Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Pink eye, nice, just in time for hayfever season.

No, your itchy pink eyes are NOT hayfever it is the dreaded new variant. ARGHH!

Bless them.

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Yeah, that's what my first reaction--that's what my eyes look like during hayfever season!!!

Are people brainwashed enough to fall for this nonsense?

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You're right. When have they ever warned about viral outbreaks -- in the summer months?

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

How can the “multipolarists” possibly conclude that the West and the BRICS are mortal enemies with two radically different worldviews and diverging paths of development when they’re in lockstep on the all the policies that actually matter, which are advancing the digital slave system? It’s reminiscent of the phony two-party professional wrestling spectacle, where Democrats and Republicans and the media all pretend that they’re fiercely opposed to one another by focusing on manufactured culture war issues but are in reality biparistan buddies back stage where they conspire to fuck the American people and enrich the ruling class to which they all already belong or at least work for/aspire to - except on a global scale.

My gut feeling is that most, if not all, of the alt-media figures pushing this bogus multi-polar/two-party charade are paid propagandists for one or multiple governments involved. To divide humanity now between bogus national loyalties to this or that ruling class stooge is detrimental to any possibility we have to join together and fight back against the united forces of the transnational ruling class imposing the same genocidal agenda in their respective countries, as detrimental as the artificial division between “red” and “blue” workers in the US has been to our ability to slow let alone stop the bipartisan squeeze that we’ve been suffering for decades. So they’re certainly earning their paychecks.

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I couldn’t agree more! It’s so refreshing to see someone who can see it clearly too.

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By my own reckoning, having followed the alt- media ( freedom/truther movements ) closely for the past 3 years and more, roughly between 95% - 98%of alternative mouthpieces are either 'Gatekeepers' ( example Judy Mikovitz, RFK jr, Peter McCullogh, Robert Malone, Del Bigtree ) or Controlled Opposition ( examples Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Russel Brand...). The only way I have found to tell who is NOT on the payroll is what their stance on viruses and climate change is. If they know that no virus has ever been isolated/purified for real, or that man-made climate change is a total invention/scam/hoax, then they are legit.

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I pretty much agree. It’s kind of like 9/11/JFK back in the day; if journalists, so-called dissidents, or intellectuals refused to examine the evidence/entertain, at the very least, the possibility (but really the reality) of a conspiracy, then you knew/know they were cowards and/or frauds.

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If they are allowed on youtube don't bother... check out unz anglin rolo slavskiy john carter

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RemovedApr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023
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Yeah they’ve using that strategy since Jesus, and it’s worked wonders. They don’t want people to realize their own power, exercise independent thought, or reclaim agency/take responsibility for their own lives/health and, collectively, their communities/societies.

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I think you have to be extremely psychologically stunted to believe any of the fairy tales in the Bible are actually true. I trust my own senses and reason to tell me that reality and religion are incompatible.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

If people remain ignorant and disinterested, there will be an outbreak of the new ID2020 strain soon. And there's no safe and effective vaccine against this highly infectious ID2020 strain.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Well Edward - I see you are still writing - good for you - Ya, I'm more worried about my vino prices rising here in Kryme than getting another " Corona Virus . " Pink eye - itchy eye - lol I just had another Glaucoma operation - the eye is blood red - lol

Since coming to Crimea in 08 , there has been a small change in the Pharmacy restrictions on ' over the counter meds" not as bad as the Western " rules' are but we have lost some of our brands and anti biotics - maybe because of the sanctions and maybe the military needs them more than we do at this stage. Possibly Moscow is playing along with the WHO , but I'm sure your articles are keeping the Red Pharma , on their toes - Спасибо for that.

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hey gmc, remember you from anti-empire. hope you are taking care in Crimea --


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I'm hopeful that most are awake to all of the lies by now?

No record found, there is no pathogenic virus, never was and never will be!


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Peasants are trash... as are our rulers. Wat do?

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So sad!

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Is there a vaccine for bullcrap? Cos that’s been spreading faster than any Arcbrutus ever will...

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Thanks, Riley. Again, if people remain deathly afraid of "pathogens" which have never been shown to be anything more than computer codes (contagion theory itself has never been proven via experiments, all attempts have failed), they will remain vulnerable to utter disinformation and fear propaganda like this.

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It's springtime, pollen and allergy season, and they are warning about itching eyes. Good one.

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So sad...I always thought Russia was smarter than this...

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I hoped they were smarter. Now a lot of other things are called into question throughout history. Why have they gone along with this Space Race business? Was the Cold War a psy-op as well? And as for Communism.... what the hell was that really all about? I have many questions now.

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Moar fear needed for moar slow kill bioweapon injections; that is, until the mRNA vodka and potatoes are available.

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“Fellow BRICS member India is currently experiencing an “intense” outbreak of this computer model, and Russia—which has already registered four confirmed cases!—“

OMYGOODNESS. grasping at straws??? And someone please tell me, what does computer generated mean in this statement?? That this too is MADE UP? These people are whacko!

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"And someone please tell me, what does computer generated mean .." sorry of you already know this, but I am answering your question on the basis that you are really asking. Convid virus has only ever been a computer sequence, made up from thousands of strands of other fake viruses using Metagenomic Sequencing Modelling Programs. https://www.bitchute.com/video/cmKFzthEadrV/

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Dress rehearsal for the west is taking place in Russia.

Spring allergies includes itchy red eyes, just saying.

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The Chinese follow along as well (XBB 1.16 is the formal name for "Arcturus"):

"With COVID-19 infections in India caused by the new XBB.1.16 reorganized strain of Omicron increasing, a Chinese infectious disease specialist has called for vulnerable people to be inoculated with bivalent boosters."


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tell your friends and family they don't have to worry about any new variants until 2025, as per Contagion 2025. Nudge them into partying while they can, like it's 1999.

If they considered you a quirky conspiracy theorist already - you have nothing to lose!

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And the latest narrative about to get ratcheted up in UK is calling people who speak up on behalf of those injured and killed by the injections "kremlin misinformation" spreaders. Look forward to hearing that old chestnut from friends and family soon...


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