Riley continues his relentless drive to document Russian authorities' pro-globalist position. This is probably a difficult read for most, as there are a lot of facts presented in his article and it sounds almost like an indictment. Perhaps he should consider collaborating with Reiner Fuellmich, German/American lawyer that prepared an indictment for the creators of the murderous fooldemic, at least in a public court of opinion. I think this work by Riley, especially rare to find in English, will not go in vain.

If the purpose of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine was to shake things up internally in Russia, then it wasn't achieved. The globalists in Russia that permeated all of the country's governance structures look as strong and resilient as ever after a short period of confusion and uncertainty. They didn't loose, they actually gained new powers as now it became clear that they are the majority and hold all of the key roles.

While the globalists are getting stronger in Russia the strange war continues on its strange course:

- Russian gas continues to flow to Europe through Ukraine

- Russian military defiantly refuses to bomb logistic routes and transport infrastructure in Ukraine thus allowing West supplied weapons to reach the front line and to kill more Russian soldiers

- All the "red lines" after crossing which former president Medvedev along with the Russian Ministry of Defense promised strikes on the "decision making centers" continue to be crossed by Ukraine over and over again with no consequences. Two attacks on Crimea in the last week - one on the military airport Saki where several military jets and loads of high potency ammunition were destroyed and an attack on ammunitions depot in Dzhankoy haphazardly organized right along the rail line by which visitors to Crimea from the continent travel and all could perfectly see it stored uncovered less that 10 meters away from the railroad.

- Also recent attack on the high voltage power lines in the Kursk region of Russia that disrupted the work of the nuclear power station there and ongoing shelling by Ukrainian military of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant now under Russian control threatening a major disaster Chernobyl style. Russia and the West allow this to continue

- Terrorist actions by Ukrainian troops where they shower the center of Donetsk with the special rockets that instead of exploding on reaching ground are spreading thousands of tiny anti-infantry mines called petals. These mines can hardly kill a grown-up individual, but will rip off a foot if stepped on them. These actions go completely unnoticed by the "international community" or by UN Secretary General Guterres that instead travels to Western Ukraine to meet there with Zelensky and Erdogan to congratulate themselves on how well they did taking some corn out of Ukraine to EU pretending this was wheat for "hungry" Africa.

Strange times, strange wars... Not many things make sense anymore.

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Excellent recap. A to Z. Thanks for sharing!

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Excellent indeed...

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It's hard to say, I think on some levels like stuck on stupid middle management it may be an objective. At senior management level we there maybe some old scores. Our so-called 'neocons' who prefer to be called liberal interventionalists are ex (?) Trotskyists and Putin is a Stalinist. That may pay a part in the neocon enthusiasm. I don't think there is that much enthusiasm for operation 'get Putin' in the US. Maybe 10% of the managerial class an up, may have strong feelings one way or the other. I feel worse for the Ukrainians recurring mass causality events. The got REALLY pummeled in a few. I hope we don't get into the millions again. Zelensky is really Director of De-Nazification. When he said he wants to be like Israel, does that mean san ethnically cleansed Jewish sovereign state?

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Well, it's obvious the powers that be want a reduction in the populations of the West and Russia and ultimately the entire world. John Coleman's book on the Committee of 300 explains how this was planned in the first phase. It's now self-evident the planet is ruled by a group of old bloodlines, perhaps 2-3000 strong, who control the planet. The main target right now is whitey, including all Anglos and the Slavs. I wonder who is ultimately behind it all?

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Those at the top of the pyramid, the "bloodline", I call them "nonempathic beings". Most of us, we have the inborn capability sometimes not to feel empathy toward other living things, but with these creatures, not sure if I can call them people, they probably wouldn't want it anyway, the absence of empathy is absolute. The suppressed empathy is also the key criteria by which individuals, not part of the bloodline, are selected to the positions of prominence. That is my theory anyway...

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Yes, that makes sense. But they have successfully 'transferred' this lack of empathy to billions of 'normal' people. That is the issue. It's not the psychopaths so much that are the problem but the billions of order followers that are willing to follow them.

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Riley, thank you for another superb report.

The other day a friend asked me what I'd choose if I could, living in a country at war or living under covid lockdown. I hate to admit it but I chose war... maybe because I'm not in an actual war zone now, but still.

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Stay safe, Natalie!

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Natalie, I relocated my family out of Sarajevo after a Ukie drone landed in Zagreb, and lots of EUFOR troops began pouring in not long after. We landed in Texas. Good spot? So far!

