All this is mere theatre. Nothing has fundamentally changed. Nothing will fundamentally change until the Russian people wake up and realize they're being fucked over by psychopaths.
The SMO could have been over in 1 week. This latest move is to give the illusion that Putin is doing everything he can to win the war.
I have a question for the people of the world: If you think politicians are corrupt, why do you keep voting for them? Is it because you, yourself, are corrupt? Or is it because you are moron?
I've got a question for you: why do you think casting a single vote once every few years for a choice between two persons each from a Party which they will serve - and not you - would make any difference at all? That anyone could 'get away' or 'change things' in that scenario?
I think not. Not possible. It is in fact disenfrachisement. The people effectively have NO vote.
What is needed is a Daily Voice. The ability to vote on ANY date or even Every day.
A constant, ever present voice.
That's what the people of the whole world needs and then they can begin running their own societies.
The representative form of government does not work. What would work is direct democracy wherein all issues, big and small, would be decided by voters directly.
Administrators would still be needed but not policy makers.
that's precisely what you could have if people had an app whereby they could vote with the push of a button and make for instance a new vote every day, whatever.
It would be like running perpetual referenda on whatever matters are topical.
dunno man. I can think of at least 50% of the population in my country that I actually do not want to have a vote in anything, because they are lemmings and propaganda victims. Whether in direct vote or representative.
I would agree, however, that direct voting will reduce the number of politicized issues dramatically, because most of the ish done by politics is of little to no interest to peoples. That means less politics and laws in total, meaning a better society.
My preferred solution, however, is a Caesar who tramples down the woke, degenerate, globalists, communists etc. etc. to give them what they deserve. After that, maybe we can agree on some direct voting for the male populace below a certain age and females with kids.
I find there are many who think like this. It is not something I would support until it were proven that 'whole community' 'digital democracy' would not work.
My thought is that even though voting would be much changed due to the ease of doing it, and due it now becoming 'fashionable' and due to the access to verified information that would accompany it, there still would be many people who'd choose to have much less than full participation.
Given voting, for instance, on many different topics, we'd find people opting to ignore those topics that didn't interest them.
So over time we'd reach hopefully a sort of stable state wherein the effects of 'lemmings' and 'propaganda victims' would be much less than they are today.
Well in fact it is difficult to see how it could be as bad as today at all. Today is overwhelmingly characterised by lemming and propaganda victim influence is it not?
But only because we do not punish lying and simple propaganda with death! If there were consequences for everything that "politicians" say and do, then that job would not be so popular! By the way, they lie and drug the people in order to stay in power.
Yes. A bit extreme there but the principle is right: there should be consequences. Well in fact there are, of course, else they wouldn't bother to lie: the 'consequence' is that they stay in power, gain the approval of their masters etc. They lie for a purpose and they prosper by it don't they?
Because they lie into a vacuum. The people have no voice.
We can forget a once every few years vote. That's of no consequence, literally.
So they make do - the few 'activists' amongst them - with such as Twitter where their voices get submerged amongst all the vapid twitterings of the day.
Let digital voting and referenda become the norm and I'd imagine things to be very different.
When everyone knows that the voting app is 100% genuine its results will have greater power than any surveys, any polls, any 'analyst' or observer's estimations.
When it is known that every vote in that app is a genuine vote from a genuine eligible voter and that every such voter has one and only one vote then its results will take precedence, will have more credibility, will be more believed and trusted and relied upon than the current govt. organised anachronistic once every few years laborious voting booth type things. Much more.
And so easy to set up 'referenda', immediate votes, on any subject.
So a lying politician for instance could pronounce his lie and within minutes the question put to the voters 'do you believe this?' and not only that but auxillary apps could immediately investigate the truth of the statement and make voters aware of the findings.
REAL findings, not the rubbish of those 'fact checkers' we saw govt and big pharma sponsored during Covid that fed lie after lie after lie to us in the name of 'fact checked'.
