Great article.

The US- Mafia is united in celebration. North Stream 2 is dead. Germany will buy weapons from them for 100 Billion Euro this year alone.

Nato won without a single shot- "Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down" achieved at least for the next 10 years.

And all them stupid sheep in my country celebrate their further enslavement. Did you know that you pay around 60-70% from your money in taxes and "insurances" (do not insure very much) to the German state? This is why German population does own less than bankrupt Greece population.

Yeah... won't get better now.

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Can't disagree with your comment. The bigger question in my mind, though, is to understand what is really happening - is this a coordinated show where Russia willingly plays a villain's role to further globalist agenda since artificially created COVID crisis didn't achieve all set goals in destroying the world economy or was reaction by Russia to pressures from the West a genuine throwing chess board up in the air since this gives them a fighting chance to survive as the country and civilization? I don't know yet, there are signs that support either theory. Any thoughts?

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Asking myself the very same thing. Even after these two years of worldwide coordinated enslavement my brain still refuses to accept the idea of a united ruling elite planning together and succeeding in everything they want.

Aside from the globalist agenda elites in both blocks have a strong interest in war. The Canadian Truckers spawned a new Western resistance movement and as we know from Riley Russians also refuse more enslavement.

Perfect time for a war. Plus there is lot's of money to make now!

So even if Putin is not completely under Klaus Schwab's spell, he has good reason to start war. Personally I think them elites fight each other all the time, so maybe he decided to get rid of the Nato threat by establishing a buffer zone and also silence opposition at home. But I'm pretty sure he expected a Blitzkrieg.

And I'm pretty sure our elites here in the West want an ongoing, never ending war drawing attention away from enslavement, ripping of their people further and bolster their pockets.

Good thing may be Putin has to end this war soon because the West's reaction may truly harm Russia so much he cannot do much else (besides going nuclear...).

But even in the best case I see all of this going into a new cold war. My hope is, more people wake up and see their true enemies before Internet is shut down and gets completely controlled.

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As every passing day shows - this is a strange war. Instead of doing things swiftly, that will actually save lives in the end, and naturally this requires a significantly higher degree of violence, Russians restricted themselves to half measures, allowing hysteria and the will to resist grow stronger in Ukrainian cities of the Central and Western Ukraine. If you like to act as West does, Russia should follow West's example, but they are sacrificing their own troops instead of using air raids and artillery shelling. Western principle, as applied to war, actually showed to work in if not all than most cases since 1970s - e.g. if you go to war, apply all the force you've got and propaganda will heal the psychological wounds later. Did you know that most Japanese think that it was Soviets (read Russian) that went nuclear on them? Their school history manual literally says the following: "nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki after that Soviet Union engaged in war with Japan by attacking Japanese Imperial Army in Manchuria." Talking about Japanese. Their deputy foreign minister just stated that Russia should vacate Southern Kuril islands as their occupation by Russia is illegal. Things are only getting more interesting...

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Good point on violence.

Maybe Putin thinks he cannot sell a full blown war as a "military intervention". Let's not forget the West is perfect in propaganda. Most people here still have no idea about Gulf of Tonkin, Color Revolutions and all this lies.

Maybe he hoped for success with a surgical military strike, who knows.

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Putin hoped to recapture an undamaged Ukraine (which he could have easily achieved in 2014 by supporting the legally elected president). He wants to increase Russia's natural, human and industrial resources, just as the Germans did by annexing Czechoslovakia without destruction in 1939. This was a considerable win for Hitler and enabled him to successfully invade France. Putin is unlikely to stop at Ukraine if his plan is anything like successful.

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Feb 28, 2022
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Yes, it is true, he wants to conduct this "special operation" causing the least damage. But why didn't he learn after 22 years of dealing with the West that it doesn't matter what you actually do or don't do, what matters is what West says you have done and only results on the ground, like it was at the end of WWII, that make them consider new realities. I don't get Putin, he lives in his own world seemingly completely cut off from the actual reality and good advice. The special operation that he does now would have been a total smashing success back in 2014, but now there is no support for it among most Ukrainians that may even hated Zelensky before February 24. Also he went for it with the economic pants down, so to speak. Instead of spending last 8 years, let alone 22 years, building its own economy and its ability for self-sufficiency, Russian financial and economic system continued to pump resources out of the country and deposit what they earned in Western and offshore accounts instead investing and learning again how to produce electronics and other thing critical for sovereign economy in today's world.

