As I have stressed many times THEY ALL are on the same board. All so-called "tension", "conflict" etc are feigned to fool and to gaslighting dumbshit nationalists around the world.

Given the fact that "Putnik V" and Pfizer are "twined".... and especially the shared "chosenness" of MOST of these psychopaths ...then everyone with just half of a brain must have already seen the full picture

Anyway, read this:

""" Biden and China Are Partners in a New Wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for ‘Recombinant’ Rodent Coronaviruses."..


"""Quote: Researchers from the COVID-19-linked Wuhan Institute of Virology and disgraced researcher Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance have carried out new research on “recombinant” coronaviruses in rodents, a recently published paper reveals. The paper lists the Chinese regime as well as Joe Biden’s International Development department as funders and supporters of the dangerous work."


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Let's translate from "Shill speak" into plain old English now:

"Sustainable development" = we aren't going to just come up with a quick scam based on what's popular at the moment (nano, crypto, etc.) - we are going to find a way to keep stealing enormous amounts of money consistently over a very long period of time.

"We are worried about climate change" = one way to steal enormous amounts of money is to create a problem out of thin air, by claiming the planet is in danger, even though everyone who has a first-grade understanding of Geology knows that this is just a typical warmer cycle that the planet is going through anyway. We are also worried that our reckless capitalist development and destruction of nature for profit might cause problems, but we want to keep making a lot of money. That's why you need to stop having children, eating meat and be a responsible green citizen, while we continue flying on private jets and polluting the planet as we please. Also, where's my 100 billion in funding to address the issue?

"I had to do what's important for the country, but now it's also important and enjoyable" - unfortunately I can't use every nanosecond of my life to steal billions. Sometimes I have to pretend and waste energy giving statements for the peasants' consumption and generally waste time on public apperances which don't directly put more money into my pocket. This time, I'm putting enormous amounts of cash in my pocket, while meeting with like-minded individuals and discussing how I can steal even more in the very near future, which is very pleasant.

At least he's 100% honest about wanting to depopulate the world, probably the only thing he was ever honest about in his life.

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great translations, thanks Lil' K!

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He's got his heinie firmly planted on the tribunal list I see :-)

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‘sustainable’ = trigger word for me... prompts ‘sustainable for who?’ or is it ‘sustainable for WHO/WEF.’

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BTW, the inconvenient truth is that many if not MOST people "love" the idea of depopulation out of selfishness and stupidity WITHOUT knowing that THEY themselves fit the ruling class' definition of useless eaters ... until shit hits their face directly just as the "clot injection" has started to "work" on more "law abiding citizens" right now!

I can't help but just laugh!

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Can someone explain the viability of the depopulation through vaccination plan to me?

The way I see it, if a lot of people get vaxxed and die off, the elites will be left to deal with:

- Well informed street smart people who know what these elites are up to and who aren't vaxxed or have fake certificates.

- Hardcore Christian conservatives and "right wing conspiracy theorists", along with rednecks armed to the teeth, who are generally distrustful of the rich people. The conspiracy theorists have been prepping for this for decades, while the rednecks can "plow a field all day long and catch catfish from dusk till dawn" in the words of country singer Hank Williams Jr. - so these people can all sustain themselves and are very capable of resistance.

- Hackers who were hiding in the basement the whole time mining coins - a lot of them are generally anti-government anarchists or whatever.

- Gullible/stupid/coerced people with immune systems made out of military-grade titanium who somehow survived the 80 booster shots a year, or those lucky enough to have medical "exemptions" from vaccination.

And even if there are QR codes, 24/7 biometric surveillance, police bots etc. - these elites will be left mostly with the most dangerous segments of the population who are extremely willing and able to mount serious resistance.

Am I missing something in their plan though, or is it very shortsighted the way they're going about this?

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If only 20% of people are left, a well armed thug force can save any problem for the Elites.

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Ähhh... solve was what I meant.

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Not if they are going up against armed right wingers though

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You make a number of assumptions. Above all, you assume too much about how far anyone will go in resisting.

Crowd control weaponry is largely unanswerable without serious, concerted guerrilla tactics which fragmented modern men will not be able to practice or mount when the time comes; and what the Active Denial System doesn't finish, a few drone strikes will.

There is literally no resistance to modern materiel.

The only reasons Greater Judæa didn't win in Afghanistan, for example, are a) relatively well-observed rules of engagement, b) the disposability of the Pashtun populace, and c) failure to understand that Taliban are not an ideological faction but an ethic group, which would require genocide to uproot.

Short of grid collapse, or critical resource failure, there is no defending anything against the modern state. If there were, it'd have been done.

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So who will be left to carry out drone strikes and fight in the military? Vaxxed vegetables who are close to dying? From which pool do you recruit people? I mean Boston Dynamics bots and drones would be amazing but still always vulnerable to hacking and being taken apart for scrap metal.

Plus, once several billion die, those who already were suspicious should be pretty awake and peppy as well. The game will be totally different from now and I doubt propaganda will work that well on the remaining population. Would be better to get rid of the smart ones and keep the sheep I would think

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I understand what you're saying and you're not the first to think it that far. Alas, there is going to be more to it than that.

We can't safely assume that Gates and his acolytes are smart enough to understand that there are too many greedy long pigs on earth and to hatch a plan to throttle their activities or lives, but not to think one step ahead about differential survival and who they'll be left with.

That means they don't care. Also, probably, that nowhere near seven billion will die, though that would be the most interesting outcome, obviously.

Drones are not that difficult to do with basic command structures in place. White men will still exist zoololgically and they will build, repair, and fly the death machines, and only a couple hundred are needed to mop up resistance. Most crowd control tech takes even fewer men and a dozen SWAT teams can be flown wherever.

