Has Putin lost his mind? Has he been paid off the the WEF/Gates Foundation/WHO? How much data does anyone need any more that the 'vaccines' are killing young men and sterilising women? Small business people, young families and the educated classes will flee Russia, as they have the lockdown capitols of the world Australia and Canada. I thought Russia was economically sound, why would Putin pander to Pfizer and the other big pharma serpents? Either way, I'm sorry for the Russian people, I hope they find an escape route. ♥️
Look at his choice to head the process of re-configuring the education systems of Russia and indeed the entire BRICS bloc to fit the needs of 4IR/Great Reset, the transhumanist head of Global Education Futures, Pavel Luksha. Putin has not lost his mind, he knows exactly what he is doing. The shots are merely one way (so far, the best way) to herd people into the digital Enclosures, exactly what 4IR/Great Reset is all about.
Thank you! The Russians and Chinese people need to awaken from their carefully contrived nationalistic trances to see they are being delivered on silver platters to the transnational plutocracy, though amid a dazzling show of Hegelian Lucha libre that has them believing in Putin's contrived role as hero and western opposition.
The world government will operate behind the political theater as one even as it maintains the appearance of a multipolar world, a conceit vital to retaining underclass support for Putin and Xi.
Thanks! One thing though, i'm not sure the Russian and Chinese people are for the most part in a trance, i think at least many of them do see clearly what's being done to them by their own rulers.
I totally agree that children of Satan have prepared the virus and the antidote. My children coerced me to accept the antidote. I am suffering as a result but still live. I celebrate Russian policies usually but as Wikihospitals writes Russian leadership in this area doesn’t seem to be safe. That HYMARS are being positioned close to nuclear power plants in Ukraine again demonstrates how difficult decisions are today for Putin.
Yes (to your first two questions), but it goes back to his ascendance as acolyte of Yeltsin-Sobchak, both Atlanticist infiltrators of the AngloZionist plutocracy. The rest is a conceit vital to retaining broad support for whatever he needs to do.
"Putin said that his government was doing everything it could to avoid using coercive methods on the population."
Any government claiming to avoid coercion is lying. Government is the territorial monopoly on coercion and violence. Total collapse of a government is required to end coercion in its territory.
I looked at the accompanying picture of the article again and interesting detail emerged. In a front row we have Putin, Protsenko, Sobyanin, then security guard, Golikova, Peskov and a bunch of other people in the background. But who is the only person in this shot wearing mask? It is Putin's press-secretary, Dmitry Peskov. More and more I analyze behavior of this guy, the more I think he was assigned to Putin as a watchdog by the globalist cabal. That's why Putin hasn't fired him despite some of the major scandals, like recent interview to the British Sky News back in April where he was wearing blue shirt and a yellow tie, to show what his real colors are, and said that Russia has sustained very significant human losses in this conflict and is ready to get to negotiations table with Ukraine at a moment's notice to end this military operation now.
Putin doesn't need to be watched by the globalist cabal, he's part of the globalist cabal. And he does perfectly the job for the globalist cabal.
The covid scam, and the "war in Ukraine", which is not a war in Ukraine but a war to reshuffle the cards and change the world order, with complicity at a high level of the west that does not impose a no fly zone, the West kneeling down in Africa and in Ukraine ("to avoid escalation of nuclear powers"). Putin is a psycho and a war criminal who's matching perfectly with the cabalist goals.
Perhaps. But I don't like this chap anyway... Slimy and often lying. He doesn't even use proper Russian language being country's top press-secretary! For example, he often uses word eventual'nyi, a russified version of eventual, or finalizirovat' (finalize), transparentnost' (transparency) and so on - there are literally dozens of examples when Peskov in his speeches is replacing Russian words with the slightly russified English versions. This may have to do with what language he thinks in.
This is a conceit to push the COVID fraud of which the Putin regime is a full partner. Testing positive means absolutely nothing under the circumstances.
I agree and also try to see the facts without prejudice. For this instance, though, if this guy was still considered infected and infectious he wouldn't be allowed nowhere near Putin, so mask wearing is his personal preference. This is confirmed by many other instances. One thing I have to give him a credit for, I never saw him wearing mask while giving his press conference sessions.
I think that if he was a plant, he would behave opposite of what you see: he would superficially be the most uber-Russian on the team. I understand your suspicion: it's justified. I just have a different concept of how such moles would behave in public.