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You would think that a central planner er central banker would appreciate the most rudimentary mechanics of gold custodianship, especially ahead of a war, yes? And Putin would give a head's up since this "invasion" was months in the planning.

Basically, Russia has 132.2 billion dollars of gold, and not a kopek more.

The reason the rest of the gold is gone -- yes, it's not just rehypothecated to suppress global spot, but for all intents and purposes, it is not under Russian cb possession legally -- is precisely because Herman Gref et al are WEF assets, and they are by design forcing Russia to own nothing (including no gold) and be "happy".

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Good write up, Riley. Especially the part "It's 2022. Anything is possible". Forecasting in today's world has become next to impossible since any rules or understanding of how things work is out of the window. For the Russian "gold reserves" - what happened now is an expropriation of unprecedented scale, but hey, those Dollars, Pounds, Euros are just fiat currencies so by taking roughly $400 billion away from Russia West may turn that weapon against themselves as much as against Russia by showing that hording cash in these "hard" currencies you are not doing yourself any favors. Btw, I can't say say they weren't warned. I used to be active in the comments section on the pages of Vzgliad (vz.ru) since that online resource was unofficially curated by President's Administration office. There I had a lot of debates with some "heavy weights", according to moderators officials that took occasional part in discussions, where in response of their bragging about Russia's foreign reserves I was trying to explain to those idiots - this is not your money, this is THEIR money, instead of following "piggy bank" strategy, use them now to develop your economy while you can - there are so many gaps to fill! But, nobody listened, of course, and we are where we are now. What's interesting is that despite the total crisis that Russia immersed itself into, Putin continues to keep Nabiullina as the head of Russian CB and she continues to do what she does best - follow Washington consensus based monetarist policies that lead to bloodletting of Russian economy by restrictng liquidity through super high interest rates that is only causing chilling effect on any economic activity and artificially accelerates inflation. Will current crisis bring Russia to freeing itself from internal fifth column, that is way more dangerous than even collective West? We shall see, for now signs that this is happening are not there.

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I think it's possible that the current sanctions could benefit Russia long-term -- I remember you noting how cutting Russia from SWIFT would make it harder for oligarchs to suck money out of the country :) But things could also get very ugly.

We'll see. I'm trying to stay calm. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

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Yeah, now with closed airspace on the Western side of Russia and their air travel industry basically grounded since they have grown so reliant on Airbus and Boeing that declared sanctions you gained the status of "officially stranded in Russia". Perhaps a trip by train to the Far East is in your future? :) Stay strong there. But who knows, may be you are in a better place to survive that crisis vs. me here in US or even Canada. Time will tell.

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If Russia seized this opportunity to divorce from the global bankers, converted the ruble to a gold-backed currency, dumped all of their Western investments, and focused on domestic investment into self-sufficiency and cooperation with the other 'outsider' nations, the country could come out of this much stronger. But as you questioned, will they do that with globalists inside the government and central bank? Probably not...

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You keep money in a US bank? Crazy. Learn how to use Crypto already.

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I also have a Russian bank account. I was hedging :)

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While gold or cryptocurrency may be a preferable alternative in the short term for investing in something more stable in value and less restricted/controlled by plutocrats than fiat currency (conventional banking systems) I also think there are potential situations in which all of the above would be rendered practically worthless. EMP devices or naturally occurring CMEs (geomagnetic storms) could cripple telecommunication networks and personal hardware that transmits/verifies and stores cryptocurrency. If hyperinflation happens in the west (like it did in Germany or Zimbabwe) and/or one of several other centralized systems collapses or is crippled (such as energy/fuel distribution or telecommunication networks) there may come a time when the only people who are eating are those that know how to grow and preserve their own food.

In such a hypothetical situation, after a certain amount of time passes, I don't know if anyone would be willing to trade shiny pieces of metal or gems etc for that which has intrinsic value (food, water, clothing etc). Things like gold/silver may retain some degree of perceived worth in the short term, but if major components of our hyper-centralized modern western civilization implode (as they inevitably will if we continue on our current trajectory) there will likely come a time when seeds, food, practical/durable tools, knowledge and skills will be more valuable than paper, data or shiny objects that one cannot eat.

That is why I invest most of my time and resources into the Earth, as history has taught me that human empires rise and fall, and when they fall, it is those that know how to grow/forage for their own food, medicine and preserve it that survived. Now is the time to reaffirm our alliances with the living Earth, to nurture new symbiotic relationships with the soil, people, plants and fungi in our local communities.

