Why is no "alternative" media in the west talking about this? They still treat Russia like the defender of humanity against the NWO.. couldn't be furter from the truth it seems.
Well, does it really matter if the western population knows what is going on in Russia and are mislead? Once the shit is gonna hit the fan it will all become local. Same space lizard's declaration in France, 12% voters micron, his tranny and the scum at the government want to vaccinate all "that" is injectable (not "those", Ce qui/ Ceux qui)... abject and millions hear it . Who is going to enforce these inhuman diktats? The hospital system is collapsing, the police is collapsing, the gendarmerie is collapsing, even though anti-riot gears (almost military grade) have been ordered since the end of the first mass house arrests...
Side effects of the injections are numbered by millions in the EU dictatorship. Will the propaganda apparatus be able to contain the anger hidden by the bullshit they repeat ad nauseam? For years now, polls demonstrate that more and more people don't trust them. during the last manifestations, journalist from mainstream olygarchical had to hire body guard in fear of being beaten. Yes there are traumatized sheeps but more and more wolfs arise, understanding that they have nothing to lose and all to gain in total refusal and in protecting their children. Even Delfrayssi, the so called head of the so called scientific council recognizes the injection don't protect... I need to water the garden. Don't be afraid.
Riley articulates that this injection is a "banker's shot". The international bankers can print money without limits and hike prices to inflatable heights. Five billion in destructive lethal weapons for Ukraine. Peace talks are free and cost nothing.
I wholeheartedly support protests however militarized police ruthlessly suppress any discontent. Look at what happened on Republic Square in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Massive non-compliance needs to be sustained. And hopefully more people will WAKE UP!
Yes, I agree to stay positive and go outside and enjoy the day!
Sure, until now the international bankers have been able to print money but... Their is a limit to that abomination.I am not an economist (thanks Jah, Lol) but all of them, whatever their political, philosophical outlook is, say it has limits and that they have been reached already. They know it and that is why they have that nightmarish CBDC as only solution to remain at the apex of the social food chain. Will there be 5 billions lethal weapons or most of it will be kept by corruption along the way (corruption among corruption, evil beyond belief)like in Irak, Afghanistan... Maybe there will be war. micron has recently said that we were in a war economy, thus no rule of law and the possibility that french citizen properties could be seized like any common Russian olygarch... Dread time ahead man.
We must not stop to resist the madness, lies. I haven't met anybody these last months who are not distrustful of the injection policy, among them a lot of 'guinea pig' who realize thay have been duped (the boss in my new job being the last one, a couple of hours ago). As I have said already, there are groups in all areas who are seeking to help one another in the coming crisis and we will, again, be together again tomorrow. Riley, you and all the good hearted people on that blog will be with them, in my heart.
I appreciate all the informations you give about Belarus, keep it on please.
Equally likewise, I appreciate all the informative updates from France. I will only see marvelous attractions in France again from my photographic memory, books, and REAL photos I took. On my extensive visits to France, I saw Mont Saint-Michel, Chateau de Chambord, Chateau de Chenonceau, Reims Cathedral, Palace of Versailles, Louvre, Paris, Nice.
I shudder at the thought of being asked to present an injection QR code "green pass" to visit many more places that I did NOT get the chance to see (like Strasbourg Old Town and Annecy). (Please forgive my English spellings of France places).
I will NEVER join the silly nonsense metaverse to travel either. So ridiculous that I read female avatars are groped IF the females neglect to turn their protective bubble on.
I invite you for an interview on my future bitchute interview channel to let viewers hear your perspective from France. We are stronger as a team when we defend freedom!
Mont Saint Michel is the area where my ancestors lived, my Great grand mother's family name was Montsaint. It is a fascinating place where the genius of our ancestors (as French men and French women and is standing, like many places in France you have visited and many others.
My children also have roots in Mali and they should also took pride in that deep deep tradition, Timbuktu, the mosque of Gao, Djénné, the code of noble behavior of the Peulh/Fulani, the blacksmith and hunters of the Bambara...
About the metaverse, I think That Christopher L Knowles might be onto something and it is not the first time he writes about this:
I am ready to accept the interview and try to make something of quality (maybe not as good as with Freelance Philosopher and others). I have very few hightech but I might be able to have some help from friends. Your project is interesting but we should never forget that ultimately, we live in 3D world and that good old human grassroots relationships is the real thing for souls to meet and bellies to be fed. Did you here James Corbett :https://www.corbettreport.com/15things/?
Yes, "we are stronger as a team when we defend freedom!" in real life (for the time we have to live on that somehow illusory plane...) and on the web (as long as there is electricity...).
Mont Saint Michel is unique and as you well know with walking access only when tide is out. I visited Mont Saint Michel on tour and the visit was brief because of the tide. Two hours was NOT enough time however I remember walking in a maze of narrow cobblestone walking paths. The stone architecture was a marvel.
I look forward to our intriguing interview (target date Sep/Oct).
Everyone has a story to tell of REAL life experiences, their philosophy and their vision of the future. Yes, taking pride in one's ancestry is healthy. Your family tree is most interesting.
I work outdoors most of the day except when it rains and that gives me very little time to surf the web although I appreciate your recommendations.
I am so VERY thankful that we are on the same team to defend the freedom we have left. Once our mind is "hacked" by a "computer" trans humanism virus, then human 1.0 will TOTALLY lose the freedom we have now. Yes, our freedom is limited in our present 3D especially since our government leaders are selected and NOT elected.
All economics can be summed up in a few words: for money to have value, it must be used. They want to create huge amounts of CBCD and use it to produce shots, which they hope would generate hundreds of billions in steady revenues, while cell phones would track all CBCD transactions - even miniscule payments on peasants' bazaars. They hope to be able to purchase real things: land, natural resources and people...
Once their plans failed... Remember H1N1. In France, at that time, the minister of the armies said that injections should be made under military supervison. I would agree, because it is obvious that the crooks involved in that swindle have all escaped the criminal procedures they should have faced. But still, it failed. Maybe the population had not been dumbed down enough with 'stupidphones'...
All the things you wrote are very relevant and sourced, but... I would never use the future tense and employ the conditional tense because nothing is written in stone, unless the Georgia guide thing. It seems to me that those who wrote it, at least, lake humility. Whatever it may be, solar flares, sismic event, meteors, flawed technologies...Their plans might derail. But we are in for a rough ride for sure. Take care
You are right. I changed it. They are definitely too ambitious, but when you listen to them, it is obvious that they are not very bright. What makes me fearful is that most governments have been bought. US Federal Drug Administration authorized covid-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months! Only a small number of physicians have protested. The rest of them recommend vaccines and prescribe sex change hormones.
I don't take my wishes for reality, don't worry. In French you know, we say "to take one's dream for reality". What is reality? Why have the psycho/space lizards invest so much in colonizing our imaginative abilities? Everything is done for our dreams to become nightmares? Once, a Sufi friend told me, dream, dream! He could have said, "dream, dreamers of dream... Don't misunderstand me, I have no hope for that world we are trapped in as long as we are so called 'alive'. The meaning of "hope" for Christians is far beyond the hope of the materialists and our forefathers (at least in France) have let us that amazing sentence: " to have the energy of despair" (in French, hope=espoir and despair=désepoir)
Take care, have no fear, kenavo
PS: For international audience, 'kenavo' means by by in Breton
Tu es breton aussi ? Le problème c'est que nous ne sommes pas organisés. Je connais un collègue "complotiste", et nous avons chacun quelques amis qui le sont, mais la plupart éparpillés et sans ressources réelles. Par exemple, au plus fort de la propagande, quand il semblait que nous devrions tous y passer, nous avions chercher un médecin ou infirmier qui puisse vacciner dans l'évier... Impossible. Les 0,01% de risque de se faire prendre décourageaient toute entraide. Au final je ne me suis pas fait piqué mais nous étions des parias. Il faut parvenir à nous organiser pour faire face à ce qui arrive.
