It's depressing to hear how widespread the censorship of basic common sense is.

From Russia to America, from Australia to China, anyone who speaks out about the dangers of both gene-based biowarfare and gene editing vaccines is viscously attacked, deplatformed, sacked and even mysteriously 'disappeared'.

Personally I fear biological manipulation more than I fear nuclear weapons.

The modern world seems caught in in the cross-fire between obscenely wealthy individuals like Gates who is obsessed with eugenics, the powerful WEF's twisted ideology of transhumansim and a greedy military sector, driving a global arms race in biological warfare.

Both our food and our children are increasingly subjected to life altering sprays and injections. Yet when concerned citizens and parents ask questions we are labelled 'conspiracy theorists' or 'anti vaxxers'.

Look at the data. These 'vaccines' have killed and maimed more people than a war!

I'm moving away from pharma completely, and towards managing health with food and herbal supplements.

Simonyan sounds like a typical Western politician. Unable to even understand the basic science behind what she is aggressively promoting, and instead putting ideology (and financial incentives) ahead of plain old common sense.

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but all my opinions are right, its the rest of you that need to see things my way!

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Love it! A civilized debate would be so wonderful. I usually get caught in the middle accepting others points but then being told by both respective teams that I haven't gone far enough to their polarized side of things. We all do hold cherished beliefs..

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TFFD (Too Fragile For Debate)

I love this piece, Riley. And your beautiful heart and humor amidst the ugly earwax that is often coming out of ears on all sides that need to be cleaned out in order to listen to the heart whisper say, perhaps, "Another human being has earwax just like I do. Maybe we have more in common than we think."

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<3 I find the people I like best are the ones who can accept themselves and other yet are open to learning from one another even if we don't debate. Debate used to be something I enjoyed but I no longer do...I'd rather either just enjoy expressing authentically with others who also enjoy that, or have a discussion that is more about curiosity in the context of assuming the best of one another. I often see elements of truth in many different places. I think tribal mindsets have people wanting to be able to identify who is in and out as a way to have group think. But heart-love is different. You know when people are coming from that place because you FEEL it. And within that space people can share experiences, ideas, perceptions and be open to being challenged but not in a "I have to change you" way...but rather we are all free to express out authentic selves within a loving setting...I am a big advocate of kind free speech. In insist on it in my space. Direct communication, different experiences are welcome, but only when the intention is truth and love.

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The funny thing is, while witchhunting Russian "antivaxxers" fulltime, the very same RT wrote things like "so-called pandemic" and described righteous protests in places like Lithuania and such - but in the German language. They are so smart and sincere. :-)

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Exactly. The RT marketed to disaffected westerners is totally different from the RT in Russia. One claims to promote "question more" the other orders: "don't question!". It's extremely cynical, but obviously not surprising. These kinds of info-tactics are used by all governments of course. It doesn't make it ok, though.

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What can I tell you, Riley? Even the USSR had the same party line for the proletariat worldwide, and the notorious Swamp of Washington DC, with its WEF henchmen, still does - THAT is absolute peak hypocricy. As Judy Dench memorably said in Casino Royale, "Christ, I miss the Cold War!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltXhvkGCzbA

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Maybe you will find it interesting, anyway, it is worth checking.

Pierre Barnerias is a French journalist and documentary film maker. Before the covid scam is was rather mainstream. Not famous but respected in the business. He (and his team of course) made a very interesting professional movie about the crisis that became an eye opener for millions of French speakers. Lots of international scientists were interviewed. Of course, he has been canceled, called a conspiracy theorist, etc... Then he realised Hold On, of the same vein, another masterpiece. Recently he did another one (he has so much respect that he found the finance even though the shitstem is making his personal financial life difficult), Hold Out.

He is a genuinely a good, sincere, talented individual.

He and his friends have a project. AFP, Reuter, Xinhua... Actually five agencies give all the information on that planet. So they decided to create a new one, made by the citizens. This is the teaser:https://crowdbunker.com/v/oRxUJ5w185

Then you can find his most interesting movies about the actual crisis here (Hold Up, Hold On, Hold Out)There might be an english subtitle version, if it's not here, it may be on Odyssée or youtube:


Hold up and Hold On are also on the citizen light website.