It's not just the voting. It's also the information. It's not just that people are disenfranchised and have no voice they also have no access to reliable information.
It is coming. These modern AI things like GPT are much more reliable though not perfect.
Devoted apps a kinda mixture between googling and gpt'ing and 'fact checking' could serve up truths in an unprecedented way so that any issue about to be voted upon would come with handy references, statistics, quotes, illustrations... whatever.
In this way lying politicians would be hit almost immediately with refutation of their lies, complete exposure, and a vivid demonstration of the effect that has had on the public, how they are now voting against him in increasing numbers.
Don't forget the major aspect of all this: it is continual. Not once every few years voting for a shill for the corporations etc.
But it could be every day. You could vote for something today and against it tomorrow. Changing your vote day by day. So that the movement of the thoughts and beliefs of the people is expressed in real time.
That's how it should be in this modern era.
Why is it not like that?
Two reasons:
1. the politicians etc. who see the possibility do not want it for it exposes and frightens them.
2. the public itself does not yet see it and has been trained for generations to pay no attention to political matters, but simply to suffer in silence. Belief that they could actually be pro active and really run their own countries is almost non existent.
What a coincidence. The Globalists are going to sell their form of Direct Democracy as their solution to the world chaos.
AI Government that monitors 24/7 everyone's behavior and then craft policies to cater to the observed behaviour. No need for corrupt politicans anymore, your thoughts and actions directly affect policy!
"personally, I might rather advocate for dictatorships or absolute monarchies"
Now it's everywhere, except they don't call those exercising power king or tsar! So why should this be demolished? They flayed the people there as well, and they are doing the same here. And what's to come will be even worse...
It matters not what people of the world think, aside from increasing the efficiency in furthering the goals of the herd management practices. One of those being the installation of 'hope' in the herd. "When everyone wakes up." "On the day of the rope." Etcetera.
To a certain extent, voting can answer the question: "Would you rather be beaten with a stick, or with a metal pipe?" You don't actually have a choice, but you can feel like you do.
As Thomas Gray concluded, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."
"RCC: The problem here are the words ‘adversaries’ and ‘enemies.’ Who says so? Personally, I have no ‘adversaries’ or ‘enemies.’ These are buzzwords used by governments to get people to kill other people and to get themselves killed. Why? So the fat cats can make money. It’s been that way for a long time, but it doesn’t have to be that way any longer. We have the knowledge and the understanding today to stop wars. Of course, there will always be competition, and some people will still try to cheat their competitors. So, we still need a system of law enforcement. But we don’t have to kill each other so the rich can get richer. "
The money made into war is supposed to be invested in the high tech nightmare...
I don't know why but, I just can't send any comment on that substack. It has lasted now for hours and it is not the first time. All I can do is replying.
Well, this has nothing to do with Shoigu or the new minister of destruction and reconstruction and the associated philantropic business. In fact, it has more to do with future Babouchka, butcher's daughter, beautiful talented, intelligent Russian women.
I don't know about the butcher's daughter but that one Russian woman is very bright and does a pretty good job at presenting Russian Federation, republic we don't know much about, and some neighboring countries like Mongolia, worth considering:
If I could send a message on youtube, i would tell her to go visit Roman, that us journalist presently settling in rural Russia and who is backed by many people because he is a very good writer and a very good human being.
Dear Omnipotent Russia Correspondent, here is another thought to consider, but only after you're finished shoveling the goats, chainsawing the fence, buying the manure and mending the puppies;
If Andrei Belousov went from Deputy Minister of ECONOMIC Development, to director of the Department of ECONOMICS and Finance and then became Minister of ECONOMIC Development before just waltzing into a gig of Minister of DEFENCE, me thinks this leaves little doubt that the banksters fund the war machine. After retirement I'm sure there will be a nice job at a military think-tank and perhaps a bit of arms trafficking too.