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Totally agree, but I'd just add that if things get so bad that those who know how to grow their own food are the only ones eating, they'd better be bad-ass warriors as well. Indeed, in-demand skills and reasoning ability are the only prime currencies. Everything else becomes worthless when a civilization falls.

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Good point. I do also put time into hand to hand self-defense skills (to deal with random bandits/degenerates etc) but I don't think it would be worth it try to set up an armed fortress or something (at least not for me, I would rather be in the wilderness than fight for a little chunk of land in the city or suburbs).

The cool thing about taking steps to learn to grow and preserve one's own food is that it simultaneously serves the purpose of increasing one's emergency preparedness while also increasing the quality of one's life (even during the best of times). Contrary to what many people think, increasing one's emergency preparedness does not have to be something involving fear, stress or obsessing.. if we choose to do things that help us align with natural localized cycles for providing our basic survival needs (like gardening, seed saving, foraging and preserving) we are increasing our emergency preparedness in a joyful and healthy way.

There are likely a great many people that (if cut off from centralized economic/energy distribution systems) would freeze or starve to death, all while being surrounded in a forest full of food and building materials. While I am not among them, I would like to help as many of those types of people prepare for what may be coming as possible so they do not find themselves in that situation. I am currently working on publishing some material that can serve as a sort of multi-purpose emergency preparedness guide (as well as gardening/recipe book) to empower those willing to take action and learn the skills. If the day comes when civilization collapses (or our government and their corporate masters go full on totalitarian fascist and begin sweeping through the land with a vicious army of imperialistic goons, dispossessing people of their land and/or hard earned money if they do not submit to the technocratic police state's mandates) my path to connect symbiotically with and learn from nature in the now will have helped to further prepare me to survive either of those situations as well and be able to care for my loved ones (despite the extreme nature of those hypothetical situations). I hope to help many others to walk a similar path so more of us are capable of living as autonomous, sovereign symbiotically connected human beings, able to actively contribute to creating resilient communities in the future.

The main message I am trying to get across to people that are motivated enough take action is that saving up money for a ‘rainy day’ is not a solid way to prepare for emergencies (whether it is cryptocurrency or fiat) because money has no innate value.

Seeds, good soil, gardening skills, foraging knowledge/experience, increased health/immunity and preserving experience, and the symbiotic relationships and friendships we forge with neighbors and the broader community we are a part of (through sharing our abundant harvests and helping others to grow regenerative gardens and make medicines) are however things that have innate value. These things will retain their value whether or not tyranny and/or desperation is commonplace.

Thus, while I do acknowledge the value of learning self-defense skills, I wholeheartedly believe that what is of paramount importance is taking time to learn to grow, forage for, and preserve one's own food and medicine is a wise path forward in these uncertain times.

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Agree. I purchased some land in 2018, sensing something bad was coming, and it's pretty remote. I have the warrior skills, but still don't want to have to fight people to survive. Still working on getting myself out of the suburbs though. The impetus has grown a lot in light of recent events.

Yes, medicine is important too, and that's been my focus the past few years. The covid scam has actually served to wake up a lot of people to the darkness of Rockefeller medicine, and I'm teaching what I call 'conscious medicine', which is rooted in understanding the intelligence in nature and the body and living in alignment with it, rather than waging war against it.

Crazy how modern humans wage war against everything; against nature, against each other, against their own bodies, and yet pretend like that should produce happiness, peace, and justice for all. The delusion is off the charts.

Anyway, yes, connecting with nature will always be the path to sovereignty and enlightenment. Nature is the divine manifest, and how we relate to it will determine our future.

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Sounds like you are ahead of 'the curve'. I would enjoy checking out your material related to "conscious medicine" if you can share a link.

Yes, the adversarial 'war on everything' perspective is indeed dominant in our modern society/institutions. It is amazing how far that delusion has progressed. Especially with the war on microscopic life (given all we know about the paramount importance of the human microbiome now). So much of the industrial "medicine" and "food" people take in is essentially designed to wage war on microbiology, which considering that human bodies are composed of are 9/10 bacteria cells and 1/10 cells that contain our unique DNA, is essentially waging war on their own bodies.

