Hey Edward! Thanks for writing the unprintable! Great reporting, good substance, well researched. What more do I need? Is there a support option on Substack or are you independently wealthy?

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Thanks for reading, Dave! I will start begging for donations in February, so if you're still around then, you'll have a chance to throw me some rubles :)

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After seeing enough videos it's safe to say the protests in Kazakhstan are well organized, like a color revolution. Some guys were spraying traffic surveillance cams, seizing police equipment and vehicles and so on. Someone is clearly behind this.

But whatever the case may be, the government deserves everything thats coming to them, they do not give people a choice but to rise up. F the rich mofos and their robots. In the end its still us who program and maintain those robots.

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It would not be surprising if the CIA were up to their usual tricks--yet another prize for the evil clowns at NATO.

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Back in 2014 it was easy for me NOT to be on the side of the "color revolution" in Ukraine tainted by nazi ideology. Last year during protests in Belarus after initial hesitation I have taken the side of bats'ka (Belarus nation's daddy) Lukashenko despite many stupid things he has said and done ahead of these events in August of 2020. But I have to admit, that it becomes much more difficult for me now to be on the sides of authorities either in Russia or Kazakhstan, because of all the things they have done against the people of their own countries over the last almost two years. So now I'm on the fence about the riots in Kazakhstan, may be if it takes a "color revolution" to undermine current anti-people regime, so be it, if there is no other organized force?

Thanks for taking time to cover that topic, Edward! As usual, your piece is well written and provides important parallels with the larger pictures. For those who want to have more details about events in Kazakhstan, I have reviewed Russian press and have picked an informative article printed on left-leaning opposition portal svpressa.ru. English translation can be found on my blog stansheppard.substack.com.

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Already shared both Edvard`s and your article on VK. Thanks to you both!

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I had high hopes for Russia, we were planning on moving there before this worldwide coup d'état took place. Now there is nowhere to go. At least here in the US we have plenty of armed citizens and I think this is the only reason the US government hasn't gone completely Australia on us.

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Absolutely. Second Amendment and the fact that people actively follow it by having weapons in their homes is the main reason why authorities in US proceed very carefully with infringing on people's rights. The most appalling situation in US right now concerns schools and children. Even in states like Florida School Boards are mostly woke and they vote to apply restrictive measures on school children like wearing masks and excluding them from in person attendance if not jabbed. What can I say except for sympathy to the innocent children? Think next time who do you elect as your school board member, ask direct questions what kind of policies they would support regarding masking and mandatory jabbing.

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The government schools in the US are not fit for children or other living things. Avoid!

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My thoughts exactly.

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Another excellent piece, Edward. Scary, terrifying, absurd, corrupt, yet happening. The music video was heartbreakingly beautiful.

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yes, it's a truly surreal time to be alive. mind-melting.

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Or if you're into Spockian Star Trekkery, mind-melding.

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F the oligarchs in every nation.

F the wealthy who don't actually produce anything but bullshit.

F Putin and other leaders who pretended to care about the people, who kept those pieces of crap in charge

And especially F the relatively new anti jab people that hijack the movement, like that snake Dr Malone.

I'm sick of the bullshit on all sides.

Wake up people, use your fucking brains and common sense!

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Why is Dr.Malone a snake?

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He’s a spook more than a snake. His whole career has been in the belly of the military-medical-industrial-complex and bragged about how many CIA agents he was friends with on the Joe Rogan podcast. He props up certain foundational lies the scamdemic and toxic injections are based on while criticizing safer, more obvious aspects. He’s obvious controlled opposition deployed by his handlers to misdirect the growing opposition to global fascism. There are many others like him and there will be many more in the future.

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I don't know. You're right about his background, but I don't think it's fair to categorically deny the possibility of somebody like that going white-hat, for whatever reason. Lately he seems to be publicly considering a broader perspective.


I'm pretty sure it's not really an experiment, and as such can't yet be considered a failure. But I don't expect everybody to understand that right away. I guess we'll see. Limited hangouts are tricky to manage.