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I'd flee too if I lived in Eastern or Southern Ukraine. I know I wouldn't be able to stand bombs and missiles over my head for long.

Texas seems to be one of the "sensible", traditionalist states. Am I right?

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Any disagreement between Russia the WEF and the WHO is just political theatre. If you look at actual policies and actions you see that Russia is in near perfect alignment with the globalist agenda. Thank you Edward for shining a bright light on it.

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Daughter of a famous Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, Darya (Dasha), died today in a car explosion. Darya and her father both attended today festival "Tradition" in Moscow and she decided to leave earlier and took her father's car, Land Cruiser Prado, while Alexander Dugin stayed behind and supposedly was planning to use her Hyundai to return home. It is suspected that Alexander Dugin was the target of this terror attack.

Nobody so far claimed responsibility for this action. Given the fact that Dugin wasn't killed, I don't expect Ukrainian side will claim or even hint their involvement in that. Taking into account insane actions by Ukraine, like ongoing shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear plant area, I personally would not exclude their involvement with a possible shift to direct terrorism on enemy's territory that goes beyond attacking their own collaborators on occupied territories where several such actions took place.

My condolences to Alexander Dugin and his family on this great loss.

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I look forward to tomorrow's personal opinions by The Man with the Hopeless Hookah Habit. For now, I'll note this: it seems easy for many to believe that a large gang of globalists can play 5-D chess but operators like Putin can't even though he's been doing just that for 20 years.

Whatever is going on here, I don't think it's as simple as "Putin is just another domino in the WEF/Davos/WHO globalist meister-scheme", just as I don't think it's as easy as "Putin= good guy hero".

Understanding this stuff is like trying to decipher the meaning of the lyrics that Ben sings in this (imo) marvelous song:


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lol, guilty as charged. Probably will be early next week, though. There's a lot to write....

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You ex-pat American wannabe Euro-trashers are all like that. ;)

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Hi Riley, my first time commenting here. I've read through all of your articles on Putin and Russias covid response, and I want to say thanks for the honest reporting that we rarely get these days.

I have a sincere question for you if you wouldn't mind answering.

Until I read your articles, I was highly considering moving to Russia. I currently live in Czech with my Ukrainian wife, but I really don't want to stay in Europe when I know what is coming is coming. (Starvation, fuel shortages, tyranny etc.)

I'm wondering whats your opinion on moving to rural Russia? Clearly Putin is in bed with WEF and russia is pushing ahead with the cattle tag agenda like everywhere else, so it seems to me the only option we have is rural places, and where is more rural than Russia!? Russia is also cheap to buy property and self sufficient in food and fuel. (fair better off than Europe).

So what are your thoughts from this perspective? At the end of the day I'd rather live somewhere that's rural enough I can be self sufficient and can ignore cities with cattle tags, than live in Europe where there are very few (but expensive) places to buy rural and off grid property.

Also have you visited rural Russia? What's is like? Are the people a lot more anti vax in those places?

Thanks, and sorry for the many questions.


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hey Jules,

I think rural Russia offers a lot. There will obviously be a lot of hurdles, but if you can make it work -- i think it's a good option. I know several people who have transitioned to village life in Russia and they seem to enjoy it. in the coming days I'll be making a video discussing this topic in more detail, as I get this question a lot.

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Oh great! I look forward to it

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Thanks for yet the latest addition to your great reports on this subject. Taken as a whole, these make an almost bulletproof case for full-throated Russian cooperation with the WEF globalist agenda.

What disturbs me is that it is difficult to reconcile this obvious fact with things like Putin's speech the other day at the Moscow Conference on International Security, where he strongly disparages "the Western globalist elites" and contrasts their actions with "the increasing number of countries and peoples that are choosing a path of free and sovereign development based on their own distinct identify, traditions, and values." His words obviously assert a nationalist and anti-globalist tone.

I fear that the Russian elites are in reality just another of these globalist elites, and that the WEF is trying to manipulate the rest of us up using a "good cop/bad cop" scenario.

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You're right. Karpman's triangle with a persecutor, a victim and a savior.

And Putin's narrative and his actions are irreconcilable:

He talks like a nationalist, anti-globalist, encouraging "multipolarity" (which is a non-sense as, first, multipolarity suggests a pole of influence so suppression of sovereignties; second, I do not see even multipolarity in Russia's policy when Russia contributes to destroy or at least to weaken Europe (war, sanctions), contributes to plunder natural resources in Africa and encourage pan-africanism, have an eye on Europe, Africa and Latin America...

