some american once wrote Russia is Brazil with nukes and bad weather. this exactly proves his point. Brazil exports a little bit less than 20 tons of gold every year illegally. unregistered. the network of foreign NGOs that no Xi Jinping or Putin ever tried to tame makes sure that happens.

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"some american once wrote Russia is Brazil with nukes and bad weather" -- I lol'd.

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Whatever it is that happens on/in the global financial ponzi scheme (that is no market), it is centrally initiated and controlled by the globalist Rothschild & cronies banking mafia. NGOs, as are "governments", are all in their corporate fascist service.

In the same way that Rothschild controlled puppet FDR once said that "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”, the same applies to anything we witness and can come up with, related to the financial "markets", I.E. ponzi scheme.. All is controlled by a few men, from behind the shadows.

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No, Russia is not like Brazil in any possible way, like well over a thousand years of uninterrupted statehood, deep history of great victories and, alas, losses, profound cultural legacy, scientific impact on the world and so on and so forth. The only thing that unites Russia and Brazil today is that over the last thirty years Russia had a misfortune to get most incompetent group of people interested only in filling their pockets come to power and waste Russia's potential for over three decades. Same as we have in Brazil for a longer period. However, what's interesting to note - this comment by gig about Russia being Northern Brazil with nukes got the most number of likes in this post by Edward, 10 likes in total, including the author, that seemingly shares that opinion. Just confirmes my thoughts that instead of people interested to learn about Russia from experts and residents of the country this blog is becoming a place to attract Russia-bashers.

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A "country" corporation sails the course it sails, because the people support that course. I sincerely do not know whether a "government" can be seen as operating disconnected from the people that support and/or obey these puppet theaters. No "government" can do what it does, if the people all say "No". And in this globalist controlled globalist theater, all people around the world seem to complement each other in their own downfall and destruction, headed by "their" puppet leaders, who are only serving the globalist cabal, in one way or another. Through the divisive ways, such as controlled opposition of politics, the people are skillfully being divided, and so weakened, because now the people are opposing and fighting each other over futile emotional issues, rather than to unite, and take down their common enemy.

What is Russia??? What is the US?? Other than globalist controlled corporations, with corporate management teams to control and herd the sheeple? They are divisive control and wealth transfer mechanisms, in complete servitude, to ONLY the fascist cabal. The MO is to assert total control through debt enslavement, that the globalist central banking mafia counterfeits for free and out of nothing, AS DEBTS TO THE SHEEPLE. Then they apply, through the Hegelian dialectic setup, their false flag terrorist operations, through which the Rothschild IMF-World bank crime syndicate destroys entire nations and economies, only to then usurp them and render entire populations debt slaves to the privately owned banking mafia, controlled and herded through the corporate crime syndicate controlled "governments".

The people identifying with "Russia", "China:, the "US", "Brazil", or any other globalist controlled "country" corporation, are the ones fulfilling the globalist agenda, that seeks to destroy them, at their own and each other's expense.

THIS is what people must massively come to understand. There is no Russia! There is no China! There is no Japan! There is no Brazil! All of that is illusions, through which the people of the world are controlled, herded, exploited, abused, turned against each other, and murdered.

Once the people of the world understand this, then all they have to do is simply stop doing what they're doing. Stop acquiescing, stop obeying, stop complying, and stop collaborating, with their own demise..

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well I think the same way. nations are as entities are as mythical, virtual, unreal as corporations. perhaps you and I are on the same page in that - or maybe not. I hope we are. that would be good. you'd be the only other I've found so far if so. :)

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I agree with you Arthur. "nations" are as mythical, virtual and unreal, as the so called borders that divide them are. To top that off, the so called "nations" are no nations, for all of them are private, globalist owned and controlled corporations. All so called "governments" are private corporate entities as well. Registered at Dun and Bradstreet. Human "life" as we all think to know it, is one big fantasy. An arbitrary illusion, that is now rapidly becoming a nightmare for more and more people around the world. All thanks to the few in the globalist crime syndicate that conjured all convenient illusions into existence, for the masses to identify with, to divide and isolate from their fellow humans, to create the illusions of "individualism", "left & right", "black and white" and so on, and thanks to the complementary unwitting and gullible global masses themselves, that jumped on the fairytales that were fed to them, like ducks on June bugs. When all the illusions are transcended, then all that remains is a Universal Truth of Oneness. In this globalist theater, people are led to be a complementary crowd without compass of their own, that either live in supporting symbiosis, or in complementary degradation and destruction. Clearly the globalist crime syndicate have steered the human herd into the latter dynamics, and the human herd took it all hook line and sinker, because the crime syndicate successfully appealed to human ego's desires, that always only see what's (dangled) right in front their noses only. Leading to choices and demeanor which always appear to be superficial, volatile and unsustainable over any longer time. We are now come in the times where the fruits of human's choices are gonna be harvested, and it's nothing that anyone of us is gonna like.. We're gonna reap what we've sown and grown.

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Yep. It is amazing isn't it? It is like discovering a whole new world hidden behind this one. But in fact it is no 'new' world, its the original, old, actual world is what we've found.

Everyone deceived by mere words.

Look at these poor Ukrainians. Dying by the thousand for 'Ukraine'. Dedicated to one thing only: killing Ukrainians, albeit Donbas Ukrainians. Firmly believing that with every added Ukrainian that falls the glory and strength of 'Ukraine' increases!

The human herd is not in the habit of thinking.

It still exists very largely at the level of tribal cavemen. I mean it seeks for no greater understandings. Happy to find food and shelter. Concerned with immediate family only. That sort of thing.

A shocking and sobering discovery.

I looks like a hopeless task from there to enlighten them.

But we have to believe it can be done, will be done, don't we? Can't just give up.

