Going all digital is a prescription for prison and slavery. I don't even use QR codes. Cash still rules.

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Copy from my comment, so more people see it: Just a few words to the people who still think this is about easier ways to pay.

I was in Hong Kong almost 20 years ago. They had a card based system to pay for any kind of transportation already in place for years.

You buy a card with a chip on it for very few bucks , load money to it from machines standing around at train stations (cash, nowadays maybe Credit Cards, Idk). Then you put this card into your wallet and pass by entrance/exit. Super simple, super convenient:


So, 20 years ago they already had a perfect, user friendly, yet anonymous system in place. So, I ask you, 20 years later, why the heck do we need biometrics, CBDCs, and all of this when perfect systems already existed and were widely used and proven in other parts of the world? Just make some kind of payment card that can be loaded with money as the user sees fit and use this. This "Octopus"- card worked perfectly when safely burried in your wallet, you didn't even have to take it out. Just smash your wallet on the scanner (fun experience), beep, go through. Done.

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That's a common pattern, not just in Hong Kong. Other cities have had anonymous payment cards too, for example in the EU. Germany had a well-known type of payment card that could be used anonymously (that fact is listed under "disadvantages" in Wikipedia). Of course, today most payments go through the systems of VISA, where they will already deny the payment if you're Russian (client of a Russian bank). Or think about prepaid SIM cards for cell phones. They still exist, but in the EU, new legislation was introduced in 2017 to require you to activate prepaid cards using your govt issued passport, so that they can link your identity to your phone number. You will find similar developments in other parts of the world too.

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by the way, my very globalist western corporate employer BANNED the use of QR codes using our corporate mobile devices because of security problems associated with QR codes. Isn't it ironic?

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Following a hurricane, sometimes cash is the ONLY rule.

"Don't Leave Home Without It".

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It's cathartic to walk out of places that no longer take cash. I suppose they will figure out why eventually.

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Your optimism is unrealistic but I like it.

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Thank you for this, Riley. These are the kind of posts that make my subscription worthwhile. Just the facts, no BS.

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I love this substack for the content not found anywhere else.

Well....that and the sly humor: "Come and See". Indeed! I watched that horrific movie.

For those who haven't, it's on YT.

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Been meaning to watch it for too long. Need to find some time and willpower and watch one Russian movie per day until my list is complete. The mindboggling 'Petrov's Flu' was a highlight earlier this year. On Riley themes, the vampiric 'Night Watch' could be a spiritual rewatch :)

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Thank you. I already have it but I'm grateful for the link as I've bookmarked the channel. 'Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears' is there (and on my list).

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I see lots of very legitimate security issues with the use of biometrics even outside of government tyranny. To start with, our unique data will have to be stored somewhere, and everything stored electronically can be hacked. Now it's just passwords and credit-cards which can be replaced, you cannot replace your biometrics. Once hacked, you will be "owned" for life. The second one is physical safety - what prevents a bigger guy to threaten the victim to use the palm / finger, etc to pay for things? Right now if I do not carry cash / credit-card with me, I am pretty much safe, or have limited exposure, but using biometrics is like carrying all your assets with you and being a physical target. My little child used to trick me to pay for things by grabbing my finger and pressing to the phone to pay for things. If kids can figure that out, what prevents any criminal to do the same? It can cause a wave of violent crimes. Not to mention all the issues associated with carrying a phone - it can be lost, stolen, broken, battery ran out, storage is full, dropped to water, left at home etc.

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these are issues that are repeatedly brought up by Russian activists. In fact, there are cases of biometric data (voice samples) being stolen from databases and used to scam people.

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Well, that financial crime on the plebe grows exponentially is none of the elite´s worries, in fact it could well be that those new digital criminal bands are payed for by the elites themselves, in the same way ISIS is for proxy wars, to requisition any we could own, to fullfill their moto "you will own nothing and will be happy"...and we even more happy than you with yours".....

Then, it is not taken into account what will happen with elder people who could have remained digitally illiterate? Ah, well, that they do not plan to have any elder alive for 2030....

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Life is getting very hard for older people. I know of a true story of two elderly women who had a hard time getting to watch a theater performance in Moscow - apparently, all tickets are electronic now, and they did not have a computer or smartphone. So much for the hyped "inclusivity". And you are right - if we all are killed and our assets stolen digitally by some paid BLM-type mob, that could be the desired outcome. There is a reason why they also promote an App where you can "easily" access equity in your home. Just spend-spend-spend all your assets away, we will make it so easy. All the more reason to fight back.

