Good for the Russian people! Sadly, I expect that in the soft, corrupted western countries like Canada, the emasculated population won’t readily give up their selfish pleasures.

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This is the Ghandi solution. The system only works - if we comply.

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I can make a prediction, here in the US, the sports fans will go along, they are crazed fans of sports, especially football. So yes, a salute to the Russian people.

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In Croatia we learned that fan associations are run by apartchiks. Pretty much all hard core football fans got vaccinated. Which was a surprise to anyone with a working brain. One would think they would be on the frontlines against the plandemic. But no. Hard core idiots rather.

Its no wonder tho, when one knows how fan associations in Croatia are all riddled with cocaine abuse.

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Thanks, Riley, this is encouraging. Russians continue to resist and insist upon staying human. GREAT news.

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The Russian people have been greatly abused over the centuries. They are not stupid and they are not cowards. Like them, I will not comply or volunteer to be treated like cattle.

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The lesson here is pretty stark - the only way to defeat efforts to handcuff humanity to digital systems is to say - NO!

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I'm a little jealous - in a good way - that Russia's football hooligans are smarter than nearly everyone in my country, combined.

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May the Russians maintain the victories because the government only has to win once.

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The basso profundo is so very, very apt and so very, very Russian. Thank you, thank you for that balm for our shattered souls. It gives me great peace. Everything comes around again and this is, as always, the most ancient of conflicts. Of dominance and submission, pain and suffering, resistance and redemption - and final, blessed release.

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I already told you that's how it'll end, probably - remember Chernomyrdin? "Хотели, как лучше, а получилось как всегда". Hopefully, it'll stay this way.

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“The incoming freshman has much to learn” the paper editorialized to new students in Fall 1965, “perhaps lesson number one is not to fold, spindle, or mutilate his IBM card” (Daily Californian, Sept. 15, 1968)

Please do fold, spindle, and mutilate.

Throw that Fan ID in the trash.

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There are reasonable arguments to be made in favour of all this digitalization, however the opportunity for serious abuse clearly is far too high. Even if the current Russian polity is 99% pure and clean and operating with only good intentions, there are no guarantees that it will remain that way. Giving too much power to too few without transparent controls is extremely foolish.

But that's where we are all headed, it seems.

Meanwhile - at least in the West - people will keep voting in elections which make not a jot of difference given that the same Powers that Be essentially back or control all the representative chosen in such 'elections.'

I did a Yi Jing throw about US about whether or not they could purge the neocons from their polity without nuclear war and the answer was interesting in that it 'predicted' a great leader emerging soon from the field. (Throw: https://ashleyschowes.substack.com/p/yijing-reading-2023-3-6-can-the-neocon )

That seems about right because if we all wait for We the Sheople to rise and throw off bad governance - especially once the digital mass prison has been created in which we will all live - though the resistance to Fan ID in Russia is indeed encouraging, we might end up waiting forever, or more likely lose the capacity to even wonder whether or not there may be other ways of living...

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What do you think of that article? Does anybody know how to check if it is genuine?


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so Putin is a bad guy who still wants digital IDs and now tries to lure the masses with "more convenience", presumably followed by more carrots, followed by sticks..

how come I do not hear about how evil Putin is on mainstream media, or alt media? Just kidding..

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Excellent response to this scourge. The onlyn way to stop it is to refuse compliance. A "free travel in public transport", They always dangle a carrot for the donkey don't they.

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