What a joker... Along with the Chinese and the West, complicit in the coordinated attack on humanity.

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FFS would someone please translate RFK Jr's encyclopedia of corruption into Russian and airdrop it into Putin's backyard.

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This is very sad. It is either very sad that our single global example of a sensible ruler has been tainted by irrationality and ignorance or it's sad because I personally have become an unknowing loony fringe dweller full of irrationality and ignorance. I don't really know which is true but I do find my data to be very rational and incontrovertible.

But I'm aware the flat earthers do, too.

And the climate alarmists.


I wish I could be 100% sure of myself.

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This happens to me too. Don’t be so hard on yourself, at least you have introspection!

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You are also welcome to my ice cream party. By the way, Abrogard, my friend I mentioned who is Aussie is featured in the post and is the one who commented that she loves the post.

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Love icecream!!

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Well come on over - I'm basically creating safe space for sovereign, loving people to hang out and connect over imaginary ice cream (or you can bring your own real) - I'm also creating safe bridge building space so people who love the truth and who are seeking to be lovingly truthful can find one another even if all our views aren't the same! We need places to have fun that is wholesome and includes ice cream and helps us remember we are one human family, in spite of everything! <3 xo

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Stop by and have an ice cream - an imaginary sugar rush might help you feel better :)

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Putin the Russian *castrato*... I am not bashing, you should read the essay on the castrato singers by Adorno in which he explains why some mothers in the less affluent classes at a time in history whose children had little chance of survival due to poverty still preferred to have their children castrated to allow them a future they believed was better.

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Nota bene that the condition of castrato singer is 'homomorphic' [I am borrowing from math... wiki: In algebra, a homomorphism is a structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures of the same type] to Klaus Schwab's “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy” paradigm. The castrati were generally allowed to live more or less on the fringes of court life, thus enjoying the crumbs of its advantages and privileges compared to the plebs who were starving and deprived.

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So, what will it take for the Putin groupies and sycophants to wake up? Answer: They never will. Without a hero whom they can pretend will come rescue them once he's done playing 5D chess, they will have to slash their wrists (figuratively). Or, they are simply dishonest, and are trying to BS the rest of the world.

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It is clear he is part of the game being played by the WEF and Gates conducting it from the WHO. Read this tweet:

Imagine if promoting a global food shortage (famine for many) through lockdowns improved the value of investments (such as artificial foods).

It would be like exaggerating a virus outbreak to sell vaccines.

Let’s hope neither happens

tweet from David Bell at PANDATA

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Yes well what a surprise. The point is millions of us understand they are all in on it. In other words they will ultimately all pay a price for their lies and deception. The Universe/Creator is on our side. No man-made psyop can change this fact.

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Well, as those who ever tried to play in three shell game against street cone artists know perfectly well that you don't need to listen to their words, but rather need to watch their hands! Every prominent politician today is basically a thimblerigger, and so is Mr. Putin, that managed to successfully surf on top of treacherous wave of Russian power for over 20 years. So let's watch his hands, not his words. Today Russia abandoned most of mandatory COVID restrictions. Very rarely mask wearing is demanded, gone are mandatory vaccinations and travel restrictions. But as far as assessment of Russian authorities' actions during the active scamdemic period, of course he would be complimentary about it, despite the greatest loss of population in one year since the WWII. What government around the world do you know to have criticized itself for mishandling the pandemic situation? None that I know of. These actions by Russian authorities make them very different from China where people continue struggle through lockdowns and continued media hysteria over oh so dangerous common cold omicron. We'll see what November will bring us. Is Xi Jinping and his military backers going to manage to stay on top of power in China or will they get replaced by pro-Schwabian Communist Youth League leaders? Even if Xi Jinping is going to win this round, his following behavior will become a litmus test wether China will continue driving globalist agenda or is it going to chose a more sovereign path.

Here for your enjoyment is a little singing from the opera hall in Davos:


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Thank you very much for the opera song, just great. I will forward it.

As for your analysis, please keep on posting your point of view.

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All the natural doctors I follow have a very simple answer to this. Vitamin D and a few other things. When I got sick it only lasted 2 days. I can't believe Putin doesn't have any natural doctors on his team. I guess people only care about the big money in big pharma.

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I am NOT a President Putin apologist nor a President Putin puppet. The fact is President Putin is shaping Russia into the most sovereign nation in the world. So many international companies have left Russia and I think that is good. Facebook and Instagram banned! Russia is the ONLY country in the world that is brave and strong enough to stand up to USA/EU/UK hegemony. Compared to other leaders {(I like Belarus President Lukashenko the best)} President Putin is a better leader. Just look at Canada's Trudeau and his emergency act that froze bank accounts just for donating money to a truckers protest. Look at the Australia prime minister that had the numbskull idea of "covid isolation camps". Look at the New Zealand prime minister who is the queen of lockdowns. Look at President Biden and Boris Johnson. Look at Austrian prime minister that mandated injections for everyone. Look at the Kazakhstan president that ordered his military to use live fire ammunition at Republic Square in Almaty.

