"Sorority Mutations"!

Enter that in the lexicon! I have a feeling it's gonna come in handy!

It so wonderfully evokes a beyond-awesome 1990s splattercore film series that never was, but damn sure shoulda been.

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hollyweird is done, so time to produce our own films!

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Yes, if possible. I produced, directed, and made cameo appearances in my (35 minutes) October 2021 documentary about Belarus entitled., "Belarus-the MOST free country in the world!"

I showed how I entered ALL public transportation, stores, a church. A violin girl agreed to provide the background music. And my young friend filmed a short scene in a nightclub for me (to show EVERYONE WITHOUT masks) since I do NOT go to nightclubs anymore. I filmed the abundance of food that proves NO food shortage. My documentary was a 3 week project with over 50 iPhone (my young friend's phone) clips pieced together and format was converted to MP4. I paid my young friend for his time however it was worth it. I may polish it or leave it as is. Still evaluating where to post it.

I enjoy a new leisure of watching old pastime films and even a LITTLE bit present day films like the last Matrix movie. Two days ago, I just watched 1956 movie "The solid gold Cadillac" starring Judy Holiday. All women and men (in suit and ties) dressed nice and the story line was most enjoyable. "It's a wonderful life" made in 1946 is an American classic. 1952 "The marrying kind" starring Judy Holliday available on yout.be > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdTFUd4DtYg One can see huge differences in past and present day films.

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I visited Belarus in 2017 and 2019 and had an amazing time there. I'd love to watch this documentary :)

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Thank you for showing an interest in my documentary about Belarus. I was even lucky enough to film chickens to capture the essence of Belarus by contrasting city and village life. Good to hear that you had a nice time while visiting Belarus. There are so many misconceptions (created by the USA/UK/EU) about Belarus so I wanted to set the record straight.

I sent a personal e-mail to Riley and he indicated that if his schedule allows, he would like to meet me during my short 3 day stay in Moscow in early July. Hence, I hope to make a copy onto a DVD so he can provide an opinion about my Belarus documentary. Since Riley is much more tech savvy than me, he might have an idea of a good platform for posting. I want as many people to see it (especially Russians), so Riley is free to post it before I do. Regardless, I plan to post the Belarus documentary on my future bitchute interview channel (interviews with everyday people) before winter as the restrictions will unfortunately most likely be back. Such a big difference in the way President Lukashenko and President Putin responded to this scamdemic/plandemic.

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this episode made a strong impression on me. it began with cansinobio,

which got me looking for the link between that entity and canada.


well done on this one RILEY!

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I like how these assholes coming into their 2020 Plandemic suddenly had this giant epiphany that viral outbreaks will be a major problem in the near future and drastic, incredible actions, funding and legal infrastructure must suddenly be put in place.

Really? I recall during the 1980's and again in the 1990's (led to the top movie Outbreak in 1995) there was all kinds of discussion of global pandemics and how 10's of $billions were being funneled into the CDC for pandemic preparation and response. And now we are being told: "we had no clue, we just weren't prepared, we need new 100's of $billions in funding, you could have hit us with a feather, we had no testing kits, we screwed the testing up, we didn't know how to isolate an outbreak, we never thought about patient zero, we can't establish origin, we just didn't have the procedures, we just weren't ready, our pandemic plans were no good, completely wrong, we had no idea about how effective vaccines would be, .... ". Yup.

So I ask: What were you doing with those 100's of $billions in pandemic funding you received 1980-2018? Junkets to Tahiti? Cocktail Parties? New office furniture? New coffee machines? Luxury vehicles?

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Probably buying islands where they will sit back and giggle with glee, while the unwashed peasants (shall I say, good citizens?) are going to assist in the depopulation agenda during the upcoming food riots.

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hella bribes and graft, greasin da wheelz on da..

LAST TRAIN TO SATANSVILLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWUOFxTUQLA

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And do you know about the "Pandemic Bonds" too Riley? TELL THE PEOPLE ABOUT THE PANDEMIC BONDS -

"In 2017, The WHO issued 'Pandemic Bonds' with a maturity date of July 2020 of $500 Million. So if a pandemic is declared on or before mid July 2020, investors lose their money and the $500m would go to the WHO to 'help to fight the pandemic'."


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Yes, yes, yes!!!!! I declare victory in this scamdemic 'battle'. I win! We win! 'They' lose! The USA dropped the entry PCR test restrictions on Sunday. And Russia drops their PCR test entry requirements on Tuesday June 14. I can now FREELY travel WITHOUT an injection and WITHOUT a PCR test! WE boycotted air travel for over 2 years. Our 2 year sacrifice worked. I plan to travel to Russia in early July and USA in late July/early August and reward the air travel industry for lobbying on my behalf. People will pay the increased ticket prices. I guarantee the USA TSA throughput summer 2022 numbers will increase over 2020 and 2021 numbers. Source> https://www.tsa.gov/coronavirus/passenger-throughput

(Yes, I must admit the tyranny 'war' against our human freedoms is on-going). Battle victory quote by Sun Tzu> "To subdue the enemy WITHOUT fighting is the acme of (critical thinking mind) skill."