I am not Breton, my ancestors are from the area of Mont St Michel, the small nobility from the Bauptois. I was born in Lyon. I am now living in Bugey after having spent years in West Africa. We are now organising with the Solaris network. It's nor perfect but every week, a group of people gather to share and organize ourselves and now, nobody would miss our friendly gathering. Non injected in Ain are from all socio-economic, cultural background. Next week; there's gonna be a gathering of all the cells of the departement. Solaris could help you meet more people but 'things' must be built without expecting that 'the solution' will come from a top down organisation. I hope that you will find more like minded people. Beware of psychologically disturbed people and infiltrators without being to paranoid, have discernment!
99.5% of an "alternative media" in the US is the pseudo-alternative distraction that subtly promotes the governent-approved narratives and dumbs down the so-called "enlightened progressives" who follow them.
These "alternative" media serve to disinform a bunch of people, a mix of Putin groupies, bots, and well intentioned people who cling to an image of Russia and China as being enemies of the US empire, a continuation of Cold War days (it wasn't true even back then), as well as people who need to have heroes in high places, because they cynically despise their fellow ordinary humans.
It is very funny to observe how, at the end, mainstream and "alternative" media serve the same cause. Neither side will never ever produce a real critic of the Tzar.
Sandrine, tu as l'air malade, on dirait que t'as chopé un rotchildite! Sandrine, you look sick, it seem you have caught a rotchildite!
More seriously, you should (must) listen to that interview that the great Marie Laforêt did after the Ardisson's show in which she goes in much more detail about what she wanted to say and the trap that asshole had settled for her:
And for the international audience who don't know her (she went back to God two years ago), her amazing beauty, talent, beautiful voice, intelligence, courage... And because we are on a Russian lovers blog:
Of course i know what a troll is. I know the meaning of the word before the social media and the meaning it has ever since. Still; I am curious to know why someone would chose a Rottenchild as an avatar.
Hi Soizic. I would rather think that it is an obligation for the "alternative" media to be pro-Putin, and if not they would not be allowed to emerge.
The list is much too long and exhaustive to be a coincidence:
Cercle Aristote (Pierre Yves Rougeyron)
Revue Méthode
Le Nationalisme français (Ploncard d’Assac)
Valérie Bugault
Réseau Voltaire (Thierry Meyssan)
Réseau Internazional (Alain Benajam)
TV Libertés
Pierre Hillard
Le Libre Penseur (Salim Laibi)
Idriss Aberkane
Stratpol (Xavier Moreau)
Profession Gendarme
Qactus (Rémi Daillet)
E&R (Alain Robert Bonnet)
Le Saker francophone, and much more. The totality, in fact.
And of course none of any national political parties.....
None of them are able to produce a real critic of the russian leader. None of them will never ever inform you about compulsory vaccination or biometrics in Russia, the nazis in the russian mercenariat (Wagner Group), about the GRU and its influence on Putin's closest counsellors, the links of the Kremlin with Western finance, with Kissinger, Schwab, Nazerbaiev, Mandelson, and its links with Menachen Schneerson adepts, assassination of dissidents, false flags in Russia etc etc, ... and so much other things to say.
Do you mean that there would be an occult force compelling these website to have a blind eyes on the things you refer to? All of those you quote are very very different in outlook.
What I mean is that part of these alternative media is already bought by the system, they are controlled opposition.
For those who would possibly like to produce a real critic of the russian leader, they don't have means enough like the above-mentioned media to do so, or they may suffer pressures to shut up.
I return the question: how do you explain that the facts that I am talking about are completely absent from alternative media in our country? Do you expect Revue Internationale or Le saker francophone ( groupies of Tom Luongo) to do so?
There are(according to me) several factors. Most of those media are not media per se, that is working with real journalists or write their own articles. They are often aggregators and thus have limited input. Even if there are real redactors, these have biases according to their political outlook. If most of these medias don't have journalist, they even less have journalists abroad.
This is why Pierre Barnerias initiative with Citizen Light is so relevant. This is also why Perception Deception's dreams and project could be a really good thing. I will write to him later.
Xavier Moreau is a total propagandist but he once said that there were critics among the nationalists in Russia, it's just that he said that very briefly and chose to follow his blindfolding path, probably for psychological reasons. Note that he has always been very vocal against the corona totalitarianism in France and Russia and he even have denounced Sobyanin, his co-space lizards and all the absurd measures during the fake pandemic in Russia.
Le Saker francophone is not ruled by the Saker/faker who reside in the US, it is independant and run by sincere and human individuals who spend their time translating and if you contact them with Riley's articles, they might accept to publish his very important work.
That is why I think we should strive to make it known before speculating on the bad faith of people who have already given a fucking lot of information and who have the right to be wrong or ignorant.
Often, I give this address on the comments on Réseau International under the pseudo Rastastérix. I have contacted Nicolas Bonnal who knew Riley's work already.
I also think that those who have knowledge of the "sanitary" situation in Russia (very very few people in our country) would hesitate to open their 'mouth' in fear of taking part into the amazing/incredible propaganda against Russia since the military intervention against the deadly weirdos in Ukraine.
Karine bechet-Golovko has also had harsh words against the covid delirium in Russia.
OMG the world is small... Rastastérix, of course I know you, from the blog « Réseau International » (you're a great fan of Vladimir right?) and I am a privileged witness of the high level of censorship of this website, which is definitively not "wrong" or "ignorant" as you said, but knowingly hiding and withholding documented information to its readers. You must know my pseudo too, and you’re maybe a witness of how this yellow press considers its readers Putin's cheerleaders, insulting their intelligence (I'd rather say Presse de caniveau pour supporters de foot). R I definitively censored me in april, for the simple fact to inform politely about Edward Slaysquat website, about what was happening in Russia, about Aleksandr Dugin and Eurasism, about the Wagner group and its nazis, and to doubt about Putin's intentions and relations. First I was mocked, then automatically moderated, for hours, or suppression of posts, then insulted and constantly threatened by a group of trolling pseudos working probably for the website (threaths for death, for rape, verbal abuse)… I never answered in the same tone in order not to fall in the trap. Then the moderator Marie Françoise informed me that I was definitively censored for creating chaos on the message board, and that it was normal ‘cause I really looked for problems! Very funny!
Here is the message of SS Chief Marie Françoise, moderator for « Réseau Internazional »:
Nous avons supprimé votre possibilité de publier des messages car ils sont à l’origine de trop de polémiques et de messages très désagréables à votre encontre
Et nous n’avons pas le temps de passer des heures pour les supprimer
Désolée mais vous l’avez vraiment cherché
Marie Françoise
So this is the kind of website from Switzerland where Tom Luongo writes its articles, as well as Nicolas Bonnal, or Xavier Moreau and Christelle Neant, both « experts » of Russia and Ukraine, as well as the insulting « expert » Andrei Martyanov, and other warmongers.
I was maybe the only one critical against both Western and Russian leaders, but there is no room for people like me because you have to decide which side you are.
Now 100% of commentators of the website are pro-putin and Réseau Internazional is now feeling better. Me too.
I heard that they lost audience. Normal. They’ve look for it.
1) Another - important - "detail": Putin publicly proclaimed his commitment to Eurasist ideology, which is very correlated with Far Right European movements (the New Right, Alain de Benoist, Evola..). This would explain - for some part- why Putin is largely accepted in some european spheres
2) Very funny that you talk about an occult force, as Dugin is well known for his occultist inclinations:
Dugine is a weird individual who have two different speeches, one to the Russian audience and one to the international audience. He is not a sincere person and his spirituality is rather strange.
I also think that is so called influence on the Kremlin is overblown and that he is only useful as a propagandist abroad.
Pierre Hillard does that job with high relevance, the best sources and he can express himself freely in many of those medias. He has been doing it for more than 15 years. Anybody can read, listen to him and be informed about the fact you refer to. Why not work out to make that blog known and maybe let a debate arise out of it?
