You made a good point about how going way off the beaten path into remote locations does not necessarily equal a fulfilling existence (even if one is capable of providing for themselves in such a place, which most are not). Many chase the dream of an off grid homestead but do not consider the human connection aspect. The word "self-sufficiency" often leads people on pathways that neglect the importance of cultivating symbiotic connections in communities of humans. There are very few that can truly be "self sufficient" (as in being able to grow or forage enough for all their nutritional needs, build shelter, heat it, maintain it etc) and fewer still would be content even if they could achieve that feat. We came here to Earth to connect with other beings, one can still do so without connection with other humans, but there is a certain depth of beauty and fulfillment that cannot be experienced without the latter (and no amount of meditation, wildlife nor any amount of visual beauty that one's remote off grid homestead may have can replace it). Thus, I agree that cultivating community and nurturing connections with like minded and kindred spirited people is imperative if we wish to weather the storm ahead and be able to plant the seeds for something worth gifting to future generations.

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You who's really "self-sufficient", "off-the-grid"? Those people who signed up to fly to Mars.

And suppose that actually happens, how long will it take before they go crazy there, should we count in days or hours?

So, we should accept that nobody can live alone, but instead we might want fo identify those who are trying to take over our grid for bad and call them out instead of trying to go "off-grid".

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Another thing worth considering when we are deciding whether or not we want to depend on centralized electrical and utilities infrastructures (and other centralized systems/high tech machines) to provide our basic survival needs is that these "grids" are actually quite flimsy and vulnerable to being crippled by one of several methods/events. Humans could cripple large portions of "the grid" via coordinated physical attacks (either as part of some kind of new false flag operation or just because they are crazies with the know how to get it done) or humans could detonate EMP devices which would fry not only "the grid" but many smaller electrical devices as well. Last but not least, there are natural events that will inevitably cripple our current "grid" rendering it unusable for quite some time that have to do with the natural cycles of the sun. I covered the potential impacts of that inevitability in a blog post which you can find here: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/preparing-for-the-100-year-storms

So while I do agree that looking to live alone, as a hermit, going all hard core survival mode is not necessarily healthy nor beneficial to our human family as a whole, I also feel that depending on centralized "grids" is a risky proposition and it would be wise to take steps to decentralize our energy production, water purification and food production capabilities on the scale of both households and communities.

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Very few are "self-sufficient" (as in they are hermits living in remote locations that do not depend on any input from any other humans to survive) but I have known a few that lived in that way for several years at a time before resurfacing into interacting with larger communities of humans. Quite a few people more are "off the grid" (not tied into any centralized electrical or utility infrastructure) but most of the ones I know are most certainly not 100% "self-sufficient" (though most of them do strive to grow as much of their own food as possible) some are even living in areas of with relatively high population density.

People like Elon Musk that spend billions creating big messy controlled explosions to get rich people into orbit or supposedly to one day colonize mars are delusional and their entire mentality is toxic and degenerative. We are talking about dilapidated rocket tech is basically a smoothed out version of 100 year old technology (that was invented by Wernher von Braun). If these people are so smart and they really want to go into space or to other planets, why are using that type of archaic tech when military contractors and active covert military operations have been using electrogravitic propulsion systems for decades now?

Also, to me it is important to ask the question: Even if he was utilizing more efficient leading edge propulsion tech for his space tourism/colonizing endeavors, is that really what our human family needs most right now? (space ships for rich people to go on joy rides in and/or running away from the problems we created to mess up another planet rather than cleaning up our own mess first)?

At their root, those types of ambitions are rooted in fear and an attitude that avoids stillness.. instead glorifying always looking out at distant horizons, always seeking to imperialistically dominate and coveting high tech quick fix solutions (rather than appreciating the blessings we already have, regenerating, nurturing and coming to understand them fully).

In my opinion, the idea of attempting to spread human civilization to another sphere in the cosmos when we are still what physicist Michio Kaku describes as "a level zero civilization" is ludicrous. In my opinion it is arrogant, it is misguided, and a symptom of the same mentality that lead the Europeans to violently conquest/assimilation of North America (bringing their broken, corrupt, greedy, ego-centric, ecologically apathetic and morally depraved ways with them.)