Have a look, it starts in english... lol

That is the kind of project you may deeply appreciate, and maybe join, who knows, have a look. , some official French journalists have already join...

This is the website introducing the project: https://citizen-light.fr/

"Plusieurs journalistes professionnels issus de grands médias (TF1, CANAL+, Radio France, AFP…), ont déjà rejoint ce projet. Devenez des citoyens reporters. Rejoignez-nous."

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Oups...I forgot the link after the here: https://crowdbunker.com/@holdup

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I can have a civilized debate with anyone who completely and unquestionably agrees with everything I say. It's called being open-minded and intellectually curious, look it up sometimes.

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I have been checking out RT in the last two and a half years in order to be informed about the Russian version of the mass manipulation. It used to be more intelligent than it is now, which meant some entertainment for me.

Since March, 2012, I cannot say the same about the MSM in the US, which has proven irredeemably simplistic most of the time. That keeps me wondering: Why should simple people be targeted for manipulation, while their opinions wouldn't matter, even if they had one. Well, I guess, the little space in their minds must be filled with something (probably with anything) in order to keep them busy NOT thinking. :)

When it comes to retaining civilized discourse on the net, developing private chat rooms for specific topics might work, although platforms will be problematic to find and to keep, and they will always be infiltrated, while access to alt info will become more and more restricted.

One more thing: there is no "we." Only I can be responsible for my decisions.

Maintaining intellectual honesty is a prerequisite for maintaining personal integrity; without it, the person loses touch with himself and cannot tell lies from the truth anymore, resulting in his losing his foundations, leading to total collapse.

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Thinking of your pet rock, and the lonely hours it spends alone while you toil for your readers, I thought maybe a fun song would help it through those hard times of the day:



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me like, really like! i was wondering why you left RT. thx for dishin, Riley..

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Say hello to your pet rock. I know a pathologist turned woo-woo lady who actually has heard rocks speak. She is lovely.

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"Russian servicemen are seen in Mariupol, *Donetsk People's Republic*, on April 4."

-Caption on NBC's photo

LOL, is NBC a Russian shill network?

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Once imposed, censorship has a habit of going all out. When a ban on porno was adopted Toronto 40 years ago under feminist trappings, the first casualties were .. a couple of lesbian magazines. Thanks, Riley!

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"day after day, she was a total and complete psycho. She still is, by the way."

THat was almost as fun to read as it must have been to write.

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Great article. I don't think many see that the State Broadcasters' and all part of the objective to deceive the people. The Worlds Governments have all been captured and are servants of the UN's WEF corporations (penetrated as Anal Schwab announced)

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Swift in the title and Voltaire in the content, keep it up Riley, you rock (pun intended).

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At least his predecessor LOOKED evil.:


This guy just looks bemusedly gnomish.


But we see the apologistas have gotten their memo to the Vatican:


"Pope Francis has said Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine was “perhaps somehow provoked” as he recalled a conversation in the run-up to the war in which he was warned Nato was “barking at the gates of Russia”.

"In an interview with the Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, conducted last month and published on Tuesday, the pontiff condemned the “ferocity and cruelty of the Russian troops” while warning against what he said was a fairytale perception of the conflict as good versus evil.

“We need to move away from the usual Little Red Riding Hood pattern, in that Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad one,” he said. “Something global is emerging and the elements are very much entwined.”

"Francis added that a couple of months before the war he met a head of state, who he did not identify but described as “a wise man who speaks little, a very wise man indeed … He told me that he was very worried about how Nato was moving. I asked him why, and he replied: ‘They are barking at the gates of Russia. They don’t understand that the Russians are imperial and can’t have any foreign power getting close to them.’”

When a person has their head that far up their behind, they're able to talk out their ass AND both sides of their mouth all at once.

Here's some more light-hearted historical revisionism:


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