Absolutely NO ONE can rain on my parade!!!!!

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Tovarich: poor, vaxxed and cattle-tagged are merely the first part, with the second part being the comrade's very premature but happy send off to the next life.

You will own nothing and be happy dying. [When the technocrats deem it so.]

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Actually, they just changed the second part; instead of "being happy," they are promising "a life of fulfillment," whatever that means. :) Perhaps they clandestinely mean that you will fulfill all their wishes! :D

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Perhaps "fulfilled" with clot shots?

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More likely, fulfilling THEIR wishes, such as becoming subjects to providing sacrifices, "entertainment," and adenachrome...

Fulfilling base desires and performing menial tasks that robots cannot do, too.

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We're becoming their toys. They are playing with us. Makes me think of those disturbed children who are mean to their dolls ...

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Pretty simple solution. Do NOT play 'their' game. We noncomply and ignore their 'game' solutions of social distancing, masks, PCR tests, and injections. IF more and more people noncomply and WAKE UP, then the tide will turn. I patiently waited by living my life WITHOUT abiding by 'their' restrictions and 'they' relented. I can now air travel to Russia and USA and I intend to do so.

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We have been their toys all our lives; just didn't know it.

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I agree. It is loud and clear in retrospect. Many out there still don't know it, or don't seem to, or remain silent. Unfortunately many MD's. I know I'm stating the obvious to us though.

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Not for a good while, not till they use the digital slaves to train the AI/transhuman entity which will run the future.

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Hello Jeffrey,

As I have written already, I have a serious question about how that whole AI, CBDC, surveillance apparatus aka cameras, drones... would work in case of intense solar flares destroying the electrical grid or other events disrupting the energetic plants producing electricity. The this week we have had this article:


What do you or other commentators have to say about that?

Have a good day or night, depending on your location

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Hello Bugey,

You got a point there. :-) Actually, i think that entire AI/CBDC/surveillance infrastructure is HIGHLY unsustainable, and in my humble opinion would be extremely difficult to construct given growing shortages of critical materials and energy sources, as well as an increasingly chaotic ecosystem. It is a pipe dream. This does not mean that the powers-that-shouldn't-be won't pursue it, they are psychopaths and sociopaths and believe they can accomplish this, and will stop at nothing trying to attain it. If *WE* (the world's ordinary people) don't stop them, they will go for it, even if it means destroying the ability of the planet to support human life.

Likewise, good day/night.

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Putting aside all the blame'n'shame fingers pointing at the moon (wherefrom our true global overlords rule us all by mighty mental moonbeams), I'll quote some other guy on the web. He summed up with consummate concision my world view in a nut's hell:

"The fascist’s socialist economy is slowing because an increasing amount of people no longer have the will to live a natural life. Insulin bloated blobs of entertainment seeking sugar for brains. If the cure doesn’t kill them all off, a virus certainly will.

"Not sure what will happen to the economy if the sugar blobs aren’t around to circulate entertainment money. But when the sugar blob’s resource draw disappears, for people who make it through the coming bottleneck there will be a lot of resources made available, at least for those of us with something to defend."

His website: https://ricklarson.substack.com/

The flavor/brand name of demise seems much less relevant to me than actually avoiding it. Someone's got to survive, and it will hardly be the geriatric vaporware billionaire shit-sacks of whom everyone is morbidly, almost professionally terrified of or at least obsessed with. Why not us? Or at least me? I'm only 66, more or less broke, with a rare genetic bleeding disorder. Surely I can do better than Klaus Schwab's Palpatine impression, or Elon Musk*'s eerily evocative imitation of William Gibson's Hubertus Bigend, described as "...a nominal Belgian who looks like Tom Cruise on a diet of virgins' blood and truffled chocolates", and about whom Gibson said: "I've always had a sense of Bigend as someone who presents himself as though he knows what's going on, but who in fact doesn't. It's just my sense of the subtext of the character: he's bullshitting himself, at the same time as he's bullshitting all of us."


I never saw the movie, and the meme is so abused it seems sick of me to trot it out, but I feel that it fits here:


And, of course, a song:


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Delta Gamma is my fave... VaxxSplash will be a blast this year!

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I was rooting for lambda lambda lambda.

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The World Bank, IMF, WHO, the US government, the US government, the Russian government, the Chinese government,..... the do all this because .... they care about us. :-)

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I was woefully unprepared for what occurred to me then I wrote about in Grasshopper's Appeal latest install in my substack...

But tis so much like the same Learned Helplessness they gave us all now.

In IsoLa.

