From carbon credits to secret overseas bank accounts, from the WEF's Young Global Leaders Program to big pharma, from Davos to trans-national oligarchs... in my opinion these people are parasites and their endless climate change/pandemic dramas are just money-making scams.

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Raiders of the lost OligArk

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well done, sir.

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These are useless efforts by the Russian FSB and the Criminal Investigations Committee. Russian money deposited on accounts in Western banks are never coming back to Russia. Let's get this straight. On the positive side though, these few billions of dollars possibly stolen by untouchable Chubais (and he IS actually untouchable in Russia) is a pittance compared to the continued scheme of extraction of Russian wealth. Russia has reached unheard of before trade surpluses in 2022 while continuing selling natural gas and oil, metals and minerals and many other products with minimal value-add in exchange for dollars and euros. Not even physical dollars and euros, those are not allowed to be brought into Russia anymore, but for entries in the banks' electronic record keeping systems. The problem is that if before, even though with some limitations, Russia could buy for these currencies things needed for its economy, now it simply can not. Nothing of value, like complex industrial machines, components for them, electronics and electronic components, parts for airline industry, parts for auto industry, agro technologies and so on is sold by the Western countries that joined the sanctions war against Russia. This created a phenomenon when Russian ruble has become the strongest currency against US dollar in the world. Dollar dropped to as low as 57 rubles for dollar at the start of the week (from the pre-war level of 78, and start of the war level of 145) and now has come back slightly above 66. The reason for such spectacular rise of ruble against dollar and euro is that nobody needs dollars in Russia's economy any more and this applies foremost to Russian business that used to conduct most of transactions with the western counterparts in dollars and euros. However Russian economic authorities, ministers and oligarchs continue to be under the spell of almighty dollar and are happy to see their electronic records of the foreign currency accounts grow by leaps and bounds. There will be a point when realization that they participate in inequivalent exchange is going to dawn on them, but for now Russia continues happily to give away resources not for too much or too little, but for free! I wonder how long is this situation going to last? China, btw, is in a similar predicament, but the situation there didn't get to as critical stage as it did with Russia, not yet anyway.

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I personally have a disdain for Anatoly Chubais and ALL other Russian oligarchs who use unarmed highway robbery of Russia's wealth. I posted some info about Anatoly Chubais under Riley's previous insightful article. Very happy that Riley added more insight/info about the vile Chubais. Although I hope more people realize that Russia's oligarchy system was put in place after Russia's "great reset" took place in 1992/1993 when all Soviet money became worthless and the oligarchs (orchestrated by the CIA) picked up Russia's natural wealth for kopeks on the ruble. Example>Polyus (Russian: ПАО "Полюс") is a Russian gold mining company. It is the largest gold producer in Russia and one of the top 10 gold mining companies globally. The company is controlled by Said Kerimov, son of Russian billionaire and politician, Suleyman Kerimov. Main owner as of 2021: Said Kerimov (76.34% of shares). 21.85% of shares are in free circulation in stock market, 1.03% belong to the company's management. Russia and Russian citizens own ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in this gold mine. Imagine that> Polyus could REFUSE to sell gold (mined in Russia) to Russia because shareholders want to refuse or are told to refuse because of sanctions.

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If you have learned to understand the language of intelligence/security establishments, this means that Russia has renationalised the said roubles and that Chubais is either dead or rendered insignificant, or both. Long live Russia.

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Rendered insignificant, I'd guess. Not only is killing him a kindness compared to him living in anxious exile, but Chubais may have some serious kompromat that would hinder Putin's ability to steer Russia through this madness.

Dang. When I first read this article without glasses or enough coffee, I thought it said rubies not rubles.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Es_Yr99WMAMcaDQ.jpg:large (That's Ivan the T's "Monomakh's Cap crown.)

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I'm not reading between the lines. You're saying the ruble is nationalized, as in the central bank is under the control of the Duma again?

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The Russian ruble is NOT nationalized. The Russian ruble is issued by the privately owned central bank in Russia. Just like the dollar is issued by the privately owned central bank (Federal Reserve) in USA. Look at the top of the dollar bill. As clear as day, the dollar reads "Federal Reserve note". If countries issued their own currency, then the currency would be nationalized. As the crooked global money system works, the central banks act as brokers (middle management men) that issue currency (paper money) in exchange for a nation's bond (USA treasury bonds for example) that are auctioned on a regular schedule by the central bank. A bond is collateral and countries get away with so much debt in bonds because the central banks are more than willing to hold a respective country hostage with this "secured" collateral. Central Banks could TAKE all the country's federal land real estate IF the country refused/failed by default to pay the "secured by national assets" bond. And in the worst case, the country could then be "owned" by the central bank if the country defaulted on the debt bond. I propose the central banks may indeed OWN a country's government because the debt is so enormous (example USA). On a side note, Riley's previous article explains why a "digital" currency issued by a central bank is so very dangerous to individual freedom.

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By renationalized, I believe he means that they are again in Russian possession or proxy thereof.

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Perhaps he can hide it here (NATO headquarters just outside Brussels:


Has that Star Wars Imperial space yacht hanger vibe, oui?

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It sounds like Russia isn't very powerful. It can't find one criminal. Why are we worried here in the west?

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Roma 21 gennaio 2020 Comunicati Stampa

TASS – ITAR TASS, l'Agenzia di informazione ufficiale russa e ANSA – la principale Agenzia italiana – hanno firmato un accordo di collaborazione che prevede l’arricchimento della propria offerta internazionale attraverso uno scambio di contenuti da poter utilizzare sulle rispettive piattaforme di informazione.

In particolare, l’accordo prevede l’integrazione reciproca di servizi di informazione internazionale e la creazione di spazi informativi riservati rispettivamente alle notizie dall’Italia – sul sito TASS - e dalla Russia – sul sito ANSA.it.

Do you know what ANSA is, who it represents and who it answers to?

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*fake Russian accent* (forgive me, but it's fun)

"Sputnik V" great invention. Since in use, mortality skyrocket! Chahaha!

Ok I don't really know that. Are there Russian data about development of all-cause mortality publicly available?

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" *fake Russian accent* (forgive me, but it's fun) " :)

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I was once told I looked like a bear by a Russian-speaking person. The truth is I don't even know if she was Russian or Ukranian. I was wearing ice skates at the time it happened. I got her main Ukranian Pupil's lessons when that pupil was hungover.

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Well did you make any hum-grumbly-purr sounds to encourage that perception?

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Lol. I slouched is all :)

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Isn't Sistema also the name of a Russian martial art?

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Indeed it is!! And it is a very interesting path to know yourself



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