Pierre Hillard is interesting to read as regards religions, revolutions, but he presents Russia as a multipolar alternative, which is not the case. Today Vladimir Putin has declared the end of "the era of the unipolar world", Russia, thanks to the war in Ukraine, is currently implementing Eurasist block, a milestone to the NWO. Putin is doing his coming out.
Pierre Hillard has very selective considerations about the war in Ukraine, he spent years explaining the creation of an Euro.atlanticist bloc, but what about eurasism? He recently made declarations about Ukronazis, he focuses on ukronazis, but what about the Wagner Group? In french we call it Indignation à géométrie variable.
The Wagner group cannot in any way be compared with the Galician Ethnic Nationalists in all shape in Ukraine since it is a mercenary business like the Erik Prince one and other in the US, UK etc... Wagner Group is working where they are pay to work (their work being killing). The Ukronazis have a political goal and have started implementing it since 2014. They are constituted of political parties which have elected leaders, organization of all kind of walk and mainly paramilitary. There are 'nazi' in all armies (even Islamist in French military) but the national armies are not promoting their ideology (they mostly are fringe elements), remember what I wrote about some psychological specimens being attracted to that kind of organisation because they are given free reign to be perverts?
Spot on Sarah! Exactly. The globalist and kabbalist elite is far from being stupid. They built this world with patience over centuries (starting with "french" revolution). Later on, opening frontiers in the Western World, and enhancing immigrationnism and wild liberalism, they knew by advance that the far Right would considerably increase in the West, they placed their puppets in most nationalist websites, political parties, linked with Eurasist movement in Russia. For example alain Robert Bonnet (alias Alain Soral, zoophile, pedophile, drug addict and son of a mason) wrote the preface of Dugin's latest book. He is also linked to intelligency in Switzerland, in France, and occultists. The Front National ex leader JEAN MARIE LE PEN is a friend of Dugin and always claimed he would like a "cooperation" from Brest to Vladivostok. .I am a nationalist but I keep away far any so-called nationalist parties after having experienced how rotten they are.
More 5D chess from Vladimir, eh? Oh, i get it, these are the good shots, Tom Luongo and Matt Ehret tell us they are, so they must be. :-) Thanks, Riley, big thanks for staying sane in the face of insane circumstances.
probing? they know that 80-90% would be against this. Perhaps even more. It is not a secret how Russians feel about coercive clot-shots and cattle tags. there are polls going back 7 months.
I did a lot of phone survey political polling during the Dubya years. Polls are insane to conduct. People will contradict themselves one sentence to the next if only because the questions they're being asked are inane and asininely phrased (some of the questions were like those giant paragraphs of Proust).
But 80-90% on such a simple question means that the majority is just plain against it. The slurry-mongers are facing increasingly stiff headwind. But they've already done enough damage that illness is likely to be a major issue, at least among the vaccinated.
I would tend to agree that this latest announcement is a public reaction trial balloon. How much more shit will the people take? How hard can we push? Do we need to lean heavily on the carrot or more on the stick?
This is exactly why the US is currently pushing for the Covid slurry for infants, once this begins they will push for it to be added to the calendar vaccine schedule for childhood immunizations along with the other required jabs. This is a perpetual revenue stream for the pharmaceutical industry. It’s not well known that in the US that NONE of the required jabs have ever undergone double blind placebo safety studies. Will repeat again…NONE of the jabs currently administered in the USA have undergone double blinded placebo safety testing. This was signed into law under President Ronald Regan. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) is the first-ever U.S. "no-fault" compensation system for patients (or their families) who suffer serious adverse reactions from required childhood vaccines. By removing most of the liability burden from manufacturers for immunization-related injuries, the program was expected to help stabilize the supply and price of vaccines (Mariner, 1991). The NVICP was established as part of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Public Health Service Act, 1987; 100 Stat. 3756, codified as Title XXI of the Public Health Service Act at 42 USC 300aa-1 et seq. (Supp. V 1987)), but it did not become operational until the fall of 1988.
Si tu apprends le Français et que tu n'utilise pas de traducteur artificiel, alors... Bravo, c'est très bien. Il fait chaud ici près de la Suisse, 32 degrés aussi, avec du vent. Il faut arroser le jardin, les choux (de Siberie et d'Italie), les tomates, les poireaux, les courges, les fraises...
Oups, I meaned to say that the word Damoiseau "faded"....
The Master with which I studied Yi Chuan is Japanese, Shigeru Uemura, a very bright mind who told us very interesting things about Japanese spirituality.
The western madness is a dwarf compared to our roots.
In the article, there is a link to an older post, "You will be tagged."
I have just explored the subject of "tagging" people and implanting them with nanoparticles through the "covid tests," not just through the injections.
And here about "covid tests" engineering an impression of the pandemic by repeatedly damaging the olfactory nerves and the entire limbic system with those long serrated swabs, which cause loss of smell and taste and other flu-like symptoms, falsely attributed to "covid."
Surely to christ that's nothing less than outright insanity?
I mean ALL invasions of the body should surely be kinda 'last resort' things as a matter of first principle shouldn't they?
You take a medicine because you have to, not because you want to. Nature is best, surely?
All circumventions of the natural process end up perverting it. Reliance on 'foreign' things destroys the ability of natural thing. Just like not walking would eventually destroy your legs. They atrophy from non use.
There seems to be this worldwide notion that we can and should create a 'superhuman' invincible by any microbe or virus that remains that way by virtue of constant ingestion of designer drugs.
Doesn't anyone see that's not a 'superhuman' at all? It's not even 'human'. It is a subhuman. A weakened totally dependent thing ready to die at any time when taken off life support.
People really seem to want to be this.
Is that insane or is that insane?
And my disappointment with Putin and Russia is just about total by now.
I'm casting about the world looking for some other nation/leader I can use a hope and exemplar.
.."my disappointment with Putin and Russia is just about total by now.
I'm casting about the world looking for some other nation/leader I can use a hope and exemplar.
Anyone know of any candidates?" I have a bad news for you. The leader you are searching for is already on the agenda and he is russian. Delirious? The one who says so is Alexandr Dugin, and he is not the men's room attendant at the Kremlin, but a close counsellor to Putin. In many many interviews, he claims that Russia would be able to offer and operate a protectorate over the whole Europe, and rule directly the post-sovietic countries and East Europe countries with the Eurasian State. Nothing new. International media, both mainstream and alternative ones, produced a play where the West is the bad guy and where Russia will come and save the World.
That's a strange strategy Russia is masking, NO GMO's, lowest EMF radiation among most countries and now that, death by GMO injection for everybody???? I guess NOT for everybody, but only the 'useless eaters', like everywhere else. Who are the ones who intend to stay???
Anatoliy Chubais, one of the architects of the privatization and destruction of the Russian economy, has said that Russia could contribute to the goal of reducing the world population to 1.5 billion people, "which is necessary, as experts have shown." Video in Russian available on YouTube. https://youtu.be/6JVhIonk4bk?t=118
Chubais ... With no surprise he is the son of a teacher in Marxism-Leninism. The same ideology that helped Western Companies to create captive markets in Russia thanks to Comunism, contributing to raiding the natural resources of ex-USSR, for the greater good of Western Companies. Capitalism or capitalism, two legs of the same body.
When one knows who financed Karl marx, no surprise about it.
Chubais was also quoted in Eric de Lavandeyra case , as one of the main protagonist of a huge and international criminal organisation, among other things financing some french political party (RPR). Eric de Lavandeyra (still alive) is part of this organisation and high-degree masonic businessman, first married to Christine Hennessy, and the singer Marie Laforêt, who appears on french television in 2002 to testify, quoting Chubais, Mimran, Gobi, De Lavandeyra, fearing for her life as she discovered important files in her husband's computer. She suffered murder attempts, as well as his former wife Catherine Hennessy.
I will answer. One must know about the influence of Alain de Benoist on Dugin and Putin, about the Eurasist block under construction.