While I do tend to agree with you that no-one can (or rather now one should strive to) live alone, I also think it is important to keep in mind that living "off grid" (without depending on a centralized electrical or utilities infrastructure) was how most humans lived on Earth (up until the last few centuries) and is how some indigenous people's still live today (and they do just fine). I also feel it is worth pointing out that this "grid" was never our grid, if it was, we would not be paying obscene amounts of money each month to use it like serfs paying tribute to their kings. The "grid" has always been under the control of oligarchs since it's inception (and continues to be) it allows them to parasitically feed on the global population in a big way (see the interactions between Nikola Tesla and JP Morgan for some historical relevance). So they did not "take over our grid", they really just never relinquished control of their own grid, and we have been living in it, and dependent upon it, for a very long time.

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I love your short, sweet, filled with sarcastic humor articles. And you sound like you're a really cool, kind dude, too! So much appreciate your initiative of becoming the first English language internet guy to bring the Russian affairs to light. I was really duped by the "indy" media for a year and a half :) :p (blush)

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Wonderful insights.

As someone grown in the West I just slowly understood that everything here is divided into two. Good vs bad, right vs wrong and so one. No one asks questions like: follow the money.

It wasn't so extreme in the 80ies nonetheless the same pattern was widely propagated. I'm thinking Rambo right now.

Only decades later I began to understand the divide & conquer pattern behind it. It would be interesting to have some statistics about how much money is spend to uphold this thinking, training us plebs 24/7 in it.

After Germany was united I moved to the east and after some time I understood East Germans weren't thinking that way. But it needed 10 more years to sink in and to change my world view. This is how strongly we are manipulated by the elites (IMO).

Ordinary people not making this voyage will never get it and will repeat the elite's lies until they die. Probably this game is as old as mankind, but with monopolized media these days it's more powerful than ever.

EDIT: I think it's our tribal nature. The other tribe against my tribe. The elite tribe perfectly uses that against us ;-).

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Only the gentleman on the left and possibly the fellow in the centre are truly Slav. As for the character on the right ... well! Heels to the sky, Western spy! ;)

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Thank you so much for your answer, Riley :) You're a pleasure to listen to and an epitome of what it means to stay human in this crazy world.

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Thanks for your thoughtful responses. Take care of yourself and rest when you need to :)

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Speaking of chess, there is a cheating controversy going on Magnus Carlsen vs Hans Niemann(cheater???)



This could be used as a perspicacity test.

There is no doubt in my mind Carlsen is right. I like Stokfish, just updated to v15

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the Niemann scandal is really wild. I have been following it. What do you think? He's admitted to cheating online but I still don't understand how he could have done it over the board. But I'm sure there are ways...

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In my opinion, Magnus is right and the PROBLEM is that the clear proof is NOT there. HOWEVER there is proof of something being NOT right.

1> Magnus hasn't lost with white in 2 years in any chess tournament playing people much higher rated than Hans. Just 1 year ago there would be a 400 point difference in their abilities.

2> Hans wasn't even a Grand Master until 2021 and from there, Hans beats the best player in the world just 12 months later without any hesitation using black (2nd move disadvantage) and playing an engine-perfect game.

3> For Hans to have beaten Magnus he would have to play at the 99th percentile of a 2600 curve.

4> Hans Niemann, the American, admitted to cheating at age 16 . Hans is ONLY 19 now and beats the best chess player in the world? Really???

5> Hans is injected with a MRNA injection. The MRNA injection toolbox (depending on the batch) can cause injury, death, and enable self-assembling circuity for messages.

Hence, at some point, I have to question this. The question is NOT if Hans cheated. The real question is HOW Hans cheated. I suspect 6G technology was involved because 6 G frequencies are known to be able to send subliminal messages to the brain. If the 6G messages are in direct coordination with Artificial Intelligence and with MORE ADVANCED messages than subliminal, than Human 1.0 will face a direct challenge.