On the contrary, I remember Putin encouraging the Euro currency (articles from Russia Today), destroying most of European economies, and a leader not offended by the European Union built by CFR. Putin never defended sovereignty of nations, all the contrary. Putin's counsellor Alexander Dugin is an Eurasist, a globalist and an occultist. Other Putin's advisor is Kissinger, another one is Berel Lazar (rabbi and close relation to the cabalist Loubavitch Menachem Schnerson, waiting for the chaos to come - Menachem Shneerson was taught the Kabbale by Levi Yitzchak). Here in photo, with Berel Lazar:


Putin is a cabalist and a globalist, constructing the Eurasian milestone to a bipolar and lately unipolar world.

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Counterpoint, just to help filter out chaff:

Sovereignty is not synonymous with 'prints own currency'.

Multipolarity is merely true realpolitik acknowledging that some nations are/grow stronger than others.

There is nothing inherently wrong with a currency officially shared between a consortium of nations. Nothing. But, like all currency, it can be used poorly or well. The former is almost always the protocol, alas.

Dugin is not occultist but, rather, religious conservative/neopaganist. Some overlap but only cosmetically. Paganism doesn't seek to hide itself or form secret cabals. That shit happens in taverns and hookah lounges, not open-air churches and pastoral harvest festivals.

Enjoying insight from freakish geniuses is, in my experience, the sign of a truly open mind in a self-confident personality. (Hey, I not only read Edvard's stuff, I PAY for it. cuz freakish genius like his deserves support.)

Also: everyone is a globalist these days, gawdammit. Everyone. With or without any goo-goo Davosism. Russia makes its primary income selling oil abroad, and that is as globalist as anything.

It's not what you've got: it's what you do with it. Putin has a global environment in which to pursue Russia for Russia's sake. Whether he plays wise, generate, adroit, and successful 5-D chess or otyherwise, is what he does with what he's got, indeed, what he inherited: a nation blessed and somewhat cursed by abundant fossil fuel reserves, dependent on sales of these around the bloody globe to keep the sovereignty store in business. (Said curse is working retroactively these days and is now Russia's strongest asset overall.)

Russia/Putin seem to be handling their globalist<>nationalist dilemma just swell EXCEPT when it comes to things covid and related policies. Those nations opposing Russia are now doing so by shredding their sovereignty against that of Russia. Putin didn't ask them to do this. He begged them not to, warned them firmly of dire consequences in nuanced graded detail.

I think that if we just focused on what is exactly happening with Russia's covid disaster, as our Master Occult Hookahist, RIley, is doing, is our best focus for understanding. It is in this field that I see Putin being disconsonant with himself.

There will be plenty of time to ferret out grand puppet-meisters after we figure out why what is going on is ongoing. RIght now we have a plainly visible Cheshire cat grin (Russian covidiocy) but cannot honestly say what color it is or whether its stripes will continue to align or disagree with WHO's pathetic bullshit. COntinuation seems most likely, alas, but this is quite an aberration for old Vlad, so it is not unreasonable to expect more aberration, which may well aberrate counter to the current RUssia <3s WHO pattern.

Yo. I haz spoken:


And now the inimitable Ella Mae Morse singing a classic Rosie the Riveter WWII song:


Which reminds me of my fave WWII US war bonds poster which closed its sales pitch with this:

"After all, you're making more money than ever,

and with so little to buy,

what excuse do you have not to buy bonds to support our boys?"

(Ella Mae was the armed forces' fave singer in late WWII popularity polls.)

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Hello Bosco,

First I think it should be a prerequisite to define occultism and what is an occultist, shouldn't it?

There has always been sorcerer, seers, fortune teller, psychic behind rulers. Some were even wispering in their ears and some helped create great empires like John Dee (which by the way was courted by the Tsar of his time). Ronald Reagan was famously caught using one clairvoyant. Mitterand was famous for his annual ritual in Solutré and much more like building a pyramid inside the Louvre... In Africa, every politician consult Marabouts and I've been told that many western powerful people consult oracles or voodoo there.

Rituals have been ever present and still are, often performed on a global stage on these weird days we are living (ever watch the ceremonies for olympic games or even tunnel official opening like this weird one?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbOldRsITpQ

Or this one ceremony?:


Nothing new under the sun, it may be that it is in the very fabric of reality.

Like Chris L. Knowles says, if it didn't work, why would they keep doing it?

