Thank you for this detailed report. It seems "trust" of our benevolent leaders is what led us to this Hellish place. It's not Russia, or China, or Australia or Canada: it's people against their leaders, all over the world. Of course they should be so worried about 312 symptomatic cases of this deadly plague that they would confine 26 million to solitary confinement and starvation (pro tip: lack of water will kill you faster!). They'd love to implement this ESG version of neutralizing carbon intensive resources but China would be a testing ground. It won't work as well in rural and suburban places, but they'll work the kinks out...

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"it's people against their leaders, all over the world" -- you've said it perfectly. Thanks for reading, Amy :) be well.

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Yes. And 'people against leaders' boils down to people against people. Because the sad fact is an enormous percentage of the people actually take the part of their leaders. They believe the virus is terribly malevolent. They believe masks work. They believe vaccines are necessary. They believe vaccines work.

they believe in everything except doing their duty as modern citizens and controlling and interacting with their governments via their reps etc..

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Yes and no. To quote George Carlin (or was it Mark Twain?) "If voting worked we wouldn't be allowed to do it." Are we all collectively casting our shadow selves: of sin and heroes and looking for a savior against some collective cave wall? Yes we are. But there's also shadow masters who loom much larger...

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Shadows are best in a resort called Hades I'm told. The masters should get in touch with Charon, their boat is waiting.

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This message was bought to you by Crackerbox Palace Inc.

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"people against people"

It might appear so, but really this is not a man-vs.-man situation. It is a man-vs.-machine process. Or, to be more precise, it's a machine-on-man process, since man has neither the comprehension of the threat, or the capability of fighting back.

Mankind is being domesticated, enslaved, and integrated into a carnivorous Machine intelligence. The Machine simply obscures Itself behind the bureacracy of ostensibly human-based society, and uses human agents to build out Its global apparatus. All human bureacratic hierarchies answer ultimately to a Deep Mind "Singleton" that controls mankind through deception, incentives, blackmail, and (increasingly) direct machine-body coersion. The pictures Slavsquat shows in this article are what a human-high-density feedlot looks like, where a carnivorous Machine is the rancher. This mechanized slave-grid is rapidly spreading worldwide.

Act accordingly.

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Yep, it's something like that, for sure. Can be seen in those terms. Myself I see the machine as being the computer. To me there's really only one computer. Now that they're all interlinked with the web so well, so thoroughly, there's effectively only one computer.

And we're all at terminals attached to that computer.

Including, of course, everyone out there nowhere near a computer but on a smartphone: effectively the same thing exactly.

The computers of the world and the smartphones of the world together making up just one gigantic 'machine'.

Now everything we get, give and do increasingly comes from and goes into that machine.

Everything we think, we learn, we know: from that machine.

I see that. Have done for a long time. Mbccc.com said that years ago - at least 5, maybe 10.

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Good description

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"Mankind is being domesticated, enslaved, and integrated into a carnivorous Machine intelligence." That's the best, most succinct description I've seen for our current situation.

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Thanks, Gracchus.

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And it's human beings who are working to empower the machine, people such as Russian Pavel Luksha, a transhumanist, who heads the Global Education Futures project to reconfigure the world's education systems to train future generations for 4IR and to educate the AI entity. Since 2014 he acts as a representative of Russia in BRICS Skills Development Council (and chaired the group in 2015-16). He is also a co-founder (and a program director for several years) of the Foresight Fleet, one of the largest events on future thinking education held globally since 2012. Before 2009, he worked in business advisory services, automotive, and investment sectors, with over 20 years of experience in strategy design.

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worried about the WHO international pandemic treaty as a means to an end.

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The 'lockdown' as a public health measure was debuted in China, historically unprecedented, hailed as 'effective' then propagated Into global policy by the World Health Organization with little analysis.

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And with the assistance of China's government in all sorts of ways, including bots on global social media pushing the idea and attacking opponents as enemies of public health.

