Well, at least he didn't accidentally fall out of a high rise window. This is another way to do it.

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Or off a paddleboard! (Barry's ex-chef)

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I was always preferential to "shot himself twice in the back of his head."

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what ever happened to good old poison like in the Soviet days

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Replaced by high rises, per Good Citizen's comment. Much cheaper and vertigo can affect anyone.

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Nooo... I think he deserved his own plane crash with some slaves to accompany him to serve him in afterlife.

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Yeah, see, there you go again.

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defenestration has symbolic value if done with skill

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Anyway... no one has mentioned the possibility that death was due to covid-19...

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...or climate change.

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The pilot died suddenly.

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That's right. And of course there is the possibility that Prigožin is still alive because he accidentally fell out of the plane window just before the crash...

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Looking forward to Rolo Slavskiy’s take. There were so many layers to everything going on in Russia, and so hard to determine motivations underneath motivations both in general and underneath the media lies. After Prigozhin’s so-called aborted coup, he traveled freely around Russia and Moscow and it seemed like he suffered no repercussions, although populists within the military and Strelkov did. Perhaps that was so he would let down his guard? Why were Prigozhin and Utkin traveling together (if they were)?

As I wrote at the time of the aborted coup, it seemed to me like it was akin to Caesar crossing the Rubicon, then saying “whoops sorry guys my bad” and then calling the whole thing off. Caesar would have certainly met an untimely end in that circumstance…

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New Kremlin cold war perhaps. Prigozhin's krisha was just sent a message

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will the probable suspects please stand up

wait wait guys! one at a time!

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If he is dead, why assume it was the work of Russian oligarchs? The Western powers certainly had a motive as well.

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yes but if it was the western powers they would have shot down Putins plane if they can down planes deep inside Russia so no. He obviously humiliated Shoigu and made him look like the small asiatic mongol clown he is. And maybe for retribution by killing those Russia airmen, who knows.

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It seems like a "gentlemen's" agreement to leave nation's leaders alone while slaughtering innocent people. Remember how the USA firebombed Tokyo and left Hirohito alone.

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Remember that he was considered a freedom fighter during the not-coup d'état...

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Because his militia helped facilitate imperial operations in Africa?

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What motive? He spent 9 months trying to take over a village named Bahmut with 20000 dead on his side for no obvious reason.

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Sounds like a 6D chess game. Obviously Prigozihn is not dead. He faked his death and he is hiding in Africa again spreading democracy and freedom. The FSB are participating as the bad guys who shot his plane but they didn't actually kill him. It is operation Trust again. This time everybody who thinks that Prigozihn is actually killed is a traitor for the russian cause in Ukraine which means that a lot of people must go to jail.

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Hey, I like that version. Twisty enough to be true. With the egos of the players involved.. and let's remember the Russians are no slouch at managing perceptions...to convey the meaning they want.

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Well see if its true and if hes dead.

This is true regardless: "tens of thousands of Slavs are killed and maimed for no reason whatsoever."

Well, there are a few reasons. Worst ones are "for the profit of it" and to erradicate certain genes in that part of the world.

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Territorial conquest isn't a reason? What about religion? Foreign machinations? There's really nothing particular about this war, it's just being fought weirdly.

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In just one Polish portal, I’ve read at the same time that Prigozhin’s death makes Putin looks weak (b/c security guarantees) and that Prigozhin being alive made Putin look weak (b/c putsch went unpunished). Meanwhile, pro-Russian pundits who were trying to spin that that nonsensical theory that “Wagner group punked the CIA out of 4 billion“ (news flash: it did not) are suddenly back on board with the CIA being so omnipotent that they can shoot down planes with Russia’s most powerful warlords (and, supposedly, personal security guarantees from Putin). Apart, of course, from those who announce now that a traitor got a deserved end. Gotta love both mainstream and “alternative” commentators.

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Bad Vlad

Went to BRICS



Went to ground.


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My oh my....the spin doctors and conspirator theorists are gonna have a field day for some time with this one.

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People of Donetzk shelled daily... but ukrainian ruling clique sound and healthy. Kremlin has its own priorities. Mafia style assasination shows that Russia is a joke right now. On top of that president Putin attending BRICS summit from his bunker ( I bet he is triple jabbed and multiple PCR tested there). True leader of multipolar world... OMG! This is not 4d chess :-))

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Could have been revenge by the air force, would be fitting indeed. I doubt Moscow would be so obvious about it

Will be interesting to see if he was actually important in Wagner operations or just a figurehead.

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The same zanoners who said Putin spared him because of mercy will now claim that Putin killed him to send a message or something...or they will just blame the CIA

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This is guaranteed.

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Well, it's one of the characteristics of a plane crash that the bodies are often unrecognizable. But what we do know thus far is that a plane belonging to P and on which he was logged in as a passenger went down with no survivors.

We do not yet know

a) if he and Utkin were on board or

b) if their bodies have been recognized.

Time will tell.


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You should not forget that, some times bodies are unrecognizable but passports are readable...

Time doesn't exist, it is a convention. Maybe an alien space ship from Zeta Reticulon beamed the plane...

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Inside job no doubt about it. Unless he has retired permanently to his datsja in Siberia. But I think he has too big a mouth to keep that up.

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This is either a psy-op to fake his death or revenge from Putin and Shoigu because he humiliated them.

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