Jul 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

As a U.S. Expat - da bugs iz for da birds. Gimme a 'burger.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

might want to know about the parasites before you try them, too late for me ive tried cricket powder its yuk


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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Thanks for the most interesting link.

I have personally eaten wood worms at the Réunion Island while working with locals twenty five years ago. I really enjoyed them, it was as tasty as dairy cream, really. One can eat them raw or cooked with ginger. For the people their, it was a treat, but one must know the historical hardship these "little whites" of the mountains to understand why they eat these rare worms once or twice a year. I guess none of them would have eaten it as a daily staple, preferring undoubtly some meat with rice.

Once in Madagascar, I saw people bringing grasshoppers to the market place, like I saw in Niger. Why do people eat them in those country? Because these crickets ate there expected harvest, not because they love it. The rich in these countries would never eat them anyway, no way. I have tried them, with some spicies, chilly, like my elder daughter would say, well, it's ok...

Why are grasshopers prospering in these countries? Because of local corruption. Often the money which is planed for their early eradication in the place where they born, is wasted instead of being use for that purpose...

grasshoppers had eaten a fucking lot of our expected harvests and even our neem leaves and flowers... I proposed that, like in Niger, we took our revenge and get the proteins out of these pesky animals. Nobody wanted these wingy burgers in their daily ration, not being far away from preferring starvation instead of my suggestion. And when I reminded them that people eat them in Niamey, I kind of got the answer that it was their problem, not theirs...

Decades ago I had a Congolese friend in France who ate catterpillars, I tried, not that bad in fact BUT I am damn sure that he and his friends would never ever have traded them with meat, whether raised of bush hunted.

I wish the Russians will never buy into that craze...

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Two things:

- First, I don't know why but a sentence had been erased while being edited, so before 'grasshoppers had eaten', you should have read: 'Once in the village where I worked in Mali, Tacharane, in the Cercle of Gao'.

- Second. It is probable that some Russian "investors", lacking imagination and/or trying to find an answer to the crisis of profitabilty of capitalism have just, like usual, looked at the latest trend in the corrupt and declining West and decided to copy/paste that bug delicacy delirium. In that case, it would have nothing to do with a political desire to implement such bullshit à la WEF.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I knew there was a reason I get a gag reflex from just looking at these creatures.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

You'll have to pry the red meat out of my cold, dead hands, you #(*&##&!!!!


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The Garçons Bouchers will be there with you, Carnivores!!


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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I love that picture of the guy eating bugs. Great stuff.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Is that a real WEF video? YIkes!

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"The study found parasites in more than 81% of the insect farms. In 30% of those cases, the researchers found parasites that could potentially cause disease in humans (15Trusted Source)." Healthline

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Do you have any good recipes.

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"Do you have any good recipes."

Here you go.

1) Take bugs

2) Throw outside for birds/chuck in the bin

3) Order a pizza

Voila! A delicious meal cooked to perfection and ready in less than 30 minutes!

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Take some corrupted politicians dead bodies. Throw them in a gutter.

Voilà (it is a recipe for the worms, nor for humans).

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

The city of London: from cricket in India all the way to crickets in Russia

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Funnily enough Arte, the franco-german tv channel has just release a documentary titled: "How agrochemistry has killed the insects" !!!


The Western madness knows no limit and the Russian investors have no creativity...

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Russians will not eat bugs when they can eat Beef, Chicken, Pork and Fish instead. Americans may fall for it, but Russians won't.

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What does the drifting video at the end have to do with eating bugs?

The cars all look to have functioning windshields.

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the videos rarely have anything to do with anything :)

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

It was fun, at least...

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that's what counts!

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I still don't quite see the reason behind the push for 'vega' and for 'artificial meat' and the bug processing industry. Surely, there is proteinaceous substance in the bugs, but why is there such pressure on doing away with large cattle. Or is there something on the program that will cause the demise of large cattle and other animals, so the extermination must commence now, (under some vega pretext) before the disaster is unleashed. The disaster is planned for 2030: don't forget Gates and the WEF are gearing up for the Great Sunblock - a field of bubbles the size of Brazil must go into space to block the sun. Gates is paying Harvard to block the sun with other means. This means there will be an enormous pestulence, a smell of rotting carcasses all over the globe, when animals will perish due to a lack of light. Not to mention humans, but they will have been sufficiently desensitized to the darkness by means of the mRNA spritz that has conveniently disabled the human control center that is composed of pineal gland and other small glands, like the thalamus, inside the brain. For more info see Geoengineering and Consent, at zonderreden.substack.com. Time is running out, the parasites are chomping at the bit.

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All buggy, isn't it? that Russians would require crickets and fake meat to sustain themselves! Here in Canada, Trudeau is getting ready, apparently, to reduce nitrogen, as is now occuring in the Netherlands, and Gates now owns the largest swath of land in the U.S., bordering on Canada, as one of our once proud national railways. Crickets to all of it.

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The crew over at the GDL have this flyer that states everything about the Ukraine war is jewish, complete with names. These reports by Edward make me think that they might be correct. Here's the flyer: https://www.goyimtv.tv/i/3685544198/UKRAINE-WAR-Names---Color---Full-Sheet

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