In April your humble Moscow correspondent typed up a blog post explaining why Russia should probably withdraw its membership from the World Health Organization: it would be unwise to follow “public health” recommendations from a group almost entirely funded by hostile actors actively trying to destroy you…. etc., etc. Basic stuff, really.
So, what’s happened over the past month?
Two days after we published our very contemplative and thoughtful internet article, which correctly described the WHO as a massive scam that seeks to kill all living creatures on earth, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin instructed lawmakers to examine the merits of Russia’s participation in this esteemed global health body.
(Irrefutable proof that the Russian government reads Edward Slavsquat? Yes.)
There was more good news: On May 5, Reuters revealed the WHO was considering a resolution to close its regional office in Moscow. While mostly a political statement (Russia would remain a voting member, and the organization had no plans to sanction Moscow), the move presented Moscow with a golden opportunity: now there was a perfect excuse to begin cutting ties with this lecherous clique of lockdown-loving, clot-shot-shilling swindlers.
You could not ask for a better excuse to start severing cooperation with this gang of public health slobs.
But the Russian government is hooked; can’t get enough of that sweet, sweet WHO:

Less than a week after news broke that the WHO might vacate its Moscow office, health minister Mikhail Murashko announced he was still working to receive the organization’s approval for Sputnik V, Russia’s famous and completely unproven genetic slurry.
The next day, on May 10, the WHO’s Regional Committee for Europe adopted a resolution to explore the possibility of moving the WHO office for combating noncommunicable diseases located in Moscow outside Russia.
The resolution also suggested suspending all regional meetings in Russia until the conflict in Ukraine ends in a peaceful resolution.
And how did Russia respond to this? With pleading and lamentations:
Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Andrei Plutnitsky, speaking via video link, said that the resolution was built to please the political ambitions of some countries in the region and could jeopardize the health of the population of Europe.
“We strongly oppose the adoption of the submitted draft resolution, it is aimed at undermining the work of WHO in the Eurasian space. Its adoption will inevitably lead to the curtailment of medical assistance programs for the countries concerned, the destruction of interaction in the interests of ensuring the health of the population of the WHO European Region and the whole world, which is absolutely not correlates with the WHO charter,” Plutnicki said.
This is not very encouraging, but it’s also not very surprising.
In case you forgot, this is who funds the WHO:

Even when the WHO (a cabal of nations that despise Russia) is acting all uppity and getting in Russia’s face, Moscow sulks. What is this nonsense? ….
In related Virus Scam news, Murashko called on Wednesday for the creation of a medical association of BRICS nations:
The head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation also proposed the creation of an international BRICS magazine. It would allow specialists to quickly share their achievements in the field of vaccinology with the world.
He also stressed that the emergence of new strains of COVID-19 is a matter of time. For this reason, the BRICS states should form their own mechanism for the prevention of infectious diseases, the minister believes.
Is this evidence of Russia trying to separate itself from the insidious influence of the WHO? Sadly no. At the 12th BRICS Summit held in November 2020, the group passed a resolution that stated:
We recognize the fundamental role of the UN system, including WHO, in coordinating the comprehensive global response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the key efforts of countries in this area. In this regard, we underline the importance of building up the positive contribution of the BRICS countries to international health security and the need for both individual and collective coordinated decisive action.
Besides, any kind of increased Virus Scam cooperation with China—which has put 25+ million people under Virus house arrest for more than 40 days and counting—is not a step in the right direction. That’s just our opinion, though.
Bonus: on May 11, Murashko urged all of Russia’s children to get injected:
“Today, the coronavirus infection subsided, yes, but it didn’t completely go away,” the minister said, stressing that it is extremely important to vaccinate children against coronavirus before the summer holidays in order to prevent the development of the disease.
We will end with a provocative commentary recently published by
Russia must loudly declare to the whole world that the activities of the WHO, as well as the upcoming Pandemic Agreement, threaten to abolish the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits medical intervention without the informed voluntary consent of a person. It is no coincidence that the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said at an extraordinary session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva that “voluntary mechanisms were not successful in the fight against the pandemic,” and globalists have long dreamed of transforming the whole world according to the Chinese model - when no value is given to the will and freedom of an individual citizen, and any experiment [against the population] becomes permissible.
So once again we call on all deputies, officials, representatives of the power bloc, who determine the policy of the country in the Presidential Administration, to think seriously…Our state has a unique chance to show the whole world what true sovereignty is - for this it is necessary to leave the platform of dehumanizers called the WHO as soon as possible. Before it's too late.
Can’t argue with that.
I agree with Riley on all points written in his brilliantly articulated news update from Russia. I really hope the WHO follows through and leaves Russia. And I really hope Sputnik V and all the other Russian concoctions NEVER get WHO approval. AND I hope this WHO spat escalates into a tit for tat feud. Russia needs to nip the $71 million WHO contribution in the bud and STOP throwing good money after bad. Plutnicki begging the WHO to stay is ridiculous. Injecting Russian children (applies to ALL innocent children WITHOUT informed consent and WITH their whole future life in front of them) is a heinous crime.
Such a shame. It would indeed have appeared to be a golden opportunity. But then again, appearances can be deceiving…
I always enjoy reading your essays, Edward, and getting a glimpse of what life is like in Russia. What advice would you have for many of us (like here in Canada), that have found ourselves inexorably falling under the yoke of dictatorship?