So is this just a game? Putin vs the Globalists but like US Politics they’re all on the same side?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 21

Putin is one of them [1][2][3]. He's been selected, trained, and deployed in Russia by Primakov, Kissinger and Schwab. In many aspects, he's way ahead with implementations of globalist agendas, like digital currency, etc., compared to other "leaders".

He's imported 14.5-16.5 million Muslims into Russia [4][5][6][7][8] - that's at least 10% of the population! Migrants' violence there is just like in EU, including assaults on Russian women and girls! Russian MSM is silent on that!

Putin/Kremlin expressly imported 1.2 million Muslims just in the first 4 months of 2024! They seem to be in some kind of a hurry to get as many of them as possible into Russia. Are Putin/Kremlin preparing a civil war in Russia?

Also, local Muslims are into crimes against Russians too [9]!


[1] What the West gets wrong about Putin


[2] Klaus Schwab in 2019 speaks of Putin (1952), Tony Blair (1953), and Angela Merkel (1954) as his Young Global Leaders back in the 90s - fast forward to 1:14


[3] “So we penetrate the cabinets”, Klaus Schwab in 2017 ... | Twitter



[4] "You, Russians, took Siberia away from us!" a multicultural dispute with a migrant from Central Asia


[5] "These people want to live here instead of us": More than a million migrants were brought to Moscow in four months


[6] Bystrykin called for a change in Russia’s migration policy: The head of the Investigative Committee called honest figures


[7] Bastrykin: Such a migration policy is a threat to Russia’s national security


[8] Bastrykin’s migration campaign. Under whose banners are the fighters of the NWO called?



[9] Who excuses the members of Azerbaijani diaspora organized criminal group that kidnapped and r***d Russian schoolgirls in Izhevsk, Russia?



Hope this helps

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Good post, I could've written it myself.

Two other articles on the immigration problem in Russia that I can recommend:

Migration policy is destroying Russia

"Musician, public figure, blogger Mikhail Mavashi , who deals with migration issues, noted that, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Moscow 70% of crimes related to rape, stabbing, fights, harassment are committed by migrants from Central Asia . It is impossible for a migrant to pass Russian language tests to obtain citizenship. This means one thing - bribery, Mavashi said. That is, the migration system has completely failed. Migrants go to Russia, actually buy citizenship and replace the indigenous population. After all, the birth rate among migrants is much higher.

“Our culture is being replaced. If this does not stop, you and I will not exist in 100 years. In the center of Moscow, they closed the Russian Cultural Center, but donated a five-story building to the cultural center of Tajikistan . We now need to build up Mariupol, and tons of migrants are already being brought there And the people who live there and to whom we brought the Russian world, don’t they need work? But construction conglomerates are bringing them there,” said Mavashi."


My brother Cain: The migration problem will probably only be solved when it reaches a boiling point

"...the problem of migrants “in the rear” is already so acute that it is impossible not to notice it. And when developers and service owners who need couriers say that “migrants are our brothers,” I want to ask: what is the name of this brother? Maybe Cain? There have already been attacks by Tajik robbers on elite villages near Moscow, and now it has come to the rape of TV employees."


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Jul 18·edited Jul 19

Putin is also not even hiding his disrespect for Russian lives and the genocide they suffered under communists, as Lenin seems to be Putin's most respected mass murderer of Russians [1][2][3]. At the same time, this globalist clown and apparatchik insults and denigrates Russian Tsar, Nicolas II [4]. But, he refers to his NWO recruiter/mentor Schwab as 'Dear Karl'.

He's not an Orthodox Christian either. That just Kremlin's Marketing/PR machine. Putin is a Liberal Globalist.

When Tucker Carlson asked him: “Do you see the supernatural at work as you look out across what’s happening in the world now? Do you see God at work?” “No, to be honest, I don’t think so,” Putin replied. “My opinion is that the development of the world community is in accordance with the inherent laws, which are what they are.”


[1] No plans to remove Lenin’s body from mausoleum, Kremlin says - Society & Culture - TASS (2021):


[2] Lenin’s tomb should stay in Red Square, Putin says - The Washington Post:


[3] Putin vs Lenin: Why the Russian President Won't Remove the Soviet Union's Founder:


[4] Putin’s negative assessment of Nicholas II


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Makes me think of the black Madonna and Jesus Icons he "found". Creating division between Christians.

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Do you have a link or two for that?

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Nicolas II was a useless silly fool. I agree with Putin's assessment.

Russia's native population is in decline. Migrants happen. Start policing your neighborhoods. Stop expecting the gubmint to solve your problems. It's all governments can do these days to remain sovereign.

So Putin hasn't removed a famous leader's dead body. Oh my. Disastrous! But he has publicly denounced Lenin and Sovietism in general numerous times.