Another question> What is the BEST way to test the 6G to AI connection??? Answer > A game of chess against the best chess player in the world!

This is my opinion from my logical thinking and I HOPE I get CREDIT for bringing this 6G to AI theory to everyone's attention!

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I follow a PhD neuroscientist, Kevin McCairn re things Covid. He is respected in his field of research.

He says the synthetic telepathy, nanobot stuff is woo.

I agree with him.

The cheat method will be uncovered in time I imagine.

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With all due respect, I follow many alternative platforms and Kevin McCarin is NOT respected and is labeled "controlled opposition". At least in my circle of friends who support Russia's special military operation" on alternative media platforms, we have an explanation on how Niemann cheated. Elite chess tournaments check ALL chess players for electronic aids, use metal detectors and overall have very tight security.

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Ok, so what is your source for your statement?

because 6 G frequencies are known to be able to send subliminal messages to the brain

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Me > that is why I above posted "I HOPE I get CREDIT for bringing this 6G to AI theory to everyone's attention!" I pieced together this puzzle via my own college education in Radio Engineering Technology, my research, David Icke, and many other's research to numerous to mention and solved how Niemann cheated. Most likely, DARPA contacted a known chess cheater and made an offer to Niemann. In my opinion, ONLY Artificial Intelligence playing black (2nd move disadvantage) could win against Magnus. I really do NOT care if no one on this posting board believes me.

Humans are receivers/transmitters of information. As early the 1960s, visual subliminal messages were embedded in the USA national anthem when TV networks ended their broadcasting after midnight and in USA commercials.

Now, 6G frequencies are able to influence the brain depending on their purpose. 6G can be used to harm or help. Harm meaning headaches to severe pain to the brain and of course brainwashing subliminal simple messages. Help meaning subliminal messages to the brain with a connection with Artificial Intelligence to increase knowledge. Very easy to transmit a specifically tuned 6G frequency via a directional antenna where Niemann was playing chess. Niemann is MRNA injected and his graphene hydroxide laced brain allowed the Artificial Intelligence message to be received.

For me this is a very disturbing development because of the 6G/AI/MRNA injection connection for the purpose of mind control of humans. I could care less if Magnus lost. I always root for Russian chess players. Russian chess Grand Master Sergey Karjakin is suspended from international chess tournaments just for having an opinion. Like Riley said, this 'petty' discrimination against Russians.

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The most incriminating evidence against Hans Niemann

And still the wannabes argue against it.

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Elon Musk has an interesting theory :-)

Carlsen is no fool and very experienced. I don't buy the "his ego couldn't handle it" stuff for an instant.

There are always many wannabes (including officials) who delight in seeing the great brought down. I've seen it before.

An IM official saying Carlsen has no grounds. What a clown.

He cheated for sure, but how? Clearly the moves had to be observed and punched into a computer and the output relayed back to Niemann. A radio or microwave signal to a receiver seems likely. Niemann's hair is long enough to conceal one. A vibratory code? Easy to decipher for a GM. Then there is Elon's theory.

When the method is eliminated, as it will be, the rematch will be entertaining!

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My first dip into Edward multimedia – finally hearing the voice behind the awesome tracksuit.

It was time well spent. Thanks very much

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'finally hearing the voice behind the awesome tracksuit'


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https://geopoliticsandempire.com/author/nikolamikovic/- please think about inviting this independent journalist to one of you podcasts with Rolo.

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Do you think if Putin is no longer, Russia will become more like The West?

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good question. What will post-Putin Russia look like? Honestly dunno.

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I recommend you read the posts and comments here. It explains the bizarre turnarounds in Ukraine perfectly: https://putnik-76.livejournal.com/

The good news is there will be no nuclear armageddon. The bad news is Russia will be subjugated after many troops are ground and The Great Reset will progress after we have all been saved from the horrid Rooskies.

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Thank you for the interesting blog.

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Russia and China are designed to rule the nest New World Order. Multipolarity is an absurd concept, given Russian policy in Europe for years, in Africa, in Latin America. There is no multipolarity in the Kremlin's plans, war in Ukraine is just a way to get to a bi- and then unipolar world.