I am sure most learned readers of this blog will appreciate that very very interesting text:


or listen to that podcast (I think the text is a must beforehand)


This is how it's authors introduce themselves:

"We are Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, a husband and wife team who began working together in 1979 co-producing a documentary for Paul’s television show, Watchworks. Called, The Arms Race and the Economy, A Delicate Balance, we found ourselves in the midst of a swirling controversy that was to boil over a few months later with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Our acquisition of the first visas to enter Afghanistan granted to an American TV crew in the spring of 1981, brought us into the middle of the most heated Cold War controversy since Vietnam. But the pictures and the people inside Soviet occupied Afghanistan told a very different story from the one being broadcast on the evening news...." They even have worked with Oliver Stone.

They are not crackpots.

As to Rasputin, I think those interested in Russian history should consider the one who came before him at the demand of the Tsar of all Russia, Maître Philippe de Lyon (Nizier Anthelme Philippe) which is a far less sufurous character and even a puzzling, respect inspiring one.

The killing of Dugin's daughter is a sad thing...

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Thanx again! Fodorov et al is just what I needed to get back into the writing of this novel I'm attempting about the True History of Santa Claus or some silly notion like that. The occultist in me feels your presence in my life is a tad bit God-sent. (I've had that impression since our first encounter.)

No, I don't thump Bibles or hump altar boys. But magical thinking is, imo, the most crucial philosophical element of being human.

Here is perhaps my favorite musical occultist:


And Roerich is one of my fave visual artists:


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Me, I have a deep affection for Old Believers and related belief clusters like Rodnovery, including those delightfully naive Anastasians (whose naivete I see as their primary strength in these times of culturally-defined illusion and delusion).

Poor Euromerica. It has no clue that, should it succeed in destroying Russia, it will have killed the last of its authentic ancestral identity.

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Most earnest and humble thanx, Bugey, for the links.

Occultism is part and parcel of most human ideation, imo. Tossing it around as a damning epithet is, to me, close to pointless. Everyone has their lucky rabbit's foot, even number-crunching autists. We are far more irrational than rational as a species and individuals thereof.

Like Lily Tomlin said: "Why is it that when you talk to God it's called prayer but when God talks to you it's called schizophrenia?"

As for Dugin's daughter: my swamp-fevered conspiracy theory clairvoyant wants to envision her as some sort of Archuduke Ferdinand. Which may well be. Taking out the daughter of a well-known associate of Putin's is a very major thing, I would think. I suspect it's deliberate provocation for just that effect: stir up trouble, make a war that looks like it's RasPutin's fault.

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He calls for occult activity where he deems it necessary. Promoting Alister Crowley is promoting basically Satanic blood sex magic mumbo jumbo. All modern Satanists who conduct ritualistic sacrifice come from Crowley. Not all Satanists do this. (I would jot want to malign the good church of satan or it's offspring, the satanic temple. I know how sensitive they are about the whole trauma based mind control CIA thing. It's interesting that he thinks he can beat down Catholicism with the occult

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Dugin admits himself he's an occultist, and he's linked to the french occultist Christian Bouchet:


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I think that the journalist says it better and more accurately: "...very pro-fascist pro-imperialist radical extremist transnational ultrarational pagan philosophical framework".

I like Dugin. e's willing to think about all the unthinkable things that are and have been part of civilization since some warlord dickweed cracked the first whip[ over the first slave. Dugin does not admit he's an occultist in this article. He admits to using occult ideas in his thinking.

So do I. It doesn't make me an occultist. It just means I like thinking outside the mainstream box. GOd forbid someone think along incorrect political lines. We might have to send them to an apparatchik re-education center.

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“Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.”

The first and sine qua none necessity for a country to be sovereign is the printing of its money.

Putin always defended the euro currency, useful for Russian assets, destructive for european countries. Putin doesn't give a . about Multipolarity, on the contrary, as a good puppet the Kremlin leader obeys what the cabalist elite ask him to do. Remember the link between Putin, Berel Lazar and the cabalist Menachem Schneerson ✟

Regarding globalism, I think you mix two things and in french we have two concepts import/export (mondialisation ) that always existed with trade routes from camelbacks to phoenicians , and globalism (mondialisme), which is a policy aiming at political unity of the world.

I would like to suport this blog, paying a tribute but i can't that's why I make a significant propaganda for Riley's blog in France and some African french speaking countries, and helping exchanging ideas showing that Russia is perfectly aligned with the WEF, the WHO and the NWO, which is the goal of this blog.

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What is true is that, in a monetized world, all nations have to have some kind of currency, period. It needn't be theirs. Obviously, a domestic currency seems preferable for a number of reasons. That said, in a globalized world, that domestic currency soon becomes financially internationalized. The reliability, stability, and availability of currency matter, not the name of issue.

"helping exchanging ideas showing that Russia is perfectly aligned with the WEF, the WHO and the NWO, which is the goal of this blog."

I doubt Riley would agree. He would, I should think, say that his blog seeks to explore such topics and in the process, find out and reveal what truth there is to such notions, along with finding out many other things. Riley is, I hate to say it (gulp) -- a journalist. Who frequents hookah lounges. Oh, he is many unsavory things (I suspect he even plays ping-pong!) but he is not a cheerleader of an opinion-bias echo chamber.

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"The first and sine qua none necessity for a country to be sovereign is the printing of its money."

THat's fun to say but that's all.

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But I do like the thought of Dugin as Putin's Rasputin. Putin's Rasputin. Gee, that sound bites crunchily. How soon before it's an MSNBC meme?

A bit of quickie looksee and I find this gem (I'd googlerd 'Rasputin's Talking Penis' hoping some mentally unhealthy internet type had made just such a cartoon):

"Apparently There Are The King’s Man Deleted Scenes With Rhys Ifans Using His ‘Very Large Penis’ As a Weapon

By Mike Reyes published December 23, 2021

That's a hard act to follow, which may be part of why it was cut."

That's as good as Circumcision Special! 1/2 Off!

But wait! There's more!

"Rasputin famously had, I don’t know how to put this into… had a large penis, apparently. And there was a scene in the film where Rasputin is being massaged by Mata Hari, to try and extract some information from him. Then he discovers that she’s a spy, and in his fury, he breaks the massage table, in half, with his own penis. Now, with all the good will in the world, and as far fetched as Kingsman might be, that was just a step too far for us. But it was fun to shoot, and thankfully, I didn’t have to use my own penis. … It will resurface. I mean the scene, obviously, not the penis itself."

Mata Hari, magically powerful penises... now THAT's occult!

I leave us with an image of Putin as both Xtian Savior of modern humanity AND Rasputin with a Big One:


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I guess the bigger question is what does China think about the issues and can Gazpromistan comply? The planners planned on global hybrid communism. All nations evidently agree. So the Russians want to have a place at the square table where a Putin body double can sit say 9 meters away from the others ....

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Very short comment from Stegiel, but very true. In the end the core reason for this conflict where all of NATO+ fights Russia using Ukrainians as their foot soldiers is very simple. Russia wanted and still wants a respectable place at a table with "civilized" nations, perhaps not as important a position as US or even UK, but a notch higher than Germany or Japan, probably at the same level as France. This was the position of Soviet rulers back in the 1970s when the head of KGB, Andropov, and many others in Politburo quietly promoted the idea of convergence of the capitalist and socialist systems. Later, after socialist system seized to exist, simply joining the Western mainstream became the ideological linchpin, raison d'être for the capitalist Russia in 1991. After toying with idea of granting Russia a seat at the table for about 15 years (1991 - 2006) collective West for a number of reasons decided that if given that place Russia will represent a permanent threat due to a differing mentality of Russians and country's historical background, including 70 years of not so unsuccessful building of a different society. So, based on these factors decision was made that Russia needs to be divided and conquered. This came about not this year and not even in 2014. This direction was conceptualized back in 2012, but it took a decade to build a consensus, prepare military force and to get things to the state of a hot war. The outcome is yet to be seen. Might Russia gain a clear victory in Ukrainian conflict, the West may begrudgingly agree on accepting Russia as a legitimate member of a "civilized" community, may they be defeated (and for them anything less than decisive victory is going to be interpreted as defeat) the West will probably achieve their goals and part Russia into 15 or more more manageable states that like Ukraine overtime will stop considering themselves Russians and may even go into conflict with each other.

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Sadly for NATO, Russia proved militarily superior beginning with its aerial incursions into Syria, which left Euromerica so gob-smacked they could hardly speak about it in word and not at all militarily. The silence of our lack of military response was the empty echo of the door slamming on USA military hegemony, yea, even basic credibility.

Throwing Ukraine/EU under Russia's juggernaut was the best they could come up with, using Europe as a human shield.

Soon, some punk kid's gonna holler 'the emperor is naked!' loud enough to wake people up and then the anomie will roll in earnest.