God, there are plenty of things about Putin worthy of criticism, things that actually have import. Genetic slurries for example. A nearly totalitarian justice system (that isn't nearly as bad as that sounds cuz there are other factors involved) that could use reconfiguration. Not mention those lousy fries at Uncle Vanya's.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 25

Making excuses for the apparatchik?

> Nicolas II was a useless silly fool

I guess both you and Putin got your education from some KGB/FSB manual and other similar "literature". Putin admitted falling asleep while watching documentary of himself being interviewed by Oliver Stone.

> Russia's native population is in decline.

It's in decline because everything has been looted by Putin's oligarchs so people either have to leave the country or have less kids due to destroyed economy and poverty. Recent reports list 124 Billion USD stolen just by Shoigu/MoD over the years! Also, due to poverty, Russians are dying sooner and in larger number than ever! Riley wrote about that!

> Migrants happen

No they do not - this is an organized invasion! Just like in EU!

> Start policing your neighborhoods

And be arrested and imprisoned by the system for "xenophobia" or be killed by primitive migrants who roam the streets in herds.

> ... has publicly denounced Lenin and Sovietism

No, he has not. Did he call him a proper name, a mass murderer? He misses USSR, so no, he did not denounced that either.


So, KGB/FSB comrade, we do not appreciate you wasting our time here with your gaslighting. and peddling Putin propaganda, as I'm sure you know all what I wrote. There's a reason why people call him Bald Judas and Pale Moth, aside from pejorative Pnya (Пыня). Do you really think that someone believes your garbage?

But fear not, when patriots free Russia, they will capture Putin and process him. I hope that you are not living in Russia, because those patriots may start looking for his bots too, after they clean up that political septic tank called Kremlin, and start some house cleaning across the entire country.


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What Putin is doing to Russia is intolerable! Russians deserve better!

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Let's elevate the intellectuial and information aspect of this exchange to its proper exalted level: fuck off you self-contained vacuum. :)


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Jul 18·edited Jul 19

Thanks. I think Mikhail is wrong, 5 years is more like it, rather than 100 years. They do not have to disappear, only be attacked everywhere by a violent and armed mob while Putin/Kremlin do nothing, and MSM stays silent.

Russia is in real danger!

E.g. At least 650,000 Serb civilians were ethnically cleansed from Contemporary Nazi Croatia in the 90s, and there were a significant percent of the population there. How many people know this? Western MSM stayed silent and that was it.

P.S. Another Russian patriot that writes about this is Andrey Vitalievich Soshenko


P.S. MS Edge browser has a very good and fast built-in auto-translate page feature. No need to copy/paste page text or link into a translator. Just go to Settings -> Languages, and turn on the option titled "Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language I read." Once that is done, and one visits a page in a foreign language, the address bar box will have an icon on its right side for translating it into the language of your choice.

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Yeah, I use Google Chrome with a translating extension myself but I use Google Translate so that people who might use something else can see it by themselves as well. Thanks for the link to Soshenko. This article on his site from just a couple of days ago I found very interesting and illuminating:

Alexander Bastrykin: migrants opened a second front

The influx of migrants is due to officials who, together with the oligarchic elite, create favorable conditions for visitors, but not for native residents

"Alexander Bastrykin says correctly: “Our guys are in the trenches, and migrants have opened a second front.” Russia is fighting with NATO countries on the territory of Ukraine, and this second front could be disastrous for the country.

You can, of course, blame migrants, they say, they have come in large numbers. But their influx is due to the actions of the Russian state apparatus, officials who, together with the oligarchic tops, create favorable conditions for visitors, but not for native residents."



The vast majority of Western so-called 'dissidents' don't know a damn thing about Russia. And for the most part, DON'T want to know about it either. It's too enticing of a fantasy to let go off.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 19

I use FireFox as my primary browser as I consider Google's Chrome a spyware. I used Google Translate links in the past, just as you do, but for some reason it refused to translate some - perhaps an indirect censorship?

Unfortunately, FF does not have an add-on/extension for MS Bing Translator - that is why I use Edge for Russian pages, and Yandex for plain text snippets [1] and text-on-images OCR with translation [2].


[1] Yandex Translate - Dictionary and online translation


[2] Translate text from images and photos online – Yandex Translate


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++good for spyware. Google services more and more want you to login with a google account and sometimes don't work even then bc you didn't give them your mobile number or didn't confirm it for a few month. It's creepy 1984 style.

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All of the above sounds just way to familiar.

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Also, here's Riley's article [1] that has been and will continue aging really well.

[1] Resetting Without Schwab: Russia & the Fourth Industrial Revolution

( Riley Waggaman aka Edward Slavsquat | Whitney Webb | Unlimited Hangout ) | 2022-07


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Nothing new here! Communist tactic for control was ALWAYS: Purge the population with psychopathy/snitching, have a war and then settle new population, poor and ignorant from less developed parts, and then indoctrinate them as much as possible to do your bidding.