We knew about the links between Putin and the Rothschild family. We knew the links between Communism and the Rothschild family. In the following thesis are exposed the various shapes and forms of the relationship between members of the Rothschild dynasty and the People's Republic of China. This relationship, which has begun almost two centuries ago and since then covered a wide range of activities:


"Conspiracy theories" in China rely on facts and on a book "Currency wars", by Song Hongbing.

Extracts of the thesis: "Therefore, the research has shown that conspiracy theories about the Rothschilds, in general, are not just a marginal matter in China, but the information so labelled in the West play a crucial influence in shaping the image of this family in the eyes of Chinese people. In addition, a plethora of publicly available materials of this kind focuses specifically on the activities of the Rothschilds in China and the PRC. Scope of these conspiracy theories ranges from the Rothschilds’ historical involvement in the international communist movement and assistance in establishing the PRC, their hidden relations with particular politicians of high ranks, to the overarching plan to make communist China the leading superpower within the so-called New World Order."

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the NEXT (not the nest¨) world order..

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Oct 3, 2022
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Oooooh yes! :-) For sure it's not Goyim World Order!

Multipolarity, my foot!

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Here's a bit about "sovereignty" from the likes of Russia and China, straight from the mouth of the beast:


"New" world order is not new at all, EUkraine is just a hostile acquisition of the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate at the expense of the Russian taxcattle.


"September 25, 2022

Gazprom supplies gas for Europe through Ukraine in the volume of 42.4 mln cubic meters per day via the Sudzha gas pumping station, a Gazprom representative told reporters, adding that the request for pumping through Sokhranovka had been rejected by the Ukrainian side."

The CIA stronghold of Kiev is doing great playing its part in deepening the "energy crisis" while, getting those transit dollars from the Kremlin. EUrocrats will shortly issue another few billion$ of "aid" for Zelensky and Co. to embezzle and EUkrainian taxcattle to be burdened with.

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Maybe some of the readers will be interested in reading the above information about the Malian-Franco-Russian crisis which is deepening.

Let's start by a short introduction.

It is no secret that Colonel Assima Goita, the President by interim of Mali, is influenced by the highly regreted and praised (notwithstanding some mistakes)Thomas Sankara. At this point in time, the soldiers who have taken responsability of Mali with courage, are backed by a majority of the population and populations in nearby countries.

War started in Mali 9 years ago as some Touaregh separatists MNLA (Azawad National Liberation Movement mainly), joined by heavily armed members of the Lybian legion "en déroute" and different Salafist/Wahhabite groups and foreign mercenaries (plus Touaregh Islamists groups, mainly from other tribes and fractions than MNLA) took control over half of the HUGE Malian territory.

After a brief cohabitation of this coalition, the MNLA's dream of building a new country (with the backing of France and EU) was crushed by the Islamists who killed them and chased the remnants out of their capital, Gao.

Meanwhile, in Bamako, the country's capital (1200km from Gao/ 1700 km from Touaregh capital Kidal), a coup d'état took place in 2012 with Capitaine Sanogo at the head of the interim government, the CNRDRE (imaging how difficult it has been to learn that acronym, Lol). At that point the international community ordered a total embargo on the already bleeding country...

The CNRDRE (still backed by the majority of the population) was forced into surrender and a Western puppet was put in place. An violent in Sévaré where the French military had been stationed and training for more than a year before, was used as a pretext to justified the French intervention.

The interim president Dionkouda Traoré requested the official help from France and it's allies and MINUSMA, an Africa UN coalition.

The Wahhabite mercenaryies, financed by Qatar, were 'allowed' to flee to Kidal where they were sent to Syria.

9 years later, the conflict has spread in the entirerity of Malian territory and in neighboring countries such as Burkina-Faso, Niger and even Ivory Coast and Benin. It has morphed into a kind of civil war and worst, a ethnic conflict opposing mainly Dogons and Fulanis/Peulh...