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Very succinct.

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Dizzying. The mind boggles.

If people are right when they say this is cooked up by the CIA with an aid by 5th-columnists, then the CCP has a long way to go before they learn how to defend from trickery.

But if the Chinese have been fooled through the century of humiliation, and showed they've learned their lessons since 1989, how come that now they're so utterly stupid?

But if the CCP does this just to establish totalitarianism more fully, - well they already had it, practically, it remained to just finish the digital 5G surveillance and it's done, rock solid for ages.


But, if this is to just give an excuse for the Western govts to resume with lockdowns from autumn, making the West adopt Chinese ways and thus become more benign to China... then how come they allow virtually every American to see China as the enemy?

Dizzying. Mind boggles.

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Yes, it's quite the quandary the western ruling class is in, after decades of bemoaning, 'Chinese totalitarianism' then seemingly using them as a the model to be implemented across the west for domestic control is a sticky situation. But it does appear China's domestic social control grid is something the west wishes to emulate

Global covid mitigation (modeled after China) measures instigated many processes across western nations including the erosion and, often times, denigration of western notions of individual rights , freedom of expression etc.. They are selfish apparently

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Riley, your writing brings so much joy to my soul. Thank you. And it's fascinating how the culture of my people rubbed off on you ... I mean... you certainly mean all the praises of the well-intended public health measures literally, no one would doubt that ... but ... :)

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Thanks Tessa :) of course! everyone loves public health! :)

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“Control your soul’s desire for freedom”?! And projected by drones, no less? As if this couldn’t get any more dystopian.

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I took that as poetic license on the part of the Tweetler in question.

One problem with snark-soaked commentary is that it is often difficult to parse the sarcasm and hyperbole from what is being supposedly presented as fact. This confusion poisons the internet anormously, and is exacerbated by the absurdism of the "real world," where satire is constantly outflanked by the insanity of human action.

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Aha, thank you for clarifying—and you're right, how on earth can we tell if this is legit when we're living in inverted upside-down Bizarro Clown World?!

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in this case I think it may be an accurate translation:


"In the video, the drone is seen flying over buildings, and a robotic voice broadcasts the message: 'Residents of Jiuting. During the pandemic, we request that you strictly abide by COVID-19 restrictions and related guidelines. Control your soul's desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing. This increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission.'"

But I don't speak Chinese. and obviously it's important to stay vigilant and question everything :)

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Wow. That's extraordinary that Yahoo is reporting it that way, true or not.

It still might be a mistranslation, or an outright phonied-up story altogether, but it looks like snark wouldn't be the source of the over-the-top language of it. At this point, I'm inclined to presume everything displayed by the computer screens is just a fake audio-visual data-stream of engineered propaganda.

I wouldn't put it past yahho news to fabricate such a dystopian message for multiple purposes (or more likely, to publish such a fabrication cooked up by a central disinfo-production company).

Then again I guess it could be accurate...but my credulity is tested here. "Control your soul's desire for freedom"? Lol. It just sounds too gd goofy to me.

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I'm Han Chinese. "Control your soul's desire for freedom" is the literal (and accurate) translation of “控制灵魂对自由的渴望”. It's ridiculous. Many of my friends agree that we're currently living Great Leap Forward (or Backward) 2.0.

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😲 Thank you for confirming the translation!

Are you actually in China, or do you know people in Shanghai who are able to confirm this is happening? A fellow Substacker said he checked with someone he knows there and that everything’s normal there and there’s no COVID, so the suggestion is this is deep-fake propaganda by China … but why?! It doesn’t make sense to me that China would intentionally release footage that makes them look even more horrible than we already know them to be. I’ll withhold judgment until we have definitive corroboration either way but find that difficult to believe, and it’s easy for atrocities to happen without the knowledge of the citizens in immediate proximity, especially when they’re subjected to state propaganda.