There is another angle that we usually don't take into consideration when we are dealing with that war. I have spent some time on that much interesting youtube channel:
I have learned that it was the minister of defense of the Russian federation (plus most probably a Huge public/private mafia scheme which is not mentioned) which is responsible for the reconstruction of liberated areas. Thus, economic is an even more essential aspect of that war (wars are always about economics anyway). I have also mentioned in another comment that Russia imported 40000 foreign workers for the Mariupol reconstruction...
If Belousov replaces Gerasimov (or whoever has the power to do so), then Shoigu's judo chop (as you called it) may be more significant than it appears.
Also interesting: comments on DSS re Mishustin and the new gov "This government is not Holy Rus. This is the Government of Schwab and the Club of Rome."
Can’t read the link as it is in Russian, but i read that Belousov belongs to Gref’s circle, which would seem to confirm the quote from the link you provide.
the whole war in ukraine is about rebuilding ukraine with the 4IR in mind. russia is not real opposition, because if they wanted to take ukraine they could have done it quickly and easily but they didnt. Russia's oligarchs are also occultists. @edwardslavsquat I was wondering how much you know about the "black" nobility aka the old bloodlines who lineages stretch back to ancient times and still run our world today?
Putin knows the moon landings were faked...he also knows 9/11 was an orchestrated false flag...he also knows that the Israeli lobbies control Washington's economic and foreign policy....yet he never says anything to expose those facts...why is that?
Because he is afraid of them , every politician is afraid of them look at them all kowtowing and arse kissing the chosen. Why? Because they control the CAPITAL!
"So he’s [Belousov] been around for a long time and has been a member of Putin’s inner circle for at least a decade. Noted."
Thus, if Belusouv has had any disagreements with the fundamental core of Putin's policy, i.e. 4IR, be it "Pandemic Preparedness," digital transformation,.... these disagreements have not stopped him from staying in the inner circle!
"(The rest of the Russian government remains virtually unchanged, and the “new” cabinet of ministers—an all-star team of turbo-patriots—has listed “digital transformation” as a top priority. Hooray.)"
"“digital transformation” as a top priority"
All we need to know in six words.
Thanks, Riley. Saw this on Al Jazeera a couple of hours ago, figured you'd be on it soon, with the deep analysis, AJ is when all is said and done a "multi-polar world order" cheer leader.
Putin has no fundamental policy . He is a puppet just as Biden or Trump . Money is not power. Its a fiction what is used to mesmerize the audience during the magic show . Power is when I can do as I please with the whole planet . As it was proven by the Covid -19 hysteria .
The political field of this planet is like a race-course where all the horses are owned by the same guy .
You are right, i should have said "the regime's fundamental policy," Indeed, a puppet like Biden or Trump. Money is a symbol, but it translates to power since the world's people adhere to a system based upon this symbol's alleged reality and, even more, alleged necessity in order to enable any form of social interaction. "COVID" was/is nothing more than a Psy Op. No pandemic, no unique disease, no SARS-CoV-2 virus ever actually physically isolated and purified, just a narrative pushed by the world's governments and mass media.
But there is more than one guy owning the horses, rival gangs which cooperate in maintaining the consensus trance, but which are also rivals, and which eventually will go to war to decide who is at the top of the pyramid.
what do you know about the "black" nobility aka the old bloodlines whose lineages stretch back into antiquity that still run our world today? they are the ones who own all the horses. what do you know about the occult? not everyone who is involved in building the new world order knows who they are working for. its all very compartmentalized. there is not one aspect that hasnt been corrupted by these ancient families, from culture to economics, first in the west then later in the rest of the world.
Utter CRAP! As if the capitalist revolution of the late medieval period in England didn't take place. THAT is where and when capitalism emerged, not in the trade centers where the ancient families lived. Talking about "economics" as if that's a transhistorical category is total BS.
Ellen Meiksins Wood Agrarian Origins of Capitalism
When the name Barin was mentioned it brought to mind Trump who named his youngest son Barron.
