In England, back in the mid-2010s, in my area children were signing in to school by using thumbprint recognition on a screen. No parents complained about it. It just became normal, rather than the teacher calling the register in class. I don't know how widespread that is now.

So the State has thumbprints of these young people linked to their educational record - and probably later to their health record etc via their digital ID. It has crept in noiselessly and unnoticed.

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All too creepy.

Difficult to come up with any reason it benefits US more than THEM . So.

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War's morphed into outright business. It's been a long time coming but the consolidation of such state of affairs is happening in our current times. Previous forms of the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate made it a business to run global narcotrafficking rings, then made it another business to run "War on drugs". See how, for the most part, the Russian/Chinese regimes mirror an almost exact copy of Western "anti-drug" policies in the international stage, with the difference that some members of the US-led terrorists have certain lax drug policies for their internal markets.

But that was an earlier stage of the process towards singularity, since that evolved with the "global war on terror" (Russia and China now aim at making Ziodi Wahhabia a part of BRICS/SCO) and, more insidiously for all taxcattle worldwide, the global war against coronavirus with its global "protocols of biosecurity".

It's the business of those at the top of the corporate pyramid to keep taxcattle within the pens of blissful ignorance. Putin/Xi and their Western puppet peers in charge of herding in their respective contexts.

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Someone tell Matt Ehret and the other ignorant fools that Russia and China are no better than the western bullshit.

Matt was on an interview with TLAV on am wake up (on rokfin) and he kept playing stupid about zero convid and qr codes... It's like he needs to have false hope.

Lets call them eastAnon... Cause they believe the east nonsense like the q did about trump.

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The Kremlin feeds a global network of shills, though, just like your run-of-the-mill US/UK Five Eyes overlords, why else would they invest in something like RT/Sputnik? Everything the Russia/China regimes do mirrors what the actions of the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate, since they all operate in a shared feedback loop of cooperative chaos.

Xi/Putin fart-sniffers on payroll mental gymnastics have nothing to eny from your average "US/EUropean values" sycophant.

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I don't trust Ehret or TLAV and friends. I think the AM Wakeup anarchist/libertarians are playing a similar role as the FBI op anarchists of the '70's, used to confuse leftists. I'm the first to acknowledge that governments are easily corruptible, but there's a reason the WEF and co. want to undermine the power of nations, as well as memory-hole Enlightenment ideals like freedom of speech, individual rights, democracy, etc. Sadly, only organized mass movements can challenge elite power. There's nobody in "alt media" who I can clearly say isn't an op, but some are more obvious than others. When anyone starts mouthing WEF Mark Carney "multipolarism" vs mono-whatever bs, I regard them as either sus or stupid, but maybe they're both.

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TLAV is straight information, no filler, no political angle....

Ryan reports on the Ukr war, but doesn't think Russia or China are really opposition.

AM wake up is mixed. One host is anarchist, the other is left/socialist.

The anarchist host knows that both sides are BS but the leftie host thinks theres a true BRICS challenge to the west.

Ehret is naive, I think? Too much hopium lol

He's good with the history, but way wrong about today's global politics.

He dug deep into the BS pile when he said that the Chinese lockdowns are because the gov't is afraid of a Han chinese specific bioweapon. Lol, yeah, they would have known MONTHS if not years ago that CONVID is actually weaker than the flu.

Had he looked into Wuhan, he would have seen that they used the virus and lockdown to stop people from blaming sickness on air pollution.

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Good one. We were on hopium. We hoped the best, and even this turned out to be a nightmare.

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eastAnon, i LIKE that!

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You know, we could as well call it QEastAnon, as both aim at reinforcing bipolarity and help spreading the scenario Holy Russia against Villain West. And that's why amongst whistle blowers you have some ending their life locked up in sordid prisons while others find refuge in Russia.

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Americans of a certain age will remember the traditional folk tale of the "permanent record"- an ominous, usually manila, folder that followed you from nursery school to adulthood, and was presumably accessible by employers from then on, who would be able to read about how you threw a tampon at someone in 3rd grade gym or wrote a shitty chemistry paper at the last minute.

"This will go on your permanent record" was used non-ironically by teachers and administrators for a half century, at least.

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I don't know the Russian situation that well, but I can confirm your observations for China, which is already much further along this path. The "pandemic" state of emergency has been cemented as a permanent state here. The minds of the people are being shaped in a way that cements their slave existence. Critical minds are the exception and are brought into line or eliminated early.

For China, I see no hope that people could revolt against this. Everything is monitored 360 degrees, 24/7, face scanners, apps, guards, microphones and cameras in every class room, any kind of criticism is nipped in the bud, the few critics are eliminated early and radically. The withholding of information leads to people not being able to recognize their situation, the control of communication channels leads to them not being able to exchange ideas about it and find new ones. The "pandemic measures" allow people to get imprisoned anytime without explanation and without an option to object.