The creation of the Eurasist block supposed to represent « multipolarity » is in fact a necessary milestone to a New World Order) . Eurasism is a tool that emerged in 1920, and again in 1991, when the former Western tool called Communism fell apart in ex-USSR. Alexandr Dugin professed a conservative revolution. (Opening parenthesis about the false duality East/West: Antony Sutton detailed how Communism was never a counter-weight to Capitalism but used by Western corporations to steal Soviet Union’s wealthiness: just an exemple between others: Averell Harriman, n°1 of the Skull and Bones organization, filled his pockets with russian manganese mines / Transfer of touchy technologies from the West to gaz fabric in the Soviet Union, etc) and to destroy middle classes, like the Covid does currently. Closing parenthesis). Eurasism is the new tool to come, an "opposition" aiming at creating a broader block, including Russia, China, Slavonic european countries, a fringe of latest ussr republics, and . And is promoted by Alexander Dugin and Sergueï Glazyev, close relatives to Putin, as a counter-weight to the West. Putin admits he is an eurasist: https://www.revuemethode.org/m011810.html The concept of Eurasist storyline is the following: Western Political Modernity (LGBT, permissive democracy, pornography, homosexual weddings, depravation, « human rights » and freedom or open society trends, individualism, atheism, immigrationism, destruction of cultures, etc) well « this Political Modernity comes to its end ». Of course Dugin won’t say a word about the fact that the media and deep-state system patiently and intentionnally helped to sustain this western civilization « model », since the french revolution up to now for ex placing depraved leaders on the thrones (Macron and his husband- the Brigitte scandal, Macron mocked and received by a man with a skirt at the Kremlin, Biden the pedophile, Trudeau idem, Zelensky the piano, etc, why do you think this is highlighted in the media? why do you think this happen if not creating an artificial image of the West? And all the rest I describe hereunder. ) But fortunately, to face it, thanks God, Eurasism is there for you. Dugin and Glazyev present you their latest production: Russia and its Traditional Values. Ready for the storyline you will have to swallow in the next coming years (storyline mostly artificial on both sides) ? Rolling:
West (seafaring civilization) <==> Russia
Political Modernity <==> Traditions
Immigrationnism&globalism <==> Nationalism
Mobility <==> Land-based civilisation
Atheism, rationality <==> Faith, Respect of religions (*)
Individualism, human rights <==> Collectivism, common good
Consumerism, materialism <==> Religiosity, if not austerity (you will own nothing..)
Bioethics <==> Natural family
Permissiveness, liberal democracy <==> Authority, if not Dictatorship or Monarchy
Racism <==> Plurality of civilizations
Progressism <==> Conservatism
Open society <==> Closed society
Chaos <==> Order
Decline <==> New cultural and power center, Russia enlighting the world
Artificial, in the sense that above-mentioned Western characteristics or « values » are only the result of a long-term, undermining and background work on Western civilizations, mainly from a c✡mmunity that suffered a l✡t, and this started at least with the « French » Revolution. This c✡mmunity, of poor imagination, supranational and well identified elite of arsonists firemen, is only able to produce a single and repetitive scenario : creating a monster (Biden/Macron..) or any painful event (9-11) to propose a savior embodying opposite values (Putin) or propose a solution (Patriot Act). This supranational force helped create a spoiled and depraved West over decades and even centuries,
That’s why not a single minute I believe that Putin is an opponent to the Western World, but a co-starring partner.
So this is how the mediatic marketing Propaganda Staffel will sell you the « Russian Spirit », the « Holy Russia » and all of this b—-.
Personnally I don’t think Western Europeans need a russian protectorate to set up the tempo. Neither do we need them to teach us any values we alreay have in our souls.
Rather like theorized by Leopold Kohr in his book « The Breakdown of Nations », this elite would enhance the ego and ethnic identities pride of Asian, Russian and other European Slavic populations to sell them the idea of a common Eurasist block, and get their acceptance.
In Western Europe, we wouldn’t be part of the Eurasist block, but « only » under Russian protectorate.
In eurasian block I forgot Mandchoury, Mongolia, Tibet.
De Benoist's doctrine sticks perfectly to the image that the elite built about Russia.
As regards Neo-Paganism, I am not "in the secrets of God" all I know is that Neo paganism is part of Dugin's doctrine and would imbricate perfectly with upcoming Noahidism and "Sustainability", serving the intererests of the elite.
As regards the market: communism was also supposed to fight the market.
Anyway, as in controlled opposition in a general way, the doctrine must not be repulsive to its audience. Of course not. What is interesting in De Benoist's writings,is not what is good or bad, but how it sticks perfectly to Dugin's view, and it is totally normal as this latter recognize to be mainly influenced by the french writer and propagandist:
Russian government officials reneged on dropping the PCR test requirement for foreigners traveling into Russia by air travel. Looks like I may have to travel via train and then fly back to Belarus. I must say I am very disappointed. There is probably a under-handed scheme in letting wealthy investment foreigners (WITHOUT PCR test) into Russia to attend the Saint Petersburg Economic Forum.
Unfortunately, "their' diabolical plot to combine the flu injection with other poison injections while making this injection concoction cocktail a requirement for the purpose of depopulation and QR code digital ID control is still simmering hot on the stove top back burner. Maybe the stove top front burner depending on what country one lives in.
I recommend to stay positive with vigilance, apply countermeasures by building a local area informational support and non-compliance network. Riley has built an international informational support coalition network (Russia, Belarus, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, USA, England, Canada) on this posting board.
I recently listened to Riley on Whitney Webb (who lives in Chile) 4-month old podcast on rokfin.
Since the flu vaccine makes coronviruses worse, this makes sense. It's a great strategy to vaccinate against health. Congratulations. See US military study on flu vaccine and corona viruses.
we've witnessed for two years and counting a virulent covid mind virus causing otherwise sensible and intelligent people to behave like morons and monsters.
Last couple years indicate idiocy is global in scope, and is entirely indifferent to political system. Must have something to do with the nature of the human operating system.
As oft-remarked: they're all in on it.
Why is no "alternative" media in the west talking about this? They still treat Russia like the defender of humanity against the NWO.. couldn't be furter from the truth it seems.
Well, does it really matter if the western population knows what is going on in Russia and are mislead? Once the shit is gonna hit the fan it will all become local. Same space lizard's declaration in France, 12% voters micron, his tranny and the scum at the government want to vaccinate all "that" is injectable (not "those", Ce qui/ Ceux qui)... abject and millions hear it . Who is going to enforce these inhuman diktats? The hospital system is collapsing, the police is collapsing, the gendarmerie is collapsing, even though anti-riot gears (almost military grade) have been ordered since the end of the first mass house arrests...
Side effects of the injections are numbered by millions in the EU dictatorship. Will the propaganda apparatus be able to contain the anger hidden by the bullshit they repeat ad nauseam? For years now, polls demonstrate that more and more people don't trust them. during the last manifestations, journalist from mainstream olygarchical had to hire body guard in fear of being beaten. Yes there are traumatized sheeps but more and more wolfs arise, understanding that they have nothing to lose and all to gain in total refusal and in protecting their children. Even Delfrayssi, the so called head of the so called scientific council recognizes the injection don't protect... I need to water the garden. Don't be afraid.
Thank you Riley for the magnificent music.
Riley articulates that this injection is a "banker's shot". The international bankers can print money without limits and hike prices to inflatable heights. Five billion in destructive lethal weapons for Ukraine. Peace talks are free and cost nothing.
I wholeheartedly support protests however militarized police ruthlessly suppress any discontent. Look at what happened on Republic Square in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Massive non-compliance needs to be sustained. And hopefully more people will WAKE UP!
Yes, I agree to stay positive and go outside and enjoy the day!
Hello Perception deception.