Slaughtering and pillage by russian milices in African mining concessions (Gold, uranium, diamonds, and oil and gaz) to finance his weapons, armies and mercenaries, and propaganda:
when rivers of blood in Ukraine are financed by rivers of blood in Africa, or the cabalist chaos viewed by Vladimir Putin
....something about creating policy based upon a test that generates false positives at a rate of 80% or greater, determined by the cycle threshold rate, and can not distinguish between live virus and dead - you find that bothersome? ;)
Putin has his hands all over the rollout of the deathvaxx! ... Simply put, my streetsmarts tells me not to trust him no matter what good things he has done. Keep in mind - It is to be considered "authoritarian" to not keep vaccine injury records and publish the findings.
Thanks again, Riley. The proof is in the pudding, the thick pudding of chronology which shows the historical evidence. Little doubt that Putin is pushing the 4IR agenda wherever and whenever he can, putting a show of retreat when lots of opposition is expressed, long enough to allow this opposition to simmer down to the point when forward movement can be resumed. He is good in this game.
With all that said, I don't think that Putin is ideologically inclined on 4IR. I think he is a great opportunist, ready to support any side that seems to be winning at the time, while leaving options for retreat for himself. Toward the end of USSR, despite of all the slogans about social justice, this was the breed that became dominant in the corridors of power. As we see now, those products of the Soviet breeding program for the elites continue ruling over Russia to this day.
Dr. Pavel Luksha is a founder and a director of Global Education Futures initiative, aimed at catalyzing the transformation of educational ecosystems at a global scale, and a co-founder of Global Change Leaders movement of educational & social innovators. He is also a Professor of Practice at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, where works primarily on the transformation of the higher & professional education sector, and a Professor at ITBA (Technological University of Buenos Aires). Pavel also works closely with Russian Agency of Strategic Initiatives, one of the primary national vehicles of driving change in professional education development and new technological sectors. He is the coauthor of Rapid Foresight methodology, widely used in sectoral and regional planning, and a primary author of Skills Technology Foresight methodology developed in partnership with International Labor Organization....
Since 2014 he acts as a representative of Russia in BRICS Skills Development Council (and chaired the group in 2015-16). He is also a co-founder (and a program director for several years) of the Foresight Fleet, one of the largest events on future thinking education held globally since 2012. Before 2009, he worked in business advisory services, automotive, and investment sectors, with over 20 years of experience in strategy design.[link]
the "virus" hoax has been used for over a hundred years to fearmonger the population into getting dangerous and USELESS vaccines...expose the "virus" hoax to end their plandemics and put big pharma out of business for the benefit of humanity... https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/
Putin + aggression in Ukraine + enforced mandatory vaccination of citizens of Russia = criminal
Putin + war against Nazis in Ukraine + defiance of the globalist plans for depopulation = hero
The view of the world on the war in Ukraine will largely depend on his position regarding culling the population using gene altering slurries and other means.
It is Putin's choice how he would like to go down in history. The choice is still there for him, but not for much longer. The liberal ruling class in Russia has mounted an all out offense against Russian military. The newest trend there is using banks and Russia's "wild West" bankruptcy laws to eliminate military factories supplying Russian MoD and their operation in Ukraine. While Ukrainian military doesn't seem to be able to mount counteroffensive, Russian liberals are perfectly able to do so.
In the meantime, please watch this video. I found it particularly interesting, when US military doctor, Lt. Col. Theresa Long shares data and her view on the mandatory CV19 jabs in DoD. US military has one of the best EHR (electronic health record) systems, it is extremely easy using this system to track and correlate health related events among the personnel. As of today US military accounted for 93 deaths of people with positive PCR COVID test (non-combat) and 119 deaths (non-combat) following COVID vaccination. Yet, at the highest level they continue pushing mandatory jabs. About 6000 soldiers with otherwise impeccable service record were forced out military already and this campaign continues. Can this be qualified as high treason? Watch the video. https://rumble.com/v1fw83l-hell-no-to-any-cv19-vax-lt.-col-theresa-long.html
As very often, very informative and interesting comment.I have been listening this afternoon to one of the brightest mind in Europe, the Swiss (serbo-croatian origin) Slobodan Despot, when asked about the fact that Putin was decided everything, he reminded that he appeared by the grace of the highest military apparatus and whoever would have been chosen would be there, and it has been Putin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh1tT4cOyT8
I have already heard Lt.Col Theresa Long, a sincere individual, yes this can be called high treason according to me.