It is so mind-boggling to see how in the U.S.-critical media (which has its justification, no doubt) China has been established as a symbol of "hope" for a better world. The coming "multi-polar world order" that is haunting the blogosphere, linked with many unreal hopes, has already been described: The name of the book is 1984. The brainwashing in the mainstream media AND the alternative media lets people argue about whether to give preference to Oceania, Eurasia or Eastasia.

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In the US, teachers unions are taking the lead in pushing online schools, using fear of "COVID" as justification. Sounds like the same is happening in Russia. No wonder, given Pavel Luksha is in charge of re-designing education systems for the entire BRICS bloc. He is a leading transhumanist, is on the board of the Ervin Laszlo Institute, named after one of the very first proponents of transhumanism, and he runs the Global Education Futures entity, together with Alexander Laszlo, Ervin's son. Thanks once again Riley for the light shedding.

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I have just recently discovered Unlimited Hangout and absolutely love it. Good references.

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Whitney Webb specifically does great work. That said, I bought both books in her "One Nation Under Blackmail" series and I am finding the reading to be very difficult.

Whitney is a gifted researcher and throws a lot of names, dates and places detailing decades of sinister relationships between government and bad actors. The problem is with the lack of an underlying theme that ties it all together. I am planning to give the books to my wife to read and explain to me because she's more nuanced in her thinking than I am.

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WEF have our future planned and they don't care that we know! It's all unravelling for Schwab, Gates, Tedros, Bezos, Boula & friends! Next Pandemic is already in 'the pipeline' for Adolf Schwab (WEF) & his Elite pals. 'NON-LIABILITY' was negotiated by Big Pharma way back in 1976 when Swine Flu was supposedly an EPIDEMIC (SCAMdemic). Only one US citizen died directly from Swine Flu but over 50 died from that DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL Swine Flu Vax. That 'Experiment' was immediately terminated for being "TOO DANGEROUS". Covid injection makers forgot the Swine Flu 'EUA' allowed 'TEMPORARY Immunity' from LIABILITY, so even today, 44 years later, Big Pharma 'assume' IMMUNITY from 'LIABILITY'. Millions have died because of this nonsense. Common Sense must prevail NOW, before another dose of POISON is injected! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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We are all doomed and we cant do a shit about it, and we all know it. We can only sit on our thumb from now on.

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Sounds defeatist Tommy! It ain't over 'til it's over! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight 'til the end.

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Slavsquat, I went to one of the articles you link to. Can you provide a better translation (better than AI translation) of this line: "Sferum platform was created on the basis of VK, which from time to time makes money on advertising with suicidal and low-social overtones, then you can imagine what your children will be fed." А если учесть, что платформа «Сферум» создана на базе ВК, которая время от времени зарабатывает на рекламе с суицидальным и низкосоциальным подтекстом, то можно себе представить, что будут скармливать вашим детям. What is meant by "make money on advertising with suicidal and low-social overtones"?

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I don't have the translation, but maybe you would be interested in reading this, in english:


Everything about the masonic plan is there.

Serge Monast had contacts with US intelligence agents, disgusted of what they've learned, and he was assassinated for writing a few books on this topic. Many of them are available in PDF format (some of them only in French).

Ctrl F with the word Suicide (for the youth) if you want to get straight to the point.

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Thanks Sandrine. I'll read that.

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Sandrine has the right idea. Demoralization.

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This is why I can’t quite bring myself to accept the latest ominous rumblings regarding false-flag instigated nuclear apocalypse. Russia seems to be too involved in the Bigger Picture of WEF-inspired globalist transformation to end up turning Europe and itself into steaming piles of radioactive rubble.

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Nov 1, 2022
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Yes… What’s worrying is that a nuclear strike would achieve many things “The Globalists” want - a massive reduction in population, the destruction of what’s left of the last century’s capitalist/industrial infrastructure, removal of autonomous and traditional food sources etc., which would leave the survivors with no other choice but to accept the synthetic handouts (and digital bio-survival tokens) of the elite, all cosy in their bunkers, who will no doubt have as many third-world slaves as they need.

The question is whether the physical devastation is too great to make such a scenario viable — do they really want to risk reducing the developed world to literally uninhabitable rubble? Presumably the ever-present threat of nuclear war has more utility, in terms of population management, behaviour change and destructive economic policies, than the actual reality of it. Who knows?

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Fun facts:

These numbers are from a The Task Force, led by the Heads of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group (WBG), World Health Organization (WHO) and World Trade Organization (WTO),

Russia as of 9/22/22

% of population fully vaccinated 52.62

% of population who received at least one dose 57.80

Ukraine 9/22/22

% of population fully vaccinated 34.81

% of population who received at least one dose 36.24

*Back in Sept 21 it was about 33% in Russia and 20% in Ukraine w/a full vaccination status


Growing skepticism of vaccines in Ukraine

*A scandal in in 2008 was uncovered regarding children dying or being injured then covered up by an expired measles vaccine

It was an Indian vaccine, fwiw

"The death of a teenager from vaccination last spring is scaring Ukrainians and making them refuse immunizations. The trend is expected to increase as investigators keep uncovering violations in vaccine testing procedures, selecting people who need immunization and other bad practices. “The Health Ministry made fatal mistakes and violated laws,” said Victor Korzh, head of the parliamentary commission investigating the case.""

