Oh, Anri I'm not Jewish, I mean not of Jewish blood whatsoever. I know how you came to think that but Auschwitz wasn't exclusively "Jewish death camp". I'm Polish. Thank you for your very thoughtful reply, I appreciate that. You are very wise person, especially given your age.
I agree with you. Jewish "issue" has been quite a challenge fo…
Oh, Anri I'm not Jewish, I mean not of Jewish blood whatsoever. I know how you came to think that but Auschwitz wasn't exclusively "Jewish death camp". I'm Polish. Thank you for your very thoughtful reply, I appreciate that. You are very wise person, especially given your age.
I agree with you. Jewish "issue" has been quite a challenge for me personally, since, for some unknown to me reason, for many years I had held huge sympathetic sentiment towards "anything Jewish". And then I learnt, have learnt so much (all that you said here and more) And I agree with the way you see it. It is basically the same as with any other nationality: there are good and bad people, there are so many examples of it, just because you're sharing a creed and ethnicity does guarantee that "your people"
won't wish you ill and won't hurt you. Today we know that Jews in WW2 were sacrificed by their own. There a lot of great humans amongst them who, unfortunately and unjustly are getting judged by the actions of the powerful, centuries old, very clever and very evil clique. It's been a pleasure meeting you Anri, I hope there are many more aware young people like yourself, I wish you a great life Marta
Thank you so much Anri, some of it was new to me! Frankly, I find it difficult to believe that the created of the Rothchilds money dynasty
(clever as he was in that field) was hung-up on the past glory of the clan.
It was all about money and power IMO. With all their shenanigans over the centuries it wasn't until he, his sons and future generations were able to accumulate those powers and then co-operate with the other powerful people. And now they want to play absolute rulers of the whole human race. Pretty ironic because it looks like in the process they lost a huge part of their own humanity (that is, if if consider they had any to start with). Thank you for taking the time to reply Anri, best.
Given the situation you describe, how can one explain the destruction of Nordstream and so much other animosity going on. Is Medvedev just joking with his nuclear threats? Why do Merkel and other leaders gloat about having lied to Putin about the Minsk Agreements?
You are promoting a view that answers some questions but creates more contradictions. Why would Putin want to be subject to the dictates of the WHO? And indeed, Medvedev called the Brits the eternal enemy of Russia.
Seems the picture must be far more complex than you describe.
Thanks for your answer, Anri. I quite well know the perspective that you are coming from, but point out that it is a monolithic slab, a little like the monoliths in the movie 2001, A Space Odyssey. You, and others pushing this view hold the controllers in an almost mystical light, pulling the levers seamlessly from their all-knowing and all-controlling invisible hideout, where they enjoy a unity that not even holy men can aspire to.
Without knowing all the answers, but having been around some of the controllers in person (before fully understanding what they were up to), I can tell you that there is more granularity to this than you admit to. I suggest that all the events are not fully scripted (although the controllers would like them to be) and likely, it will be the cracks in your monolith that will end up being more important than your religious awe of those behind the scenes and their perfect unity.
But keep up your studies - life is a bit like sand paper: it will smooth and shape you well if you place truth before all else.
Good start. I will leave you with one old saying to help motivate your deeper dive:
"There is no honor among thieves."
They work well together when planning the heist, but as the treasure comes within reach, greed reigns. Which powerful figure will submit to another? How do they decide who calls the shots? Are they better able to work out their differences than the rest of humanity?
If an all-powerful Antichrist figure has already taken control, a monolithic perspective could be justified. I suspect we are not at that point, and so expect a breakdown in unity of purpose that we are perhaps already seeing.
If their initial unity holds, the march towards world totalitarianism will continue unless humanity stands up in a way seldom seen before. However, I think the unity is cracking and that is the explanation for some world events we are seeing. It is no longer a monolith, and the disagreements will likely drive the most important world events.
My reason for pushing you is that you are obviously smart and a good researcher. We (humanity) have to dig deeper to get through this. Naming the bad guys is not enough.
Great post, Anri. I agree with most of what you said, and hate the evil going on more than I can put in words.
Most people have heard of Christian martyrs, but only in a vague way. What they don't usually know is that we have the detailed accounts of hundreds of these events, where with unbelievable bravery and self-sacrifice, these individuals refused to obey the evil of the state. They are still going on today, though little reported. These martyrs exemplified the best of what you are advocating. So many of the recent ones are from eastern Europe and Russia, but they are truly around the world.
My wife and I are full time trying to help people free themselves from the tyranny, and especially tried to break the hypnotic spell when they were scared into the suicide shots. We have been at it for years. Although I blogged in the past, I currently am using other avenues that seem to be more effective, especially since there are so many good blogs around like this one. But we are also hands-on with the old, widows, families with children, etc, trying to help where we can.