Yes, I'm multilingual, being fluent in about 5 languages, but according to Canadian definition (I'm a citizen of Canada) I'm not bilingual, since I don't speak French. All the years of reading French labels on shampoo bottles or boxes of cereals, as well as hearing announcements on AC flights have contributed some to my learning of French, but not decisively )))
Stanley or anybody here reading this blog, please help me because after having done my morning press review, I am in deep questioning and I can't figure out something I have just seen.
Look at this video from the French/corporate propaganda media, it is not long and one should concentrate on one important aspect outside of the line of bullshit:
What do one see? wheat fields!! Well managed, beautiful (and It is my job). What does it mean?
-The local farmer can work peacefully in the middle of the shellings? Are there hours when they can do it and the Russians and the Ukro let them work?
-The propaganda video is such a fake that it has been made far away from the so called front line where farmers can work? Maybe in soil rich Gallicia. Notice that the battalion French are supposed to sympathize with is Azov...
I watched that video clip. Judging by nature and the general landscape features this was filmed somewhere in the southern part of the Kharkov region or the northern part of Donetsk region, near the cities of Slavyansk and Kramotorsk. Obviously, based on how relaxed the Azov regiment soldiers are, this was filmed far enough from the frontline out of reach of Russian artillery. They used sand pits (sand quarry) for practice shooting. Weapons shown here is a mix of Soviet machine guns and NATO armaments. Though I don't speak French, it is clear - French journalists were showing a lot of sympathy toward Azov combatants. Two of the soldiers interviewed in this video spoke Russian and had Russian last names. That is what is interesting about this conflict in Ukraine, while interpretation of culture, history and education of the newly born Ukrainian state was handed over to the people of Western Ukraine, a lot of the positions in the state management and the military are given to the ethnic Russians that now identify themselves as Ukrainians, yet continue speaking the Russian language. This makes this war really a civil war in my view.
I have found this very interesting article, which, because of translator like DeepL can easily be translated. It come from "Le courrier des Stratèges", a web site created by Éric Veraeghe, who used to be at the highest echelon of the French officials:
Good article. Pretty accurate reporting. Multinationals took control of the big part of Ukrainian agricultural land way before the end of the moratorium on the sale of land through the use of long term leasing contracts. But Zelensky's new law, permitting Ukrainian companies with foreign ownership to be able to buy the land, makes the de-facto control of the arable land resources by the giant multinationals even easier. In Russia the situation is different, there wasn't a moratorium on the sale of land as they had it in Ukraine, so over twenty years or so a class of very large land owners emerged with the difference that this was predominantly domestic, not foreign ownership. This concerned mostly the southern part of the country where lands are very productive. Going north, where agriculture is marginal, an agricultural risk zone, we see less and less of the worked lands. Many of the fields that were worked during the Soviet time have been abandoned and are gradually being consumed by expanding forest. Russia, for its own food security and survival, is in need of a more southern, productive agricultural lands. I think this may have been one of the reasons for the military campaign - to return Novorossia lands, given to Ukraine by the Bolsheviks, back to Russia.
Thanks for your analyses and for not having written it in Deutch!
In any case, the harvest are promising.
What is astounding is that Ukraine was to ban use of Russian language in administrations and that it was one of the main apparent feature of the resistance in the Donbas and elsewhere. The Kiev regime would never ever be able to impose that policy again.
If it is a civil war, how to define the two opposite camps? One set of Russian speaking fighters preferring to be ruled by a narcissistic comedian and some gangs of ethnic nationalists Gallicians (all set up by Jewish oligarchs) against Russian speaking Russians identifying themselves as Russians and fed up by the ill treatment of Russian speaking in Donbass by the very same power I have mentioned.
From what I heard of read, the Russian-speaking Ukrainians are mainly disgusted by having their houses, cities and families bombarded by Russia and not defending the Kiev regime.
And if you speak your boite de céréales's French with a Québec accent, we might be in big trouble indeed Stan.
By the way, you would have probably enjoy Slobodan very much since, he is a rare mind, also speaking many languages, translator of litterary work from Russian into our shampoo language, editor, editor of a weekly magazine of a quality rarely seen, mixing geopolitics with litterature, philosophy, humour, art called Antipresse. He also appears regularly on Swiss tv. Riley would also enjoy that guy, maybe should I send a link one day that you might translate with DeepL or another AC flights announcement translator.