Anyway, today after MSNBC "Morning Joe" commentators mocked the "Orange Idiot" for praising Hannibal Lecter as being a "Wonderful Man" these same spook commentators proceeded to deny the genocide in Gaza by saying Hamas lies and a victory for Hamas would be a win for Putin.
These pyschopathic bloodthirsty commentators actually make Hannibal Lechter look quite sane.
If he's canning him because of the slowness of progress in the Ukraine war, then it seems like a very belated move. Odessa will be taken in 2029? Unite with Transitia by 2031? No one is exactly getting dizzy watching this thing.
Have you heard of this old Russian rock band Kalinov most? It's not bad. My favourite song is Sky exploded with a cry (Лопнуло воплем небо) recorded in 1992. Check it out.
This is great, thank you! Especially fitting since I'm moving into a new rental house and the grass around it is well over half arshin now :) Will have to source a scythe, as a female living alone I find it beneficial to slightly spook the neighbors X)
❗️The head of the personnel department of the Russian Ministry of Defense is allegedly detained, writes RTVI with reference to the Rybar channel.
“We confirm the investigative measures in relation to Yuri Kuznetsov: he was no longer at his workplace today. As far as we know, Kuznetsov’s activities in the post of head of the state secrets protection service, and not his personnel affairs, came under the investigation’s attention,” the channel’s report says.
Since 2010, Yuri Kuznetsov has been the head of the Eighth Directorate of the General Staff, which played a leading role in ensuring the information security of the armed forces. Kuznetsov became the head of the personnel department of the Ministry of Defense in 2023.
All this is mere theatre. Nothing has fundamentally changed. Nothing will fundamentally change until the Russian people wake up and realize they're being fucked over by psychopaths.
The SMO could have been over in 1 week. This latest move is to give the illusion that Putin is doing everything he can to win the war.
I have a question for the people of the world: If you think politicians are corrupt, why do you keep voting for them? Is it because you, yourself, are corrupt? Or is it because you are moron?
I've got a question for you: why do you think casting a single vote once every few years for a choice between two persons each from a Party which they will serve - and not you - would make any difference at all? That anyone could 'get away' or 'change things' in that scenario?
I think not. Not possible. It is in fact disenfrachisement. The people effectively have NO vote.
What is needed is a Daily Voice. The ability to vote on ANY date or even Every day.
A constant, ever present voice.
That's what the people of the whole world needs and then they can begin running their own societies.
And it can happen now. Thanks to technology:
open source voting apps
The representative form of government does not work. What would work is direct democracy wherein all issues, big and small, would be decided by voters directly.
Administrators would still be needed but not policy makers.
that's precisely what you could have if people had an app whereby they could vote with the push of a button and make for instance a new vote every day, whatever.
It would be like running perpetual referenda on whatever matters are topical.
dunno man. I can think of at least 50% of the population in my country that I actually do not want to have a vote in anything, because they are lemmings and propaganda victims. Whether in direct vote or representative.
I would agree, however, that direct voting will reduce the number of politicized issues dramatically, because most of the ish done by politics is of little to no interest to peoples. That means less politics and laws in total, meaning a better society.
My preferred solution, however, is a Caesar who tramples down the woke, degenerate, globalists, communists etc. etc. to give them what they deserve. After that, maybe we can agree on some direct voting for the male populace below a certain age and females with kids.
I find there are many who think like this. It is not something I would support until it were proven that 'whole community' 'digital democracy' would not work.
My thought is that even though voting would be much changed due to the ease of doing it, and due it now becoming 'fashionable' and due to the access to verified information that would accompany it, there still would be many people who'd choose to have much less than full participation.
Given voting, for instance, on many different topics, we'd find people opting to ignore those topics that didn't interest them.
So over time we'd reach hopefully a sort of stable state wherein the effects of 'lemmings' and 'propaganda victims' would be much less than they are today.
Well in fact it is difficult to see how it could be as bad as today at all. Today is overwhelmingly characterised by lemming and propaganda victim influence is it not?