Yes, I must admit that President Putin is in lock step with the New World Order's QR code digital ID with 6G tracking and tracing. Who is NOT? Eritrea is the ONLY country in the world that has NOT reported so called "cases" and rebuffed injections.

On a positive note> In Russia and Belarus, there are so many small towns and villages to escape to and reside in if need be. How can I be tracked and traced if I have NO cell phone and reside in a small village?

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Africa is doing pretty well at telling the WHO to fuck off, at least for now in terms of the Pandemic Treaty. Be like Africa.

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Sorry Lily, but have you heard about Boko Haram, AQMI and consorts? I was living in Africa, Northern Mali when that plague destroyed our very life as free people.

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I am so sorry to hear that...no I am not up on Boko Haram AQMI and so on...please enlighten me if you wish to do so.

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'Sovereign nation'?... What about Eurasian integration?

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Yes, I stand by my "most sovereign" nation COMPARED to other nations (with the exception of Belarus and possibly Eritrea in Africa). That is a very general question so I will simply say that Russia is LESS integrated than other countries. ALL countries and even people on this posting board have their alliances. So what? Even Kazakhstan (a CSTO alliance member) abides by western sanctions and brands their oil so even Kazakhstan is afraid of unilateral sanctions imposed by the the west.

I have NO secret that I am VERY fond of Russia and "good" Russian people. NOT the Russian government. When Russia is being shunned by almost all nations, then that logically follows LESS influence from the outside and equates to MORE sovereignty.

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Russia may be less integrated at that point but the process is underway, isn't it? When China is conducting it's abomination in Shangaï, it appears that the Russian Government is consolidating it's links with the Communist party in China with no criticism whatsoever, isn't it?

Most readers of Riley's work have a rather positive view of Russians and "used" to have a rather positive view of it's leadership. We all wish that Russia would be a light for the world and a beacon of common sense. The more Riley give us insight into the reality, the more it appears that it is not the case.

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Jun 9, 2022
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Your questions deserve lengthy answers however I will be brief. I lived in England near Oxford for 2 years. Back then when I lived there, you would be correct. However times have changed. Russia has been bullied and manipulated by western installed Lenin (communism) and Yeltsin (inviting 100s of CIA agents to install oligarchy) for over a 100 years. I have a disdain for bullies whether it be a country or person. Wealthy elite British attended the World Economic Forum and NO Russians were invited nor attended. Russia has a drop of debt in the bucket compared to USA/UK/EU. https://usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html Russia has NO IMF loans. UK promotes a MUCH MORE lethal MRNA poison injection. There is LESS "big pharma and big tech" in Russia as Microsoft, IBM, Dell are winding down operations.

As for "life"........."life" is shaped by the individual. A country is NOT responsible for the quality of life. The individual is responsible. This is what universal basic income is all about. Where I live, ALL people (the poor included) have a fence to proudly declare ownership with NO property taxes and NO home owner associations. The fence I have is in need of repair and the house looks shabby to an outsider. However I can proudly say, that the home is very cozy on the inside.

Belarus NEVER had any restrictions except for 2 weeks when the WHO paid a visit and the health care minister played dirty tricks with a Minsk indoor/public transport mask mandate. President Lukashenko verbally and publicly reprimanded the health care minister and interior minister for enforcing nonsense behind his back. As for Russia, Riley knows the restrictions better than me. However in SMALL towns and villages, I highly doubt lock downs and "imposed masks outside" were enforced.

The UK has OFCOM that BANS Russian media (RT included) while British journalists are still welcome in Russia. David Icke has proof that midazolam was used in elder care homes which is horribly more worse than issuing lockdown decrees.

Bottom line> We respectfully disagree and our minds have reached different conclusions.

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Hello Perception Deception,

You wrote:"UK promotes a MUCH MORE lethal MRNA poison injection"

It seams to me that a MUCH LESS lethal poison injection is still lethal, isn't it ?

Have a good day

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Less is less. If one seeks absolutes, one must stick to primary core laws of physics, like the laws of thermodynamics. We speak of these thingsd as if they are acts of war, and they are. In war, you win what you can and deal with the losses as best you can.

Less lethal is less lethal, and that is better than more evil.

I am not embracing "choose the lesser evil" compromises; I am just acknowledging simple facts: worse is worse and better is better. The world doers not devolve into worst and best, which categories are both rarities at extreme opposite polar ends.

