You have a big heart! Your observations express regret, even in your humorous passages, but I notice a good degree of hope from you. We must never despair because then we are defeated.

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"We must never despair because then we are defeated." -- agreed.

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You know..... that Shokoladnitsa.... I had good memories of it. I went there a few times the last time I was in Moscow (which was a long time ago). Why, or why do all romantic memories of pop culture have to die?!!!! Why.

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They've ruined it. I'm so sorry.

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Covid 19 ist ein grosser Betrug weltweit

INSIDE Corona ist ein Buch von Thomas röper lesen sie es

Schade das man per telegram ihnen nicht schreiben kann

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TESSA thanks for introducing me to the brilliant ES, in an interview that you shared. i would say more but there is a cat on my keyboard

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He is indeed rather brilliant, isn't he? One of my favorite bloggers of all times!

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Taiwan did the same for the kids outdoor playgrounds. They even taped off the basketball and tennis courts, and just to be safe taped the hoops nets closed. I didn't dare mess with it being the only white guy in the neighborhood and with all the cameras here

The biggest virus going around is the Dumb Virus, or maybe the Evil Virus (or some combination)

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"Russians understand that I am not Barack “The First African President to Destroy Libya” Obama, or Pedo Joe, and I am very grateful for that."

Yeah, the irony of the"free " world which is actually the reincarnation of the Roman empire who also thought they were "civilizing" others...

It's collapsing and it will be hell for those who believed in the system or those who thought the system was good in the past... Both are going to be fucked.

A toast to the future!

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What is going on in French speaking Africa? One month ago, the Togo/ex-Togoland (whose leaders have been of the same family for more than 60 years) which was given to France after WWI as a present after Germany defeat and which, until now was under it's patronage, has entered the... Commonwealth!!


It is then now under the umbrella of the City of London, the "perfid Albion" and this has been decided in the arch-psychopath Paul Kagamé's Rwanda. Before the take over of that country by School of America allumni Kagamé, that country was French Speaking, now English is the official language. I guess it will be the same in my beloved Togo (I spend almost three years there).

So much for a Russian take over of French speaking Africa...

In Mali, there are still thousands of Western soldiers, a few dozain Wagner mercenaries. How come a few hundred soldiers without high tech surveillance like the one provided by the US could be an invasion force able to defeat the Jihadists in such a vast territory? This is sadly laughable...

The French authorities chose to side with some Touaregs (very complicated subject) and the Malian Authority has never been permitted to regain political control of Kidal for ten years and the Malian population has been fed up with that reality. The very Touaregs who had tortured, killed hundred of Malian soldiers and who had associated with Aqmi and co....

The Malian people have been rightfully disenchanted with the French. That country is very very huge 1 241 238 km2 and has 7 420 km of borders with neighboring countries...

The gold mining industry is the property of British, South African companies and the gold extracted without any benefit for the local population is most probably sent to the City of London...

I have been living there for years, one of my guest in Bamako was a local geologist, I know what I am talking about. I have talked with British geologist and knew miners... There are no uranium mine in Mali.

Right after the destruction of The Arab Jamahirya of Libya, we witnessed flocks of NATO Jihadists who tried to take control of Northern Mali coming from Libya. Touaregs women claimed to have been raped by English speaking Jihadists...

The Malian people are united behind the people in power, it is factual. The Jihadists routinely kill civilians and have been doing so for one decade. If their initial claim was in Northern Mali, they now operate in the whole territory and neighboring countries. The population is tired... The links between Russia and Mali started long time ago and Thousand of Malians studied in the USSR.

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@Bugey libre: this is absolutely false. Wagner mercenaries, working closely with the Kremlin, are torturing and killing civilians in Mali (interested in uranium, gold and diamond mines).