Recently, the Malian Government requested the help of the Federation of Russia which sold helicopters and sent Wagner like private soldiers... since the international trend is in private armies.

Source: https://lemediaen442.fr/onu-le-mali-a-les-preuves-que-la-france-fournit-des-armes-a-des-groupes-terroristes/

Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga, Mali's interim Prime Minister, delivers a speech during the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The Prime Minister Mali, at the UN General Assembly, accused France of extremely serious acts. He said that Mali had been "stabbed in the back by the French authorities. Here is a transcript. You can watch the entire video below.

"The world will remember that after being abandoned in mid-air on June 10, 2021 by France, which unilaterally decided to withdraw the Barkhane force from Mali, my country was then stabbed in the back by the French authorities. The precision is all the more useful as we refuse any amalgam with the French people whom we respect. The French authorities, deeply anti-French for having denied the universal moral values and betrayed the heavy humanist heritage of the philosophers of the Enlightenment, have turned into a junta in the service of obscurantism.

I repeat: the French authorities, deeply anti-French for having denied universal moral values and betrayed the heavy humanist heritage of the philosophers of the Enlightenment, have turned into a junta in the service of obscurantism...

Mr. President, in view of the seriousness of the acts committed by the French junta, Mali, in its letter dated August 15, 2022, requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council. The purpose of this meeting is to allow Mali to present the evidence in its possession demonstrating that the French army has repeatedly attacked my country by repeatedly and frequently violating Malian airspace without authorization from the Malian authorities and sometimes by falsifying flight documents.

Mr. President, Mali will be able to prove that the French junta has provided intelligence and weapons to terrorist groups.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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When asked to do so, I had asked a silly little innocent question. What about UFO's or whatever you call this phenomenon in Russia and Russian media?

Reading the excellent Covid and Coffee, I found this : https://www.airdomainintelligence.mil/

There is a "flying saucer" on the official logo, on the left.

During the last 5 years, one has witnessed that the US authorities and the corporate MSM were aknowledging the of the phenomenon. French military did it on France Inter with army minister saying that there was indeed a strange phenomenon on the French sky by the way.

The 'Master' James Corbett mentioned the "Blue Beam project" psy-op...

I am wondering how it is in Russia, if the population could have somehow been more or less inconsciously prepared for such an operation or another using fear of an ET invasion (oups sorry, Special Cosmic Military Intervention) ...

Wishing you can fly back to Russia as soon as possible.

And maybe in Georgia (laughs)and maybe the ET in chief entered the president's office saying with a robotic metalic voice something like Gamarjoba!

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Links to additional intelligence, information and indications that they are likely planning on moving forward with this next ("cosmic") False Flag op:

1. They are setting the stage to idolize people fighting 'bad guys' in space: https://www.dezeen.com/2020/07/23/us-space-force-unveils-logo/?fbclid=IwAR3SzJ4DE-Ah7YH2zHOU9saqrF073s1oWaqpOOdqZKVD-orzHFcHy4APEBs

2. NATO military facility created for the purpose of doing reconnaissance to identify extraterrestrial "threats": https://www.euractiv.com/section/defence-and-security/news/eyeing-extraterrestrial-threats-nato-to-set-up-new-space-centre-in-germany/?fbclid=IwAR3HVSA-wsKktIa_CHDHZBqIa7p4D7gV8yl6Djlke9CaYi7620z_e_qrCj0

3. Pentagon Admits Testing Wreckage From UFOs: https://www.newsmax.com/us/pentagon-ufos-roswell-space/2021/02/13/id/1009928/?fbclid=IwAR0FCAThzF9ZTkYjSF_Qi5y4XbirQ8r-U_4zKVWvxZQwBIIovODCvGw8aa0

4. CIA trickle releases "UFO" (aka "UAP") files in an attempt to set up the pretense of a possible "ET threat". This is a continuation of the slow but steady narrative that UFOs and ETI are real but that they are a threat: https://nypost.com/2021/01/12/cia-releases-ufo-black-vault-documents-see-them-online/?fbclid=IwAR1AYsEuxnaMm98wDYremMw3yv1WpauvOIPV02HN2G3wgifNoRvdwfmyehw