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It was for their own good. And their convenience.

An old cynical slavic joke from my childhood- a fascist kills you because he hates you. A communist kills you for your own good...

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lol, sounds like modern liberals.

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Thats the joke- it makes no difference to the dead whether the perp did it under a pretence or not... at least the fascists are honest!

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Indeed, with the astounding liberalization of stock markets and ubiquitous webinars even for free to make a trader of any plebeyan.

There is obviously a coordinated effrot of weel payed agents to promote the masses investing most of their money in the stock markets so that they lose it to the big sharks before the big crash starts.

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Excellent comment! As a follow up to my other comment about my experience that very day at the highway restaurant, internet has been cut for 24 hours... It was easy to say: "how could you access your data "in the sky" when the internet doesn't work?"

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IMO that is discounted as they plan to cut off spending every time they want by conducting blackouts...so that to provoke decrease...

In the same slot of time you probably will see most of the balance of your account wiped out, and probably, by digital bugs invented by the promoters/managers of the system, a la Microsoft style, you will never be able to prove you owned that ammount ever...

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They will cure all of these concerns with the implanted rfid chip/ quatumdot tattoo mark

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phone-related issues yes, but not the others when you become a physical target carrying all your digitized assets with you wherever you go

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"The digital ruble was successfully used to pay for a haircut in Yekaterinburg."

Was the client's name something like Elvira N.?

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Great demonstration of “the nudge.” It’s voluntary, until it’s not. You can “opt in” right up until you realize that you can’t opt out. Exploring that which will “never happen.”

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It's pretty obvious that every government in the world is in lockstep, transitioning from the global plantation into a techno super max prison, the question is how do we operate outside of it or at least on the peripheral.

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The average person is unable to detach themselves from their personal devices and thereby have already locked themselves into a digital prison. Although the doors are wide open as in anyone can step out of the digital prison by simply throwing out their digital devices and refusing to use them, very few people are willing to do that. The digitally-addicted global masses are thereby imprisoning all of humanity because of their addictions and lack of personal autonomy.

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The leaders of "the resistance" continue to use technology now, and insist that it can be used in the future for good. By good people. The following is paraphrased but the essence is retained. Boromir: This is a gift to the foes of Mordor. We should keep it and use it against the enemy. Legolas: Have you understood nothing. We cannot wield this weapon. Gandalf to Frodo: do not tempt me! If I take this weapon to wield to do good, it will possess me, transform me, eventually destroy me and any good I try to do.

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Excellent point.

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A Tchaikovsky two-fer (twice in a week) - lucky us! - From his Liturgy of St. John Chrysostomy Op. 41, composed in 1878. I guessed - but confirmed by checking in with our friendly, very cultured, spooks at Wikipedia - actually quite good on all matters classical music; you want to refresh your memory on the orchestral forces in a Mahler Symphony? - They're your guys!

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I'm sure the Chinese wil gladlyl supply the Kremlin with everything needed to erect the coming digital utopia.

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Just a few words to the people who still think this is about easier ways to pay.

I was in Hong Kong almost 20 years ago. They had a card based system to pay for any kind of transportation already in place for years.

You buy a card with a chip on it for very few bucks , load money to it from machines standing around at train stations (cash, nowadays maybe Credit Cards, Idk). Then you put this card into your wallet and pass by entrance/exit. Super simple, super convenient:


So, 20 years ago they already had a perfect, user friendly, yet anonymous system in place. So, I ask you, 20 years later, why the heck do we need biometrics, CBDCs, and all of this when perfect systems already existed and were widely used and proven in other parts of the world? Just make some kind of payment card that can be loaded with money as the user sees fit and use this. This "Octopus"- card worked perfectly when safely burried in your wallet, you didn't even have to take it out.

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I can see future muggings involving just body parts rather than wallets or phones.

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BRICS has been exposed as a globalist plot going back decades. I thought the leader of Christian Russia would at least share the moral principles? Revelation 21:8 "But as for the detestable, as for murderers, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” I thought Putin was smarter than this, to go for short term globalist fame & face eternity in hell.