The russians committed a false flag recently accusing the french militaries to commit a slaughter

By chance the french managed to capture scenes on video with a drone, prooving the Wagner group interfered in this false flag. In the meantime civilians in Mali continue to suffer exactions from the Malian junta and its ally the Wagner Group, and managed to close two french radios

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Very good post! I totally agree with your post. I believe you have the BEST vantage point overlooking France. So nice to know that I have you to trust in the country of France. I trust you completely since you have earned my trust. Thank you! Merci Beaucoup! Enjoy your Sunday!

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Thank you Perception Deception.

I have made a mistake which must be corrected, the Malian geologist was my Host, not my guest....

While I was still living in Bamako, I had a friend, Natasha, a Russian old lady. She had came as a veterinarian in Mali in the 1970's, married there with a Malian. They had two children who can speak fluent French, Russian and local languages and who had decided to live in Bamako while knowing Russia. When Natasha died, the funeral service was held in the Catholic Church in Bamako because there are no Orthodox churches there and there had been thousand of people paying homage to that great lover of Mali.

There are other Russian/Malian people and one of them even was a minister of economy at one time.

Meanwhile in France: The 13 of July, micron was saved by his body guard when a crowd recognized him and was shouting Gilet jaune's anthem and "Macron démission". The 14 th of July parade was held. micron has been boohd all along... Unprecedented. Like my best friend who is a gendarme said, this is very serious when the military are to witness such a situation:


Hope you'll tell us more about your trip in Moscow.

Take care

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Bugey libre Merci Beaucoup! I admire Bugey libre's intelligence and leadership by example and strength in France. Bugey libre's peaceful noncompliance and refusal of injections proves we can unite under common ground.

"French President Emmanuel Macron suffered a humiliating setback in parliament after his vaccine passport scheme was defeated. Macron’s minority government wanted to extend the policy whereby anyone entering France has to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test. However, the right-wing populist National Rally (RN), the hard-left La France Insoumise (LFI) and the right-wing Republicains (LR) ALL UNITED to vote AGAINST the policy."

Macron’s government lost the vote by a margin of 219 votes to 195.

Source> https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/macrons-minority-government-defeated-vaccine-passports.

My Russia vacation>

Wednesday - travel day.

Thursday - relaxation talking to Russians (in English since I am a lazy American). (The French may think that Americans are arrogant (very true in most cases) however when learning languages Americans are more apt to be lazy.

Friday - Walking down the the main walking shopping district to buy souvenirs and being lazy at cafes watching people.

Saturday - All day in Red Square taking photos and talking to more Russians.. 4 hours inside the Russian historical museum in Red Square . NO masks indoors!!!

Sunday - Travel day back to Belarus.

Notes> Russians are in fact able to buy gold by the gram or physical gold bars and open a gold bank account or freely choose personal accumulation at their home! Nearly all banks now have gold exchange buy/sell rates to Russian ruble rate posted. When I was in Russia, the rate was 3820 Russian rubles to buy and if one wanted to sell gold back to the bank, then the rate was 3250 Russian rubles. If one buys gold grams, then the gold is digital. If one accumulates enough gold grams then the grams can be converted to a PHYSICAL gold bar which can be held by the banking institution or freely kept in one's personal safe place at home. The initial exchange rate was 5000 Russian rubles per gram at the very beginning of this NEW Russian gold standard policy so I think the current exchange rate is a bargain for Russians to protect against Russian inflation. My source was a bank manager that spoke English.

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Thanks for the info about what you saw and learned in Russia. As to France my friend... Micron has a 12% approval rate, the economic situation is catastrophic. The society is on the brink of collapsing... I will give more info in the coming weeks.

Take care

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And in the meantime, while the Ugly and villain western civilization is hopefully "suicided" with a little help of destiny, the Holy Russia and its Wagner Group explains civilization to Malian Civilians and offers consulting services to Malians for a better management of their gold, diamond and uranium mines:


With some gentle false flag murders to accuse french militaries of atrocities against civilians...(today we won't talk about the tortures perpetrated against civilians ..they are only black people pretending to suffer tortures from caucasian soldiers speaking a foreign language). NB: official language in Mali is french ..