Sure, until now the international bankers have been able to print money but... Their is a limit to that abomination.I am not an economist (thanks Jah, Lol) but all of them, whatever their political, philosophical outlook is, say it has limits and that they have been reached already. They know it and that is why they have that nightmarish CBDC as only solution to remain at the apex of the social food chain. Will there be 5 billions lethal weapons or most of it will be kept by corruption along the way (corruption among corruption, evil beyond belief)like in Irak, Afghanistan... Maybe there will be war. micron has recently said that we were in a war economy, thus no rule of law and the possibility that french citizen properties could be seized like any common Russian olygarch... Dread time ahead man.
We must not stop to resist the madness, lies. I haven't met anybody these last months who are not distrustful of the injection policy, among them a lot of 'guinea pig' who realize thay have been duped (the boss in my new job being the last one, a couple of hours ago). As I have said already, there are groups in all areas who are seeking to help one another in the coming crisis and we will, again, be together again tomorrow. Riley, you and all the good hearted people on that blog will be with them, in my heart.
I appreciate all the informations you give about Belarus, keep it on please.
Equally likewise, I appreciate all the informative updates from France. I will only see marvelous attractions in France again from my photographic memory, books, and REAL photos I took. On my extensive visits to France, I saw Mont Saint-Michel, Chateau de Chambord, Chateau de Chenonceau, Reims Cathedral, Palace of Versailles, Louvre, Paris, Nice.
I shudder at the thought of being asked to present an injection QR code "green pass" to visit many more places that I did NOT get the chance to see (like Strasbourg Old Town and Annecy). (Please forgive my English spellings of France places).
I will NEVER join the silly nonsense metaverse to travel either. So ridiculous that I read female avatars are groped IF the females neglect to turn their protective bubble on.
I invite you for an interview on my future bitchute interview channel to let viewers hear your perspective from France. We are stronger as a team when we defend freedom!
Perception deception,
Mont Saint Michel is the area where my ancestors lived, my Great grand mother's family name was Montsaint. It is a fascinating place where the genius of our ancestors (as French men and French women and is standing, like many places in France you have visited and many others.
My children also have roots in Mali and they should also took pride in that deep deep tradition, Timbuktu, the mosque of Gao, Djénné, the code of noble behavior of the Peulh/Fulani, the blacksmith and hunters of the Bambara...
About the metaverse, I think That Christopher L Knowles might be onto something and it is not the first time he writes about this:
I am ready to accept the interview and try to make something of quality (maybe not as good as with Freelance Philosopher and others). I have very few hightech but I might be able to have some help from friends. Your project is interesting but we should never forget that ultimately, we live in 3D world and that good old human grassroots relationships is the real thing for souls to meet and bellies to be fed. Did you here James Corbett :https://www.corbettreport.com/15things/?
Yes, "we are stronger as a team when we defend freedom!" in real life (for the time we have to live on that somehow illusory plane...) and on the web (as long as there is electricity...).
Take good care of you
Mont Saint Michel is unique and as you well know with walking access only when tide is out. I visited Mont Saint Michel on tour and the visit was brief because of the tide. Two hours was NOT enough time however I remember walking in a maze of narrow cobblestone walking paths. The stone architecture was a marvel.
I look forward to our intriguing interview (target date Sep/Oct).
Everyone has a story to tell of REAL life experiences, their philosophy and their vision of the future. Yes, taking pride in one's ancestry is healthy. Your family tree is most interesting.
I work outdoors most of the day except when it rains and that gives me very little time to surf the web although I appreciate your recommendations.
I am so VERY thankful that we are on the same team to defend the freedom we have left. Once our mind is "hacked" by a "computer" trans humanism virus, then human 1.0 will TOTALLY lose the freedom we have now. Yes, our freedom is limited in our present 3D especially since our government leaders are selected and NOT elected.
All economics can be summed up in a few words: for money to have value, it must be used. They want to create huge amounts of CBCD and use it to produce shots, which they hope would generate hundreds of billions in steady revenues, while cell phones would track all CBCD transactions - even miniscule payments on peasants' bazaars. They hope to be able to purchase real things: land, natural resources and people...
Once their plans failed... Remember H1N1. In France, at that time, the minister of the armies said that injections should be made under military supervison. I would agree, because it is obvious that the crooks involved in that swindle have all escaped the criminal procedures they should have faced. But still, it failed. Maybe the population had not been dumbed down enough with 'stupidphones'...
Hello Sonja,
All the things you wrote are very relevant and sourced, but... I would never use the future tense and employ the conditional tense because nothing is written in stone, unless the Georgia guide thing. It seems to me that those who wrote it, at least, lake humility. Whatever it may be, solar flares, sismic event, meteors, flawed technologies...Their plans might derail. But we are in for a rough ride for sure. Take care
You are right. I changed it. They are definitely too ambitious, but when you listen to them, it is obvious that they are not very bright. What makes me fearful is that most governments have been bought. US Federal Drug Administration authorized covid-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months! Only a small number of physicians have protested. The rest of them recommend vaccines and prescribe sex change hormones.
I would agree with you concerning french population, but I'm afraid you take your wishes for reality!
I don't take my wishes for reality, don't worry. In French you know, we say "to take one's dream for reality". What is reality? Why have the psycho/space lizards invest so much in colonizing our imaginative abilities? Everything is done for our dreams to become nightmares? Once, a Sufi friend told me, dream, dream! He could have said, "dream, dreamers of dream... Don't misunderstand me, I have no hope for that world we are trapped in as long as we are so called 'alive'. The meaning of "hope" for Christians is far beyond the hope of the materialists and our forefathers (at least in France) have let us that amazing sentence: " to have the energy of despair" (in French, hope=espoir and despair=désepoir)
Take care, have no fear, kenavo
PS: For international audience, 'kenavo' means by by in Breton
Tu es breton aussi ? Le problème c'est que nous ne sommes pas organisés. Je connais un collègue "complotiste", et nous avons chacun quelques amis qui le sont, mais la plupart éparpillés et sans ressources réelles. Par exemple, au plus fort de la propagande, quand il semblait que nous devrions tous y passer, nous avions chercher un médecin ou infirmier qui puisse vacciner dans l'évier... Impossible. Les 0,01% de risque de se faire prendre décourageaient toute entraide. Au final je ne me suis pas fait piqué mais nous étions des parias. Il faut parvenir à nous organiser pour faire face à ce qui arrive.
MAINTENANT, en effet ~
(d'une autre paria ... )
Hi Morlaisien (for international audience, people from the city of morlaix, cf pictures: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morlaix)
I am not Breton, my ancestors are from the area of Mont St Michel, the small nobility from the Bauptois. I was born in Lyon. I am now living in Bugey after having spent years in West Africa. We are now organising with the Solaris network. It's nor perfect but every week, a group of people gather to share and organize ourselves and now, nobody would miss our friendly gathering. Non injected in Ain are from all socio-economic, cultural background. Next week; there's gonna be a gathering of all the cells of the departement. Solaris could help you meet more people but 'things' must be built without expecting that 'the solution' will come from a top down organisation. I hope that you will find more like minded people. Beware of psychologically disturbed people and infiltrators without being to paranoid, have discernment!
Reggae from Bretagne for international audience:
A Breton's song in Russian:
Later on I will translate Morlaisien's comment into English
Garde le moral Morlaisien!
99.5% of an "alternative media" in the US is the pseudo-alternative distraction that subtly promotes the governent-approved narratives and dumbs down the so-called "enlightened progressives" who follow them.
These "alternative" media serve to disinform a bunch of people, a mix of Putin groupies, bots, and well intentioned people who cling to an image of Russia and China as being enemies of the US empire, a continuation of Cold War days (it wasn't true even back then), as well as people who need to have heroes in high places, because they cynically despise their fellow ordinary humans.
It is very funny to observe how, at the end, mainstream and "alternative" media serve the same cause. Neither side will never ever produce a real critic of the Tzar.
Sandrine, tu as l'air malade, on dirait que t'as chopé un rotchildite! Sandrine, you look sick, it seem you have caught a rotchildite!