Nothing against French language, btw. As I matter of fact I wish the years I lived in Western Europe I would have lived in a French speaking country vs. Holland. Dutch, that I learned, is a lovely language, but is hardly useful outside of The Netherlands or Flemish Belgium. Well, knowing Dutch on occasion I also managed to impress some Amish here in US and people from South Africa with some understanding of their language )))
Frankly, the musical selection today is more to my taste. If you like the piece, it is easily available on a Brilliant CD (NL - mid price label) with other secular choral works (this recording may be not easily obtainable).
Good documentary from Canada. Thanks to "Unacceptable Jessica", Jessica Rose, Canadian researcher in the field of biology and medical statistics for sharing.
"COVID Free" is an impossible Dream that cannot be achieved. The Russian People will not be fooled by this BS , they won't take these injections if they don't want them or wear masks if they don't want to. President Putin has the Special Military Operation at the front and center of his duties. He knows the People will rebel against mandates. They are a lot like Americans who are rebelling against mandates and Woke Religion right now.
I believe Putin is sincere in his views. The problem I see, which he shares with most people his age, is that he was educated according to a formalism that no longer applies. That formalism emphasized linear causality to the exclusion of complex network effects (which weren't well understood at the time) and is nowhere more obvious than in his handling of the pandemic. Granted, someone in his position has to stand on the shoulders of others, but given his leadership role, choosing which shoulders is merely a reflection of his own limited world view. Under that rubric, his success at managing the various crises he's confronted owes much to the fact that his opponents operate from the same playbook. He's just better at it than they are.
Has Putin lost his mind? Has he been paid off the the WEF/Gates Foundation/WHO? How much data does anyone need any more that the 'vaccines' are killing young men and sterilising women? Small business people, young families and the educated classes will flee Russia, as they have the lockdown capitols of the world Australia and Canada. I thought Russia was economically sound, why would Putin pander to Pfizer and the other big pharma serpents? Either way, I'm sorry for the Russian people, I hope they find an escape route. ♥️
Look at his choice to head the process of re-configuring the education systems of Russia and indeed the entire BRICS bloc to fit the needs of 4IR/Great Reset, the transhumanist head of Global Education Futures, Pavel Luksha. Putin has not lost his mind, he knows exactly what he is doing. The shots are merely one way (so far, the best way) to herd people into the digital Enclosures, exactly what 4IR/Great Reset is all about.
Thank you! The Russians and Chinese people need to awaken from their carefully contrived nationalistic trances to see they are being delivered on silver platters to the transnational plutocracy, though amid a dazzling show of Hegelian Lucha libre that has them believing in Putin's contrived role as hero and western opposition.
The world government will operate behind the political theater as one even as it maintains the appearance of a multipolar world, a conceit vital to retaining underclass support for Putin and Xi.
Thanks! One thing though, i'm not sure the Russian and Chinese people are for the most part in a trance, i think at least many of them do see clearly what's being done to them by their own rulers.
"the transhumanist head of Global Education Futures"
I love reading things literally and slightly outside of context. I'm seeing a cyborgically sustained human head (sans body) barking orders.
A talking head talking to a talking head.
The traditionalist in me pines for the days when a simple sock puppet would suffice.
I totally agree that children of Satan have prepared the virus and the antidote. My children coerced me to accept the antidote. I am suffering as a result but still live. I celebrate Russian policies usually but as Wikihospitals writes Russian leadership in this area doesn’t seem to be safe. That HYMARS are being positioned close to nuclear power plants in Ukraine again demonstrates how difficult decisions are today for Putin.
Yes (to your first two questions), but it goes back to his ascendance as acolyte of Yeltsin-Sobchak, both Atlanticist infiltrators of the AngloZionist plutocracy. The rest is a conceit vital to retaining broad support for whatever he needs to do.
"Putin said that his government was doing everything it could to avoid using coercive methods on the population."
Any government claiming to avoid coercion is lying. Government is the territorial monopoly on coercion and violence. Total collapse of a government is required to end coercion in its territory.
Another good work Riley, thanks.
