Congrats on interview with Whitney Webb, Riley! She is one of the brightest minds today and an example to all of what a true investigative journalism should be, as this type of journalism became endangered species in MSM. I didn't see that interview yet, but will definitely look it up and watch it.

I scanned through the comments below and they are kind of scarily uniform, everybody agrees with you. Screw RT! Reminds me of the communist party congress meetings in late USSR, every proposal there was getting a unanimous approval. I think most of the readers of this blog are already familiar with the work by Belgian professor of clinical psychology Dr. Mattias Desmet on the subject of "mass formation", I personally think that "mob formation" would be a better term, but it is into your face offensive, so professor had to use softer language. If any of you didn't watch the videos where professor Desmet explains what he meant by this term, I strongly recommend you do.

Not to take a lot of space on Riley's blog after typing it up and realizing it is too much, I have moved my view on RT to my own blog. If you are interested in reading, here is the link: https://stansheppard.substack.com/p/rt-worthy-of-sympathy. Riley, I have left link to your post there too.

My general sentiment though, after more than a quarter century corporate career in Big Tech, is instead of holding grudges against former employers, and there is always something to hold a grudge for, it is far better to step beyond and be thankful for the new freedom and new opportunity that walking into the next thing provides. In any case, that is my position that worked well.

But, hey, Riley, as an RT insider can you help me to understand something? I still leave 4 or 5 comments on RT.com per day, some extended comments. I believe the way the people at RT that monitor comments communicate to me to rate my posts is through silent dislikes, this pushes them down in display priority. For example, they hate when I start writing about Russia's finances, CB head Nabiullina etc. But it's OK, this lets me know I'm on target. However, what is also clear about RT, is that quality of comments there is mostly just terrible. People with broken English write one liners that are the embodiment of cliches. Question for you, are most of those just cheap trolls, as RT doesn't have the budget to hire thinking people to leave comments, or is it simply an indication of the RT's readership quality overall?

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thanks Stanley. re: RT and grudges... for me it's more like this: I see compulsory vaccination/QR codes/and many other "covid"-related policies as epoch-defining. I also consider many of these issues "red lines", ie, I cannot see how anyone could justify supporting coercive medical experiments with zero transparency. RT is funded by Russian taxpayers while advocating against the wishes of the Russian people. Very, very basic wishes. For me this is totally unacceptable. And the cynical game RT plays in which it pretends to be anti-vax for the west, while calling Russian activists "enemies of the people" -- this is totally inexcusable for me.

Honestly I wish I didn't have to write about RT but I do feel a certain obligation to push back against a lot of the hivemind thinking about this outlet. "mass formation" works both ways :)

edit: oh about RT commenters: ya I don't know. it's very weird. a lot of them really do seem semi-braindead though. This is just a fact!

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I respect your opinion. You worked for RT, not I, so you know this organization from inside. Myself, however, I'm firmly against censorship and persecution of different opinion. RT was the target of authorities in US, UK, France, now Germany and even places like Baltic states. Their registrations and accreditations were canceled, bank accounts closed, journalists denied visas, broadcast licenses revoked, the worst part, journalists working for RT were subject to hatred campaign by the media in the West. This was going on for years, yet Russia never retaliated. As usual Russian foreign ministry was limiting their response to a "serious concern" ("серьезная озабоченность"). Finally they have mustered their strength to do something in response, more than just words. My position remains a Voltairian one, "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'm ready to give my life for your right to say it."

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I used to think the same thing. Until I found out Putin is part of the Globalists:


The only theory making sense to me now is, all them "Elites" fight each other for power.

But their common goal is to keep us cattle producing money and power for them. As cheap as possible. Think in terms of intensive mass animal farming. You want to squeeze as much as possible out of your farming business.

Seeing the world in this way makes too much sense and explains all this madness we see. Just my 2 Cents.

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I think they enjoy playing the victim and getting banned. Easier than doing actual reporting. They’ve got this game down from being labeled a foreign agent, Twitter bans etc etc. Same playbook for years.

Or it’s 5d chess: they know the Russian antivaxx movement is sponsored by Western right wingers, so they promote it and show how the same movement is in Europe and the US, infiltrate it with their correspondents - all to protect helpless gullible Russians and get them full of Sputnik to prevent the West’s planned Slavic genocide!

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Great interview with Whitney!

This is why I don't think going after Fauci etc will change a fucking thing.

Get rid of these puppets, the parasitic systems remain.


But we are lucky in that these robber barons are not as intelligent or connected to reality as the original aholes that planned this crap.