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BRICS was always globalist from the start but somehow the "alternative" medias missed it. Here are a few excerpts from the 2011 Sanya Declaration: BRICS Leaders Meeting, 14 April 2011. South Africa was welcomed as a BRICS member during this event 12 years ago:

"...the international community should join hands to strengthen cooperation for common development."

"...collective decision making, global economic governance should be strengthened ..."

"We support the development and use of renewable energy resources. We recognize the important role which the renewable energy plays as a means to address climate change. We are convinced of the importance of cooperation and information exchange in the field of development of renewable energy resources."

"Climate change is one of the global threats challenging the livelihood of communities and countries. China, Brazil, Russia and India appreciate and support South Africa’s hosting of UNFCCC COP17/CMP7."

"We call for further international financial regulatory oversight and reform, strengthening policy coordination and financial regulation and supervision cooperation, and promoting the sound development of global financial markets and banking systems."


Scroll down to the second half of the linked page, because the first half paints a very different picture (as is still being done by many "alternative" medias today, 12 years later) of BRICS being a completely different alternative seeking independence from Western global institutions and policies. Meanwhile it's just a carbon copy, but on the Eastern side when you read the actual statement made by BRICS leaders. The "alternative" medias for some reason always fail to read the "small print" (the actual statements). Thanks to Riley's persistent efforts a few alternative media followers are now starting to see the light.

Already in 2017/2018 commentators on 'The Saker' blog [now defunct] were starting to point it out and the response from the BRICS-groupies on there was: "You cannot avoid globalism", in other words if you can't resist them join them (but keep on acting as if you are resisting them).

Article: BRICS and the Mission of Reconfiguring The World


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Here is a piece of satire by Peter Koenig, September 21, 2017:

"At the beginning, South Africa was not yet member of the association. In 2001, shortly after the 9/11, in 2001, the chief economist of Goldman Sachs, Jim O'Neill, invented the term 'BRIC' - as he was forecasting that these emerging economies, spread throughout the world, Brazil, Russia, India and China - would overtake the so-called western economy by 2041.

The forecast was later revised several times, all the way to 2032 - and now, there is, I believe no formal forecast, but it could easily happen by 2025, or earlier, especially with the new Oil-for-yuan and gold exchange market soon to be opened in Shanghai. Many predict this to be the end of the petro-dollar, and the end of the dollar hegemony.

Then strangely and formidably the four BRIC countries realized their potential and took things in their own hands. That's how dynamics work - often totally unpredictably.

For sure, Goldman Sachs and their Chief economist had no clue that this would create the western monetary and economic system's most daunting adversary."


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Putin was a YGL out of Davos was he not? It’s very sad..had high hopes for Putin & Russian ppl..

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That Putin was YGL is disputed. Even if Putin betrays the people, there is still hope. "If the King is no more, protect the people."

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When my pension and my partners salary go into the bank all of it comes out except 100 yo-yos which we use for on line purchases. All other face to face transactions are in cash. I don't want the government or banks knowing my business, they can go to hell and probably will!

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Once again, very telling. Very different from what we have here in the West...

Today in the highway oil station/restaurant/market I work in (which is 3 minutes away from the house I live in and the very nearby forest and I am respected for what I am and think by the director, a woman) we have been called for the childish "hop, hop, hop" which is a service reunion (the director never tell me that stupid name by the way and just call me for a reunion). The main subject was the "electronic safe". Since nobody understood what that meant, unless myself, the director tried to explained what she herself don't understand. Instead of printing your documents (salaries etc...) on papers which are costly in trees you are offered (two weeks delays) a personal safe ""in the sky"" for free and for 50 years where all your documents will be stored. It would have been laughable if it wasn't so sad. I gave a very brief explanation about data gathering by the leaders at the top of the social pyramid but, respectfully, I was told to explain that outside the famous "Hop, Hop,Hop". What the people understood was just less trees necessary for papers (French forest are actually being sold and cut by private companies, often Chinese)...I told them later that no, the data were not store ""in the sky"" but in very pollutant and energivore data centers...

This digital transformation is associated with an "ecologist" propaganda (we now have a costly composter)... I am somehow entitled to call it a swindle (which I do) since I only ride my recumbent in that mountainous area, I am a gardener in permaculture and a certified biodynamic adviser with two decades of experience.

In the madhouse, the most insane are running the show and the people are clueless or unable to protect themselves...

If I have time, I will translate that article...

Stay spiritually alive!!