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While I respect your opinions and value your contributions here I am more inclined to agree with WDV above (BTW, добро пожаловать!). I am lately of the mind that almost EVERYTHING released for public consumption is a psyop, except maybe this here blog of Riley’s. I didn’t listen to the JRE podcast and did not know about his extensive ties to the dark side. In my book this is an instant disqualification.

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I sympathize. "Everything's a psyop" is, unfortunately, a reasonable default to have these days. But as you point out, there must be some lower bound. Not everybody you encounter with a different opinion is a CIA shill, right? (Solipsists of this sort aren't hard to find, but I think that's an unusually extreme position to hold.) And if "Edward" here is a public figure of sorts but still trustworthy, surely there might be others? I'm not interested in trying to convince you that Malone specifically is a "good guy", but I hope you are willing to entertain the possibility of "good guys" with some fame and reach. Otherwise I fear you are ceding the entire public sphere to the enemy, which is a very defeatist attitude to take.

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If Malone's controlled oppo, and Stew Peters is probably controlled oppo too, then... whee, we're in for quite an exhilarating limited hang-glider ride!


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He's hiding something. He is the "inventor" of mRNA vaccine technology from which exactly zero useful true vaccines have been produced. Initially he utilized highly selective wording in his public statements but lately has been more critical and vocal in his attacks on the narrative. I suspect he knows his goose is cooked.

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surprised there haven’t yet been various coup attempts (not just Russia but every ‘developed’ country engaging in this nonsense)... they’ve shown their hand... at this point it’s hard to be surprised at what comes next.

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I think that's still to come. Presently, it only can be done in countries where you can bring a sizable section of police and military officers behind the idea. It takes strategy and strategists and folks willing to draw blood.

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Seems like their ideal plan would be to eventually go door to door vaxxing everyone on the spot, but if they do that the masks (and gloves) are completely off. Can’t wait for viral videos of gopniks stealing police robots and taking them apart for scrap metal.

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Robots are generally pathetic. They never work like their designers imagine they will, and break spontaneously for stupid reasons. And then, people have no compunctions at all about destroying them, nor should they. A regime that depends on crowd-control robots is one that will fail very quickly.

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Yes. This one is just so the corrupt public funds thiefs have something to show for all their work of "sawing apart" the budget as they call it here.

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Typical of your excellent taste in music vids appended to your blog, this one deserves a big thumbs up. I did not know about DDT (crazy name, whut’s it mean?) before but I do now. The modern Russian poetry is a bit beyond me but the overall message is clear. So sweet how she allows him into her life at the end. You are really lucky, in a way, to be living in Russia during these times and commanding Russian language as well as you do. I am envious. It looks like I missed the boat again ...

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Time to stock up on baseball bats / hammers / axes / whatever.

And are hunting rifles allowed in Russia? Asking for a friend.

"Oh how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!"

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Hunting rifles are allowed in Russia including very popular model made after AK - Saiga. Mass killings in school and college performed by deranged former students in the cities of Kerch and Kazan were performed using these weapons. But, we can't blame rifles, it is still people that decide to kill.

Regarding the rest of your comment, like a famous professor Preobrazhensky character in Bulgakov's screenplay "Dog's heart" advised to his friend: "do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner", so my advice to you, do not read Solzhenitsyn before going to bed. Btw, did you know that Solzhenitsyn's last name literally translates from Russian as "the man who tells lies"? Purely by coincidence, I'm sure.

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Another jaw-dropper of a post. I recently found perhaps the only complete and accurate English translation of Двести лет вместе. Should I not read it? If so, почему нет?

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now what, America has placed two daggers aimed at Russia´s gut in the Ukraine and Cazakhstan while Putin goes against 80% of his people in imposing a vaxx mandate? Is putin suicidal? the on ly sane government on Earth now is China?

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China's just ahead of the curve, since they've had people in a digital slave camp for a number of years now. Plus I wouldn't call putting barbed wire in the stairways of apartment blocks of the unvaccinated and sealing up the doors as "sane".

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This is terrifying! What will happen?? I await your further reporting as time goes on.

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