Many names have been attributed to the author of the Protocols, but we are left with no certainty about his real identity. It doesn't really matter, as all leading Elders are evil geniuses in the full range of human affairs. Their concept of "poison of liberalism" in P.10 does not seem to emanate from a banking mind, as it had the power …
Many names have been attributed to the author of the Protocols, but we are left with no certainty about his real identity. It doesn't really matter, as all leading Elders are evil geniuses in the full range of human affairs. Their concept of "poison of liberalism" in P.10 does not seem to emanate from a banking mind, as it had the power to trigger a whole new phase in our civilization, the age of Enlightenment.
Let's remember that their project is a "religious" one, our destruction and enslavement is for them "redemption" and the coming of their Messiah. He will be the real King of Jews, far above any of the Elders.
Sorry to resume this conversation with such delay, but I was, for several days, fully involved with guests from abroad. I do appreciate your efforts in the service of truth and what I was trying to emphasize was the cause of causes. The way I see the Protocols is that they are only a strategy at the service, not of a global totalitarian project by means of various "ism" instruments, but to achieve a "metaphysical" goal. This is the big picture (religious project) to which I was referring to. No project of political or any other nature than "religious" can justify a multi-century timeline. This metaphysical end goal is suggested in the final protocol (24), the King of the Jews that shall be "of the holy seed of David". Behind the political scene, the real inspirator of the strategy is not Rothschild, Kissinger or Netanyahu, but their "spiritual" kabbalist mentor. The Elders are all deploying their various talents in the service of this metaphysical goal: the coming of the Moshiach that will lead to the Redemption of the Jewish people and implement the kabbalistic concept of Tikun Olam, repairing the world.
You could also ask yourself, why was a difficult "humanitarian" operation conducted under Hitler to rescue the Chabad spiritual leader, Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, in occupied Poland?
Bryan Mark Rigg, The Rabbi Saved by Hitler's Soldiers:
The strategy described in the Protocols having been fully implemented, the Great Reset is the "coronation" phase of this plan (by means of a symbolically meaningful "Coronavirus") leading to its end goal: the messianic redemption and the repair of the world. Examine the symbolism of Schwab Great Reset on the cover page of Time magazine in 2020. The picture clearly suggests the world "being repaired" rather than some kind of reset.
Gershom Scholem's book "The Messianic Idea in Judaism" is important to understand the messianic dimension of the globalist project and also why all possible evils and perversions are forced upon us:
I agree generally with all the facts you are describing. I would just have a slightly different opinion on the Enlightenment. I think that Enlightenment was not taken over by the Illuminist doctrine, but entirely devised and created by it as a strategy (described in P.10). This is to me confirmed by the fact that traditional Judaism itself was submitted to the same treatment (Haskalah) and Islam's infiltration by Freemasonry produced also later the Islamic Enlightenment, the Nahda. I also think that the Private Central Bankers are not "our biggest threat", but only the essential phase of the strategy, although supported by the Torah. Our biggest threat is what I tried to outline in my previous comment and that you seemingly don't think worth addressing, the kabbalistic concept of active messianism: to me, this is the engine of the Globalist ideology, all the rest are only strategies and instruments for its implemention. Traditional Jews, like Naturei Karta, are anti-zionist and believe it is a heresy to pursue active messianism to force God's hand to bring about Redemption. If all Jews were like them, there would be no globalist quest for world control, no Zionism and no state of Israel. I'd be interested to have your point of view on that particular point.
"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are Real"
If you re-read my replies to you, you will find nowhere that I said that they were not real. I said it is only a "strategy" to achieve a "metaphysical" goal. Therefore, all "isms" that it uses are only the instruments of that strategy to gain world control. I do admire and respect the extended knowledge that you have, as a Japanese, of the history of the deployment of that strategy and we only have minor divergences of opinion on a few details. I am only trying to put the emphasis on the big picture, which is "metaphysical" and inspired by the Kabbalah, because this is where the Globalists are taking us. Since you still seem reluctant to address what I am really talking about, I'll try to put it in Japanese. This will be the one world "religion" that all Gentiles are destined to share:
Chabad, the spiritual force behind Globalism and that I mentioned above in a previous comment, is also controlling your country and preparing your future. Don't think those laws are quite acceptable before you know what are all the sub-laws, who is going to be in charge of world justice and who is going to "interpret" the law. Besides, before the law, there will be no equality between one Jew and one Gentile. This universal religion has been described in details by an Italian kabbalist of the 19th century, Elia Benamozegh, in his book "Israel and Humanity", originally written in French.