That is why much of my work (in culinary/cultivation education) is intended to serve as an instruction manual for initiating a 'cease fire' agreement with nature as individuals. Beyond just providing methods for individuals to stop waging war on the living planet that sustains us all, I also provide methods for the individual to actively engage in symbiotic exchanges with our fellow non-human species. That is the difference between "sustainability" and "regenerative", and it is an important distinction (especially now that oligarchs are using the word "sustainable" as part of their great reset propaganda). One of the ways I love to engage in symbiotically connecting with the more than human world in the kitchen is through lacto-fermentation. Teaming up with wild bacteria to transform and preserve food (while simultaneously increasing biodiversity in the ecosystem within us via consuming that probiotic rich food) is very rewarding. Eating fermented foods boosts the function of the immune system, brain function and tastes better too. As I am sure you know, is also a great way to make and preserve potent medicines.

I`ll share a quote that I think speaks to the power of the simple act of fermentation in the context of our modern industrialized culture below.

“The problem with killing 99.9 percent of bacteria is that most of them protect us from the few that can make us sick.

Given the 'War on Bacteria' so culturally prominent in our time, the well-being of our microbial ecology requires regular replenishment and diversification now more than ever.

Wild foods, microbial cultures included, possess a great, unmediated life force, which can help us adapt to shifting conditions and lower our susceptibility to disease. These microorganisms are everywhere, and the techniques for fermenting with them are simple and flexible.

To ferment your own food is to lodge an eloquent protest--of the senses--against the homogenization of flavors and food experiences now rolling like a great, undifferentiated lawn across the globe. It Is also a declaration of independence from an economy that would much prefer we were all passive consumers of its commodities, rather than creators of unique products expressive of ourselves and the places where we live.

Resistance takes place on many planes. Occasionally it can be dramatic and public, but most of the decisions we are faced with are mundane and private. What to eat is a choice that we make several times a day, if we are lucky. The cumulative choices we make about food have profound implications. Food offers us many opportunities to resist the culture of mass marketing and commodification. Though consumer action can take many creative and powerful forms, we do not have to be reduced to the role of consumers selecting from seductive convenience items. We can merge appetite with activism and choose to involve ourselves in food as co-creators.

Reclaiming our food and our participation in cultivation is a means of cultural revival, taking action to break out of the confining and infantilizing dependency of the role of consumer (user) and taking back our dignity and power to become producers and creators. Though affluent people have more food choices than the people of the past could ever dream of, and one persons labor can produce more 'food' today than ever before, the large scale, commercial methods and systems that enable these phenomena are destroying our Earth, destroying our health, and depriving us of dignity. With respect to food, the vast majority of people are completely dependent for survival upon a fragile global infrastructure of monocultures, synthetic chemicals, biotechnology, and transportation.

Moving towards a more harmonious way of life and greater resilience requires our active participation. This means finding ways to become more aware of and connected to the other forms of life that are around us and that constitute our food---plants and animals--- as well as bacteria and fungi--- and to the resources, such as water, fuel, materials, tools and transportation, upon which we depend. We can become creators of a better world, of better and more sustainable food choices, of greater awareness of resources, and of community based upon sharing. For culture to be strong and resilient, it must be a creative realm in which skills, information, and values are engaged and transmitted; culture cannot thrive as a consumer paradise or spectator sport. Daily life offers constant opportunities for participatory action. Seize them.”

― Sandor Ellix Katz (Author of "The Art of Fermentation")

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There's no link for my work. It's a completely different paradigm, and thus no reason to make it public in this 'wetiko' world. It's for those on the roads way less traveled.

As the quote suggests, indeed the human as a "consumer" created the model of the soulless automaton as the ideal citizen. This global tyranny that's closing in has been a long time in the making.

The first sentence of the quote is off-track to me, though, as the 'good' bacteria vs the 'bad' bacteria is human delusion. It's one of the subtle ways people hang onto the war-against-nature religion without seeing it.

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Even crazier is to keep your money in Canadian bank, as Chrystia Freeland did show it recently.

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Anyone living in Canada (and indeed anywhere in the developed world) would be wise to focus their efforts on honing their skills related to food/medicine cultivation, foraging, preservation, gathering energy off grid and learning to work with building materials you can source out locally.