I looked at the accompanying picture of the article again and interesting detail emerged. In a front row we have Putin, Protsenko, Sobyanin, then security guard, Golikova, Peskov and a bunch of other people in the background. But who is the only person in this shot wearing mask? It is Putin's press-secretary, Dmitry Peskov. More and more I analyze behavior of this guy, the more I think he was assigned to Putin as a watchdog by the globalist cabal. That's why Putin hasn't fired him despite some of the major scandals, like recent interview to the British Sky News back in April where he was wearing blue shirt and a yellow tie, to show what his real colors are, and said that Russia has sustained very significant human losses in this conflict and is ready to get to negotiations table with Ukraine at a moment's notice to end this military operation now.
Putin doesn't need to be watched by the globalist cabal, he's part of the globalist cabal. And he does perfectly the job for the globalist cabal.
The covid scam, and the "war in Ukraine", which is not a war in Ukraine but a war to reshuffle the cards and change the world order, with complicity at a high level of the west that does not impose a no fly zone, the West kneeling down in Africa and in Ukraine ("to avoid escalation of nuclear powers"). Putin is a psycho and a war criminal who's matching perfectly with the cabalist goals.
He had das buggen a few months ago, so that may be part of the mask:
Perhaps. But I don't like this chap anyway... Slimy and often lying. He doesn't even use proper Russian language being country's top press-secretary! For example, he often uses word eventual'nyi, a russified version of eventual, or finalizirovat' (finalize), transparentnost' (transparency) and so on - there are literally dozens of examples when Peskov in his speeches is replacing Russian words with the slightly russified English versions. This may have to do with what language he thinks in.
And from what language he takes his marching orders.
This is a conceit to push the COVID fraud of which the Putin regime is a full partner. Testing positive means absolutely nothing under the circumstances.
Oh, I was just tossing a fact into the speculation machine regarding his mask wearing, is all. Facts have their place.
I agree and also try to see the facts without prejudice. For this instance, though, if this guy was still considered infected and infectious he wouldn't be allowed nowhere near Putin, so mask wearing is his personal preference. This is confirmed by many other instances. One thing I have to give him a credit for, I never saw him wearing mask while giving his press conference sessions.
I think that if he was a plant, he would behave opposite of what you see: he would superficially be the most uber-Russian on the team. I understand your suspicion: it's justified. I just have a different concept of how such moles would behave in public.
Slaughtering and pillage by russian milices in African mining concessions (Gold, uranium, diamonds, and oil and gaz) to finance his weapons, armies and mercenaries, and propaganda:
when rivers of blood in Ukraine are financed by rivers of blood in Africa, or the cabalist chaos viewed by Vladimir Putin
COVID free will only be obtained when they'll stop "testing" with this fake and non-applicable PCR "test".
....something about creating policy based upon a test that generates false positives at a rate of 80% or greater, determined by the cycle threshold rate, and can not distinguish between live virus and dead - you find that bothersome? ;)
Putin has his hands all over the rollout of the deathvaxx! ... Simply put, my streetsmarts tells me not to trust him no matter what good things he has done. Keep in mind - It is to be considered "authoritarian" to not keep vaccine injury records and publish the findings.
Thanks again, Riley. The proof is in the pudding, the thick pudding of chronology which shows the historical evidence. Little doubt that Putin is pushing the 4IR agenda wherever and whenever he can, putting a show of retreat when lots of opposition is expressed, long enough to allow this opposition to simmer down to the point when forward movement can be resumed. He is good in this game.
With all that said, I don't think that Putin is ideologically inclined on 4IR. I think he is a great opportunist, ready to support any side that seems to be winning at the time, while leaving options for retreat for himself. Toward the end of USSR, despite of all the slogans about social justice, this was the breed that became dominant in the corridors of power. As we see now, those products of the Soviet breeding program for the elites continue ruling over Russia to this day.
He could have removed Luksha a long time ago, instead he's been there forever.
Dr. Pavel Luksha is a founder and a director of Global Education Futures initiative, aimed at catalyzing the transformation of educational ecosystems at a global scale, and a co-founder of Global Change Leaders movement of educational & social innovators. He is also a Professor of Practice at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, where works primarily on the transformation of the higher & professional education sector, and a Professor at ITBA (Technological University of Buenos Aires). Pavel also works closely with Russian Agency of Strategic Initiatives, one of the primary national vehicles of driving change in professional education development and new technological sectors. He is the coauthor of Rapid Foresight methodology, widely used in sectoral and regional planning, and a primary author of Skills Technology Foresight methodology developed in partnership with International Labor Organization....