Many names have been attributed to the author of the Protocols, but we are left with no certainty about his real identity. It doesn't really matter, as all leading Elders are evil geniuses in the full range of human affairs. Their concept of "poison of liberalism" in P.10 does not seem to emanate from a banking mind, as it had the power to trigger a whole new phase in our civilization, the age of Enlightenment.
Let's remember that their project is a "religious" one, our destruction and enslavement is for them "redemption" and the coming of their Messiah. He will be the real King of Jews, far above any of the Elders.
Sorry to resume this conversation with such delay, but I was, for several days, fully involved with guests from abroad. I do appreciate your efforts in the service of truth and what I was trying to emphasize was the cause of causes. The way I see the Protocols is that they are only a strategy at the service, not of a global totalitarian project by means of various "ism" instruments, but to achieve a "metaphysical" goal. This is the big picture (religious project) to which I was referring to. No project of political or any other nature than "religious" can justify a multi-century timeline. This metaphysical end goal is suggested in the final protocol (24), the King of the Jews that shall be "of the holy seed of David". Behind the political scene, the real inspirator of the strategy is not Rothschild, Kissinger or Netanyahu, but their "spiritual" kabbalist mentor. The Elders are all deploying their various talents in the service of this metaphysical goal: the coming of the Moshiach that will lead to the Redemption of the Jewish people and implement the kabbalistic concept of Tikun Olam, repairing the world.
See here how a prominent political leader is instructed by his Chabad spiritual mentor:
You could also ask yourself, why was a difficult "humanitarian" operation conducted under Hitler to rescue the Chabad spiritual leader, Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, in occupied Poland?
Bryan Mark Rigg, The Rabbi Saved by Hitler's Soldiers:
The strategy described in the Protocols having been fully implemented, the Great Reset is the "coronation" phase of this plan (by means of a symbolically meaningful "Coronavirus") leading to its end goal: the messianic redemption and the repair of the world. Examine the symbolism of Schwab Great Reset on the cover page of Time magazine in 2020. The picture clearly suggests the world "being repaired" rather than some kind of reset.
Gershom Scholem's book "The Messianic Idea in Judaism" is important to understand the messianic dimension of the globalist project and also why all possible evils and perversions are forced upon us:
I agree generally with all the facts you are describing. I would just have a slightly different opinion on the Enlightenment. I think that Enlightenment was not taken over by the Illuminist doctrine, but entirely devised and created by it as a strategy (described in P.10). This is to me confirmed by the fact that traditional Judaism itself was submitted to the same treatment (Haskalah) and Islam's infiltration by Freemasonry produced also later the Islamic Enlightenment, the Nahda. I also think that the Private Central Bankers are not "our biggest threat", but only the essential phase of the strategy, although supported by the Torah. Our biggest threat is what I tried to outline in my previous comment and that you seemingly don't think worth addressing, the kabbalistic concept of active messianism: to me, this is the engine of the Globalist ideology, all the rest are only strategies and instruments for its implemention. Traditional Jews, like Naturei Karta, are anti-zionist and believe it is a heresy to pursue active messianism to force God's hand to bring about Redemption. If all Jews were like them, there would be no globalist quest for world control, no Zionism and no state of Israel. I'd be interested to have your point of view on that particular point.
"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are Real"
If you re-read my replies to you, you will find nowhere that I said that they were not real. I said it is only a "strategy" to achieve a "metaphysical" goal. Therefore, all "isms" that it uses are only the instruments of that strategy to gain world control. I do admire and respect the extended knowledge that you have, as a Japanese, of the history of the deployment of that strategy and we only have minor divergences of opinion on a few details. I am only trying to put the emphasis on the big picture, which is "metaphysical" and inspired by the Kabbalah, because this is where the Globalists are taking us. Since you still seem reluctant to address what I am really talking about, I'll try to put it in Japanese. This will be the one world "religion" that all Gentiles are destined to share:
Chabad, the spiritual force behind Globalism and that I mentioned above in a previous comment, is also controlling your country and preparing your future. Don't think those laws are quite acceptable before you know what are all the sub-laws, who is going to be in charge of world justice and who is going to "interpret" the law. Besides, before the law, there will be no equality between one Jew and one Gentile. This universal religion has been described in details by an Italian kabbalist of the 19th century, Elia Benamozegh, in his book "Israel and Humanity", originally written in French.
If you read French, I can send you a copy of the PDF or DOC file that I used to print the book.