A year ago I was saying how they are ALL in on it together and how central banks are beyond capitalist/communist ideology and are using all sides to push their talmudic/kabalistic agendas with all Monarchies as their puppets!

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" If this does not stop, you and I will not exist in 100 years." Hmmmm... thinking... ;-)

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Nations compete, but they are pretty low on the global hierarchy. See here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-global-world-order-is-centralized

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"Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles. - Ezra Pound"

That is a great quote. Cuts straight to the heart of bankster milindustrial complexities. Money is perhaps THE great delusion of humanity. Some say that god/religion are. But we only do that stuff in our spare time. Money? Money rules our hearts and lives 24/7/365. We really believe in that shit. Magic tokens! Miracle paper! Digital genies!

Religion is merely the opiate of the masses. Money is high-amp heroin with a bondage whip and a blowjob. Jesus was allegedly some kind of supernatural being. But money kicked His ass. Per that mythos, one wonders: maybe if all of His disciples had stood firm in their loyalty to Him, He wouldn't have committed suicide by submission, and maybe really would have kicked Roman butt like His followers thought He would?

Whether faith in the beyond matters, faith in each other is everything.

Hence our dilemma. We don't believe anyone any more, hardly even ourselves.


That is why I am announcing my candidacy for Premier Messiah 2.0, running on a Malthusian ticket heavy on git'r'dun-ism. An explanatory video for those not familiar with USA trash TV:


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To add to this: Wasn't Napoleon saying: "History is the lie everyone agreed on"? Dunno you, but I was never ask to agree, they just fed me their narrative. The question should be: Who is everyone?

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"History is fiction without the balls to admit it." Quote from some smart guy on the internet critiquing a GREAT novel, The Island of Unrequited Dreams.

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You know what communists and globalists always have in common? They deny the existance of God.

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Great article. Subscribed. Didn't pay (yet). Most comprehensive analysis of the current Feudalism I've ever read.

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Thanks for the hyperlink. Interesting article.

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Putin and Trump are just as much a part of Globohomo as anyone else.

Both Rothschild agents chosen decades ago to play these parts of the script.

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Yep they both went along with con-vid and the 911 official stories. Crooks and liars

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Bad news. Digital CBDCs = digital prison. I am deeply upset with Mr. Putin, all the way from Michigan USA.

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The Astra Zeneca SputnikV bioweapon injections have killed millions of Russians.

It's all one big club... the illusion of resistance is just that. Sad to say.

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So basically, Putin is just another part of the globo-homo agenda, a fake Hegelian counterpoint to “the evil West.”

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Thanks once again, Riley.

And once again, the delusional "alternative" media commentators and their captive audiences are clinging to illusions about Vladimir the Liberator or at lest the Resister (to 4IR), swimming in the face of facts.

Just like Trump's fans, even those in "freedom" ranks, are clinging to illusions about him, never mind the flood of billionaires who have endorsed him the last few days, including 4IR central figures Mark Andreessen and Ben Horowitz (Andreessen;Horowitz social impact investing giant), Peter Thiel (Palantir) and Elon Musk.

[Full list, as of two days ago: Ben Horowitz, Bill Ackman, Cameron Winklevoss, Doug Leone, Elon Musk, Eoghan McCabe, Ken Howery, Kyle Samani, Marc Andreessen, Jacob Helberg, Joe Lonsdale, Palmer Luckey, Peter Thiel, Shaun Maguire, Trevor Traina, Tushar Jain, Tyler Winklevoss]

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This has been scripted ages ago, hasn't it. We are watching the movie. This Vance guy, hasn't he a very similar bio to Obama? And wasn't he picked in a way that Biden picked Harris? And now Trump finds God, who can believe it, when he is taking orders from Chabad Lubawitsch? And for good measure the illegitimate pope is in on the scam of the Devils Cabal, too.

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Well, Vance just happens (:-)) to be a protege of Peter Thiel. Another former top Palantir figure is Avril Haines, Biden's Director of National Intelligence, i.e. in charge of all the intel agencies, including the CIA.

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At least we have each other 😉

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Indeed! Till Palantir arranges another global IT meltdown. ;)

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

I have yet to see a single reason offered by government, anywhere, for why the common citizen should embrace this concept. The best they seem to be able to offer is "convenience." They are usually more inventive than this, telling us it is "for the children", "racist/misogynist/transphobic", "to prevent <<online harmz!>>, etc. But despite the lack of good arguments, too many people don't seem to understand that by accepting programmable CBDCs and eliminating cash, they are agreeing to swap their money for ration tickets.

The would-be "masters of the universe" around the globe still play their game of thrones with one another. But they have all agreed that their common problem is "the little people," who need to be permanently locked down, put under harness, etc. And they have agreed on a whole bundle of delightful ideas like CBDCs to help them do this.