But only because we do not punish lying and simple propaganda with death! If there were consequences for everything that "politicians" say and do, then that job would not be so popular! By the way, they lie and drug the people in order to stay in power.
Yes. A bit extreme there but the principle is right: there should be consequences. Well in fact there are, of course, else they wouldn't bother to lie: the 'consequence' is that they stay in power, gain the approval of their masters etc. They lie for a purpose and they prosper by it don't they?
Because they lie into a vacuum. The people have no voice.
We can forget a once every few years vote. That's of no consequence, literally.
So they make do - the few 'activists' amongst them - with such as Twitter where their voices get submerged amongst all the vapid twitterings of the day.
Let digital voting and referenda become the norm and I'd imagine things to be very different.
When everyone knows that the voting app is 100% genuine its results will have greater power than any surveys, any polls, any 'analyst' or observer's estimations.
When it is known that every vote in that app is a genuine vote from a genuine eligible voter and that every such voter has one and only one vote then its results will take precedence, will have more credibility, will be more believed and trusted and relied upon than the current govt. organised anachronistic once every few years laborious voting booth type things. Much more.
And so easy to set up 'referenda', immediate votes, on any subject.
So a lying politician for instance could pronounce his lie and within minutes the question put to the voters 'do you believe this?' and not only that but auxillary apps could immediately investigate the truth of the statement and make voters aware of the findings.
REAL findings, not the rubbish of those 'fact checkers' we saw govt and big pharma sponsored during Covid that fed lie after lie after lie to us in the name of 'fact checked'.
It's not just the voting. It's also the information. It's not just that people are disenfranchised and have no voice they also have no access to reliable information.
It is coming. These modern AI things like GPT are much more reliable though not perfect.
Devoted apps a kinda mixture between googling and gpt'ing and 'fact checking' could serve up truths in an unprecedented way so that any issue about to be voted upon would come with handy references, statistics, quotes, illustrations... whatever.
In this way lying politicians would be hit almost immediately with refutation of their lies, complete exposure, and a vivid demonstration of the effect that has had on the public, how they are now voting against him in increasing numbers.
Don't forget the major aspect of all this: it is continual. Not once every few years voting for a shill for the corporations etc.
But it could be every day. You could vote for something today and against it tomorrow. Changing your vote day by day. So that the movement of the thoughts and beliefs of the people is expressed in real time.
That's how it should be in this modern era.
Why is it not like that?
Two reasons:
1. the politicians etc. who see the possibility do not want it for it exposes and frightens them.
2. the public itself does not yet see it and has been trained for generations to pay no attention to political matters, but simply to suffer in silence. Belief that they could actually be pro active and really run their own countries is almost non existent.
But it must come, surely?
What a coincidence. The Globalists are going to sell their form of Direct Democracy as their solution to the world chaos.
AI Government that monitors 24/7 everyone's behavior and then craft policies to cater to the observed behaviour. No need for corrupt politicans anymore, your thoughts and actions directly affect policy!
see replies i have made to other comments.
"personally, I might rather advocate for dictatorships or absolute monarchies"
Now it's everywhere, except they don't call those exercising power king or tsar! So why should this be demolished? They flayed the people there as well, and they are doing the same here. And what's to come will be even worse...
It matters not what people of the world think, aside from increasing the efficiency in furthering the goals of the herd management practices. One of those being the installation of 'hope' in the herd. "When everyone wakes up." "On the day of the rope." Etcetera.
To a certain extent, voting can answer the question: "Would you rather be beaten with a stick, or with a metal pipe?" You don't actually have a choice, but you can feel like you do.
As Thomas Gray concluded, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."
"RCC: The problem here are the words ‘adversaries’ and ‘enemies.’ Who says so? Personally, I have no ‘adversaries’ or ‘enemies.’ These are buzzwords used by governments to get people to kill other people and to get themselves killed. Why? So the fat cats can make money. It’s been that way for a long time, but it doesn’t have to be that way any longer. We have the knowledge and the understanding today to stop wars. Of course, there will always be competition, and some people will still try to cheat their competitors. So, we still need a system of law enforcement. But we don’t have to kill each other so the rich can get richer. "
The money made into war is supposed to be invested in the high tech nightmare...