In the end, it took one sniper to end the stand-off at Ruby Ridge. Push the state far enough with truck convoys and those rules of engagement they observed in the Punjab go right out the window. You'd be lucky to get a pb&j and a Quran at Guantanamo at that point.

Anyway: you don't want to be the guy betting that there won't be willing fools around to do the state's bidding. This has never been true, anywhere, and never will be.

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Oh there will be willing people simply because they will be given at least a little power over others and a license to kill as well.

But under your scenario all the masks about "creating a fair world" and "shaping the global perspective" will be completely off and these people will just be like "yeah bro, I'm a tyrant, should have hung me with the Canada trucker convoy in 2022 LOLz". Because I can't imagine the type of propaganda needed to convince people they are living in paradise when they are total serfs under constant oppression.

And then it's basically going back to the ancient times when propaganda wasn't sophisticated...and we know what happened to rulers back then when angry mobs got tired of their bs. I guess the alternative would be to forcefully chip everybody and control people with frequencies, but so many things can and will go wrong in this scenario, because you can't control all people all of the time, and they will be exposing themselves as tyrants even more.

But of course you offer these elites to steal 100 billion today and going to prison for life tomorrow 100% guaranteed, they'll still take the 100 billion and then just deal with the other problems later. So that could mean a glimmer of hope, because these psychopaths always try to clean up the mess later, since nothing ever goes 100% to plan.

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"Because I can't imagine the type of propaganda needed to convince people "

They no longer need propaganda. This is an unprecedented historical moment – old rules no longer apply.

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I think the reason for this depopulation agenda has nothing to do with anything wise or practical. It is just that we have machines now doing the work.

I read an article about productivity some 10 years ago. It stated, in 1900 one farmer could feed himself and 4 more people. In 2000, he could feed 128 people. Don't know where we are today.

So they don't need us to do all the work anymore. They only need some people maintaining the machines and building new ones. The production simply doesn't need people anymore.

If you don't need the cattle anymore, you can save lots of resources slaughtering them. Just sell them they have to die for the greater good to reduce any resistance. Also teach them a technocratic, "pragmatic" ideology to eliminate any humanistic ideas left over.

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True, I guess “learn to code” was very accurate lol

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You've convinced me. Let's do this.

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Too late! The Robber Barons were too fast!

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Lovely greetings from austria! Maybe you can do some research into a Washington based think tank called "Council for National Policy",basically one,in my eyes,very influential powerhouse representing the "right" side of the power structure in the US..If you wanna understand the rising of Donald Trump or Zion-Don as I call him understanding the influence of this elite faction with a huge influence not only on the republican party,conservative,right-wing media,also alt-media,activist groups etc. is key there in my eyes. Trump like every republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan spoke in front of CNP members before they were accepted as presidential candidates. So many Trump supporters in the alt-media wondered oh how could this deep state fighting real estate mogul,having been financially rescued by a Rothschild led banking consortium once and partied with the New York and Florida high society on a regular basis and well it's mostly a combination of the zionist influence by his biggest donor Sheldon Adelson and his son in law,a friend of Netanjahu,and then the fact that most members of his cabinet were or still are members of the CNP. For more information on that think tank I refer to the research of John Brisson on the youtube channel "we've read the documents" and the information provided by Josh Reeves also the creator of a two part documentary series "the hidden right"...

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Russia is building a fleet of nuclear powered icebreakers. In anticipation of global warming? Unlikely.

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hmm not sure if that is indicative of anything. Even if you buy the official narrative, does anyone believe the Arctic won't be around in 15-20 years?

Fact is, even Putin has signed on to the "sustainable goals" stuff, saying Russia will be "carbon neutral" by 2060 (https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/russia-striving-be-carbon-neutral-no-later-than-2060-says-putin-2021-10-13/).

Or just check out Putin's speech at the WEF in January 2021:

"Another important area that requires coordination, in fact, the coordination of the efforts of the entire international community, is to preserve the climate and nature of our planet. I will not say anything new in this respect. Only together can we achieve progress in resolving such critical problems as global warming, the reduction of forestlands, the loss of biodiversity, the increase in waste, the pollution of the ocean with plastic and so on, and find an optimal balance between economic development and the preservation of the environment for the current and future generations."


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Building nuclear powered icebreakers is not indicative of anything? Are you shittin' me?

"Fact is, even Putin has signed on to the "sustainable goals" stuff, saying Russia will be "carbon neutral" by 2060". The Chinese say the same thing about being carbon neutral. They are also building icebreakers. see: China to build its third icebreaker (https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/arctic/2021/12/china-build-its-third-arctic-icebreaker)

You don't believe everything Putin says, do you? Maybe he's throwing the usual bones to the boyars he's always worked with. I don't know. But I recognize an icebreaker program when I see one and that means the Russian government sees plenty of ice head, matey. (:>)

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Why not embezzle money from both the icebreakers and from fighting climate change? Especially when you set the goals for 2060, and by then the current crop of crooks worldwide will be in their 90s at least, or dead and never having to answer for any of this

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Is there any oil in the Arctic? ;-)

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Sooner or later, penguin, you must address this issue:


Neither one of us are qualified to seriously consider it.

Your turn.

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I honestly have more hope in alternative material or service-based currencies used within and among extra-governmental communities than in cryptocurrency. But i know nothing about cryptocurrencies.

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know just enuf to figure out my return would be <100%>... so just wait until I do it, then sell everything and you’ll be fine.

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Feb 5, 2022
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Oh fuck. You're gonna puke!!

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