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Listens Skyblue, 1 min

Remember my comments about transparency in Gov? That goes tripple for gov agencies and health agencies. Every test of any substance put in a subject or customer must be ingredients listed (no exceptions) in the amounts, reason for inclusion and trial results. This must be public and available on the internet for all investigators. All trial test results must have test subjects revealed and doctors associated with each subject - and a continuous follow up testing monthly for six months even if the serum is released. The same must be done for every individual man, woman and child (and pets if they are included in any way) - records totally transparent to the public in any country and by any pharmaceutical mfg facility. Difficult, but not impossible - without this no substance put in a body is of any truthful value. This should be a condition of all funds provided to any distributing agency. This would be good transparency and should be required. Without this transparency no substance can be called a health benefit. It must all be called speculative testing without valid support. Plus every distributing agency must be held accountable for any harm at all linked to their product! This would also apply to banks extending credit or any monies.

Is transparency important in government? Of course it is. And Mr. Putin should demand it and require it before any shots are distributed in Russia. Perhaps he has unsavory events in his background that would be exposed if he does not demand this transparency.

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The excellent French scholar living and teaching in Russia, Karine Bechet-Golovko is also realising that the people in power in Russia are not on the side of the people, common sense and ultimately life. As always, you can easily translate her articles though the artificial translator on the upper left.


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"multiple letters to create pretentious sorority-mutations?" - sorority mutations! - you got a knack! - and English not your first language? (I assume) - I'm even starting to like the weird Russian? techno-pop or whatever! (ah I see someone else already picked up on sorority)

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"The World Bank won't leave you alone until you're poor, vaxxed and cattle-tagged"...

This is a dangerous misleading statement! It's your government that "won't leave you alone until you're poor, vaxxed and cattle-tagged"... The World Bank. WHO, Gates, Schwab and even the Jewish Cabal could never have been able to do anything to you without your own governments! The World Bank. WHO, Gates, Schwab and even the Jewish Cabal et all DO NOT MAKE LAWS forcing YOU to do anything! You don't WORSHIP and OBEY The World Bank. WHO, Gates, Schwab and even the Jewish Cabal!

But..But..But ....We need roads!

Just look into your own mirror , and you'll see!

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Jun 11, 2022
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Indrek, often times you make interesting observations, but if you're going to end each of your comments by insulting everyone, that's not okay. I mean, at least do it in moderation. With you it's every single post. I think you have thoughtful observations to make but please try to keep things civil and constructive. thanks.

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Jun 11, 2022
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"Show me where I have not been civil."


"any of you computer freaks"

Had you, using your computer, written "WE computer freaks," you would have been making an observation employing the word "freaks" in a neutral fashion.

Instead, you disassociate your own computer use from that of others. That changes what might have been a poignant observation into a form of condescension. This is an insulting approach and, by extension, uncivil.

You then responded to a kindly-worded bit of positive reinforcement with truculence. This is also uncivil.

Your message will not meet with a receptive audience when such an approach is employed. If you wish to be heard and your viewpoint to induce self-reflection among Edward's readership, you would do well to heed his advice.

If English is not your first language, the manner in which you employ it may well result in unintentional consequences.

You speak of truth and fact. Understanding the degree to which the word "truth" correlates incompletely with the term "fact" in English usage is essential to crafting a message that will be perceived as coherent.

There are two aspects of the term "insult;" the intention of the speaker and the vulnerability of the listener. When we focus solely on vulnerability, we fail to heed the importance of intention as it applies to how receptive an intended audience will be.

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You nailed it Ted, thanks

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It looks like in the case of "you computer freaks," the general subject is a bit misapplied. "Computer freaks" would have done the job without providing the audience a chance to infer anything personal.

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Jun 11, 2022
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Well, you've just proven yourself incoherent. You cannot post here without using a computer. You are no wiser or more honest than anyone else. You express no truth, only opinion. and that rather poorly.

You are correct that I made a mistake, which was to respond to a troll as though it had integrity.

Edward, I apologize for incentivizing trolls to post in your comments section by responding to them. I will endeavor not to do so again.

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"That's because you're a woman.

Lies make me angry.

Only males have the power to destroy evil.

Without human emotion and passion;

none of you are fully human.

That is why this typing on a flat screen is inhuman and robotic."


These words are pretty insulting. Were you being sarcastic?

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Psychologically disturb individuals can say or write very relevant, clever analyses and that is the case. How do you spot them? They make you feel bad, uncomfortable. They are devoid of sense of humour and incoherent.

Most of what he writes is right, the high tech is the problem, most people who are opposed to the absolute evil of the would be overlord are addicted through hormonal gratifications to the very smartphone which enslave them.

I witness it in real life with resistant groups who have a hard time realising it. I have no car, no smartphone, a wired phone and only use an old computer offered by one of my student. I got back internet last year. Before that I have had no connection for 4 years and only went on the internet one hour a week, gather information that I had one week to read and treat.

Mr Pringi, do you want to know my real name?

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