Jeez, things are moving even faster in Russia than the EU.

Interestingly though the tone of the 'discussion' is pretty much the same on both sides of the new Iron Curtain. There is now a plan by the EU to enshrine the individual right to pay cash in law - with some worrying caveats like the amount of cash that can be used in a single transaction.

I seriously doubt that this European right-to-cash initiative will amount to much. It is pretty much cosmetics and the ugly face of the CBDC's lurks behind the makeup. Even if it does make it to law the Powers That Be can easily revoke this 'right' with a pen stroke when they feel like it.

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Moiseev, the deputy finance minister transferring Russia to a cyber currency, translates to “of Moses”. Just sharing.

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In Bolshevism everything is voluntary.

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Yes, and the rifle pointing at you to ensure compliance is totally voluntary as well

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You've been "voluntold" what to do.

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We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us with CBDC, or some such...

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Tovarich, what is the CO2 value of vodka, and what will the ruble cbdc social credit score daily vodka allowance be? if we stop eating (real) red meat, will we be allowed to drink more? IF we go on X and extol virtues of Putin will they allow another bottle per month? I just won't want to wait in long lines...

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You just need to buy in the hard currency store. God knows what that hard currency will be. I could give you this info on your own substack if only you hadn't banned me....

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How am I going to pay for my Ketamine and coke?

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Come on, Riley. You know that even if and when the people who run Russia do coerce the usage of digital currency, it would be for the good of the people and of the nation, not for selfish reasons. The alt-media Commentariat have told me so. 🤣

Thanks, mohn!

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Extreme convenience ... not sure I like that term.

Does this mean, that the powers that be will make it extremely inconvenient for me to do what I want, and therefore I will be forced to resort to the extreme convenience, of doing what I do not want to do?

Or have I been reading too much Riley, and my world view has become unrealistically coloured by scepticism?

A Russian government official, responded to the claim that there are a number of Putins, with

complete humorous dismissal, saying decisively: There is only one Putin.

I agreed with the official, but a doubt crept in somehow, against my better judgement.

Too much Riley again? Or too much Vodka?

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“At the end of the day...” Or the end of all days possibly. Digital currency is the final nail in the coffin of freedom. See today’s Times article about Chase Bank “evicting” customers for no stated reason. Some for depositing too much cash,(they owned a bar), some for withdrawing too much. And if your bank “evicts” you and does return your money the police can just take it from you as “civil forfeiture”.

“To control the world, control the money”. Henry Kissinger, (who should know.)

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"...safe and outrageously convenient."

PHEW! Feeling better, already.

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"Elvira Nabiullina and her devoted blog-admirers promise that Russians will never be coerced into using digital rubles."

Apparatchiks always promise that repressive policies will never become mandated, as they first nudge you with a "free" doughnut or a gratis jar of borscht. However, after awhile when the ghouls realize there's only a limited amount of duped takers they'll take off the white gloves and replace them with brass knuckles implementing the usual Mafia enforcer tried and true methods.

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The paper ruble says билет банка России so it’s not real money anyway. It’s just a bit of depreciating corporate scrip that the government foisted upon Russians.

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Voluntary...as in if you don't volunteer, you will have no money or way of living. If these outrageous systems were not meant to replace everything else, they would not be invented. Governments are all the same...slave masters for their unknowing prisoners.

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Russia’s deputy minister of finance,//


He is russia’s but not russian...

Best regards, Edward,


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"We all know that Putin is an Orthodox Christian". Is he really an Orthodox Christian though as in 1941Joseph Stalin revived the Russian Orthodox Church to intensify patriotic support for the war effort and Putin's mother was Jewish.

Another question, if I may..who controls Putin?

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Well, I did cheat (but so did the filmmakers) - Spoiler alert: - in the final 12 minutes the man speaks in Russian at 9:49, 9:54 and 9:59 (I think different words each time) - and the creature knocking its fingers together stops briefly, then resumes. Inspired, perhaps too literally, by the famous Seinfeldian troupe: "Nothing Happens"?

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