It was an attempt...during the Perestroika time...lots of joint projects...and you know, I have looked and looked for this cartoon and have never found it. They DID finish it. My music sucked though. I really wanted to do the classic Disney approach, beautiful orchestral, but the Russian producers hated that approach...they wanted someth…
It was an attempt...during the Perestroika time...lots of joint projects...and you know, I have looked and looked for this cartoon and have never found it. They DID finish it. My music sucked though. I really wanted to do the classic Disney approach, beautiful orchestral, but the Russian producers hated that approach...they wanted something edgy, electronic, that is what I did. And everyone but them hated it!! Including myself! Anyway...I have never seen it since. It was called "Lucky Start"...but they may have changed the title...
It was an attempt...during the Perestroika time...lots of joint projects...and you know, I have looked and looked for this cartoon and have never found it. They DID finish it. My music sucked though. I really wanted to do the classic Disney approach, beautiful orchestral, but the Russian producers hated that approach...they wanted something edgy, electronic, that is what I did. And everyone but them hated it!! Including myself! Anyway...I have never seen it since. It was called "Lucky Start"...but they may have changed the title...