More seriously, you should (must) listen to that interview that the great Marie Laforêt did after the Ardisson's show in which she goes in much more detail about what she wanted to say and the trap that asshole had settled for her:
She indeed had a lot to say and has been validated.
You must also have heard about Ophélie Winter in that very show, an anthology. She claimed that she had been raped by the prince Albert of Monaco:
And for the international audience who don't know her (she went back to God two years ago), her amazing beauty, talent, beautiful voice, intelligence, courage... And because we are on a Russian lovers blog:
Anton Ivan Boris et moi.
Thanx for MArie Laforet.
I am not ill, I just changed my haircut.
Or maybe I get an allergy to troll elements.
This avatar is ugly Sandrine. To bad we have to face the archontic space lizard every time one reads your comments...
It must be an epidermic allergy to TROLLS.
I am sure you know what a TROLL is, right, Bugey Libre?
Of course i know what a troll is. I know the meaning of the word before the social media and the meaning it has ever since. Still; I am curious to know why someone would chose a Rottenchild as an avatar.
I thinck that they are afraid to understand, it's more comfortable for them!
Hi Soizic. I would rather think that it is an obligation for the "alternative" media to be pro-Putin, and if not they would not be allowed to emerge.
The list is much too long and exhaustive to be a coincidence:
Cercle Aristote (Pierre Yves Rougeyron)
Revue Méthode
Le Nationalisme français (Ploncard d’Assac)
Valérie Bugault
Réseau Voltaire (Thierry Meyssan)
Réseau Internazional (Alain Benajam)
TV Libertés
Pierre Hillard
Le Libre Penseur (Salim Laibi)
Idriss Aberkane
Stratpol (Xavier Moreau)
Profession Gendarme
Qactus (Rémi Daillet)
E&R (Alain Robert Bonnet)
Le Saker francophone, and much more. The totality, in fact.
And of course none of any national political parties.....
None of them are able to produce a real critic of the russian leader. None of them will never ever inform you about compulsory vaccination or biometrics in Russia, the nazis in the russian mercenariat (Wagner Group), about the GRU and its influence on Putin's closest counsellors, the links of the Kremlin with Western finance, with Kissinger, Schwab, Nazerbaiev, Mandelson, and its links with Menachen Schneerson adepts, assassination of dissidents, false flags in Russia etc etc, ... and so much other things to say.
Do you mean that there would be an occult force compelling these website to have a blind eyes on the things you refer to? All of those you quote are very very different in outlook.
What I mean is that part of these alternative media is already bought by the system, they are controlled opposition.
For those who would possibly like to produce a real critic of the russian leader, they don't have means enough like the above-mentioned media to do so, or they may suffer pressures to shut up.
I return the question: how do you explain that the facts that I am talking about are completely absent from alternative media in our country? Do you expect Revue Internationale or Le saker francophone ( groupies of Tom Luongo) to do so?
There are(according to me) several factors. Most of those media are not media per se, that is working with real journalists or write their own articles. They are often aggregators and thus have limited input. Even if there are real redactors, these have biases according to their political outlook. If most of these medias don't have journalist, they even less have journalists abroad.
This is why Pierre Barnerias initiative with Citizen Light is so relevant. This is also why Perception Deception's dreams and project could be a really good thing. I will write to him later.
Xavier Moreau is a total propagandist but he once said that there were critics among the nationalists in Russia, it's just that he said that very briefly and chose to follow his blindfolding path, probably for psychological reasons. Note that he has always been very vocal against the corona totalitarianism in France and Russia and he even have denounced Sobyanin, his co-space lizards and all the absurd measures during the fake pandemic in Russia.
Le Saker francophone is not ruled by the Saker/faker who reside in the US, it is independant and run by sincere and human individuals who spend their time translating and if you contact them with Riley's articles, they might accept to publish his very important work.
That is why I think we should strive to make it known before speculating on the bad faith of people who have already given a fucking lot of information and who have the right to be wrong or ignorant.
Often, I give this address on the comments on Réseau International under the pseudo Rastastérix. I have contacted Nicolas Bonnal who knew Riley's work already.
I also think that those who have knowledge of the "sanitary" situation in Russia (very very few people in our country) would hesitate to open their 'mouth' in fear of taking part into the amazing/incredible propaganda against Russia since the military intervention against the deadly weirdos in Ukraine.
Karine bechet-Golovko has also had harsh words against the covid delirium in Russia.
We have work to do...
OMG the world is small... Rastastérix, of course I know you, from the blog « Réseau International » (you're a great fan of Vladimir right?) and I am a privileged witness of the high level of censorship of this website, which is definitively not "wrong" or "ignorant" as you said, but knowingly hiding and withholding documented information to its readers. You must know my pseudo too, and you’re maybe a witness of how this yellow press considers its readers Putin's cheerleaders, insulting their intelligence (I'd rather say Presse de caniveau pour supporters de foot). R I definitively censored me in april, for the simple fact to inform politely about Edward Slaysquat website, about what was happening in Russia, about Aleksandr Dugin and Eurasism, about the Wagner group and its nazis, and to doubt about Putin's intentions and relations. First I was mocked, then automatically moderated, for hours, or suppression of posts, then insulted and constantly threatened by a group of trolling pseudos working probably for the website (threaths for death, for rape, verbal abuse)… I never answered in the same tone in order not to fall in the trap. Then the moderator Marie Françoise informed me that I was definitively censored for creating chaos on the message board, and that it was normal ‘cause I really looked for problems! Very funny!
Here is the message of SS Chief Marie Françoise, moderator for « Réseau Internazional »:
Le samedi 2 avril 2022 à 06:23, <avic@reseauinternational.net> a écrit :
Bonjour Sandrine
Nous avons supprimé votre possibilité de publier des messages car ils sont à l’origine de trop de polémiques et de messages très désagréables à votre encontre
Et nous n’avons pas le temps de passer des heures pour les supprimer
Désolée mais vous l’avez vraiment cherché
Marie Françoise
So this is the kind of website from Switzerland where Tom Luongo writes its articles, as well as Nicolas Bonnal, or Xavier Moreau and Christelle Neant, both « experts » of Russia and Ukraine, as well as the insulting « expert » Andrei Martyanov, and other warmongers.
I was maybe the only one critical against both Western and Russian leaders, but there is no room for people like me because you have to decide which side you are.
Now 100% of commentators of the website are pro-putin and Réseau Internazional is now feeling better. Me too.
I heard that they lost audience. Normal. They’ve look for it.
1) Another - important - "detail": Putin publicly proclaimed his commitment to Eurasist ideology, which is very correlated with Far Right European movements (the New Right, Alain de Benoist, Evola..). This would explain - for some part- why Putin is largely accepted in some european spheres
2) Very funny that you talk about an occult force, as Dugin is well known for his occultist inclinations:
Dugine is a weird individual who have two different speeches, one to the Russian audience and one to the international audience. He is not a sincere person and his spirituality is rather strange.
I also think that is so called influence on the Kremlin is overblown and that he is only useful as a propagandist abroad.
Pierre Hillard does that job with high relevance, the best sources and he can express himself freely in many of those medias. He has been doing it for more than 15 years. Anybody can read, listen to him and be informed about the fact you refer to. Why not work out to make that blog known and maybe let a debate arise out of it?
Pierre Hillard is interesting to read as regards religions, revolutions, but he presents Russia as a multipolar alternative, which is not the case. Today Vladimir Putin has declared the end of "the era of the unipolar world", Russia, thanks to the war in Ukraine, is currently implementing Eurasist block, a milestone to the NWO. Putin is doing his coming out.
Pierre Hillard has very selective considerations about the war in Ukraine, he spent years explaining the creation of an Euro.atlanticist bloc, but what about eurasism? He recently made declarations about Ukronazis, he focuses on ukronazis, but what about the Wagner Group? In french we call it Indignation à géométrie variable.