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"The passport application will, by and large, not be necessary to show when biometrics are submitted to the Unified Biometric System."

Especially if the phone App has QR codes. No wonder the Kremlin installed phone chargers on all new public transportation--it sort of gurantees you'll always know what the proles are up to. I guess, the next step will be biometric chips inserted subcutaneously. At which point the scoundrels can ditch the phone chargers and save some cash.

Doesn't the future look delightful under technocratic neofeudalism.😵‍💫

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Brought to you by the person sitting next to you incessantly browsing social media profiles. How many commentators on Riley's Substack are not browsing it on a Smartphone? The solution is clear - people will have to abandon their phones - to escape the digital gulag, and that ain't gonna happen ... cause people are so addicted they'd rather be in the gulag than have t abandon the phones. What a shameful mess humanity has become.

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Eternal optimist here. There are many basically good people in the world, who still do not even have phones. They just go on living their simple lives, enjoying simple pleasures, weathering the storms, being self-supporting and relatively happy. Despite what others may see as their poverty. They live in harmony with nature, enjoy the rhythm of the seasons, and are content with their life cycle from conception to death - spring to winter. They do not participate in the battle to save the world. Like the simple Shire folk in LOTR. Are they despicable? Or enviable? The power brokers , the phone owners, the technology wielders - are they enviable? Despicable? There are good people everywhere. We fight with good people for the good of all. Overshadowed by the darkness of evil, Sam said at Ithilien: The good in the world is still worth fighting for.

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I share your sentiment about there still being basically good people, but there are not that many that live basic, traditional lives devoid of technology (they are mainly in poor countries in rural areas). This Smartphone craze only really got momentum about 7 years ago, but by now, within a very short time span, it's very difficult to find people that don't use them and as someone else pointed out it's increasingly difficult to access even basic services without them.

There are now restaurants that have their menus exclusively accessible from a QR code that's placed on a plastic stand on each table. They don't have classic (paper) menus and if you don't bring a Smartphone they can't help you - they just smile at you and shrug their shoulders. This happened to me recently and they were indifferent about it when I said to them they are affectively discriminating against people without phones. The irony is that they invited me to sit down when I walked by.

It's people like that who think of themselves as basically good people who are just going along with progress that are actively participating in forcing the digital systems on everyone else. I don't think we should gloss it over or be naive. We are where we are because people want the best of all worlds without having to take any real responsibility for anything, while also claiming they are fighting the good fight at the same time.

The solution is simple: we need to walk away from anything that would enslave us. You cannot fight the systems of darkness from within the systems after you have voluntarily subscribed to them. No, you need to not subscribe or use them in the first place, or unsubscribe as soon as you become aware that the system will lead to your enslavement.

As we can see the (vast) majority of people are fully aware of the issues but they continue to use the devices - very willingly. Indifference is not a hallmark of basically good people, except if we imagine that basic goodness is a default position that all people have whether they are actually good or not.

It is always the indifferent masses, the non-differentiated mainstream, that bring about social change on a large scale, whether positive or negative - as is the case with the digital saturation the world is experiencing right now (in this case it's negative). Very few people in the developed and developing world in urban areas are not participating and the younger generations know no other way of life. Are all these people "good" by default? It's a philosophical point but I don't believe so.

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I take your points Energy.Shifts.

If I cannot detach from MY PRECIOUS then I am in trouble. Others may also be endangered because of my choices. Addiction can be hard to overcome though. Even if we know it is a life and death choice.

Our default position, that we are basically good regardless, has gotten us into this mess. The way out, is not throwing stones at others outside, but looking inside ourselves. Those who think they are basically good regardless, will never clean up their own mess.

Caring minorities, bring positive changes, not the indifferent masses. A few good people, united, can defeat the darkness against overwhelming odds.

I originally responded to your input, that we are all in danger, due to our addiction to technology. True. There is hope though, because a significant number of people are not addicted, and they are not all worthy, or unworthy hobbits living in the Shire. I live with one foot in, one foot out, of the phone zone. The few phones around are not much use, as they are often uncharged due to neglect or lack of access to power, turned off, misplaced, or out of range. Phones are generally, not wanted or needed.