I'm really eager to live under Putin's protectorate!

A toast to the future!

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it’s all rotten to the core... God help the kids.

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I may or may not have committed copycat crimes in Queens, NY playgrounds involving chains and padlocks at night in certain suburbs prior to my departure from the state.

Ironically, wearing a face covering as there were cameras and "white female" would have stood out.

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That was epic, my guy. I hope we’re all still standing on the other side where шоколадници was the only threat to our children’s health.

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A legendary hookah lounge: https://youtu.be/-S5PK14KFcE

Vax pass: get drafted, die for your country because it's the Right Thing to Do. Chopping off your balls for a yuppie gig with perqs is nothing next to getting them pureed through your chest cavity via landmine.

Yeah, we're a gullible lot.

"We have to stop this dangerous spiral into Sadness, guys. Think of the ancient eunuchs."

Amen. Ball-less or not, let us enshrill our ways to higher and gladder spheres!


Make a joyful noise whether you want to or not!


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"...it would have been cool if a glider full of heavily armed Spetsnaz landed on Igor Kolomoisky’s roof as part of a dashing operation to handcuff Ukraine’s most prominent scumbags".

Taking words right out of my mouth, I've been saying it from the first day of the "special operation". It would have been a very logical thing to do, and I know I wouldn't be much upset.

On a positive note, this post sounds like a great beginning of that book you promised to write and send to me :)

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one blog post at a time. I'll print them all out, staple them together, and put them in the mail for you :)

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Jul 16, 2022
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Hi Anri,

Thanks for your support and kind words :)

I'm doing okay, trying to focus on little joys of life :) and you are so right about hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. Ukrainians have been told to brace themselves for the most difficult winter in the independence period. Have a look https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/8/7351154/

The temperature in our rooms may only reach 16 °C, I mean places with central heating.

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Awesome post. Thank you Edward.

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thanks for reading, Drew!

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You obviously have much better local intel, but I don't think any of your prognostications are out there. You could, of course, be wrong (as you said), but I'd put my money on your predicted outcomes at this point.

My main concern as an American living in America is whether Brandon takes us down this road too. And at this point, I honestly can't guess. One of the fascinating things about having a graphically incompetent executive branch is the fog of war is incredibly thick: from the outside, you have absolutely no idea how bad things really are.

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I have mixed feelings on Putins invasion. It seems clear War was inevitable and he saw nothing to gain by waiting. OTOH, unless he takes all territory along Russias border with Ukraine to the Dnepier River and the coast to Moldova then Russia will be even more insecure and will face another Afghanistan

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Rt demonstrated its inconsistencies all throughout the years, in the storyboard Holy Russia Vs. the Ugly and Disgusting West.

Funny to consider that both MSM and Alternative european medias released info or denounced the censorship of RT and Sputnik (to victimize Russia and these two media) but NONE OF Western media talks about the current closure of two french radios that denounced the crimes and murders of the Wagner group in Mali doing their dirty business while the war is raging in Ukraine

The false dichotomy West East justifies rivers of blood.

Don't let them rape your brain and impose their views because there is nothing more demoniac and cynical than leading people to applause for wars. On Tv and internet, our screens are 99% occupied with warmongers, whatever in which camp they are, but they legitimate a war which must not be legitimate. These warmongers are dangerous and should be neutralized, whatever the way.

And while blood flows, G7 and russian political leaders are getting fun playing their respective part in front of cameras, on a cynical theater scene. War is deeply vulgar and obscene.

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Thank you for this brilliant piece. As an aside, one of the things I appreciated most about Russia was this observation: "Despite the stubborn March cold, heroic young ladies in the Russian capital have already shortened (one might say improved) their skirts by at least 15 centimeters." That seems to be a pan-Russian theme as I observed in Novosibirsk.

Baltika #6 is still one of my favorites.

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This was brilliant. Thank you. Made my day.

Raises many questions for me though. A bit troubling.

