I have just discovered you blog thru Unz Review commenters. It is just great. We shall resist from France where I stand to the Russian Kouril Island. God bless us all

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Welcome, Bugey! Thanks for reading and stay strong in France :)

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Great writeup! Not surprised at all about rabid RT shills running wild - no need for Sputnik, but you may want to get a preventive rabies shot after being within a few metres of them!

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This is solid medical advice, thank you, Lil' K!

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'The Russian government has gone completely rogue—full-on Schwab, to be perfectly honest.

But will the Russian people allow their country to be Reset?"

Your current epistle will bring 'hope' to many hearts which had almost lost it.

Such that only the most incorrigible, irascible, and irritating of elements could dare gainsay it. he heh he... that's me cue!

Allow me to remind you of the little understood wisdom of your 'spirit animal'... Sir Eddie. Beyond 'hope' - beyond 'fear'... that quality of abandonment to the 'really real belongs to the very few who will be getting out of this thing 'whole' of soul.

"RESETS" will take place - all o'er the place - no matter what 'the people' want or think. Tis the time of great culling - we are not able to avoid it... but CAN bring the MONSTERS down from their perches, and set the stage for those who follow us to inherit the HUMAN condition,

in all its glorious "imperfection." "We" of the authentic resistance will be gone... but will be 'legend.' We have been betrayed by our "leaders"... misused by those sworn to protect us... insulted by those who we elected to perform our will


As Marechal Sault said of the 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot(the 'original Die Hards!} - after the end of the bloody standoff of Albuera:

"‘There is no beating these troops in spite of their generals. I turned their right, pierced their centre, broke them everywhere; the day was mine, and yet they did not know it and would not run."

Steady on then lads [n lasses!]

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Great update. Maybe there is some hope. When does the Duma rule on national QR codes?

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Indeed. as I understand it the State Duma will be reviewing the "answers" of the regions in the next few days, and then plans to vote next month. there's been some interesting and encouraging updates that I've just read -- will write about it soon.

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Are the "answers" overwhelmingly "no". Like you said, some areas have adopted it, even if they aren't enforcing it.

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actually, I believe most have "approved" the bill. but the problem is that the Russian people overwhelmingly oppose the legislation. basically, United Russia has been trying to rush the bill through, but it's so insanely unpopular that it appears they are having second thoughts. which is quite extraordinary.

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I probably shouldn't get my hopes too high, but I'm overjoyed by this report :)

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hugs from Moscow :)

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Robin Monotti and Dr Mike Yeadon posted your article on their Telegram channel.

Well done!


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I hope you had a good weekend.

I love the music videos you end your posts with, so thought I would share this:

https://youtu.be/lL4KtwR3TKI - Polyushko Pole, Michael Palin and the Russian Pacific Navy

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love it!

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What a shame about RT, but at least German RT is actually based and does question more!

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Bravo brother Russians; slow to saddle, but then heroes who ride like the wind. Mother Russia's salt of the Earth people are indeed the last bastion of hope and sanity. Sick Urupp and the rest of the anglozionazi empire of shit can only be rid of the globo reptilian kakistocracy and the poison in its blood when Russia once again rises to destroy the disease of fascism unleashed yet again by the virus of Atlanticist vermin.

NO "smart" phone, NO tracking device, NO Qr code, NO virus.

Kill the beast and destroy that damn Teeeeeee Veeeeeee .

If you have an evil “smart” phone nesting like a viper in your pocket or tightly grasped in your simian fist as if it were some kind of extirpated still pulsating body appendage or brain abortion as the case may be, then you are part of the problem and will never contribute anything of worth to stop the real zombie virus that is leading the herd of mutton over the cliff, at least not until you smash your personalized tracking demon to bits. Slouching naked apes thumb jabbing their hand held thingies and drooling over their idiot gizmos are no longer fully human, rather mindless mutton-headed interfaces with nobody home, or seldom available as they spend their pathetic half-lives peering down the black hole of their tacky, third rate NWO Chinese junk shop virtual “reality”. It’s like listening to East Germans, that were surveilled by STASI psychopaths 24/7 before the Wall was moved, explaining how free they became (at least until 2 years back) even as they exhibit the same nauseating “smart” phone ticks and prosthetic brain addictions as their thoroughly brainwashed cousins in the West while they themselves, without question, pay through the nose for this constant monitoring of their lives and interference from goons and "nudging" by the psychopaths that own the so-called "social media platforms" of Fecesbook, Twatter, EweTueb, Goggle and ilk..."safe" spaces where the sheeple bleat.

Though the STASI orphans should have known better, they too have already been consumed whole by trans humanist Mickey Mouse BS so the logical next step for the reptilians in charge is to pump their graphene oxide and nano dirt directly to their ovine brains and put them under complete remote control where monkey man never again has to miss a Twatter outburst or a Goggle command or Fecesbook "breaking news" fart or whatever crap they get from their blinking, prosthetic, vital organ when they deep dive into their amoled glass swamp. By all means you four-legged critters of the herd do download the "essential updates" in your monthly covaids “booster” death vaxx squirt to become a truly fulfilled silicon meat puppet like the rest of the protoplasm squirming around you. Your viper in residence and its Qr coded commands (straight from the hell that you couldn't wait to jump into) will indeed award you with the appropriate Chicom slash NWO credits for being an obedient and soulless slave of the hell on Earth they are now erecting for the dying herd as the last stage of this dystopian farce plays out.

Otherwise kill your diabolic “smart” phone or shut up already. If you can’t do something that simple yourself, as one who claims to “get it”, then why should you expect the herd not to willfully poison itself considering they are no longer in control of anything in their miserable existences other than shoving stuff in their facial orifice or squeezing shit out their sphincter end as the case may be, in between perusing their "smart" phone smut and kitty litter videos, as they proudly and dutifully exhibit their covaids death squirt status Qr code to every jackbooted robopig thug that demands compliance as they go about their shameful and soon to be terminated lives...all in the prurient interest of course of the demons that unleashed this genocide and "watched over by machines of love and grace". When the 5G towers and soon the 6G towers light up in the coming Dark Winter then the real electronic gulag will become apparent to even the most challenged leg of mutton out there in the pathetic human herd.

Never let any psychopath in your pocket or your life that is obviously "smarter" than you.

“Smart” phone macht dumb

But PfiZer macht frei .... permanently

Same as it ever waZ

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1


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FROM "If you have an evil “smart” phone nesting like a viper in your pocket or ...TO as the last stage of this dystopian farce plays out."

On onslaught of 'go for the juglar' chord poppin lyrial highs as polished a gem as the mighty Bens[Webster that is!]solo right outta the gate on "THE HUCKLEBUCK"[BUCK N BEN], no let up, no let down, no prisoners...

blow baby blow! HUCKLEBUCK FO REAL!

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Another outstanding post. And yet, who will comply?

You'll be a little too late once you're deep inside the cattle chute.

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Towards Another Devastating Worldwide Crisis? The WEF’s “Cyber Attack With Covid-like Characteristics”. Paralysis of the Power Supply, Communications, Transportation?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky [which is among the most intelligent analysts]



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Riley, I have a question: you mention and quote Katyusha.org quite often, which is fine, but as far as I can see they are pretty much pro-war on the Ukraine situation and seem to believe this is a major step for Russia in the face-off with the imperialistic West!! Which I don't agree with for various reasons. Why do you think the editors of Katyusha.org actually defend this idea, while being perfectly aware of the Russian elite's (incl. Putin's) ties with transnational organizations like WEF?

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