The dark lord probably wants us all to think, that about 90% of people own phones, and about the same percentage took the covid shots too. Really. Millions of people cannot afford phones. Food is their priority, then other essentials. If they had the means they might have a phone. Currently they do not. Others with the means, choose not to have phones, for various reasons. I do not want to be attached to a machine, or have a machine attached to me, via a digital umbilical cord or a collar and leash. I do not want my privacy or my bodily integrity violated by technology. I do not want my health endangered or my cognitive capacity diminished by EMFs. I do not want my professional life invading my private life. I do not want to be identified by a digital number. I do not want strangers having access to me, without my knowledge or consent. Etcetera. A number of people are not on board. They may not be many. But they are significant.

The dark lord thinks he has the territory covered. Meanwhile, good people unite to oppose the darkness, and two hobbits draw closer and closer to Mount Doom. There is always hope.

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Fair points, Mr Seeds. Without Hope we would be even more lost than we already are. Personally I get by just fine with only a laptop. When I close it, my internet connection is cut and I walk around freely just like in the 'old days'.

[Added note: Would it really be so difficult for people to revert back to laptops only? They can even carry them around and access the internet selectively when they sit down somewhere, which is more than sufficient. Why should one always be connected? There is no logical reason for that, it's just ideological.

People just don't want to revert back to "ancient laptops" because they love their phones and want to "be in" and not ostracized. The crux of the matter is people are to weak individually to even just opt out of trends that's leading all of humanity into a digital gulag. Placing too much hope in some invisible collective "resistance" can also be a form of naivete - although hope of course has it's place - but without any action it's just a sentiment that goes no further than one's thought processes and thus has no real affect on the real world .... ]

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PS: Except now it seems I can't go to some restaurants anymore without a Smarthpone because that's the only way to read the menus - ridiculous!!

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Mr Montagnier,

You ask a good question but we must take in the equation that those devises have been devised to be addictive. The fact is that it takes a very strong individual to pass by the process of getting rid of that addiction otherwise it would take something like a therapy and at least some real help.

Once, one of my good friend to me that because I was insisting that these slavephones were dangerous he had tried not to use it for a day, to no avail, he said he stopped before the end of the day since he was always searching that satanic tech...

Meanwhile, take care.

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Good point Mr Bugey, but it all addicts must take responsibility for their addictions, because all addicts end up being burdens on societies in some form or another. I just found this article that speaks about this issue:

"Needless to say, we didn’t just suddenly wake up one morning to discover that we had become a society of media addicts overnight. We became a society of media addicts the same way we became a society of institutions too big to fail. What happened to us (and what we allowed to happen), happened gradually over decades. Like too big to fail, it happened not as an unintended consequence of a failure to plan, or the unfortunate fallout from a lousy plan. Like too big to fail, state-sponsored default addiction is the plan."


Also quoted in the article by Aldous Huxley:

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it.” — Aldous Huxley

People were warned way in advance. Especially in the English speaking world people cannot claim to have been unaware of this reality arriving because George Orwell and Aldous Huxley are some of the most famous authors historically withing the Anglo-sphere.

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This all very true. In France, people of my generation, the glorious X one, were given to read Orwell and Huxley at school... Many of ourselves were in the large demos in the country against the so called "sanitary pass", as well as some boomers but few amongst the youth, sadly.

As to smartphone addiction... Before the scamdemic, it was considered one of the main sanitary problem in most countries and even the MSM talks about that from time to time, as well as the (they say potential) harm done on our biochemistry.

Yes, addicts become a burden on societies but in that very mad slavephone addiction, 95% of the members are addicts.

Even big corporation recognize the performance of their employees are lowered by the decreasing attention spam. Add to this that a Swiss study (from memory but maybe French) demonstrated that people were losing the ability to analyze and were more and more into syntheses modes.

Does the burden weight on shoulders of people like me and maybe you and many commenters here? Yes, indeed. We might soon be ostracized and it is very painful spiritually to see all these zombified humans. My 15 years daughter got one from behind my back and consent. When she comes to my house for vacation, she knows it is strictly forbidden to have it here. Some weeks ago, while being on vacation for some weeks, she proudly said: "you see dad, I haven't had it for days, I'm fine, I'm not addicted"...

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Thanks once again, Riley. As you mentioned in your excellent interview with our mutual friend Jesse Zurawell yesterday (that's when it was posted), Russia and China are being passed off by many in the "resistance" as the best hope, in the face of the fact that they are both racing ahead in terms of implementing The Digital Transformation. Boggles the mind. At least you're trying to shed light.

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