Whether Canada (and other developed nation-states which are run by puppets acting as proxies for the WEF, Blackrock and Vanguard) turn into a full-on overt fascist technocratic totalitarian state(s) or whether someone in the senate, military, law enforcement or a judicial branch is brave enough to take a swing at removing the criminals currently in power and they return to some sort of 'quasi-democratic' state (dominated by corporate lobbyists from behind the scenes, as most countries have been for decades now), one thing is sure, we will have some dark years ahead in Canada and many places on this world. It may be via hyper-inflation and the imploding national (and local) economies in the wake of two years of devastating pro-corporate lockdowns or it may be via our country degenerating into a sort of "4th Reich" where plutocrats and their puppets attempt to dominate every aspect of our lives, but the result is the same. Empires that go this route of hyper-consolidated wealth, violent oppression of their own citizens, imperialistic aggression and parasitically feeding on their own citizens inevitably collapse. Here in Canada this is especially evident with our above mentioned runaway inflation, but also evident through how industrial Ag is decimating our soil and how flimsy and vulnerable our power grid is to major disruptions. Human empires rise and fall, and history teaches us that when they fall, it is those that know how to grow/forage for their own food, medicine and preserve it that survived.

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You still think crypto is more secure than banks? You didn't notice that the Canadian government just seized a bunch of crypto wallets for the crime of supporting the trucker protest? Snowden exposed the nonsense myth of crypto security many years ago.

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The only Crypto that is possible for them to seize is Crypto kept on exchanges. If you learn how to use Crypto as it's intended you will control your own private keys. If you store it this way no government will be able to confiscate it unless you give them your private keys. "Not your keys, not your Crypto" ;)

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If only that were true. What you're missing is that every transaction has to go through a smart device at each end, and virtually all of those devices have built-in back doors for the NSA. So while it's true that the blockchain wallet may be near impossible to hack, the fact is that the NSA is spying on the transaction before and after encryption via the device back doors. In my view that's far from a secure or reliable system, especially when it gets banned by the banksters. A lot of people have set themselves up for a hard lesson.

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Perhaps if you have the NSA targeting you and spying on your every move you'll have to take further precautions (ie. see the doco on Ed Snowden). But that amount of targeting on one person is a massive amount of resources. And they simply don't have the resources to have a whole team of people spying on each individual in a society waiting for a moment when they get slack. If they do have back doors into every computer in the world then just use a hardware wallet to sign transactions. Problem solved. But what they're threatening to do in Canada can only be done if people keep their crypto on an exchange.

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Ok, we'll see. You have faith that the most depraved bunch of psychopathic criminals to ever rule on Earth won't be able to steal your crypto, and your crypto is totally dependent on technology that they own and provide to you. Good luck with that.

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That's simply not true. You don't understand the technology.

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I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on cryptocurrency. I share David's concerns about compartmented intelligence operations (with zero constitutional oversight) that have access to next level supercomputer farms being able to find backdoors (if not now, then eventually). Though my real concern about relying on cryptocurrency with significant investments is more related to the fragilities of the hardware and not how secure the data is against hacking/preventing movement on the exchange etc.

As I mentioned in another comment below, both nature and humans can create events where most computer systems will be rendered unusable for long periods of time (or damaged beyond repair). Large scale EMP producing coronal mass ejections (geomagnetic storms) are not only possible (if we go by our current understanding of astrophysics and stellar life cycles) they are inevitable. For some historical reference look into "The Carrington Event". Then there are all the weaponized EMP technologies that humans feverishly work to perfect. Either one of these can end the "Age of Information" very swiftly (frying all unprotected computer systems, which is most of them). It would take a lot to begin replacing affected parts, manufacturing new ones, and finding a way to transport the necessary components to begin to 'restart' the high tech aspects of our society after a large-scale EMP event. This would render any crypto-currency (and digital fiat) one may have invested in totally inaccessible (either for quite a long period of time, or in many cases indefinitely).

Have you taken any steps to prepare a back up plan for these hypothetical (and some would say inevitable) situations? Also I am curious if you know of anyone that has a main node online that has their computer shielded from EMPs with some kind of faraday cage?

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My post as inspired by yours:

Robbed BY DESIGN! West "freezes" Russia's gold reserves


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hey, this is my bad -- after doing some more digging, I believe that the sanctions are primarily targeting other assets; I'm sure there's also some gold that has been "frozen" but I don't want to give the impression that all of russia's gold got scooped up or something. the error is fully mine; I misread a Russian media report. That being said, it's still shocking that the Bank of Russia would expose such a large amount of its total reserves [39%!] to sanctions. apologies for the error.

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do you really think that Russia's gold is not frozen as well? do you think if the CB called in their gold today that it'd be released?