I don't know why but, I just can't send any comment on that substack. It has lasted now for hours and it is not the first time. All I can do is replying.
Well, this has nothing to do with Shoigu or the new minister of destruction and reconstruction and the associated philantropic business. In fact, it has more to do with future Babouchka, butcher's daughter, beautiful talented, intelligent Russian women.
I don't know about the butcher's daughter but that one Russian woman is very bright and does a pretty good job at presenting Russian Federation, republic we don't know much about, and some neighboring countries like Mongolia, worth considering:
If I could send a message on youtube, i would tell her to go visit Roman, that us journalist presently settling in rural Russia and who is backed by many people because he is a very good writer and a very good human being.
If anybody has any idea why I can't comment...
Dear Omnipotent Russia Correspondent, here is another thought to consider, but only after you're finished shoveling the goats, chainsawing the fence, buying the manure and mending the puppies;
If Andrei Belousov went from Deputy Minister of ECONOMIC Development, to director of the Department of ECONOMICS and Finance and then became Minister of ECONOMIC Development before just waltzing into a gig of Minister of DEFENCE, me thinks this leaves little doubt that the banksters fund the war machine. After retirement I'm sure there will be a nice job at a military think-tank and perhaps a bit of arms trafficking too.
Salut Art du bois Néotérique
There is another angle that we usually don't take into consideration when we are dealing with that war. I have spent some time on that much interesting youtube channel:
I have learned that it was the minister of defense of the Russian federation (plus most probably a Huge public/private mafia scheme which is not mentioned) which is responsible for the reconstruction of liberated areas. Thus, economic is an even more essential aspect of that war (wars are always about economics anyway). I have also mentioned in another comment that Russia imported 40000 foreign workers for the Mariupol reconstruction...
Thanks, Riley.
If Belousov replaces Gerasimov (or whoever has the power to do so), then Shoigu's judo chop (as you called it) may be more significant than it appears.
Also interesting: comments on DSS re Mishustin and the new gov "This government is not Holy Rus. This is the Government of Schwab and the Club of Rome."
Can’t read the link as it is in Russian, but i read that Belousov belongs to Gref’s circle, which would seem to confirm the quote from the link you provide.
the whole war in ukraine is about rebuilding ukraine with the 4IR in mind. russia is not real opposition, because if they wanted to take ukraine they could have done it quickly and easily but they didnt. Russia's oligarchs are also occultists. @edwardslavsquat I was wondering how much you know about the "black" nobility aka the old bloodlines who lineages stretch back to ancient times and still run our world today?
So cute! And a true Барин in position and attitude!
‘Digital transformation a top priority’ pretty much answers all my questions—thank you.
Putin knows the moon landings were faked...he also knows 9/11 was an orchestrated false flag...he also knows that the Israeli lobbies control Washington's economic and foreign policy....yet he never says anything to expose those facts...why is that?
Because he is afraid of them , every politician is afraid of them look at them all kowtowing and arse kissing the chosen. Why? Because they control the CAPITAL!
"So he’s [Belousov] been around for a long time and has been a member of Putin’s inner circle for at least a decade. Noted."
Thus, if Belusouv has had any disagreements with the fundamental core of Putin's policy, i.e. 4IR, be it "Pandemic Preparedness," digital transformation,.... these disagreements have not stopped him from staying in the inner circle!
"(The rest of the Russian government remains virtually unchanged, and the “new” cabinet of ministers—an all-star team of turbo-patriots—has listed “digital transformation” as a top priority. Hooray.)"
"“digital transformation” as a top priority"
All we need to know in six words.
Thanks, Riley. Saw this on Al Jazeera a couple of hours ago, figured you'd be on it soon, with the deep analysis, AJ is when all is said and done a "multi-polar world order" cheer leader.