5. US military UFO report 'does not confirm or rule out alien activity': https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57355192?fbclid=IwAR0tvpH9W__2oUN03gam_yqD9IG2BhlBqg5jjVyYC-Nkz34TkBxazJK0zP4

6. Retired Navy Chief: Have Seen UFOs with Technology 100 to 1,000 Years Into the Future (the "distorted fear based et disclosure" moves forward full speed ahead: https://rumble.com/vh8lgd-retired-navy-chief-have-seen-ufos-with-technology-100-to-1000-years-into-th.html?mref=23gga&mc=8uxj1&fbclid=IwAR31iWvQAF7S2RMlfkARULO-ADZ7xJwg_32rx31lr8dolgCrVAueD0ptMnU

7. In his book, "Forbidden Science 4," Dr. Jacques Valle explains how he came in possession documents showing that forced "UFO abductions" were conducted by the CIA as psychological warfare experiments: https://exonews.org/forced-faked-alien-abductions-were-conducted-by-the-cia-says-renowned-researcher/?fbclid=IwAR3FBJenDvAh_M2ploqpRt7QDiA19hqAeTjWADs50ODxy6vE0K8xTckRvck

8. Update on false disclosure by Dr.Steven Greer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en0GsxgwMmA

9. US Military brags about tech is has capable of fighting in a futuristic war: https://www.vice.com/en/article/4adpv9/us-navy-has-patents-on-tech-it-says-will-engineer-the-fabric-of-reality?utm_content=1612393219&utm_medium=social&utm_source=VICE_facebook&fbclid=IwAR3HVSA-wsKktIa_CHDHZBqIa7p4D7gV8yl6Djlke9CaYi7620z_e_qrCj0

10. Space Guard 'Among My Most Pressing Concerns,' National Guard Chief Tells Congress: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/05/04/national-guard-chief-highlight-guards-space-mission-congress.html?fbclid=IwAR3H502_agqNKvTuwe85sjUAlgfyPyWMTAt_XXsxHRE7DLxgpBqwssNjv5k

11. Creepy US Military Ceremony from last year where air force personnel are being transferred over to the "Space Force". https://rumble.com/vdqvx5-smc-airmen-turned-guardians-in-afternoon-transfer-ceremony.html?fbclid=IwAR16pK8nUj_lwoNZJe4fVXbymmA7zgUo7khTL_oWQUP3QX-E_Hkn2ZiM03E

12. Who Benefits From US Government Claims That The UFO Threat Is Increasing 'Exponentially'? https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/who-benefits-from-us-government-claims

13. (For more information on the "Cosmic False Flag" op they are planning, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VL0Rpy0Dhhs) and a newly released film called "The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé - by Dr. Steven Greer" which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WDLontN1Z0

Given the extremely advanced technology at the disposal of organizations like the DOD, NSA, CIA (and various U.S.A.P.-s operating under the umbrella of the US Airforce) I would say that the capability does exist to orchestrate the manufacturing of a perceived threat that would be made to appear ET in nature. For people who want to perpetuate military spending and further consolidate power in the hands of the few on Earth, such a thing may be their end game. And I do not mean holograms, I mean physical military craft which (to the untrained eye) would seem "extraterrestrial" that have deadly weapons capabilities. Only time will tell. One thing is for sure.. If I see images of "ufos" blowing stuff up on the news, I will be asking hard questions, applying intuition, common sense and triple verifying with on the ground sources before I believe what any paid actors (aka 'news reporters') are saying about it.

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Very interesting comment and links, thank you Man.

Catherin Austin Fitt also mentioned that the HUUUGGGE sums stolen from the US Ministry of Defense could have been used for creating "amazing" (to us who are not in the ultimate pathocratic circle) technology that could mesmerize populations.

You wrote: " One thing is for sure.. If I see images of "ufos" blowing stuff up on the news, I will be asking hard questions, applying intuition, common sense and triple verifying with on the ground sources before I believe what any paid actors (aka 'news reporters') are saying about it."

