldwide. Therefore we encourage everyone around the world to share this report. May it be a wake-up call for all of humanity.

At least 5 times more deaths, CDC whistleblower signs sworn affidavit

VAERS data from the American CDC shows that as of September 17, 2021, already 726,963 people suffered adverse events, including stroke, heart failure, blood clots, brain disorders, convulsions, seizures, inflammations of brain & spinal cord, life-threatening allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, miscarriage, infertility, rapid-onset muscle weakness, deafness, blindness, narcolepsy, and cataplexy.

Besides the astronomical number of severe side effects, the CDC reports that 15,386 people died as a result of receiving the experimental injections.

However, a CDC healthcare fraud detection expert named Jane Doe investigated this and came to the shocking discovery that the number of deaths is at least five times higher than what the CDC is admitting. In fact, in her initial communications to professor in medicine Dr. Peter McCullough, this whistleblower said that the number of deaths is ten times higher. The CDC health fraud detection expert signed an affidavit, in which she stated her findings. She carefully chose the wordings ‘…under-reported by a conservative factor of at least five’, but as she revealed initially, the factor could also be ten. Here is an excerpt of the affidavit:

Read The Full Report HERE:


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deletedMay 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022
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Well apparently even the 'experts' cannot define what a gene even is. They just tell the public they can. Behind closed doors they say something else entirely.

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