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Nicely put!

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You should have said the KGB agent that looks a little bit like the late Putin calls for the digital ruble! Great work apart from the typo!

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Then when it’s fully implemented you lose complete control of what money you earn and save.. the control hands over to the bank and the government.. if you misbehave .. or say anything against the regime.. you lose money instantly… get ready to read stories about people unable to buy food.. and pay bills.. hell has no misery like the one Putin wants to impose.

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They already do that with private banking, like Chase, PayPal and other banks who deny access to funds and block access which has happened to many.

Same in Canada.

What difference does it make?

Sometimes I think it's worse when private companies can do it because they're not held accountable.

Still to this day Chase blocks mercola, based on whatever the fk they want to say, true or false.

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Huge difference.. people who use private banks have more than one source of money.. the private banks offer protection from scrutiny from such as HMRC … but once we all in CBDC .. then everything you have by way of money will be open to scrutiny… but more importantly.. controllable by not just the bank.. any governmental department too…so yeah a world of difference .

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You entitled to believe what you want when you can’t handle the truth.. don’t worry .. you are not on your own… plenty more people walking around believe the crap being fed by MSM.

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I'll point out something. We've all seen how poorly weaponizing the petrodollar has worked for USA. I doubt that Putin wants to weaponize his country's domestic currency. Creating black market currencies hurt state revenues.

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So does war.

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In the short run, yes. But if you win, often it helps not hinders.

Oh well. War is expensive, but it's nothing compared to being squashed and colonized buy foreign powers.

And fer chrissake, does anyone seriously think we're gonna get through this geopolitical paradigm shift without a buncha war? Or that it's all Putin's fault?

I live in the USA, and war is coming my way whether or want it or not because of USNATO policy, not because Putin is so dumb he'd rather waste money on ammunition rather than helping finance a nice modern Russia.

We're all in this global blender together.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Russia has mineral gas and oil under their own feet… he doesn’t need to take land from elsewhere… but NATO broke an agreement and has moved right up to the Russian border… because of America…Biden family involved with 31 biodefence labs in Ukraine .. again America.. Russia has lost many men… has China and North Korea as allies.. this ain’t going to end well..forget about the petrodollar … things are escalating to the point we won’t have roads to drive on just lots and lots of crater sized potholes.

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You can still choose which bank you use. You can't do that with imaginery money on some server, that can be programmed, used to monitor you and where you can be cut off from at any time with no other options.

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Putin AND Trump and Biden and Trudeau and all the rest of the demonic tribe

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This is gonna be a really huge problem for many. The Globalists will control it all.

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They already do. Both East and West went along with the con-vid narrative and the shots.

Both sides keep squeezing the working class dry to feed the oligarchs who make money on mere ownership.

Both sides fight bullshit wars designed to enrichen defense industry cronies.

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Wow. Imagine my surprise...

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I am also optimistic about our government. They are too corrupt and degenerate to implement a proper dystopia.

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It may be that the 'proper dystopia' is in fact just a large bridge to death, destruction and depopulation of the earth.

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I love your optimism and I do want to implemant Hanlons razor when ever possible, but mostly I have a feeling it is going to get a lot worse, before it gets better.

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People want tangible assets. Real things with no strings attached.

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I like this:

"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite." John Kenneth Galbraith

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3 likes hooks my ego for an encore.

"After all, if it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here!" Ernest P. Worrell (apocryphal)

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Finally...!!! The electronic bird cage that people Crave!

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Jul 18·edited Jul 19

Thank you for this very good detailed summary. Another example of Putin acting on cue, «Despite widespread opposition», according to plan.

Of course it would be delightful if «...the Russian government might be too incompetent to fulfill Putin’s dream of a CBDC paradise.» but I seriously doubt it because this has nothing to do with the economy. Rather, this is about the real agenda and sets the table for a mopping up operation using the QR Code.

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Of itself, digital currency is just another mode of transaction. Remove non-digital forms of currency, and then it becomes a meister-yoke. But if the people adopt digicash and let physicash be removed, they deserve their fate. I so weary (I know, I repeat myself) of all these fingers pointing at the moon: Rothschilds! Deep State! Libtards! Repugnicants!

You can only fight your own fight, sez me. Local convenience stores in Oregon tried refusing cash and demanding we use plastic. That didn't last very long. But if it did, it would be our fault for tolerating it. Asshole jerks have always been. What seems in short supply is people willing to put holes in their heads and then in the cemetery. But that would be "taking the law in your own hands" and heaven forbid that.

And now, the Disney twink of celestial prophecy:


God bless the internet. Greatest exotic zoo ever!

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I've walked out of more than one business because they refused cash. Sucks that American sporting venues are cashless. I like a baseball game every now and again.

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"We don't accept cash."

"Well I'm fresh outta blowjobs. C ya."

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