Great interview, the Doc is straight on point! The more professionals speaking out the better, since the fear porn is at such a hardcore level right now, people ignore a lot of what doesn't come from "experts"

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Listen to this talk about pastor Dr McDowell, and you might want to have a warm sip of something pleasant...


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... yes, this is what’s happening... am shocked that most don’t realize... been getting the heads up from my PhD dad who was also a sci-fi fan... also ancient aliens superficially addresses... doesn’t take much to see the big picture...

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They're nuts. But I'm not a great big fan of this sort of evangelical religion either, not the priest he's sane, but the Infowars guy.

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...am sure the technology is way past what is advertised to the general public... those that lack the curiosity when presented with so many red flags (or choose to ignore), end up as enablers... tried & failed to dissuade loved one on Sputnik booster... so this is really, really personal for me...

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“... those that lack the curiosity when presented with so many red flags (or choose to ignore), end up as enablers …”

These people, ~70% of the population, are what I refer to as enemy, Type II. Type I needs no introduction.

Disposition of the Type I enemy requires no further elucidation. How to deal with Type II? If you answer compassion, Socratic method, etc., I am going to calmly walk away. You just don’t get it.

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...branding the cattle...

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The massive problem is that they have "branded" most people - and now they are after the young. In case of the young, their parents are wholly or partly responsible.

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They need to update every month or so though and that's where it's going to fail. It will also fail with the kids, there is no way Mum/Mom or even Dad is going to let this happen.

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It is, by all accounts, the biblical mark of the beast

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Hi, Edward, would it be possible to get some contact information for Dr. Ivanov? We'd like to invite him to an online conference on vaccinations. The conference will be attended by Czech and Slovak doctors and scientists and will be conducted in Czech, Slovak and English. Scientific and Organizing Committee:

Prof. Jaroslav Turánek, Prof. Jan Krejsek, Prof. Vojtěch Thon, Miroslav Havrda, MD, Tomáš Fürst, PhD.

Or can I send the invitation to you and you forward it to the doctor Ivanov? Thank you.

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sure. here's his email: doctor_ivanov@inbox.ru

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Thank you 🙏

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Well, "order given over the phone"!? I'm afraid not an evidence! Even if it was recorded doesn't identify the messenger! I don't trust this gentleman! If you want to be taken seriously you got to do better than this!

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He's a doctor who is blowing the whistle on Russia's outrageous and criminal lack of transparency in terms of vaccine safety and monitoring. You can be skeptical if you want, but remember: Vladimir Putin says there is not a single serious case of post-vaccination injury in Russia. Not a single one. (And there's no VAERS in Russia.) Someone is lying, is it Dr. Ivanov?

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I am sorry but I don't accept anyone's word at its face value and that includes yous.

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it's not my word. it's the statement of a prominent Russian doctor who has spoken out about vaccine injuries in Russia which are not being reported.

Believe whatever you want. Russia has no VAERS. That's a fact.

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Could you please prove that VAERS does not exist in Russia! Ad hominem argument is not an evidence!

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"As a reminder, there are no statistics on vaccination side effects in Russia, just as statistics on diseases, hospitalizations and deaths of those vaccinated with COVID are not published."


Literally an entire article about it:

"who is hindered by the publication in the public domain of data on vaccination against COVID-19 in Russia? Someone who seeks to destroy any remnants of people's trust in power?"


A basic internet search will find many similar articles.

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