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" worse is worse and better is better", ok Bosco but lethal is... lethal

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Enjoy your day too! To politely answer your question> YES! A human detoxes when an individual's personal toxicity level is reached. We are exposed to toxins every day in our environment. An individual detox reaction may be a simple 'cold' or a much worse event. Albert (who provides the lethal adverse reactions numbers on his WelcomeTheEagle88 bitchute channel) proves the MRNA injection is the most lethal injection on Earth. A human is more prone to have a lethal adverse reaction to an MRNA injection than others.

Believe me, I am a PROUD and LOUD Anti-Vaxxer!!!!!!!!!!! ALL injections are poisons!

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While riding my bike I realised I forgot to add that we have an idea of the lethality and ability to injure people of the mnra shit because there exist VAERS and Eudravigileance, even though the data are now canceled. Such a thing doesn't exist in Russia, so how come can we compare. We now that the Pfizer injections contain very strange thins as graphene oxide and others unknown because reliable scientists in the West have demonstrated it brilliantly. Has such a thing been done with the SputnikV/ Astra Zeneca poison? As to the rejection of all things so called vaccines, we undoubtly stand on the same camp.

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While this link is obviously pro-vakzine, it provides some useful glimpses of the topic of adverse reactions if one reads between the lines or the shadows od what is said:


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Jun 10, 2022Edited
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Sarah, Jésus has already came back under the guise of a now occulted Emperor of Ethiopia, Power of the Trinity! (lol). The message is we should all be kings and have no need for an earthly one. So no need to wait. That being said, I'd be happy to see Russia being against the "technocratic cabal" but by it's real very nature it is principalities and power in heaven, an occult thing far behond intellectual understanding, more likely like what FREELANCE Philosopher refers to (sorry if I misquote to not so holy Bible) but you are bright enough to understand.

I am happy to disagree with you sometimes

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C'est tellemnt dommage de voir un homme aussi admirable tomber aussi bas!

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He was a major figure in the KGB, which may have been an admirable institution for some, but I think, there are better words for it...

He did renege on Yeltsin's selling out Russia to international corporations, which was a rare phenomenon in post-communist countries after the Eastern Block fell pray to vulture capitalism.

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You mean like work with AstraZeneca to produce poisons for shooting up Russians and other people in the world?

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Based on VAERS data from November, 2021, manufacturers whose injections were distributed in the US rotated the killer batches so that about every 200 was lethal within two months (probably contained graphene hydroxide). The Russian and the Chinese products contain(ed) graphene oxide, but 5G instructions can turn GO into GH, which is an elegant kill switch. The only thing that is certain is that all "vaccines" are poisons, the latest ones maim/kill faster, and the latest ones vary by the batch, resulting in concoctions that contain a combination of poisons from a selection of 2-300 chemicals, pathogens, parasites, and nanotech.

The lethal injections were developed in the biolabs worldwide; they are bioweapons. "Viruses" per se are misnomers for exosomes. Such a thing as a killer or contagious virus cannot exist, because viruses themselves are fraudulent inventions serving the current purpose of worldwide enslavement and global genocide. The Presidents of Tanzania, Burundi, and Haiti were killed after turning down the WHO's "recommendation" for playing pandemic (the President of Belarus miraculously survived after turning down a $900 million bribe from the IMF and even announcing it in public).

We are witnessing a coordinated attack on humanity.

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Yep. Digital enslavement is the goal, we are all to become social impact investing debt instruments. And subjects for instructing the AI global entity, the global mind hive.

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Let's not forget genocide, because sure as hell, they won't.

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Actually, they need every human they can get to train the AI, so until they can fully do so, they won't mind having a bunch of "collateral damage," but not a core goal for the time being.

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Can you translate that into Russian for me please

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Watch this in order to understand that with Putin, who has gone far beyond the point of diminishing returns with his presidency, Russia is going to be toast, in fact, it remains to be seen whether it is already not too late. Fortunately, to operate MAD on the Russian side suffices a small kernel of die-hard men, Assassin's Creed style, which surely exists, is ready to kick Putin's ass, with the Deep state understanding this very well.

Monopoly - Who owns the world?


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Putin has already incurred egregious mistakes during his presidencies, but that of submitting to the dictate of the Great Reset is the fatal one, his antinomianistic take that dooms Russia and that cannot even be excused by his being ignorant and illiterate in the sciences, on par with a Biden.

Real Russians made scorched earth against the advancing Nazis during Barbarossa, Putin on the other hand would drop his pants and offer his bare bottom as baboons do in submission and appeasement. And then he has the nerve to show himself with portraits in hand during the anniversaries of the Great Patriotic War.

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Imagine if Russia had shown the world, "no, we don't bite at this shit." Authentic experts from here and there in the world immediately realized that the pandemic was a fabrication. Given that Putin (forgetting that he was supposed to have any flair anyway having spent years warming his chair in the KGB and jerking off in Berlin, and that the operation had been prepared for decades) doesn't understand a shit about science while instead he's the super cautious type of character, we could have given him a delay of a couple of months before waking up and opening his eyes. Not at all!, instead, he continues undaunted in his role as Schwab's sidekick, which is a course that leads to ruin and dooms the nation that would thus have resisted Nazi and Western imperialism in vain nearly a century ago.

What consequences can be drawn by assuming that Putin is not a traitor? That Putin is not in charge of the nation.

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Regarding Putin, he of the strideful (is 2 a woid!) hazmat suit photo-op:

It is virtually impossible for him to not know that the vakzines are bad news any more than he couldn't know that his various medical expert big shots have been trashing Russia's once admirable (as I understand it) medical system for some time.

Since the one-size-fits-all Davosian Global Overlords (DGO) theory is getting old and boring, but mostly because I dislike pretending to know what I don't, I'll ask: what reasons, other than sucking up to a bunch of crappy kleptocrats of the stripe Putin regularly eats for lunch, might Putin have for allowing and literally presiding over this sorry shambled tragicomedy?

For example, does he know something that we don't know?

Sure, Putin could be just another sold-out has-been. This accords with the known data well enough.



Were I someone like Klaus Schwabb, I might like having people insist that every evil thing happening on a global scale is all part of his master plan. Since the people insisting this is the case do so at the cost of their mainstream credibility while hardly convincing those outside the cynically skeptical pale, such people do most of their proselytizing online, generally preaching to their fellow choir members. This provides fantastically useful data for the various intel agencies of the more advanced and nasty corp/govs of our realm, while doing virtually nothing to stop the globally oppressive insanity I call covidiocy.

Poor Klaus:


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Oy veh oof

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Bugey, I think it was, said that medicine is an art. Regarding our fave topic, the medical establishment, I'll note this quote:

"The worst state of affairs is when science begins to concern itself with art.”

- Paul Klee

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When asked who he was, at some point of his life, Jung answered, "I am a bush doctor". I don't have time to go check in my messy 'archive' but the trust in a therapist is recognized (by the babylonian so called scientific standard) to be one of the most important component of healing.

If the doctor is a real good man, listening at least one hour to the patient, there are much greater chance that the person will feel and will be in much better shape. This is the art.

Every year, in the US, a dozen people in 4th stage cancer, heal without any explanation...

Take care Bosco, light one for me...

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I'm a huge believer in "bedside manner", "placebo effect", etc. The number one medicine is raw libido, desire to live. MOdern medicine is mostly fear of thanatos, which is but a shadow of the will to live.


btw, I've meant to respond to your remarks on the French retro-traditionalist movement you described, but it keeps falling out of my head.


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Listening is a great, great gift. It allows the inner being to heal regardless of whether or not the outer does, which it often does! To see another...this is what we all most deeply want, I think...and not only to be accepted but to be seen in the beauty of who we are as well. I visited Jung's castle when I was very young. His children were very angry, as my mother had not gotten proper permissions! I think Jung was an asshole who was also close to enlightenment on certain topics, but lacking in the embodiment of integrity or love in his daily life.

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Anita Moorjani's book dying to be me is excellent on the role of the sou/psyche in healing.

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Nearly all the drugs reg prescribed on done based on shammy studies without a clear understanding of mechanism of action whereas natural medicine usually operates on principles that can be traced and mechanisms that make sense.

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The title of the video is misleading, Professeur Didier Raoult says that 99% of drug produced the last 20 years (not all molecules) are ineffective:


When I was working in an hospital (Centre Léon Bérard Lyon), the pharmacists then told me one day: "Bugey, 70% of all there is here is just unuseful)" When I advocated spirulina for the people in chemotherapy, I was answered that it couldn't be accepted because no money could be make out of it.

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Indeed. Said a dean to a medical student a long time ago, when that individual expressed interest in integrative: "No one is going to fund studying something you can grow in your backyard." What I find interesting is that in spite of such sentiments, many studies have managed to get done since that time. Only hardly anyone knows about them and they often are not clinical trials on humans, and there is such an intense double standard of what level of evidence and quality of study is required for a vaccination or a drug or gene therapy compared to plant based medicine or things that work but operate unseen.

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Totally different note but you may find of interest as it overlaps with things jung was interested and the darker side of what is REALLY going on beneath debates about science, however important these are to have; in order to create a world that operates with integrity, we'll need to move up to a vibration where this stuff cannot exist:


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See my article on Magnolia from a while ago if you are curious! It actually has had its safety profile done; much less can be said for most punches.

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Very interesting, thank you. As for the AQMI, Boko Haram thing, you can do a little search, but without spoiling, these entity are backed by the usual US, UK, Royals Arabs, Turkey...

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for me this increases the risk of a nuclear exchange. given the global trends today, better to have it, specially living far away from the belligerant countries

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