Putin has no fundamental policy . He is a puppet just as Biden or Trump . Money is not power. Its a fiction what is used to mesmerize the audience during the magic show . Power is when I can do as I please with the whole planet . As it was proven by the Covid -19 hysteria .
The political field of this planet is like a race-course where all the horses are owned by the same guy .
You are right, i should have said "the regime's fundamental policy," Indeed, a puppet like Biden or Trump. Money is a symbol, but it translates to power since the world's people adhere to a system based upon this symbol's alleged reality and, even more, alleged necessity in order to enable any form of social interaction. "COVID" was/is nothing more than a Psy Op. No pandemic, no unique disease, no SARS-CoV-2 virus ever actually physically isolated and purified, just a narrative pushed by the world's governments and mass media.
But there is more than one guy owning the horses, rival gangs which cooperate in maintaining the consensus trance, but which are also rivals, and which eventually will go to war to decide who is at the top of the pyramid.
what do you know about the "black" nobility aka the old bloodlines whose lineages stretch back into antiquity that still run our world today? they are the ones who own all the horses. what do you know about the occult? not everyone who is involved in building the new world order knows who they are working for. its all very compartmentalized. there is not one aspect that hasnt been corrupted by these ancient families, from culture to economics, first in the west then later in the rest of the world.
Utter CRAP! As if the capitalist revolution of the late medieval period in England didn't take place. THAT is where and when capitalism emerged, not in the trade centers where the ancient families lived. Talking about "economics" as if that's a transhistorical category is total BS.
Ellen Meiksins Wood Agrarian Origins of Capitalism
Привет барин
When the name Barin was mentioned it brought to mind Trump who named his youngest son Barron.
Anyway, today after MSNBC "Morning Joe" commentators mocked the "Orange Idiot" for praising Hannibal Lecter as being a "Wonderful Man" these same spook commentators proceeded to deny the genocide in Gaza by saying Hamas lies and a victory for Hamas would be a win for Putin.
These pyschopathic bloodthirsty commentators actually make Hannibal Lechter look quite sane.
Barin. Great name.
Sounds like the name of one who is in charge of important Village matters....better watch your back !
> has listed “digital transformation” as a top priority
Ugh. Great. <_<
If Putin's first concern is direction of post-Putin Russia, what does this mean?
Seems to me, planning for the long term is in character and always ever so timely.
If he's canning him because of the slowness of progress in the Ukraine war, then it seems like a very belated move. Odessa will be taken in 2029? Unite with Transitia by 2031? No one is exactly getting dizzy watching this thing.
Hi, Riley!
Enough with politics and puppies already =D
Have you heard of this old Russian rock band Kalinov most? It's not bad. My favourite song is Sky exploded with a cry (Лопнуло воплем небо) recorded in 1992. Check it out.
Sky exploded with a cry:
How many bloods do I have in me!
Way more than you, I lost count.
And on my head
Wild grass have grown
To half an arshin.
(Лопнуло воплем небо:
Сколько во мне кровей!
Вам - не чета, сбился считать.
А на моей голове
Дикие выросли травы
В пол-аршина.)
This is great, thank you! Especially fitting since I'm moving into a new rental house and the grass around it is well over half arshin now :) Will have to source a scythe, as a female living alone I find it beneficial to slightly spook the neighbors X)
This is getting really interesting:
❗️The head of the personnel department of the Russian Ministry of Defense is allegedly detained, writes RTVI with reference to the Rybar channel.
“We confirm the investigative measures in relation to Yuri Kuznetsov: he was no longer at his workplace today. As far as we know, Kuznetsov’s activities in the post of head of the state secrets protection service, and not his personnel affairs, came under the investigation’s attention,” the channel’s report says.
Since 2010, Yuri Kuznetsov has been the head of the Eighth Directorate of the General Staff, which played a leading role in ensuring the information security of the armed forces. Kuznetsov became the head of the personnel department of the Ministry of Defense in 2023.
Machine translated, here's the link to DSS: