All of you are just spectators. While I was sitting close to Moscow and have experienced all the horror of this "psyop" together with millions of Russians. We wre told not to drive, to make a stock of food and water, to take our old relatives to be together. And it was given a phycological hot line number. You didn't interact with people here. It was a grave silence. Nobody discussed anything. To tell anyone could know the reason ( or it's better to tell a number of reasons) is just a bad joke. We've got no information. Not at all. We have to see what is going to happen in short. For it's just a start with this performance which took 15 lives and held millions in the horror of the civil war. Don't forget that not only common people tried to fly with the extremely expensive plane tickets to any directions, but the private jets of the officials flew from the country.
just to state my own position: I don't know "why" this has happened, but I think it's very real, and very scary. And you are right to point out that things are far from over. Pointing out the human element here -- the soldiers killed (their deaths ignored or denied by Western alt media, of course), as well as the stress, confusion, and uncertainty this has all caused within Russian society -- is very important. And I thank you for that. Please stay safe, Elena (my own son is about 25 km outside the city. And I am anxious to get back to him asap).
"just to state my own position" - there is a group of "spectators" (as you say) in the West (not 5D and not the sort of "alt" who are able to ignore (as Edward observes) Russian deaths) - who, for reasons not entirely clear to even us, care lots about Russia and Russians.
We. as well, felt some small portion of your fear, stress, confusing and uncertainty late Friday and much of Saturday. Be well, stay strong Elena!
I care about Russia if for no other reason than that it is the emerging new hegemon (whether it wants to be or not). Also, I like firebirds, Stravinsky, Nabokov, vast stretches of still mostly pristine taiga, samovars and Prince Vladimir tea. I also like what Nelson Algren did with the legends of Diaghilev and Nijinsky:
Well done! - I like this (but not sure about the hegemon - the more likely outcome is "Northern Eurasia" - that's the neocon plan - google it) ... the march from Tchaikovsky's Sym #6 was my march as a 10 year old... that's a big part of "caring".
googling Northern Eurasia or Northern Eurasia neocon gimme nuttin. Can you point me to specific data?
fwiw, I understand that Russia will not be the sole global superpower... except that it will, because it has what human-dominated planets crave: fossil fuels. But, at least for awhile, Russia will, I believe, be sane enough to not position itself thusly although it de facto is. It will work closely with its regional allies, not least of all to enjoy the relative peace necessary to strip-mine what's left of mineral-rich Afghanistan into yet another human wasteland.
I seem to have much less faith than most people in the powers of the lunatocracy to implement global overlord plans, so I do not see this current conflict in terms of NOW triumph. I see it as NWO overreach being hoist by its own banana peel.
Peter Ilyich surely had his moments. I especially like how he mixes with the mad mannerisms of Duke Ellington:
Elena, in which direction from Moscow your place is located? My friend who lives in Королев, says it was really quiet, she went to Moscow last Saturday, haven't seen any tanks/BMPs anywhere there, she was in the area of Polytechnic Museum - she says it's in the central area. I'm from Peter, don't really know Moscow, so I trust my friend. She said that everything was business as usual. Not scary.
Not the same as to experience by yourself. And your circle is a bit specific as far as I understood. But I'm not about this point. I insist that no one has got any information about what it was in reality. Millions of Russians are feeling themeselves used. The nearest future will show who is gained with it.
Marko tells it all on his twitter [1]. Here's one very relevant thread [2].
His English is very good, but him speaking sounded annoying as he'd constantly repeat "like, like, like, ..." if I remember correctly, or something similar. So I prefer written word and do not miss his audio appearances.
P.S. I do not know why he stopped posting on substack yet is very active on twitter. Perhaps he does not have as much time as before?
I loved his angry funny accent. I'm not in Twitter and I suppose we can't interact there like here in the comments section. Anti- empire site also seems frozen . If Marko, Riley, and rolo reunites I suppose it will be a crushing triunvirate against Kremlinistas.
Not with me - him repeating "like like like ..." all the time with his high-pitch voice was really hard to listen.
As I mentioned before, he probably got tired of the do-not-mention-Putin hard-rule imposed. Perhaps even Riley has that Putin-rule without being explicit and without being triggered like Rolo when someone mentions it.
The same rule probably pushed Nikola Mikovic [1] away, and will most likely do the same with Aleksandar Djokic [2].
Hi Elena. Was that psyop during pandemic? What's the mood now among OC Russians?
Also, do you happen to know of any cases where bloggers got hurt in Russia for criticizing Putin and exposing his cowardice and treachery? I.e. do you happen to know would FSB spooks pay a visit to those that do not like "Big Brother Putin"?
Indeed. People who weren't jabed were resrstricted. It was forcing to get their miracle vax as everywhere.
The good educated persons of my circle of Moscow's intelligentia were crying that we are unjabed enimies of the people. Those who could cite Hanna Arendt about totalirinism perfectly well.
They were looking for the blessed West.
The common people were against understanding with their skin all this scam. But these people couldn't recognize the real enemy. So ruling with our controlled opposition they are following the official ideas according to SMO. And don't understand there's not any good side in this disgusting deadly game.
As for your second question don't you know we experienced a real terror close to Stalin's times. One could be imprisoned just for a single word.
Got you. Everything is under control and would be fine. Yevgeny Prigozhin's "rebellion" was not an attempt to seize power, but a controlled "stress test" to revile potential traitors and sleeper agents an action to draw Putin's attention to what he think are the problems of the armed forces.
Prigozhin is in favor of increasing the intensity of combat operations in order to gain control over the territories east of the Dnieper as soon as possible. But this may not be the best strategy. Now they told them, OK, take Kiev and the war is over.
Russians can be drama kings. Relax. Everything id under control and would be fine. Yevgeny Prigozhin's "rebellion" was not an attempt to seize power, but a controlled "stress test" to revile potential traitors and sleeper agents an action to draw Putin's attention to what he think are the problems of the armed forces.
Prigozhin is in favor of increasing the intensity of combat operations in order to gain control over the territories east of the Dnieper as soon as possible. But this may not be the best strategy. Now they told them, OK, take Kiev and the war is over. So his base is now 200km above Kiev in Beloruss. We are glad that you are all OK!!
Ya know Elena, I think I`ve heard of a remedy for this:
Say to the nations far and wide:
“Get ready for war!
Call out your best warriors.
Let all your fighting men advance for the attack.
Hammer your plowshares into swords
and your pruning hooks into spears.
Train even your weaklings to be warriors.
Come quickly, all you nations everywhere.
Gather together in the valley.”
Sound advice for the future - which starts - right about now...
I have a heart, but let us just say this: Welcome to Novorossia!...and Kherson, and Melitopol, and Zaporozhje, and Odessa, and get the idea...
And no, I am not in any of these areas either, so I apologize for being a hypocrite, just want say one thing: Get Ready! NOW, while you still can. Invest in Your future!!!
Thank you for all the work you do Riley cause through you I got a totally different insight into domestic russian issues than I had before I saw you on "unlimited hangout" with Whitney Webb for the first time..Since then I follow your work and appreciate your nowadays at least here in the west seemingly old school sense of humanity on you. Unless many other indy media figures you oftentimes admit not knowing things instead of stating pure speculation as a fact and yeah I love your simply compassionate view on humanity,the masses or the plebs as you call them, not judging everything through an ideological,narrative management lense..At least that's my sense of your writing and impression you left with me watching,listening to your interviews. You don't have to pose,to cock around like many other male indy media figures but mostly seemingly look at life with this specific laconic,ironic undertone of someone,who unterstands that we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously.
The “coup was a psyop to attack from Belarus” is very prevalent at the moment. The arrows and lines drawn showing the “sneak attack” is being spammed in chats and shared by 5D crowd I interact with.
I don’t know how to get through the plan trusters.
It's childish, like when I was a kid and believed that wrestling was real. They had some expose that it was acting and I got so mad someone could even consider that.
Of course when I grew, I saw the act. But many adults are still children that cheer on team sports.
One time, they call 9/11 an inside job. But then they have shady thuggish Jews strolling around with an army, and apparently it's all according to plan?
I don't really read the 5D chess crowd at all, so I don't exactly know their position, but if they still worship Putin (after the criminally-botched invasion), it's due to their emotional attachment. After all, without Russia being /our guy/, they will have to come to terms with the harsh reality that the Aryan race is in its death bed.
Lukashenko may be glorious and uncircumcised, so I personally would have a reason to respect him, but Belarus did not support Donbass, had a failed revolution in 2020, and tried to flood Poland with migrants in the fall of 2021. Life is unfair, people are scum, more news at 23:00!
I dont know what Jews and circumsision has to do with this. If you were smart you would avoid discrediting yourself with anti-semitic tropes. News flash: anti-semitism is very unfashionable (for good reason) in the West ever since Hitler. So knock it off please.
Last time I checked, the West mutilated their children, worshipped drag queens, transvestites and crucified rabbis. I do confess to not having a country myself, lost as a speck in the sea of idiots and foreigners. I know it full well that my views are not "fashionable" in the Occident.
Conspiracy theories are merely an expression of American parochialism, anarchism, and racism. Anarchism = "evil government". Parochialism = "stupid sand people are too stupid to fly planes".
Why should people opposed to the USA government even shed tears over a destroyed Jewish tower? If Jews demolish a Jewish tower, isn't it a cause for celebration?
Bin Laden's alleged disease and death - now that's a perfect case for the Occam's Razor.
Christopher Bolin considers Kennedy a saint - the same Kennedy that integrated schools with other races, so now the White race in America is dying out. Kennedy deserved the bullet, praised be Oswald!
> "He’s an unashamed Communist KGB agent who moans of the demise of the USSR."
And Putin... Dude, you have no idea what you've just said. How can you tie the country that gave us space travel with a disgusting secret service that failed to protect said country?
The white race is hardly dying out. Lord have mercy. I have 1/16th Cherokee in my lineage. White people did not quite exterminate my paternal Grandmother's ancestors (microbial pathogens did most of the killing that happened, anyway), and I look as white as Santa Claus or, for that matter, gospodin Putin, and I find no shortage of white people to annoy me with their insistence that White is Right.
Judging by the perennial and annoying presence of white supremacists, I think we're in no danger of running short of white people. We are, however, experiencing a major shortage of Westerners (many of them white) who lack the ability to think outside their latest handroid app or favorite conspiracy fetish.
Outside of the few remaining neolithic tribes, human beings are equally deranged regardless of DNA content or ethnicity.
Oh, I think you should proclaim whatever you believe. Censorship is mostly counter-productive. But I also think that such proclamations should be laughed out of court whenever they appear.
A lot of palavering guys. I think we all need to disconnect and mind our own business. We are not even paid for our “curiosity”. At least propagandists on all sides are well remunerated. But our interest is vain and profitless.
Update on our missing friend in Kyrgyzstan : [6/26, 7:22 AM] M: Lindsay was just out of cell range
[6/26, 7:35 AM] L: Lindsay back!! 😃😵💫💕
[6/26, 8:45 AM] M: I was really stressed about it. Guess I’m just stressed out in general 😡
Riley thanks for your really fast response to my request for assistance. For someone who is overIy reliant on my imaginary friends in cyberspace for interesting conversation and feelings of belonging, it was extremely heartwarming to have one of them Step Up and turn out to be real.
Also I really enjoyed this post. Drunk driving is an awesome hobby, or pastime. I truly regret that I am now too old for it. I can also sympathize with the damage that flogging does to your body, okay I said blogging, but really maybe that's pretty much the same thing. I am doing a horse body work course that requires a lot of report writing, and I'm about to try to hire a friend to do the writing for me. Sitting and thinking at the same time I guess is another combination that I'm now too old for.
I first encountered Riley in a conversation with Tessa Lena. I am now a huge fan, mostly quiet in the comments because I really don't have anything to contribute in a conversation about Russia. But I did feel in this conversation with Rolo I was witnessing a genuine and heartfelt effort to make sense of this part of the world. And that alone is well worth the price of admission!
So this whole thing was just a little power struggle between various Oligarchs and quickly blew over because no one really wanted to put the current power structure in danger?
"Either that or he is largely a powerless figurehead and the country is ruled by an alliance of spooks and oligarchs that doesn’t mind losing because in the end, they will always end up winning regardless." - Yes, and this should be printed into the Bible of all political knowledge as the 11th commandment, right after banning turning on the TV and debating on Twitter. Because it is a universal truth applicable to describe the situation in any country or on any continent. And I don't want to say I said it at the beginning, but I said it at the beginning. At least we can enjoy this pleasure in peace: Knowing that it all sucks, but we knew it from the beginning and we said it!
It is hilarious hearing my four year old grandson pontificate about how life operates on earth and in heaven, his lack of experience and knowledge combined with his supreme confidence makes an endearing juxtaposition. It is not so cute to see this position in adults. And no less annoying to hear non- believers pontificating about doctrines of Christianity. Their lack of knowledge is appalling, and those rare few, who by dint of serious inquiry do have sound doctrinal knowledge but lack an experiential knowledge of "Ye must be born again."- Jesus, are like a man who has studied swimming his whole life but has never left a bathtub. If they were thrown in the foaming sea they would perish. As Jesus said, "Ye must be born again." You need to first have an experience with the living Jesus Christ to know Christians.
I wish people were just born whole, but they aren't. A man is born a baby, and that baby needs milk. You cannot rush the process of growing. It's a slow process, but a steady one if fed a wholesome diet and get exercise and sunshine. Spiritual growth is no different. And many are still babes in Christ when they should be stronger due to lack of daily nourishment. Many things need to be imbibed slowly to be absorbed properly. (A woman with iron poor blood cannot drink a whole bottle of Floradix to correct her iron insufficiency. But a little taken on a daily basis she can.)
A child needs protection and instruction and yes, discipline. I spanked my two year old for sitting in the middle of the road. He would not understand the abstract concept of a 2 ton truck coming down the road to flatten him, but he will remember that MOMMA SPANKS. God punishes and corrects. He corrects the righteous and punishes the wicked. Jesus learned obedience through suffering. Anyway, I am getting too far ahead of myself and I am busy with other things, but it just rankles me to hear so many who know so little about Christ and Christians pontificating away like a four year old. And asking new Christians to explain the whole universe to you is like asking a toddler to explain physics. They can't. You are a fool to say, they are stupid. no, they are simply young. But they do know how to say "Abba, father!" and that is enough for today.
(p.s. Evil is not punishment for sin. It is the fruit of sin.)
I can't wrap my head around any of this. First off, can someone tell me why there is a " private Russian army, the Wagner group, even fighting in Ukraine or being in existence in the first place? It is so strange. What was the rationale for it to begin with?
what is a psyop? great question...I define it as attempt to use lies and propaganda to misdirect and/or confuse the general public...which gives them a reason implement new "laws" and agenda's...9/11 and the Covid scamdemic immediately come to mind
It's amazing how in sync you two are, almost of the same mind. This is a good piece Kid. Yacht sailing and drunk driving huh? Either one is gonna cost you more than a thousand dollars, my advice would be to pick yourself up a $200 guitar, a guitar will get you laid quicker than a yacht.
The whole war is a "psy ops" in a sense. I don't think that the nazi-globo-homo West or the "above West" reptilians really want to break up Russia. And I don't think that NATO really wants it. This is not good for the NWO - having ungovernable war lords or independent states. The NWO wants stability and Putin. And I think NATO will lose the meaning of life. The only thing they will be left with is the homo cause and no big enemies. This new episode just gave the "war" new fuel, twists and thrills. But it also showed to some of the Putin cheerleaders that they have no idea what is going on which is funny.
I think they are planning something like a global police state. As for the big countries - I think all the main powers depend on each other and are working in a cartel. This can be explained from several angles. One is global trade and interdependence. They can't really fight each other because corporations are so intertwined. On the other hand these "multipolarity"is also beneficial for empire - this is explained in podcasts such as with Isa Blumi and Jesse Zurawell. A lot of countries for example hate the US and US corporations are not welcome. BUT they don't mind Russian or Chinese corporations. As for the shareholders or stakeholders - it doesn't matter - they can make money from both. The other perspective is history. I still don't understand why for example the US didn't finish Russia in the nineties but on the contrary - they helped her not to fall apart. And you know - Eurasia was always at war with Oceania. So there is probably value in this?
Yes, I agree. They will and they are plundering Russia's resources. I don't know if they are going to balkanize Russia really, I just don't see it. ProbabIy I am wrong. It is just that Russia was always the same. There is a game they are playing with Russia - this Orthodox Christianity and the Third Rome imperial dream vs Western "satanism", the satanic Vatican and the nazis (the West is really ruled by nazis, they didn't lose ww2). They are doing it since Napoleon. And the other thing is that every country is supposed to be part of some EU with one currency ruled by AI. The EU is the model for a Latin American Block, Eurasian, maybe African EU and so on.
All of you are just spectators. While I was sitting close to Moscow and have experienced all the horror of this "psyop" together with millions of Russians. We wre told not to drive, to make a stock of food and water, to take our old relatives to be together. And it was given a phycological hot line number. You didn't interact with people here. It was a grave silence. Nobody discussed anything. To tell anyone could know the reason ( or it's better to tell a number of reasons) is just a bad joke. We've got no information. Not at all. We have to see what is going to happen in short. For it's just a start with this performance which took 15 lives and held millions in the horror of the civil war. Don't forget that not only common people tried to fly with the extremely expensive plane tickets to any directions, but the private jets of the officials flew from the country.
just to state my own position: I don't know "why" this has happened, but I think it's very real, and very scary. And you are right to point out that things are far from over. Pointing out the human element here -- the soldiers killed (their deaths ignored or denied by Western alt media, of course), as well as the stress, confusion, and uncertainty this has all caused within Russian society -- is very important. And I thank you for that. Please stay safe, Elena (my own son is about 25 km outside the city. And I am anxious to get back to him asap).
Thank you for your kind words and for the truth you are writing for the "awakened".
I'm in 25 km from Moscow either. Стародачное место. During the day of 24th tons of helicopters were flying low.
Stay safe! And please comment and let us know if there are any worrying developments where you are. Obviously, I hope this doesn't happen.
Not now at least I hope:)
"just to state my own position" - there is a group of "spectators" (as you say) in the West (not 5D and not the sort of "alt" who are able to ignore (as Edward observes) Russian deaths) - who, for reasons not entirely clear to even us, care lots about Russia and Russians.
We. as well, felt some small portion of your fear, stress, confusing and uncertainty late Friday and much of Saturday. Be well, stay strong Elena!
Thank you. Nothing other is left.
I care about Russia if for no other reason than that it is the emerging new hegemon (whether it wants to be or not). Also, I like firebirds, Stravinsky, Nabokov, vast stretches of still mostly pristine taiga, samovars and Prince Vladimir tea. I also like what Nelson Algren did with the legends of Diaghilev and Nijinsky:
Well done! - I like this (but not sure about the hegemon - the more likely outcome is "Northern Eurasia" - that's the neocon plan - google it) ... the march from Tchaikovsky's Sym #6 was my march as a 10 year old... that's a big part of "caring".
googling Northern Eurasia or Northern Eurasia neocon gimme nuttin. Can you point me to specific data?
fwiw, I understand that Russia will not be the sole global superpower... except that it will, because it has what human-dominated planets crave: fossil fuels. But, at least for awhile, Russia will, I believe, be sane enough to not position itself thusly although it de facto is. It will work closely with its regional allies, not least of all to enjoy the relative peace necessary to strip-mine what's left of mineral-rich Afghanistan into yet another human wasteland.
I seem to have much less faith than most people in the powers of the lunatocracy to implement global overlord plans, so I do not see this current conflict in terms of NOW triumph. I see it as NWO overreach being hoist by its own banana peel.
Peter Ilyich surely had his moments. I especially like how he mixes with the mad mannerisms of Duke Ellington:
Maybe that's because they know the Russian people really saved all our asses in WWII...
Elena, in which direction from Moscow your place is located? My friend who lives in Королев, says it was really quiet, she went to Moscow last Saturday, haven't seen any tanks/BMPs anywhere there, she was in the area of Polytechnic Museum - she says it's in the central area. I'm from Peter, don't really know Moscow, so I trust my friend. She said that everything was business as usual. Not scary.
> You didn't interact with people here
I literally livestreamed it with my Russian buddies for almost 400 people.
Not the same as to experience by yourself. And your circle is a bit specific as far as I understood. But I'm not about this point. I insist that no one has got any information about what it was in reality. Millions of Russians are feeling themeselves used. The nearest future will show who is gained with it.
Thank you for sharing, and in English no less.
Yeah, but this is the internet. We don't want things done literally, we want them done virtually. So, show me the deepfake or or no hookah for you. ;)
I go now to dance naked around a tv displaying images of a Golden Calf. It's my Luddite poor man's chatroulette.
Was a good troll, shows how panicky the m*scovites and their elites are... like he was going to besiege the city with 4000 troops.
Good thinking. Moskowites are spoiled.
If you are the real "Marko" I notify you to show up at the "front" as soon as possible.
I (we all) really miss your wise analysis very much.
Botox is dead, long live the king.
Marko tells it all on his twitter [1]. Here's one very relevant thread [2].
His English is very good, but him speaking sounded annoying as he'd constantly repeat "like, like, like, ..." if I remember correctly, or something similar. So I prefer written word and do not miss his audio appearances.
P.S. I do not know why he stopped posting on substack yet is very active on twitter. Perhaps he does not have as much time as before?
[1] Marko Marjanović (@marmar_ae) / Twitter:
[2] Thread by @marmar_ae on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App:
I loved his angry funny accent. I'm not in Twitter and I suppose we can't interact there like here in the comments section. Anti- empire site also seems frozen . If Marko, Riley, and rolo reunites I suppose it will be a crushing triunvirate against Kremlinistas.
Not with me - him repeating "like like like ..." all the time with his high-pitch voice was really hard to listen.
As I mentioned before, he probably got tired of the do-not-mention-Putin hard-rule imposed. Perhaps even Riley has that Putin-rule without being explicit and without being triggered like Rolo when someone mentions it.
The same rule probably pushed Nikola Mikovic [1] away, and will most likely do the same with Aleksandar Djokic [2].
[1] Никола Миковић / Nikola Mikovic (@nikola_mikovic) / Twitter
[2] Aleksandar Djokic (Александар Джокич) (@polidemitolog) / Twitter
Nicola and aleksandar are on substack also?
Nicola and aleksandar are on substance also?
Do you imply that Marko and Nikola got out because some kind of "censorship" on the part of Riley/Roll about mentioning Botox?
He keeps WHINING about a few dead pilots when Shoigus MoD is responsible for thousands of wagner deaths!!!
Hi Elena. Was that psyop during pandemic? What's the mood now among OC Russians?
Also, do you happen to know of any cases where bloggers got hurt in Russia for criticizing Putin and exposing his cowardice and treachery? I.e. do you happen to know would FSB spooks pay a visit to those that do not like "Big Brother Putin"?
Indeed. People who weren't jabed were resrstricted. It was forcing to get their miracle vax as everywhere.
The good educated persons of my circle of Moscow's intelligentia were crying that we are unjabed enimies of the people. Those who could cite Hanna Arendt about totalirinism perfectly well.
They were looking for the blessed West.
The common people were against understanding with their skin all this scam. But these people couldn't recognize the real enemy. So ruling with our controlled opposition they are following the official ideas according to SMO. And don't understand there's not any good side in this disgusting deadly game.
As for your second question don't you know we experienced a real terror close to Stalin's times. One could be imprisoned just for a single word.
Here's Riley's article [1] and one documentary [2][3] for those brainwashed that have not died suddenly.
[1] Russians are also "dying suddenly" - Riley / Edward Slavsquat
[2] Official Trailer - Died Suddenly | 2022-11-21
[3] Full Documentary - Died Suddenly | 2022-11-21
Got you. Everything is under control and would be fine. Yevgeny Prigozhin's "rebellion" was not an attempt to seize power, but a controlled "stress test" to revile potential traitors and sleeper agents an action to draw Putin's attention to what he think are the problems of the armed forces.
Prigozhin is in favor of increasing the intensity of combat operations in order to gain control over the territories east of the Dnieper as soon as possible. But this may not be the best strategy. Now they told them, OK, take Kiev and the war is over.
Russians can be drama kings. Relax. Everything id under control and would be fine. Yevgeny Prigozhin's "rebellion" was not an attempt to seize power, but a controlled "stress test" to revile potential traitors and sleeper agents an action to draw Putin's attention to what he think are the problems of the armed forces.
Prigozhin is in favor of increasing the intensity of combat operations in order to gain control over the territories east of the Dnieper as soon as possible. But this may not be the best strategy. Now they told them, OK, take Kiev and the war is over. So his base is now 200km above Kiev in Beloruss. We are glad that you are all OK!!
Ya know Elena, I think I`ve heard of a remedy for this:
Say to the nations far and wide:
“Get ready for war!
Call out your best warriors.
Let all your fighting men advance for the attack.
Hammer your plowshares into swords
and your pruning hooks into spears.
Train even your weaklings to be warriors.
Come quickly, all you nations everywhere.
Gather together in the valley.”
Sound advice for the future - which starts - right about now...
I have a heart, but let us just say this: Welcome to Novorossia!...and Kherson, and Melitopol, and Zaporozhje, and Odessa, and get the idea...
And no, I am not in any of these areas either, so I apologize for being a hypocrite, just want say one thing: Get Ready! NOW, while you still can. Invest in Your future!!!
Thank you for all the work you do Riley cause through you I got a totally different insight into domestic russian issues than I had before I saw you on "unlimited hangout" with Whitney Webb for the first time..Since then I follow your work and appreciate your nowadays at least here in the west seemingly old school sense of humanity on you. Unless many other indy media figures you oftentimes admit not knowing things instead of stating pure speculation as a fact and yeah I love your simply compassionate view on humanity,the masses or the plebs as you call them, not judging everything through an ideological,narrative management lense..At least that's my sense of your writing and impression you left with me watching,listening to your interviews. You don't have to pose,to cock around like many other male indy media figures but mostly seemingly look at life with this specific laconic,ironic undertone of someone,who unterstands that we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously.
Hi Franz,
Thanks for your comment -- I'm really humbled by your extremely kind words.
Thanks for reading, and be well my friend,
The “coup was a psyop to attack from Belarus” is very prevalent at the moment. The arrows and lines drawn showing the “sneak attack” is being spammed in chats and shared by 5D crowd I interact with.
I don’t know how to get through the plan trusters.
It's impossible.
It's childish, like when I was a kid and believed that wrestling was real. They had some expose that it was acting and I got so mad someone could even consider that.
Of course when I grew, I saw the act. But many adults are still children that cheer on team sports.
One time, they call 9/11 an inside job. But then they have shady thuggish Jews strolling around with an army, and apparently it's all according to plan?
I don't really read the 5D chess crowd at all, so I don't exactly know their position, but if they still worship Putin (after the criminally-botched invasion), it's due to their emotional attachment. After all, without Russia being /our guy/, they will have to come to terms with the harsh reality that the Aryan race is in its death bed.
Lukashenko may be glorious and uncircumcised, so I personally would have a reason to respect him, but Belarus did not support Donbass, had a failed revolution in 2020, and tried to flood Poland with migrants in the fall of 2021. Life is unfair, people are scum, more news at 23:00!
I dont know what Jews and circumsision has to do with this. If you were smart you would avoid discrediting yourself with anti-semitic tropes. News flash: anti-semitism is very unfashionable (for good reason) in the West ever since Hitler. So knock it off please.
"I dont know what Jews and circumsision has to do with this."
Lady, how much time ya got?
No, I am serious - You want the 5 minute version or...🤷♂️
Last time I checked, the West mutilated their children, worshipped drag queens, transvestites and crucified rabbis. I do confess to not having a country myself, lost as a speck in the sea of idiots and foreigners. I know it full well that my views are not "fashionable" in the Occident.
Conspiracy theories are merely an expression of American parochialism, anarchism, and racism. Anarchism = "evil government". Parochialism = "stupid sand people are too stupid to fly planes".
Why should people opposed to the USA government even shed tears over a destroyed Jewish tower? If Jews demolish a Jewish tower, isn't it a cause for celebration?
Bin Laden's alleged disease and death - now that's a perfect case for the Occam's Razor.
Christopher Bolin considers Kennedy a saint - the same Kennedy that integrated schools with other races, so now the White race in America is dying out. Kennedy deserved the bullet, praised be Oswald!
> "He’s an unashamed Communist KGB agent who moans of the demise of the USSR."
And Putin... Dude, you have no idea what you've just said. How can you tie the country that gave us space travel with a disgusting secret service that failed to protect said country?
The white race is hardly dying out. Lord have mercy. I have 1/16th Cherokee in my lineage. White people did not quite exterminate my paternal Grandmother's ancestors (microbial pathogens did most of the killing that happened, anyway), and I look as white as Santa Claus or, for that matter, gospodin Putin, and I find no shortage of white people to annoy me with their insistence that White is Right.
Judging by the perennial and annoying presence of white supremacists, I think we're in no danger of running short of white people. We are, however, experiencing a major shortage of Westerners (many of them white) who lack the ability to think outside their latest handroid app or favorite conspiracy fetish.
Outside of the few remaining neolithic tribes, human beings are equally deranged regardless of DNA content or ethnicity.
Oh, I think you should proclaim whatever you believe. Censorship is mostly counter-productive. But I also think that such proclamations should be laughed out of court whenever they appear.
Your Uncle Walter's going on and on
'Bout everything he's seen and done
The voice of 50 years experience
He's drunk, watching the television
You know he's been around the world
Last night he flew to Baghdad
In his magical armchair
Cigarettes and a six pack, he just got back
Now the spit's flying everywhere
Hey, hey, hey, hey (Your Uncle Walter's going on and on)
You're back so late (Where did you go that you were gone so long)
How could you leave me here so long with Uncle Walter
Your Uncle Walter saw who fired the shots
He drove his chair in the cavalcade
He's flown from South Africa
To countries where
They beat themselves on the backs with chains
There was a fleet of battleships
And 1 reclining chair
Headed north on the Arabian Sea
Now he's back to tell us what
He and his oldest boy Blair
They're getting rich with their mail order scheme
Oh, oh (Your Uncle Walter's going on and on)
We're so glad you're home (Where did you go that you were gone so long)
How could you leave me here so long with Uncle Walter
Your Uncle Walter told me
Everything he'd do if he was president
Oh what a perfect world
This world would be
If he was President now
But he's not
And he sees the children smoking pot
He knows that in a moment
They'll be shooting up heroin
Teardrops in his armchair
A 50 minute lecture
Tobacco juice rolling down his chin
Hey, hey, hey, hey (Your Uncle Walter's going on and on)
You're back so late (Where did you go that you were gone so long)
How could you leave me here so long with Uncle Walter
Kayfabe is both fake and real at the same time (if not in the same sense) 😏
Ask them if Utkin fingered out a way to get his hardware across the minefields without being transported to his maker?
...and if he did, why didn`t he jes waltz across from Donetsk(city) to wherever the shells are coming from daily...
He could then call the SMO over and done, go home or back to Syria or Affreeeka...and play for real loot...
A lot of palavering guys. I think we all need to disconnect and mind our own business. We are not even paid for our “curiosity”. At least propagandists on all sides are well remunerated. But our interest is vain and profitless.
Update on our missing friend in Kyrgyzstan : [6/26, 7:22 AM] M: Lindsay was just out of cell range
[6/26, 7:35 AM] L: Lindsay back!! 😃😵💫💕
[6/26, 8:45 AM] M: I was really stressed about it. Guess I’m just stressed out in general 😡
Riley thanks for your really fast response to my request for assistance. For someone who is overIy reliant on my imaginary friends in cyberspace for interesting conversation and feelings of belonging, it was extremely heartwarming to have one of them Step Up and turn out to be real.
Also I really enjoyed this post. Drunk driving is an awesome hobby, or pastime. I truly regret that I am now too old for it. I can also sympathize with the damage that flogging does to your body, okay I said blogging, but really maybe that's pretty much the same thing. I am doing a horse body work course that requires a lot of report writing, and I'm about to try to hire a friend to do the writing for me. Sitting and thinking at the same time I guess is another combination that I'm now too old for.
I first encountered Riley in a conversation with Tessa Lena. I am now a huge fan, mostly quiet in the comments because I really don't have anything to contribute in a conversation about Russia. But I did feel in this conversation with Rolo I was witnessing a genuine and heartfelt effort to make sense of this part of the world. And that alone is well worth the price of admission!
Thank you for the update! I'm so glad she is safe.
And of course, thanks for the very kind words, and your support for the blog! It means a lot to me.
So this whole thing was just a little power struggle between various Oligarchs and quickly blew over because no one really wanted to put the current power structure in danger?
Best theory so far.
"Either that or he is largely a powerless figurehead and the country is ruled by an alliance of spooks and oligarchs that doesn’t mind losing because in the end, they will always end up winning regardless." - Yes, and this should be printed into the Bible of all political knowledge as the 11th commandment, right after banning turning on the TV and debating on Twitter. Because it is a universal truth applicable to describe the situation in any country or on any continent. And I don't want to say I said it at the beginning, but I said it at the beginning. At least we can enjoy this pleasure in peace: Knowing that it all sucks, but we knew it from the beginning and we said it!
Heartfelt congratulations on your conversion to Orthodoxy and baptism. I would love to hear more about it.
It is hilarious hearing my four year old grandson pontificate about how life operates on earth and in heaven, his lack of experience and knowledge combined with his supreme confidence makes an endearing juxtaposition. It is not so cute to see this position in adults. And no less annoying to hear non- believers pontificating about doctrines of Christianity. Their lack of knowledge is appalling, and those rare few, who by dint of serious inquiry do have sound doctrinal knowledge but lack an experiential knowledge of "Ye must be born again."- Jesus, are like a man who has studied swimming his whole life but has never left a bathtub. If they were thrown in the foaming sea they would perish. As Jesus said, "Ye must be born again." You need to first have an experience with the living Jesus Christ to know Christians.
I wish people were just born whole, but they aren't. A man is born a baby, and that baby needs milk. You cannot rush the process of growing. It's a slow process, but a steady one if fed a wholesome diet and get exercise and sunshine. Spiritual growth is no different. And many are still babes in Christ when they should be stronger due to lack of daily nourishment. Many things need to be imbibed slowly to be absorbed properly. (A woman with iron poor blood cannot drink a whole bottle of Floradix to correct her iron insufficiency. But a little taken on a daily basis she can.)
A child needs protection and instruction and yes, discipline. I spanked my two year old for sitting in the middle of the road. He would not understand the abstract concept of a 2 ton truck coming down the road to flatten him, but he will remember that MOMMA SPANKS. God punishes and corrects. He corrects the righteous and punishes the wicked. Jesus learned obedience through suffering. Anyway, I am getting too far ahead of myself and I am busy with other things, but it just rankles me to hear so many who know so little about Christ and Christians pontificating away like a four year old. And asking new Christians to explain the whole universe to you is like asking a toddler to explain physics. They can't. You are a fool to say, they are stupid. no, they are simply young. But they do know how to say "Abba, father!" and that is enough for today.
(p.s. Evil is not punishment for sin. It is the fruit of sin.)
Yes, Rolo apparently read a book deboonking Christianity. His research went no further, apparently.
Atheism is an untenable position.
I can't wrap my head around any of this. First off, can someone tell me why there is a " private Russian army, the Wagner group, even fighting in Ukraine or being in existence in the first place? It is so strange. What was the rationale for it to begin with?
The Marko Marjanović tweet thread Edward linked to in a previous post addresses that.
what is a psyop? great question...I define it as attempt to use lies and propaganda to misdirect and/or confuse the general public...which gives them a reason implement new "laws" and agenda's...9/11 and the Covid scamdemic immediately come to mind
Riley, I would love to read about your conversion to Russian Orthodoxy.
Thank you mr. Riley for pestering Marko till he surrenders to duty call. How can I help in the pestering thing?
It's amazing how in sync you two are, almost of the same mind. This is a good piece Kid. Yacht sailing and drunk driving huh? Either one is gonna cost you more than a thousand dollars, my advice would be to pick yourself up a $200 guitar, a guitar will get you laid quicker than a yacht.
Slavsquat should counsider career counseling as an additional side-hustle.😁
The whole war is a "psy ops" in a sense. I don't think that the nazi-globo-homo West or the "above West" reptilians really want to break up Russia. And I don't think that NATO really wants it. This is not good for the NWO - having ungovernable war lords or independent states. The NWO wants stability and Putin. And I think NATO will lose the meaning of life. The only thing they will be left with is the homo cause and no big enemies. This new episode just gave the "war" new fuel, twists and thrills. But it also showed to some of the Putin cheerleaders that they have no idea what is going on which is funny.
They refused putin the right to join globo homo, probably because they need a boogeyman.
I think they are planning something like a global police state. As for the big countries - I think all the main powers depend on each other and are working in a cartel. This can be explained from several angles. One is global trade and interdependence. They can't really fight each other because corporations are so intertwined. On the other hand these "multipolarity"is also beneficial for empire - this is explained in podcasts such as with Isa Blumi and Jesse Zurawell. A lot of countries for example hate the US and US corporations are not welcome. BUT they don't mind Russian or Chinese corporations. As for the shareholders or stakeholders - it doesn't matter - they can make money from both. The other perspective is history. I still don't understand why for example the US didn't finish Russia in the nineties but on the contrary - they helped her not to fall apart. And you know - Eurasia was always at war with Oceania. So there is probably value in this?
Yes, I agree. They will and they are plundering Russia's resources. I don't know if they are going to balkanize Russia really, I just don't see it. ProbabIy I am wrong. It is just that Russia was always the same. There is a game they are playing with Russia - this Orthodox Christianity and the Third Rome imperial dream vs Western "satanism", the satanic Vatican and the nazis (the West is really ruled by nazis, they didn't lose ww2). They are doing it since Napoleon. And the other thing is that every country is supposed to be part of some EU with one currency ruled by AI. The EU is the model for a Latin American Block, Eurasian, maybe African EU and so on.