The first step toward any "cleansing " requires recognition that this entire - global- mess, truly is, as suggested,




Only then, will improvement be seen.

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“Breakthroughs That Change People’s Lives”

Yeah, well nothing about health or patient care or humanity or safety. Fvcking “Change” could be anything.

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I'd love to see /any/ government purge pHarmaCo from their control base.

I'm hoping that Putin's media admissions in that regard aren't just a Trump-esque "draining the swamp" publicly viewable game where current corrupt officials and policies are just replaced with new corrupt officials and policies.

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If the FSB really has a guy investigating the Great Reset and how it will be very bad for Russia if it's not stopped, they should watch the documentary "How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World" (www.corbettreport.com/bigoil). They would recognize some names and patterns. And they shouldn't just throw out the foreign agents without telling anyone why because if people don't understand how bad it is, they won't know how to prevent it in the future.

Unless... the FSB is also bought by Klaus and Big Pharma (dramatic music).

Here's a two-year-old question: Shouldn't most intelligence agencies who have some decent counterintelligence skills have understood long ago that the whole plandemic is a major threat to the sovereignty, the economy, education, privacy and the people in general?

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I think PUtin realized that if he goes through with the great reset, he will be just a serf in the big scheme like everyone else. He is used to ruling himself. How can he be just a particle in a chain. He probably also realized, that he would be dismissible just like everyone else. Big boss does not want small boss on the side ! I just hope he can work it out. If he does, others will wake up too, just like the people are waking up to the whole virus scam.

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How is it that Deagel published a report in 2014 stating there would be a massive drop in the US population by 2025? What have our intelligence agencies been keeping from us?

Craig Paardekooper (UK scientist and collaborator with Mike Yeadon on the VAERS database figures) has looked at Deagel's figures. Here is his report -


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4chan thread from "i reddit for lulz" was interesting. Oct 2016 posts said major event in 3 years, 3 months.. manmade emergency that would unravel certain ways of living to prepare for a plotted geological and/or celestial event.. description of underground cities.. advanced tech and adjustment bureau for controlling flow of info to protect the agenda.

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I makes you wonder who know this vaccine genocide was being planned. There are deep links between the US health bureaucracy like the NIH and US military tech groups like DARPA. And I'm disgusted to say the Chinese military.

As I understand the mRNA technology started in the military then was used in the veterinary sciences, before being dumped on unsuspecting people.

Either way the people involved in the covid genocide should all hang. Looking at the data this is the worst mass murder in history.

https://howbad.info/ see 'Nation-o-cide'.

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I can't believe that until it happens. For me Putin during the last 2 and .. years looked like an hypochonder full of corona fears - always sitting in his home office with millions of video conferences, his sputnik V- shots ... He never wears a mask but a lot of people surrounding him - with which purpose? And I am sure that all people who met him had to pass a pcr-test.

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yup. I'm willing to consider it as a possibility. But it's not the most likely possibility, in my humble opinion. I guess we wait and see...

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We will see ! If he is serious about it, we might all need to move to Russia !!!

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The application for emigration to any country that pulls out of the WHO would be in the millions.

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"Cleansing" would require an admission that this entire "Pandemic" has been an unprecedented act of fraud, from the start. Why am i feeling skeptical about Putin doing so? :-)

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"a lot of the pill peddling and unethical contracting is done legally"

As the Ukrainian proverb goes, "Закон як дишло - куди повернеш, туди і вийшло". Roughly translated as "The law is like a shaft - it goes where you turn it".

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Meanwhile in France: https://pgibertie.com/2022/06/28/les-medecins-sont-majoritairement-hostiles-aux-injections-23-fois-plus-de-risques-de-contamination-apres-un-ou-deux-rappels-que-pour-les-non-vaccs-idem-pour-les-soins-critiques/

PHYSICIANS ARE MAJORITY HOSTILE TO INJECTIONS: 2.3 times more likely to be contaminated after one or two booster shots than for non-vaccs.

The first chart is from a physician website, Le Généraliste. A 'généraliste' is a regular doctor in medecin without speciality and then there are comments from doctors.

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Talk is worthless unless action is taken. Action speaks louder than words. However President Putin's acknowledgement is at least the FIRST step to address the problem. This is a worldwide problem and President Putin knows the problem exists in most countries. Most likely, the Russian health care minister is the ringleader in this bribe kickback scheme. In Belarus, President Lukashenko admonished the health care minister for pleading leniency in punishing these drug pusher doctor criminals. Unfortunately the evil Belarusian health care minister still has his job.

Pills and injections are 2 feathers on the same lame duck that quacks. Some doctors are just as bad as the drug dealer on the street corner in USA big cities.

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Good stuff, as usual!

My impression is that Putin is simply trying to keep the command-and-control center at home.

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Wow, I haven't seen that from Pfizer before! According to their slogan in the photo, their company holds "Breakthroughs that change patients' lives."

Now, that is a truism, if there ever was one, especially for those "patients" whose last "treatment" in life was an injection from Pfizer!

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Glad to get a little encouragement.

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Wow what a hostile comment section Edward, you really ought to clean out the trolls, it ain't worth the 5$ a month. That said, I loved the piece and hopefully so will Putin and Dugan.



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Are you paying 5 bucks a month to read the comments section?

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Ah, merde, il faudrait que j'écrive en anglais, la langue de l'empire!

Il semble que Poutine se réveille.

Fi de la ploutocratie à 3 balles, en temps de guerre les vérités se disent!

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Shit, I should write in English, the language of the empire!

It seems like Putin is waking up.

Don't give a damn about the 10 cents plutocracy, in war time, truths must be said!

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"If Putin is sincere about expelling degenerate pill pushers from Russia, how far is he willing to go? Because in order to have a meaningful impact he’ll have to go pretty far. All the way, actually." Does all the way include confronting the oligarchs?

Re the oligarchs - an interesting piece from RT: https://t.me/asbmil/2456

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