The Wagner group cannot in any way be compared with the Galician Ethnic Nationalists in all shape in Ukraine since it is a mercenary business like the Erik Prince one and other in the US, UK etc... Wagner Group is working where they are pay to work (their work being killing). The Ukronazis have a political goal and have started implementing it since 2014. They are constituted of political parties which have elected leaders, organization of all kind of walk and mainly paramilitary. There are 'nazi' in all armies (even Islamist in French military) but the national armies are not promoting their ideology (they mostly are fringe elements), remember what I wrote about some psychological specimens being attracted to that kind of organisation because they are given free reign to be perverts?
Spot on Sarah! Exactly. The globalist and kabbalist elite is far from being stupid. They built this world with patience over centuries (starting with "french" revolution). Later on, opening frontiers in the Western World, and enhancing immigrationnism and wild liberalism, they knew by advance that the far Right would considerably increase in the West, they placed their puppets in most nationalist websites, political parties, linked with Eurasist movement in Russia. For example alain Robert Bonnet (alias Alain Soral, zoophile, pedophile, drug addict and son of a mason) wrote the preface of Dugin's latest book. He is also linked to intelligency in Switzerland, in France, and occultists. The Front National ex leader JEAN MARIE LE PEN is a friend of Dugin and always claimed he would like a "cooperation" from Brest to Vladivostok. .I am a nationalist but I keep away far any so-called nationalist parties after having experienced how rotten they are.
Hi Sarah, what do you like in Alain De Benoist's writings?
Spot on Soizic. It is so uncomfortable when one has to face the reality that the only hope is inside and that our leaders are Stoïcians.
True, for many!
More 5D chess from Vladimir, eh? Oh, i get it, these are the good shots, Tom Luongo and Matt Ehret tell us they are, so they must be. :-) Thanks, Riley, big thanks for staying sane in the face of insane circumstances.
Sounds like they are probing the populace...
Chipping people doesn't look promisingly popular in Russia; injecting them with the Russian version(s) of the poison is spawing even more trouble...
probing? they know that 80-90% would be against this. Perhaps even more. It is not a secret how Russians feel about coercive clot-shots and cattle tags. there are polls going back 7 months.
Sorry, I implied too much. Let me explain what I meant.
For the perpetrators, it doesn't matter how Russians feel; they want to prepare for what Russians are going to do.
In polling, people are usually not quite honest or accurate. Once they are given time to react, their response becomes a lot more predictable...
ah. got it. yes, I would agree.
I did a lot of phone survey political polling during the Dubya years. Polls are insane to conduct. People will contradict themselves one sentence to the next if only because the questions they're being asked are inane and asininely phrased (some of the questions were like those giant paragraphs of Proust).
But 80-90% on such a simple question means that the majority is just plain against it. The slurry-mongers are facing increasingly stiff headwind. But they've already done enough damage that illness is likely to be a major issue, at least among the vaccinated.
I would tend to agree that this latest announcement is a public reaction trial balloon. How much more shit will the people take? How hard can we push? Do we need to lean heavily on the carrot or more on the stick?
Moreover, ususally self-important busibodies respond to polls, who are otherwise inconsequential...
Polls don't just pop up like weed; somebody pays for them, hoping for a profit...
Self-important busy-bodies usually hung up on us.
I thought they are the ones who are desperate to make a difference, while they know the don't. :)
So, is the bored person the ideal subject?
This is exactly why the US is currently pushing for the Covid slurry for infants, once this begins they will push for it to be added to the calendar vaccine schedule for childhood immunizations along with the other required jabs. This is a perpetual revenue stream for the pharmaceutical industry. It’s not well known that in the US that NONE of the required jabs have ever undergone double blind placebo safety studies. Will repeat again…NONE of the jabs currently administered in the USA have undergone double blinded placebo safety testing. This was signed into law under President Ronald Regan. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) is the first-ever U.S. "no-fault" compensation system for patients (or their families) who suffer serious adverse reactions from required childhood vaccines. By removing most of the liability burden from manufacturers for immunization-related injuries, the program was expected to help stabilize the supply and price of vaccines (Mariner, 1991). The NVICP was established as part of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Public Health Service Act, 1987; 100 Stat. 3756, codified as Title XXI of the Public Health Service Act at 42 USC 300aa-1 et seq. (Supp. V 1987)), but it did not become operational until the fall of 1988.
Я люблю эту произведе́ние.
Conspirology is an exact science.
good morning, bonjour anri. I hope you are doing well!
Bonjour, bonsoir Anri.
Si tu apprends le Français et que tu n'utilise pas de traducteur artificiel, alors... Bravo, c'est très bien. Il fait chaud ici près de la Suisse, 32 degrés aussi, avec du vent. Il faut arroser le jardin, les choux (de Siberie et d'Italie), les tomates, les poireaux, les courges, les fraises...
J'aime lire, étudier le Systema:
Un très bon instructeur Japonais:
J'aime danser. J'aime le vélo, je n'ai pas d'automobile. J'aime aussi les promenades. J'aime être avec mes enfants.
Mes salutations distinguées Madame!
Thank you Riley for allowing these exchanges. God bless you and your family.
thanks for your always great comments, Anri :)
Mademoiselle Anri.
Did you know that in French, there was a man version of Demoiselle et mademoiselle? Mademoiselle remained and it's male consort fainted:
Very interesting, check it if you really want to dig into that matter.
We are victims of a destruction of what is good, beautiful and right...
A pillow dictionary (lol), indeed tend to learn the words of human love and it is all right and it has produced millions of beautiful songs and poems.
Prend soin de toi au Japon Mademoiselle Anri, que Dieu te garde.
Oups, I meaned to say that the word Damoiseau "faded"....
The Master with which I studied Yi Chuan is Japanese, Shigeru Uemura, a very bright mind who told us very interesting things about Japanese spirituality.
The western madness is a dwarf compared to our roots.
In the article, there is a link to an older post, "You will be tagged."
I have just explored the subject of "tagging" people and implanting them with nanoparticles through the "covid tests," not just through the injections.
And here about "covid tests" engineering an impression of the pandemic by repeatedly damaging the olfactory nerves and the entire limbic system with those long serrated swabs, which cause loss of smell and taste and other flu-like symptoms, falsely attributed to "covid."
Surely to christ that's nothing less than outright insanity?
I mean ALL invasions of the body should surely be kinda 'last resort' things as a matter of first principle shouldn't they?
You take a medicine because you have to, not because you want to. Nature is best, surely?
All circumventions of the natural process end up perverting it. Reliance on 'foreign' things destroys the ability of natural thing. Just like not walking would eventually destroy your legs. They atrophy from non use.
There seems to be this worldwide notion that we can and should create a 'superhuman' invincible by any microbe or virus that remains that way by virtue of constant ingestion of designer drugs.
Doesn't anyone see that's not a 'superhuman' at all? It's not even 'human'. It is a subhuman. A weakened totally dependent thing ready to die at any time when taken off life support.
People really seem to want to be this.
Is that insane or is that insane?
And my disappointment with Putin and Russia is just about total by now.
I'm casting about the world looking for some other nation/leader I can use a hope and exemplar.
Anyone know of any candidates?
.."my disappointment with Putin and Russia is just about total by now.
I'm casting about the world looking for some other nation/leader I can use a hope and exemplar.
Anyone know of any candidates?" I have a bad news for you. The leader you are searching for is already on the agenda and he is russian. Delirious? The one who says so is Alexandr Dugin, and he is not the men's room attendant at the Kremlin, but a close counsellor to Putin. In many many interviews, he claims that Russia would be able to offer and operate a protectorate over the whole Europe, and rule directly the post-sovietic countries and East Europe countries with the Eurasian State. Nothing new. International media, both mainstream and alternative ones, produced a play where the West is the bad guy and where Russia will come and save the World.
And any coincidences with a New World Order under construction are accidental and unintended.
That's a strange strategy Russia is masking, NO GMO's, lowest EMF radiation among most countries and now that, death by GMO injection for everybody???? I guess NOT for everybody, but only the 'useless eaters', like everywhere else. Who are the ones who intend to stay???