Since 2014 he acts as a representative of Russia in BRICS Skills Development Council (and chaired the group in 2015-16). He is also a co-founder (and a program director for several years) of the Foresight Fleet, one of the largest events on future thinking education held globally since 2012. Before 2009, he worked in business advisory services, automotive, and investment sectors, with over 20 years of experience in strategy design.[link]
You're really good at this, Riley Rileyovich Slavsquat.
Riley Edwardovich Slavsquat )))
I flunked French. ;)
the "virus" hoax has been used for over a hundred years to fearmonger the population into getting dangerous and USELESS vaccines...expose the "virus" hoax to end their plandemics and put big pharma out of business for the benefit of humanity... https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/
Putin + aggression in Ukraine + enforced mandatory vaccination of citizens of Russia = criminal
Putin + war against Nazis in Ukraine + defiance of the globalist plans for depopulation = hero
The view of the world on the war in Ukraine will largely depend on his position regarding culling the population using gene altering slurries and other means.
It is Putin's choice how he would like to go down in history. The choice is still there for him, but not for much longer. The liberal ruling class in Russia has mounted an all out offense against Russian military. The newest trend there is using banks and Russia's "wild West" bankruptcy laws to eliminate military factories supplying Russian MoD and their operation in Ukraine. While Ukrainian military doesn't seem to be able to mount counteroffensive, Russian liberals are perfectly able to do so.
In the meantime, please watch this video. I found it particularly interesting, when US military doctor, Lt. Col. Theresa Long shares data and her view on the mandatory CV19 jabs in DoD. US military has one of the best EHR (electronic health record) systems, it is extremely easy using this system to track and correlate health related events among the personnel. As of today US military accounted for 93 deaths of people with positive PCR COVID test (non-combat) and 119 deaths (non-combat) following COVID vaccination. Yet, at the highest level they continue pushing mandatory jabs. About 6000 soldiers with otherwise impeccable service record were forced out military already and this campaign continues. Can this be qualified as high treason? Watch the video. https://rumble.com/v1fw83l-hell-no-to-any-cv19-vax-lt.-col-theresa-long.html
Thank you, Stanley.
"It is Putin's choice how he would like to go down in history." This quote comes to mind: "All political careers end in failure.” Enoch Powell
As very often, very informative and interesting comment.I have been listening this afternoon to one of the brightest mind in Europe, the Swiss (serbo-croatian origin) Slobodan Despot, when asked about the fact that Putin was decided everything, he reminded that he appeared by the grace of the highest military apparatus and whoever would have been chosen would be there, and it has been Putin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh1tT4cOyT8
I have already heard Lt.Col Theresa Long, a sincere individual, yes this can be called high treason according to me.
Yes, I'm multilingual, being fluent in about 5 languages, but according to Canadian definition (I'm a citizen of Canada) I'm not bilingual, since I don't speak French. All the years of reading French labels on shampoo bottles or boxes of cereals, as well as hearing announcements on AC flights have contributed some to my learning of French, but not decisively )))
Stanley or anybody here reading this blog, please help me because after having done my morning press review, I am in deep questioning and I can't figure out something I have just seen.
Look at this video from the French/corporate propaganda media, it is not long and one should concentrate on one important aspect outside of the line of bullshit:
What do one see? wheat fields!! Well managed, beautiful (and It is my job). What does it mean?
-The local farmer can work peacefully in the middle of the shellings? Are there hours when they can do it and the Russians and the Ukro let them work?
-The propaganda video is such a fake that it has been made far away from the so called front line where farmers can work? Maybe in soil rich Gallicia. Notice that the battalion French are supposed to sympathize with is Azov...
I watched that video clip. Judging by nature and the general landscape features this was filmed somewhere in the southern part of the Kharkov region or the northern part of Donetsk region, near the cities of Slavyansk and Kramotorsk. Obviously, based on how relaxed the Azov regiment soldiers are, this was filmed far enough from the frontline out of reach of Russian artillery. They used sand pits (sand quarry) for practice shooting. Weapons shown here is a mix of Soviet machine guns and NATO armaments. Though I don't speak French, it is clear - French journalists were showing a lot of sympathy toward Azov combatants. Two of the soldiers interviewed in this video spoke Russian and had Russian last names. That is what is interesting about this conflict in Ukraine, while interpretation of culture, history and education of the newly born Ukrainian state was handed over to the people of Western Ukraine, a lot of the positions in the state management and the military are given to the ethnic Russians that now identify themselves as Ukrainians, yet continue speaking the Russian language. This makes this war really a civil war in my view.
I have found this very interesting article, which, because of translator like DeepL can easily be translated. It come from "Le courrier des Stratèges", a web site created by Éric Veraeghe, who used to be at the highest echelon of the French officials:
"Three US companies control over a third of Ukraine's farmland"
Good article. Pretty accurate reporting. Multinationals took control of the big part of Ukrainian agricultural land way before the end of the moratorium on the sale of land through the use of long term leasing contracts. But Zelensky's new law, permitting Ukrainian companies with foreign ownership to be able to buy the land, makes the de-facto control of the arable land resources by the giant multinationals even easier. In Russia the situation is different, there wasn't a moratorium on the sale of land as they had it in Ukraine, so over twenty years or so a class of very large land owners emerged with the difference that this was predominantly domestic, not foreign ownership. This concerned mostly the southern part of the country where lands are very productive. Going north, where agriculture is marginal, an agricultural risk zone, we see less and less of the worked lands. Many of the fields that were worked during the Soviet time have been abandoned and are gradually being consumed by expanding forest. Russia, for its own food security and survival, is in need of a more southern, productive agricultural lands. I think this may have been one of the reasons for the military campaign - to return Novorossia lands, given to Ukraine by the Bolsheviks, back to Russia.
Thanks for your analyses and for not having written it in Deutch!
In any case, the harvest are promising.
What is astounding is that Ukraine was to ban use of Russian language in administrations and that it was one of the main apparent feature of the resistance in the Donbas and elsewhere. The Kiev regime would never ever be able to impose that policy again.
If it is a civil war, how to define the two opposite camps? One set of Russian speaking fighters preferring to be ruled by a narcissistic comedian and some gangs of ethnic nationalists Gallicians (all set up by Jewish oligarchs) against Russian speaking Russians identifying themselves as Russians and fed up by the ill treatment of Russian speaking in Donbass by the very same power I have mentioned.
From what I heard of read, the Russian-speaking Ukrainians are mainly disgusted by having their houses, cities and families bombarded by Russia and not defending the Kiev regime.
And if you speak your boite de céréales's French with a Québec accent, we might be in big trouble indeed Stan.
By the way, you would have probably enjoy Slobodan very much since, he is a rare mind, also speaking many languages, translator of litterary work from Russian into our shampoo language, editor, editor of a weekly magazine of a quality rarely seen, mixing geopolitics with litterature, philosophy, humour, art called Antipresse. He also appears regularly on Swiss tv. Riley would also enjoy that guy, maybe should I send a link one day that you might translate with DeepL or another AC flights announcement translator.
Take care Man
Nothing against French language, btw. As I matter of fact I wish the years I lived in Western Europe I would have lived in a French speaking country vs. Holland. Dutch, that I learned, is a lovely language, but is hardly useful outside of The Netherlands or Flemish Belgium. Well, knowing Dutch on occasion I also managed to impress some Amish here in US and people from South Africa with some understanding of their language )))
Frankly, the musical selection today is more to my taste. If you like the piece, it is easily available on a Brilliant CD (NL - mid price label) with other secular choral works (this recording may be not easily obtainable).
Good documentary from Canada. Thanks to "Unacceptable Jessica", Jessica Rose, Canadian researcher in the field of biology and medical statistics for sharing.
"COVID Free" is an impossible Dream that cannot be achieved. The Russian People will not be fooled by this BS , they won't take these injections if they don't want them or wear masks if they don't want to. President Putin has the Special Military Operation at the front and center of his duties. He knows the People will rebel against mandates. They are a lot like Americans who are rebelling against mandates and Woke Religion right now.
“Edward Slavsquat is trying follow the path of persuasion to get you to subscribe.”
Nice pun (and sarcasm).
Maybe you should have just omitted the question mark from the title?
I believe Putin is sincere in his views. The problem I see, which he shares with most people his age, is that he was educated according to a formalism that no longer applies. That formalism emphasized linear causality to the exclusion of complex network effects (which weren't well understood at the time) and is nowhere more obvious than in his handling of the pandemic. Granted, someone in his position has to stand on the shoulders of others, but given his leadership role, choosing which shoulders is merely a reflection of his own limited world view. Under that rubric, his success at managing the various crises he's confronted owes much to the fact that his opponents operate from the same playbook. He's just better at it than they are.
Ever WEF member is ‘sincere’ in making us eat bugs.