Still... good. :)

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Why mix apples with oranges? In my opinion, these 2 topics are NOT related at all. I COMPLETELY agree with the commentary concerning the Russian government's complicity in the WHO's scamdemic and plandemic. I COMPLETELY disagree with the commentary concerning Russia's "special military operation".

So many people have NO vision of the future of what WOULD HAVE happened WHEN Ukraine launched their own "special military operation" in March 2022 and WHEN Ukraine would join NATO in 2025 and WHEN Ukraine would let NATO store a nuclear weapon arsenal on the borders of Russia in 2028 and WHEN Ukraine would launch a false flag on the Crimea border in order to take Crimea back in 2030. World War 3 in 2030 would have made the 'great reset' happen and many more millions of INNOCENT people would have been killed.

Approximately at least 10,000 Ukrainians have been killed in 8 years (2014 to 2022) during Ukraine's "anti-terrorist operation". How many more Ukrainians would have been killed when Ukraine launched their "anti-terrorist operation" in March 2022? Does ANYONE seriously think the Ukraine was going to let ALL their shiny new weapons rust and collect dust?

ANYONE who disapproves of this "special military operation" does NOT know the history of the Russian Empire and does NOT know about the the evil communist 1917 gifts to make Ukraine a country. The country of "Ukraine" was NEVER a country until after the western funded 1917 communist revolution.

ANYONE in 2014 who loves Russia (NOT the government), will continue to love Russia in 2022. ANYONE in 2014 who hated Russia, will continue to hate Russia in 2022. Russia's "special military operation" did NOT change the calculus either way.

Russians have every right to protect the Russian language, culture, and heritage in my opinion. And all nationalities have every right to noncomply with tyrannical restrictions on freedom and every right to refuse injections in my opinion.

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It is so naive to think that we are in presence of two camps in opposition.

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"Does ANYONE seriously think the Ukraine was going to let ALL their shiny new weapons rust and collect dust?"

Does anyone seriously think that Zelensky, Putin, Biden, Johnson or Macron are not apatride puppets serving a "higher" purpose?

Does anyone seriously think that inventing Casus Belli is a brand new concept?

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WWI. Franz Ferdinand of Austria?

WWII Gleiwitz incident?


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We respectfully completely disagree. One must be happy that your name will NOT be placed on the notorious Ukraine/Poland/Lithuania website that names (with personal addresses and info) and shames for the purpose of physically hurting people like me. The sweet innocent investigative reporter Eva Bartlett and (possibly me in the future) is placed on that evil notorious Myrotvorets (or Peacemaker) website. Russia would NEVER allow a website like that!

One must realize that one shares the SAME EXACT viewpoint (Russia's 'special military operation is wrong) with very evil people like Klaus Noseswab. I am VERY PROUD to declare I share absolutely NO viewpoints with Klaus Noseswab.

The American Indians, the native people of South America, Africans, and the native people of Australia have lost their sovereignty with special thanks to western hegemony and colonialism. Russia has ALWAYS stayed in their backyard.

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Your list of justifications doesn't contradict anything I have written; all I have said is that whatever remains of Ukraine will likely be an Anti-Russia -- which is a problem because the operation is supposed to prevent the formation of a permanent Anti-Russia.

I consider this observation to be quite level-headed, given that it's exactly what Lavrov argued in 2018: https://www.kp.ru/daily/26921/3968646/

And who says this war will contain or stop NATO? NATO has now expanded to Sweden and Finland. These are just a few of my concerns -- which have nothing to do with Schwab's wacky press releases.

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"Russia has ALWAYS stayed in their backyard". Perception Déception you may not be informed with the Eurasian project and the views of Russia over Latin America, as well as its special operations in Africa.

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I make it more simple. If a Casus Belli always had to be invented for the wars to take place, (as well as for numeroys false flags all over the World), it is because "someone" at a higher level needs the war to happen. At least I hope you agree with that.

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thank you for this. I've 'broadcast' it on my blog, with attribution of course.

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