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good questions. I just don't know the exact amount held abroad, so I just want to make that clear :)

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please look at my post i am going to update that now:


NO idea what %ages of domestic held vs foreign really is.

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Not a chance that any Russian assets will be frozen for long. Europe collapses within a few months without Russian energy and natural resources, period.

And it further trashes trust in the Western banking system, which brings the day of reckoning closer for the end of US dollar hegemony, which will be the end of the US. It's one of the dumbest foreign policy blunders of all time.

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Permit me, a well recognised yokal and simpleton, to present a solution.

First, direct some of Russia's fine missiles to the US military installations in Australia, which will include Raytheon's own Gulkula site and Pine Gap. Direct a few others to any place where our dispicable oppressors are meeting to discuss our national destruction.

Now happily liberated and once again democratic, we Aussies will then barter our plentiful food crops with Russians in exchange for whatever. A set of nice shiney Vanguard missiles would be appreciated or, perhaps, a couple of those hypersonic scramjet 25 Mach fully manoeuverabe things that I forget the name of.

The deal could be sweetened with a nice Russian bride, one who is not too fussed by being shacked up with a 79 year old in the isolation of absolute wilderness. Mention to this savvy gal that my ring finger is longer than my index finger. She will know immediatly what this means and will leap into the first plane south. Horney thang.

Then , me Ruski old mate, you guys can replace the Seppos who have had their boots on our necks since 1947. We will call it the Caviar Connection. Da?

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"If you don't hold it, you don't own it", is an old gold and silver stackers saying. Most people don't even know that if you put your valuables in a safety deposit box in a bank, and the bank keels over, you will lose everything. The contents of your safety deposit box is added to the balance sheet of the bank, while it is in there. Russia would have been wise to consolidate it's precious metals inside their borders beforehand. Agreed.

That is, if you need your gold to back something. In this case, it doesn't. The Russian ruble is fiat currency, therefore it doesn't need to be backed by precious metals. Aside from the arguments that most financial markets are driven by sentiment, the devaluation of the ruble does not have to pose a problem for Russia. It only means that products denoted in other currencies will become quite expensive. But if a loaf of bread doesn't increase significantly in it's ruble value, what kind of problems can be foreseen by Russia internally?

Of coarse there is the inflation aspect of turning on the monetairy printing press, but that's a problem that all countries implementing fiat currency face. And as long as it can be passed on to the population, the government will still not have a problem.

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as it turns out, most of Russia's gold is actually in Russia; I'm guessing the vast majority, after doing some more digging. This was an error on my part--I misread a Russian media report which referred to total reserves as "gold reserves". which is an annoying and confusing thing to do, but I should have caught it :) at any rate, there are still a lot of Russian assets that have been frozen by the west---but probably not much physical gold.

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There must be more that we don't know about. I thought Russia would have kept its gold in Russia

I remember back in the 20th C Russia defaulted on its debts

There are measures that Russia can take in response:

1. Freeze any debt payments.

2. Freeze the assets of those sanctioning nations

3. Seize the assets of those sanctioning nations

4. Find kompromat on those political leaders and key bankers

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I agree - I always thought the point of "reserves" is having a huge stash somewhere in your vault, not any of this "oh it's chilling in foreign banks and they can't touch it beacuse agreements".

Not an economist but sounds like the whole "global economy" is just a made up game, so people have something to do: the peasants trying to survive and guess what's coming next, the elites making enormous amounts of money off the peasants.

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But surely all that Russia needs to do is to turn off the gas and oil supplies to the rest of the world and watch them crumble in a few days.

Biden also handily gave Vlad a list of sensitive targets, saying please don't attack these.

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Geez. Did Putin not see this coming? You cannot have your assets overseas when sh*t hits the fan. On the flip side, I suppose China will now slowly move all its money out of U.S. Treasuries and other U.S. assets. Are we going back to the 17th Century / Age of Mercantilism and settling all international trade in gold? #NotThatThatsABadThing

nb4. Kim Jong-un this morning: Vlad, why you keep money in banks? America steal your money. You eat grass now like us.

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Oh man shut up with the faux asian accent. Just the lowest form of humor.

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20% backed by gold is better than 0.1% thr Federal reserve has backed by Gold. 😂😂

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With that scenario I can see nuclear missiles pulverizing some western countries to the max!

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Interesting article looking at possible economic fallout from NATO actions against the Russian economy...


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Russia can also take Western funds/ Reserves in its Bank and it will be an even swap.

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