We are already "presented with a lot of known bullshits that defies so much our common sense That the precious rule you describe should be used every second of our present time.

Thank you

Take good care of you Gavin Mounsey

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I am glad you appreciated the links, I have a great many more on that subject but did not want to overwhelm. I feel this is an extremely important topic which will have implications that will shape the future of our family of Humanity.

I was a Solari subscriber for a while (until I could not afford to continue subscribing anymore as I needed to focus all resources on self-publishing my gardening book). On a few occasions, several Solari members (and Catherine) discussed the implications (and motivations) of our cosmic neighbors visiting Earth as well as "Mr. Global's" (Catherine's term for those at the top of the transnational plutocracy) advanced propulsion, weapons and energy generation tech with her (as it pertains to the extraterrestrial presence) in the forums there. I find that I agree with about 95% of the analysis (and suggested solutions) that Catherine and her team present. Two points that my experience, research and intuition has led me to have a different perspective on then her and her team are the nature of the ET presence (as in the nature of the advanced interstellar cultures that have been and are visiting the Earth) and the driving force and motivation behind the actions/modus operandi of what she calls "Mr. Global" (I call them "The Cabal" but we are talking about the same thing -- a transnational corporate/central banking/big pharma/big tech/ military industrial complex racketeering operation). Having discussed these topics with Catherine on several occasions (and even seemingly gotten her to look into and be open to some possibilities she had not previously considered with regards to our cosmic neighbors) she still tends to look to Richard Dolan (her personal friend, that is a national security state historian and "UFO expert" with a somewhat pessimistic and fearful outlook) for what she accepts as true on that matter. I still do highly suggest her material in general (minus the material she puts outs on that one topic).

Also, I think it is worth noting that (in a similar way to the discussions I often observe here and on the Corbett Report website) I found the Solari subscriber community to be full of extremely intelligent and creative people worth connecting with. It is expensive for a membership but the discussions I had in their public forum were of a different quality and caliber than the type of discussions that typically take place in public online forums. Also I don't want to give you the impression that I have no respect for Richard Dolan's work on exposing the history of various military and intelligence agencies involvement in studying and engaging with the ET presence/technology it is just I feel that he has allowed himself to fall prey to targeted psyops on a few key issues (due to advanced ops such as "MILABs") which has resulted in him having a very anthropomorphic/humanocentric mentality colored by irrational fears regarding our cosmic neighbors. I do feel that Richard is an intelligent man and much of his research is unparalleled in its quality and accuracy (such as his work on D.U.M.B.-s) I just do not share his views on a few things. This by extension extends to Catherine Austin Fitts as well because Richard is her go to expert source for intel on the ET presence and its implications. But, who knows, perhaps Catherine's perspective on this topic has changed since I had those exchanges with her on the Solari network over a year ago?

I am not sure exactly where James Corbett sits on this topic, though I did enjoy his piece on "How To Fake An Alien Invasion" https://www.corbettreport.com/how-to-fake-an-alien-invasion-transcript/ I think I will write him and see if I can get him to elaborate on his perspective on the ET presence in a future "Questions For Corbett" episode.

What are your thoughts on our cosmic neighbors? As in, what do you perceive as their motivations for visiting Earth? Also, how do you think their presence will influence the future of our family of Humanity?

No, thank you (for engaging in discussing a topic I rarely get to talk about but is something I am very interested in learning more about). I appreciate your posting the comment to spark this discussion.

You too my friend.

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I appreciate the fact that you want to share about that disturbing subject and I accept your invitation do to so.

I think that we should do it on your own substack, on the comment section of your latest article since Riley's is dedicated to 'some Russian things' and as long as we don't have Russian data we should not take space on that comment section. Those who find this subject interesting will join us.

STILL IT WOULD BE very INTERESTING TO HAVE DATA about this very subject and Russia (Perception Deception (hello, get out of that body...)

I don't have the time right now to write but as soon as I can I will take time, with pleasure to do so. Meanwhile take care, be happy, sing a tune, read a good book, meditate, work, danse...