*Then the Swine flu hit them in 2009 which was a complete clusterfuck but they appeared to be a test run for COVID with lockdowns / social distancing, school closures , etc...

*Economy contracted 15% due to lockdowns in 2009

Some critiques rolled in

*Strasbourg, 04.06.2010 – The handling of the H1N1 pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), EU agencies and national governments led to a “waste of large sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears about the health risks faced by the European public”, according to a report by the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) made public today in Paris.

The report, prepared by Paul Flynn (United Kingdom, SOC) and approved today by the committee ahead of a plenary debate at the end of this month, says there was “overwhelming evidence that the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO”, resulting in a distortion of public health priorities.*2010: The chief flu scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO) today defended his agency against criticism that the H1N1 swine flu pandemic was "fake," that its threat to human health was hyped, and that WHO's policies were influenced by vaccine manufacturers who benefited from the pandemic virus. The idea that H1N1 outbreak is not a pandemic is "scientifically wrong and historically inaccurate," WHO's Keiji Fukuda told reporters during a press conference.

*According to the Health Ministry, only 0.3 percent of Ukraine's population received swine flu vaccines.

*After this vaccination rates in children plummeted between 2009-2016, their was a big market for fake vaccine certs

2016 USAID

"Ukraine currently has the lowest routine immunization rates in the world. According to the Ministry of Health data, only 30 percent of children in Ukraine were fully immunized against measles, only 10 percent against hepatitis B, and only 3 percent against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, as of August 2016. Moreover, only 44 percent of children under 18 months of age were fully immunized against polio."

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Anyone might think that keeping records on kids is a new thing!


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Hey friend, when you next get a chance, be sure to swing by, as a handful of links may be of interest. Good reporting. Apologies for being blunt, up to my eyeballs in some major research that keeps ballooning.

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I lost it at Anna Schwabauer. Klaus has replicated itself.

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That efforts to implement such an "information system" were curtailed once -

("The wave of discontent that broke out forced the Moscow authorities to back down.") -

should not be misconstrued ..... they want this, globally, and will come back better prepared to roll this out as far and wide as possible.

So, therefore, must we be better prepared to oppose this unnecessary intrusion.

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Oct 27, 2022
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It's not about imagination. It's about investigation:

- Rothschild family, where are you hiding?

- Rockeffeler family, where are you hiding?

- Larry Fink, where do you live?

- And a great number of puppets that should wet their pants once the dirty job is done.

Etc etc.

Without solving these questions, it's no use.

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Oct 29, 2022
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"until we decolonise our imagination from the myths of money, progress, professionality etc."

That's also where the trap is. Some time ago I talked to you about Alain de Benoist, Evola, Guenon, Douguine (Dugin) you remember I guess. From this theory (fight progress, fight materialism, fight religions, fight permissiveness, fight Modernity, and return to Traditions, find a new religion, family values, autoritarism etc) they pretend to present us Eastern values (neocommunism, traditions, dictatorship etc) as the solution for the lost westerners, the lost western civilization. Ha-ha. A world-wide scenario to contribute to masses federations on the NWO road map.

It does not mean that you are not right. I'm not happy with progress, nor materialism,

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Oct 30, 2022
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One of the narrative of Dugin and De benoist is the end of individualism . The individual must comply with the masses. Alain de Benoist: " Identities have become so problematic in the Modern Age. This indicates that Modernity has been the vehicle of an evolution harming all identities. This evolution is primarily due to the rise of individualism, whose roots go. Identity carries a subjective dimension. The identity does not depend on ourselves, in reality it is shaped by others with the views we have about others, and by the views others have of ourselves.

This means, for me, the acceptance of collectivism, neo-communism, social credit, and the end of individualism and free will.

Alain de Benoist is a dangerous crook, just as Dugin.

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Brainwashing children into compliant robots- previous times Russian children reported parents to authorities for politically incorrect views - as usual parental rights go to the back burner just look at transgender politics in American schools where parental rights are ignored every day and parents lose their children to a system that imposes a lifestyle on their children without the authority to do so. A law does not make a situation fair or just - it just cedes parental rights and the loss of the sanctity of the family. We live at in an altered universe where everything is upside down and inside out.

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I get free warm shelter from the cold weather, I get secure hay every day and can eat all I want, a servant clean up everytime I shit and pee, a doctor give me a booster in my butt every month to secure my health, plus I can criticise the politicians all I want with all my colleges under the shelter.

Im talking about democracy here!

Im happy when my children are sent to the bone factory as they then can be useful for the society and for this I get premium carrots. I havent seen anyone doing this better. What is wrong with that?

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