I am happy to see your strength at your age, and am fairly sure we will all need great strength in the coming months and years. Best wishes to you.
Oh, Anri I'm not Jewish, I mean not of Jewish blood whatsoever. I know how you came to think that but Auschwitz wasn't exclusively "Jewish death camp". I'm Polish. Thank you for your very thoughtful reply, I appreciate that. You are very wise person, especially given your age.
I agree with you. Jewish "issue" has been quite a challenge for me personally, since, for some unknown to me reason, for many years I had held huge sympathetic sentiment towards "anything Jewish". And then I learnt, have learnt so much (all that you said here and more) And I agree with the way you see it. It is basically the same as with any other nationality: there are good and bad people, there are so many examples of it, just because you're sharing a creed and ethnicity does guarantee that "your people"
won't wish you ill and won't hurt you. Today we know that Jews in WW2 were sacrificed by their own. There a lot of great humans amongst them who, unfortunately and unjustly are getting judged by the actions of the powerful, centuries old, very clever and very evil clique. It's been a pleasure meeting you Anri, I hope there are many more aware young people like yourself, I wish you a great life Marta
Thank you so much Anri, some of it was new to me! Frankly, I find it difficult to believe that the created of the Rothchilds money dynasty
(clever as he was in that field) was hung-up on the past glory of the clan.
It was all about money and power IMO. With all their shenanigans over the centuries it wasn't until he, his sons and future generations were able to accumulate those powers and then co-operate with the other powerful people. And now they want to play absolute rulers of the whole human race. Pretty ironic because it looks like in the process they lost a huge part of their own humanity (that is, if if consider they had any to start with). Thank you for taking the time to reply Anri, best.
If you are still reading this thread, Anri....
Given the situation you describe, how can one explain the destruction of Nordstream and so much other animosity going on. Is Medvedev just joking with his nuclear threats? Why do Merkel and other leaders gloat about having lied to Putin about the Minsk Agreements?
You are promoting a view that answers some questions but creates more contradictions. Why would Putin want to be subject to the dictates of the WHO? And indeed, Medvedev called the Brits the eternal enemy of Russia.
Seems the picture must be far more complex than you describe.
Thanks for your answer, Anri. I quite well know the perspective that you are coming from, but point out that it is a monolithic slab, a little like the monoliths in the movie 2001, A Space Odyssey. You, and others pushing this view hold the controllers in an almost mystical light, pulling the levers seamlessly from their all-knowing and all-controlling invisible hideout, where they enjoy a unity that not even holy men can aspire to.
Without knowing all the answers, but having been around some of the controllers in person (before fully understanding what they were up to), I can tell you that there is more granularity to this than you admit to. I suggest that all the events are not fully scripted (although the controllers would like them to be) and likely, it will be the cracks in your monolith that will end up being more important than your religious awe of those behind the scenes and their perfect unity.
But keep up your studies - life is a bit like sand paper: it will smooth and shape you well if you place truth before all else.
Good start. I will leave you with one old saying to help motivate your deeper dive:
"There is no honor among thieves."
They work well together when planning the heist, but as the treasure comes within reach, greed reigns. Which powerful figure will submit to another? How do they decide who calls the shots? Are they better able to work out their differences than the rest of humanity?
If an all-powerful Antichrist figure has already taken control, a monolithic perspective could be justified. I suspect we are not at that point, and so expect a breakdown in unity of purpose that we are perhaps already seeing.
If their initial unity holds, the march towards world totalitarianism will continue unless humanity stands up in a way seldom seen before. However, I think the unity is cracking and that is the explanation for some world events we are seeing. It is no longer a monolith, and the disagreements will likely drive the most important world events.
My reason for pushing you is that you are obviously smart and a good researcher. We (humanity) have to dig deeper to get through this. Naming the bad guys is not enough.
Great post, Anri. I agree with most of what you said, and hate the evil going on more than I can put in words.
Most people have heard of Christian martyrs, but only in a vague way. What they don't usually know is that we have the detailed accounts of hundreds of these events, where with unbelievable bravery and self-sacrifice, these individuals refused to obey the evil of the state. They are still going on today, though little reported. These martyrs exemplified the best of what you are advocating. So many of the recent ones are from eastern Europe and Russia, but they are truly around the world.
My wife and I are full time trying to help people free themselves from the tyranny, and especially tried to break the hypnotic spell when they were scared into the suicide shots. We have been at it for years. Although I blogged in the past, I currently am using other avenues that seem to be more effective, especially since there are so many good blogs around like this one. But we are also hands-on with the old, widows, families with children, etc, trying to help where we can.
I am happy to see your strength at your age, and am fairly sure we will all need great strength in the coming months and years. Best wishes to you.