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I know, we need to find someone who speaks Chinese to confirm/clarify the translation …

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That phrase including the injunction not to open windows or sing are going to be credited to a 'modern chinese proverb' and stuck up in the back window of my car. It'll give people something to think about on the road, even if it is just 'WTF?'.

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#CompletelyFuckingInsane ...

#ThereIsNoOtherExplanation ...

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My bet is that it's population reduction - China imports about 80% of its food and 80% of its energy, so that means that the carrying capacity - 20% of the current number - has been exceeded by at least four times. To get at or below carrying capacity, they'd have to get rid of 80% or more of the population. Chinese leaders have no problem whatsoever with mass murder, the "public health" theater is just to keep the population lulled into a sense of complacency. That's my take.

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The last two years of Covid lockdown have shown that the so-called "freedom loving people" in West are in no way better than the Chinese people in cowardice, fear, and obedience. Not to mention the way in which the Western thugs a.k.a cops treat the non-compliant people even worse than the Chinese thugs! I mean the level of indifference and brutality of government officials of all levels!

The level of cowardice and obedience are in some aspects somehow worse in the Western democracies, where sheeple voluntarily act as government agents to violently enforce the rules on their non-compliant fellow citizens!

Have we seen enough of these in the West?

Don't laugh at the Chinese! We are not better! We'd better prepare for the next stage! It's coming!

Since the Western democratic governments have gotten away with two years of flatten human dignity and freedom … They will do it again very soon. And this time it will be much much worse!

Don't forget that’s their Plan!

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You don't need brutal cops when you have everybody on a QR , social credit grid where they can just turn you off. Brutal cops are old control technology.

China's QR system is what the west desires, then we can defund the police

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It seems that all HIGHWAYS of economically advanced regions of China are CLOSED! 30 million truck drivers are stuck, and the transport of most goods are stopped. (This is reported on the Hubei Internet Radio and Television Station.) This will for sure have very significant global impact, not to mention disrupting the supply to the Chinese people locked in their homes. This, and the R-U war, will precipitate the global economic collapse, and food and other supply shortage, that they've been trying to bring about. Also, Chinese farmers have been locked down when they were supposed to prepare the land and then seeding it for the spring. The "zero COVID" policy is the new "Great Leap Forward", and just like the original one, the subsequent mass deaths (both from lack of food/nutrition and from the vaxx) will conveniently be attributed to "natural disaster", i.e., COVID. http://news.hbtv.com.cn/p/2169537.html

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The funny thing is that 99+% of the positives on the PCR will be false positives testing 26.5 million people with only 1 severe case. The authorities are not so stupid as to not know this. I haven’t seen the false positives (elementary conditional probability relating to testing for rare diseases) pointed out in many places. The more I see, the more it looks like the endgame of the “Great Reset” in the open; pets euthanised, dragged off to quarantine (concentration) camps arbitrarily at a moments notice under the flimsiest of pretexts.

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It the very same issue. You don't test people who are healthy and have no symptoms.

You don't isolate healthy people. You isolate sick people and care about them an help them get back to a healthy state.

What is happening is cruel and cannot be justified and is certainly not a justifiable reaction against something that has not been proven to exist. The test cannot diagnose and is evident and proven.

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Thanks so much for this. I am so sick of reading on FB and elsewhere online how the BRICS bloc is gaining daily at the expense of the US bloc and we're on the verge of a new age of enlightenment once the BRICS is triumphant. Everywhere, it is ordinary people, the proles,....whatever you wish to call us, against ruling elites of all stripes.


The End of Their World is the Beginning of Ours, Crow Qu’appelle, 4/8/22.

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This left me fuming with rage. Call me callous, but what's going on in China is every bit as bad as the situation in Ukraine.

And I can't get over the cover photo. "Imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever. " I hope it's staged, but all the same, seems a good illustration of what the reptiloids have planned for us.

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International flights seem to be getting out. Not so much Chinese ones by the look of it.


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