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Anomie - "social condition defined by an uprooting or breakdown of any moral values, standards or guidance for individuals to follow". Good word to learn under current circumstances. Thanks for expanding our dictionaries, well, mine for sure! But it doesn't describe the current social situation quite precisely. The norms of behavior are there, but they were changed significantly, sometimes 180° from what used to be the norm only 20 years ago. And what is the most interesting point, these new norms don't need to be communicated in a corporate memo, or something like that, people are smart and they instinctively understand how to act to stay safe and to even succeed in climbing socio-economic ladder. What do we think all of those journalists, media and government figures that were lying to us about how "safe and effective" mRNA injections are or how ivermectin is a "horse dewormer" or how taking HCQ is tantamount to drinking household bleach, did they receive instructions every morning on what to say? No, people, like rats and other social animals are perfectly attuned to learning by example and they instantly pickup on signs of which behavior is safe for them and which is not. The phenomenon of "mass formation" that emerged to such an extent for the first time in 75 years needs to be studied and will be studied, I hope.

As for Russia and their military might, I take a bit more reserved approach. Even where it exists the will to use it is not always there.

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February 24? Not exactly, as the war has really been declared on February 22 (22 02 2022). Search for what GEMATRIA is , in the head of global and cabalist psychos.

The same psychos responsible for slaughterings and pillage in Africa to finance war in Ukraine. When rivers of blood in CAR or Mali finance rivers of blood in Ukraine.

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the special military operation started after an address by Putin on February 24: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/67843

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Hello Riley, yes but decision of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was taken on February, 22. (format: 22 02 2022).

On February 21, 2022, Putin gave a long list of grievances as justification for the “special military operation”, announced the following day.

It sounds stupid for most of us, but in the skull of these weirdos, it has a signification already èrooved (it is called gematria)

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Extraordinary report. Thanks (a lot).

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Excellent job once again, Riley, in compiling the relevant data and news stories. Contrary to rumors, Russia's regime is still on the Great Reset bandwagon, transforming Russian society to fit Agenda 2030 (aka UN Sustainable Development Goals), i.e. digital Enclosures aimed at a transhumanist future, using all sorts of means to achieve that, particularly "public health" measures.

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Thanks, a new video of the dancing Cossacks, I love it!

It might be hard to explain Corona using the words associated with the enforced narrative. Dmitry Orlov recently wrote: "The correct approach is to deprive the narrative of all of its validity by refusing to accept its key terms."

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Great article. They are all tentacles of the same octopus.

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Y'all are probably already familiar with this person but, I liked her brevity and concision of her main premise opening chapters. Plus, there's this great image of an androgynous Frau Greta Farbissina:


She may be a quack for all I know, but quacks are sometimes right more often than reliable experts (to say the least), at least for things not on the American Medical Association's McDonalds menu list of reliable mainstream medical procedures and treatments.

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“Science alone of all the subjects contains within itself the lesson of the danger of belief in the infallibility of the greatest teachers in the preceding generation (…) When someone says, “Science teaches such and such,” he is using the word incorrectly. Science doesn’t teach anything; experience teaches it. If they say to you, “Science has shown such and such,” you might ask, “How does science show it? How did the scientists find out? How? What? Where?” It should not be “science has shown” but “this experiment, this effect, has shown.” And you have as much right as anyone else, upon hearing about the experiments–but be patient and listen to all the evidence–to judge whether a sensible conclusion has been arrived at. (…) The experts who are leading you may be wrong. (…) I think we live in an unscientific age in which almost all the buffeting of communications and television-words, books, and so on-are unscientific. As a result, there is a considerable amount of intellectual tyranny in the name of science.” R. Feynman

“We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.” C. Sagan

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Thanks Bosco for the quotes. Science is definitely not "scientism"...


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I can't provide dancing cossacks but this has its own giggly charm:


But even then, dorky moves and large buck teeth (part of why they sang so well) the Bee Gees had perfect pitch.

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Just a little background about the zaouli performance. It is not a show, it is a mask exhibition, I would say it is mask antelope...

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What about this one Bosco?


By the way cossack dancing is just great.

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I love that zaouli stuff. At the end of the dance, I imagine this:


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Masks are fascinating.

One of my friend in Burkina Faso is a master of danse and a mask crafter. He is an initiate for sure. I have always enjoy the priviledge to be welcome in the family and close to him for weeks. I have been to masks ceremonies, learned a lot, but... Neither him who is a Boa or another friend who is also an initiate, a Mossi who lead the masks would never tell any secret that could help me figure out what is going on and they were clear about it, smilingly saying "they are things we can't tell you".

They won't tell the Russians either LOL

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