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Hey Lionel, I hope you are well. I created a post on my substack page that addresses the subject matter we were commenting about here. If you would like to discuss this further we can do so here https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/childhoods-end

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Salut Gavin,

As soon as I have time, I will start this conversation with you, but for now I must go to work.... Good to know you opened that can of worm.

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Sure man, we can chat about it on my post about Autumn if you want, though perhaps I should create post that addresses this subject matter directly so we can invite others to join in the conversation?

My schedule is pretty intense this time of year as I work 7 days a week doing landscape design and installation but I will throw together a post related to the topic of the ET presence (and the potential false flag operation that humans may initiate with the intent of propagating a conflict with our cosmic neighbors) asap and let you know when I do.

Thanks brother, I will :) you too

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I would also appreciate hearing Riley's thoughts on this topic.

I remember reading about reports that were coming from Russian Military officers regarding how they were tracking anomalous metallic craft moving at incredible speeds underwater in Lake Baikal many years ago.

I feel like there will likely be a large scale (overt) psyop launched in relation to this phenomenon within a few years. I will post several links to indications why I think this is the case in another comment below.

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You wrote: " would also appreciate hearing Riley's thoughts on this topic. "

I would appreciate Riley's research on that topic, his thoughts are secondary....

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I personally would value both equally as I find that not only is Riley's research comprehensive and well rounded but his deductive reasoning and off the cuff speculations/comments are insightful (and sometimes very amusing when he does sarcastic remarks). :)

Here is something Russia related that has to do with this https://www.wired.com/2009/07/russian-navy-declassifies-cold-war-close-encounters/

"The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Press news website. The records dating back to Soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says. Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.

“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said. On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away. Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference and numerous planes have been lost. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.

“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed. Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, or 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,” Beketov said.

Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments: “Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate such as near the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”

Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water. In one case in 1982, a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured. “I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be discarded,” says Vladimir Azhazha. “Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.” " the text above is an excerpt from https://nationalufocenter.com/blog/2018/10/08/filers-files-40-2018-general-twining-ufos-are-real/ (I cannot speak to the quality of the website or the validity of it's material as I found this after a brief search for what I had read about with regard to underwater "UFOs" in Russia years ago)

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Correction "During the last 5 years, one has witnessed that the US authorities and the corporate MSM were aknowledging the 'reality 'of the phenomenon. French military did it on France Inter with then army minister Robert Galley saying that there was indeed a strange phenomenon on the French sky by the way."

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Audio of the French Minister of the Army on France Inter in 1974. The intellectual level of the guy is strikingly much higher than the actual sinister clowns...


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If Riley ever wants to DISCUSS these topics with me in a "thoughtful, intelligent, objective, reality-based, new way", then I will discuss any topic with Riley.

Alternative media Oliver Stone (famous American movie producer) produced the the documentary "Ukraine on Fire" and substantiated the snipers on roofs in Kiev to overthrow the elected government in a color revolution in Feb 2014 that started this whole mess. Yet, many people forget that.

Instead of researching the root CAUSE, people just BLINDLY look at EFFECT. "Russia attacked/invaded it's neighbor and seized territory." Really??? That simple-Really??? Most Russian liberals think that way and if these Russian liberals had their way, these same Russian liberals would turn Russia into a giant Saint Petersburg who crave dependence for a western unipolar world with annual gay pride parades just like the one held in Belgrade, Serbia endorsed by the VERY LIBERAL Serbian prime minister.

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This is what they want in Iran... Why? Iran is joining Russian alliances and they don't like that. Regime change everywhere is what the US does. The think-tanks working with the US government especialty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKsTg9C9c-o Brian Berlectic is spot on as an expert on how the US truly operates. This is happening also in Georgia and Armenia.

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Vivian> Greetings with my best regards to you. Yes, I agree with you. This is also happening in Belarus where I live. The underground opposition is very active in Belarus. In my spare time, I try to wake up college students here in Minsk and inform them of the danger of a unipolar world and a color regime change.

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