Anatoliy Chubais, one of the architects of the privatization and destruction of the Russian economy, has said that Russia could contribute to the goal of reducing the world population to 1.5 billion people, "which is necessary, as experts have shown." Video in Russian available on YouTube. https://youtu.be/6JVhIonk4bk?t=118
Chubais ... With no surprise he is the son of a teacher in Marxism-Leninism. The same ideology that helped Western Companies to create captive markets in Russia thanks to Comunism, contributing to raiding the natural resources of ex-USSR, for the greater good of Western Companies. Capitalism or capitalism, two legs of the same body.
When one knows who financed Karl marx, no surprise about it.
Chubais was also quoted in Eric de Lavandeyra case , as one of the main protagonist of a huge and international criminal organisation, among other things financing some french political party (RPR). Eric de Lavandeyra (still alive) is part of this organisation and high-degree masonic businessman, first married to Christine Hennessy, and the singer Marie Laforêt, who appears on french television in 2002 to testify, quoting Chubais, Mimran, Gobi, De Lavandeyra, fearing for her life as she discovered important files in her husband's computer. She suffered murder attempts, as well as his former wife Catherine Hennessy.
that's a heck of details! All what I know is: far away from Lenin, Marx and Engels...
"Communism or capitalism .."
don't understand russian, only few words... Which 'experts'? In killings???
I will answer. One must know about the influence of Alain de Benoist on Dugin and Putin, about the Eurasist block under construction.
The creation of the Eurasist block supposed to represent « multipolarity » is in fact a necessary milestone to a New World Order) . Eurasism is a tool that emerged in 1920, and again in 1991, when the former Western tool called Communism fell apart in ex-USSR. Alexandr Dugin professed a conservative revolution. (Opening parenthesis about the false duality East/West: Antony Sutton detailed how Communism was never a counter-weight to Capitalism but used by Western corporations to steal Soviet Union’s wealthiness: just an exemple between others: Averell Harriman, n°1 of the Skull and Bones organization, filled his pockets with russian manganese mines / Transfer of touchy technologies from the West to gaz fabric in the Soviet Union, etc) and to destroy middle classes, like the Covid does currently. Closing parenthesis). Eurasism is the new tool to come, an "opposition" aiming at creating a broader block, including Russia, China, Slavonic european countries, a fringe of latest ussr republics, and . And is promoted by Alexander Dugin and Sergueï Glazyev, close relatives to Putin, as a counter-weight to the West. Putin admits he is an eurasist: https://www.revuemethode.org/m011810.html The concept of Eurasist storyline is the following: Western Political Modernity (LGBT, permissive democracy, pornography, homosexual weddings, depravation, « human rights » and freedom or open society trends, individualism, atheism, immigrationism, destruction of cultures, etc) well « this Political Modernity comes to its end ». Of course Dugin won’t say a word about the fact that the media and deep-state system patiently and intentionnally helped to sustain this western civilization « model », since the french revolution up to now for ex placing depraved leaders on the thrones (Macron and his husband- the Brigitte scandal, Macron mocked and received by a man with a skirt at the Kremlin, Biden the pedophile, Trudeau idem, Zelensky the piano, etc, why do you think this is highlighted in the media? why do you think this happen if not creating an artificial image of the West? And all the rest I describe hereunder. ) But fortunately, to face it, thanks God, Eurasism is there for you. Dugin and Glazyev present you their latest production: Russia and its Traditional Values. Ready for the storyline you will have to swallow in the next coming years (storyline mostly artificial on both sides) ? Rolling:
West (seafaring civilization) <==> Russia
Political Modernity <==> Traditions
Immigrationnism&globalism <==> Nationalism
Mobility <==> Land-based civilisation
Atheism, rationality <==> Faith, Respect of religions (*)
Individualism, human rights <==> Collectivism, common good
Disney culture <==> Traditional culture
LGBT, gay prides, porno <==> Family, heterosexuality, decency
Consumerism, materialism <==> Religiosity, if not austerity (you will own nothing..)
Bioethics <==> Natural family
Permissiveness, liberal democracy <==> Authority, if not Dictatorship or Monarchy
Racism <==> Plurality of civilizations
Progressism <==> Conservatism
Open society <==> Closed society
Chaos <==> Order
Decline <==> New cultural and power center, Russia enlighting the world
Artificial, in the sense that above-mentioned Western characteristics or « values » are only the result of a long-term, undermining and background work on Western civilizations, mainly from a c✡mmunity that suffered a l✡t, and this started at least with the « French » Revolution. This c✡mmunity, of poor imagination, supranational and well identified elite of arsonists firemen, is only able to produce a single and repetitive scenario : creating a monster (Biden/Macron..) or any painful event (9-11) to propose a savior embodying opposite values (Putin) or propose a solution (Patriot Act). This supranational force helped create a spoiled and depraved West over decades and even centuries,
That’s why not a single minute I believe that Putin is an opponent to the Western World, but a co-starring partner.
So this is how the mediatic marketing Propaganda Staffel will sell you the « Russian Spirit », the « Holy Russia » and all of this b—-.
Personnally I don’t think Western Europeans need a russian protectorate to set up the tempo. Neither do we need them to teach us any values we alreay have in our souls.
Rather like theorized by Leopold Kohr in his book « The Breakdown of Nations », this elite would enhance the ego and ethnic identities pride of Asian, Russian and other European Slavic populations to sell them the idea of a common Eurasist block, and get their acceptance.
In Western Europe, we wouldn’t be part of the Eurasist block, but « only » under Russian protectorate.
In eurasian block I forgot Mandchoury, Mongolia, Tibet.
De Benoist's doctrine sticks perfectly to the image that the elite built about Russia.
As regards Neo-Paganism, I am not "in the secrets of God" all I know is that Neo paganism is part of Dugin's doctrine and would imbricate perfectly with upcoming Noahidism and "Sustainability", serving the intererests of the elite.
As regards the market: communism was also supposed to fight the market.
Anyway, as in controlled opposition in a general way, the doctrine must not be repulsive to its audience. Of course not. What is interesting in De Benoist's writings,is not what is good or bad, but how it sticks perfectly to Dugin's view, and it is totally normal as this latter recognize to be mainly influenced by the french writer and propagandist:
Russian government officials reneged on dropping the PCR test requirement for foreigners traveling into Russia by air travel. Looks like I may have to travel via train and then fly back to Belarus. I must say I am very disappointed. There is probably a under-handed scheme in letting wealthy investment foreigners (WITHOUT PCR test) into Russia to attend the Saint Petersburg Economic Forum.
Unfortunately, "their' diabolical plot to combine the flu injection with other poison injections while making this injection concoction cocktail a requirement for the purpose of depopulation and QR code digital ID control is still simmering hot on the stove top back burner. Maybe the stove top front burner depending on what country one lives in.
I recommend to stay positive with vigilance, apply countermeasures by building a local area informational support and non-compliance network. Riley has built an international informational support coalition network (Russia, Belarus, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, USA, England, Canada) on this posting board.
I recently listened to Riley on Whitney Webb (who lives in Chile) 4-month old podcast on rokfin.
Good to hear your voice Riley!
A good way for their enemies to seriously injure all the Russians.
Surely they have the scientific firepower to make a harmless protein jab, or just get one off the Cubans.
Why they are using the Astra Zeneca - uK Wellcome Trust fascist viral vector tech is completely beyond me.
Since the flu vaccine makes coronviruses worse, this makes sense. It's a great strategy to vaccinate against health. Congratulations. See US military study on flu vaccine and corona viruses.
we've witnessed for two years and counting a virulent covid mind virus causing otherwise sensible and intelligent people to behave like morons and monsters.
Cherubic Hymn about harm, sign? What's that mean to you, ES? (It's lovely the soundtrack of our tragedy.)
Last couple years indicate idiocy is global in scope, and is entirely indifferent to political system. Must have something to do with the nature of the human operating system.