This is the result of a competitive system that results in loss of creativity or originality... https://medium.com/swlh/what-is-acid-communism-e5c65ecf6188

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What's behind this? Russian oligarchs invested in Covid vaxes & The Great Reset taking over RT as their media propaganda machine? maybe about the same time they or other somebodies must have poured Big Bucks into the now Valdai Club-GlobalAffairs.ru combo (each of which, I once trusted or at least found worthy of reading) to co-opt Russian & other members to be their loyal intelligentsia (such as UK Sakwa, Norwegian Diesen?)...as we've witnessed all across this country & Europe? I don't know about the rest of the world's "intelligentsia"...whether most of them have been bought off to serve as "establishment scribes"? I first discovered RT in August 2015 when a boarded a ship in Romania heading west on the Danube...and became intrigued by the quality of programing early on: especially with such as Sofia Shevardnadze (Edvard's niece?) interviewing the likes of U. of Chicago Prof. John J. Mearsheimer. What happened to her? Did they send her back to Georgia?

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Whitney Webb!? Fuckin’ Amazing!! She’s also on Tim Dillon a lot 😉 (NO I’m not Dillons publicist)

I was just saying on another Stack that it is so great to see those that one has been following converge. It’s reassuring. Anyway gonna go listen now, PUMPED!

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Excellent. I must admit I was finally, after a decade of utter skepticism, becoming sympathetic to RT and its tankie viewership for all of about 15 seconds during the "pandemic" but this blog has helpfully disabused me of that mistaken attitude.

I fail to see why, if Putin is being such a clubbable chap vis a vis the Great Reset and all that jazz, there will be any sort of "kinetic conflict" (real war) in Ukraine. Where will all those genetically modified, barcoded, ultra-obedient, serf-like humans of the glorious future live if every city has been reduced to radioactive rubble huh.

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Have you not seen pics of Donbas

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I get what u r saying & totally agree. And, of cz, it's always got some satisfying flavor of karma 2 it, whenever some censorious scum gets censored themselves. But still, apart from a consequent stance against censorship, as well as maybe some enemy-of-my-enemy reflex: even though both sides r total hypocrites, still, having not just one but 2 broken clox @least gives it a higher chance 2 maybe even have 4 times a day the correct time! @least ur fascist regime doesn't engage in (anti-white) racism against its own ppl! So, even though they r "cross" and "unworthy" - I'd still rather have them around here ...

Anyhow, was wondering whether Youtube Russia might be less censorious against "Anti-Vaxxer" just due 2 it's anti-Putin attitude (just like RT was somewhat less anti-"anti-vaxx" when it comes 2 Europe): in a way that russophobia maybe trumps anti-vaxxophobia!

Again, enemy of my enemy style, weighing what enemy is worse: Putin or the "Anti-Vaxxer"!? Let these Anti-Vaxxer talk just to annoy Putin!? ^^

OR: whether the Putin regime is also associating the "anti-vaxxers" in Russia w/ foreign infiltration from the west just like the coronatarian regimes in the west r associating its "anti-vaxxers" w/ "russian infiltration " ...

However, on the one hand, 4 very selfish and sinister reasons I'm always very receptive 4 these FAUXine horror stories from other countries, sometimes showing me that my own -already more than insane- country is not the most insane; on the other hand, of cz, it troubles me even more, suggesting that the WHOLE world has gone totally insane!

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fully get where you're coming from and agree. Just to be clear: I'm not celebrating censorship here, which I abhor. rather, I'm simply pointing out that RT loves to play the "persecuted victim" card while simultaneously tormenting Russians who question the official vax/covid narrative -- to the point where they are even calling for censorship (or worse). This is double-bad because RT is funded by Russian taxpayers.

If CNN whined about censorship, would anyone care? Doubt it. I think the same holds true with RT, but arguably it's even more hypocritical since RT is funded by the same people who are targeted by the outlet's calls for censorship and punishment. It's not a good look.

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Totally agree but can you spare us her face? ;-)

Once the first bouffant-haired elitist hangs from a lamppost, the price of rope will soar.


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A feedback:

Suddenly yahoo mail dumped this article in "spam".

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Can you please block that Katherine the spammer below? She has gone a step further than other spammers by writing a word to attract the recipient to view her comment, whilst she edited her comment to her spam instead. I've never witnessed nor experienced that before.

It is puzzling why Sub does not have a mute button.

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RT does report some matters which are ignored by the West. Obviously, it is a serious news outlet or the Germans would have not bothered with it.

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" is this the same RT that copy-pastes deranged TASS articles," cf.

ANSA e TASS firmano accordo di partnership strategica, 24 gennaio 2020, ANSA and TASS sign strategic partnership agreement


Do you know what lurid ANSA is, and which shithole Italy has become, actually has never ceased to be since fascism?

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Feb 4, 2022
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Great record

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