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I agree. It is indeed like uncovering a whole new truth. But like you said, in fact, it is no new truth at all, for it always was the only Truth, (purposely) obscured by deceptions and convenient delusions. Lifting the many cloaks and veils, and uncovering the Truth in ourselves, is the most challenging, maybe daunting, undertaking for any human, I am sure.. It is, or has been (for some time), quite amazing to me indeed, how this entire 'human' species, whatever that may be, is/are indeed deceived by mere words. This has been a thing that I have been contemplating for many years. How is it possible that someone can say one thing, while doing the opposite, and then, at least the overwhelming majority of the species, seem to have been rendered inapt, and/or unwilling, to accept what they can see for themselves, simply because they have been told (programmed with) something else. It's many times not easy to find the right words, to express that what seeks to be expressed, on the level of mind, in the protocol that is used by, what we refer to as mind. When one contemplates the whole dynamics going on, one must arrive at the conclusion that it is indeed a program of some sorts, that is running here. And that the program may well be controlled on some other level than on or from the 'human' level. The same thing(s) that are happening now (again) have been running in cyclical patterns for many thousands of years. And never seem the masses to be able, or willing, to discern this, to see this, or to accept this. There's really nothing new on the horizon this time. It all happened many times before. I do not 'think' or 'believe' that it is, or must be, our responsibility, or task, to enlighten others, other than only ourselves. We simply cannot. What we can do, is to indeed assume this responsibility in and for ourselves. And that seems to be the best we can do, I actually feel certain about this, since, when we do, and we are indeed Guided on our path to (en)light(enment), then we can become like a beacon for those that are also seeking, and that are recognizing in themselves what hopefully may shine through us. Like a lighthouse that just stands there, in the turmoil, doing what it is doing, simply because that is the nature of the thing. And then, those that seek it too, may find it, taking from it what they need, or what helps them too, in their progress on their path to (en)light(enment), and become a beacon for others that seek it, too. I feel one may describe it as "leading by example"..? However, it must not be our purpose to lead, for then one falls into another pitfall of the ego. We can be what we seek to be, and want to be. The rest is not in our control.. Many seem to be, appear to be, not ready for the required (inner) growth..

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Hi, René. As usual, in real life things are a bit more complicated. As Brazilians, Russians, Japanese, Americans and most others, civilization type nationalities, have their history, established national psyche, behavior models etc. that make us act in different ways. As we can see, applied globalist models play out in different scenarios not only in different countries, but also in different states in US, provinces in Canada, regions in Russia and other subnational entities. One thing for sure, where I agree with you wholeheartedly, in response to the so called elites de-unifying message, trying to separate us by race, political preference, sexual orientation and everything else, we, as human societies, need to unify more, as there is so much more that we have in common vs. what puts us apart. My message to everyone is: Recognize the differences and respect!

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Hi Stanley. Thanks for your reply. Of course.., it is clear what you say. And I too realize that people now these days see, perceive/project things that way, and believe it to be so. However, once one can see through the fog and mirrors of the illusions that people around the world have come to accept as truth, then things suddenly are not that complicated anymore. Factually, life is very simple. It is only because of the delusional nature of the common human mind, that always prefers to deify illusion and error, if illusion and error seduce them, that the reality of life has become so unacceptable to the masses. And this is nothing new either.

Friedrich Nietzsche already said that people do not want to know the truth, because they don't want their illusions destroyed, while Gustave le Bon said it this way: “The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.”

And this is precisely what we now see happening around the world. The individuals in the crowd are stirred up at will.

It is said that humans have become so fake, that the truth upsets them. Could it be pointed out more accurately? I don't think so.

When humans would simply stop destroying the truth, for the sake of perpetuating their illusions, like the fake counterfeit debt based "money" system, like "Nationalities", race, creed, color, rich, poor, and so on.., then life would suddenly become very simple. It is only the human mind that makes everything "complicated". Once one sees through the lies and illusions, all becomes very simple..

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Great thoughts and quotes, René. Thank you for sharing.

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It's humor, Stanley.

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Shh don't tell Matt or the other russiaphiles. They'll claim that you're working to undermine the 5.3d chess system that has got us endless war and fear and poverty.

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I think with so many corrupt Russian officials holding assets overseas, they were easy to threaten and coerce into any kind of policy that the reptilians desire. Those Russian corrupt officials who weren't already on board from the beginning that is.

And gold is always the giveaway - these illuminati freemason overlords love them some gold, it's their biggest desire and weakness. Like Armond Hammer when he bought out all the golden icons and other items from Russian church after Lenin got done genociding millions of Russian people.

I hear if you dangle a gold bar above the sea, Lord Rotschild might come out of his underground bunker to try and grab it.

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All does not seem to be so mysterious..

"The gold reserve of the Russian state is administered by the Bank of Russia, which is not a Russian bank. This, let me remind you, is a legal entity about which we know nothing. No authorized capital, no property, no founders.", you write..

It is no secret that Putin is a WEF Klaus Schwab Young Leaders Program, globalist mind controlled NWO cabal puppet, just as all other "leaders" of "countries, I.E. globalist cabal controlled corporations. Russia, China, the E.U. and the rest of the world, all are controlled from "the shadows", basically, by the Rothschild (& cronies) controlled globalist banking cabal.

Ostensibly, Putin kicked the Rothschilds out of Russia, when was it, 2016? But this is smoke & mirrors, to hide from the global populace the truth. The Russian bank is a Rothschild controlled bank, and if it is part of the globalist end game to sideline Russia as a major economic factor, and to steal the gold that was accumulated by Rothschild Russia, and funnel it to wherever the banking cabal wants it, be it Rothschild USA corporation, or Rothschild controlled China corporation, or wherever, then this is the obvious way to do it, is it not?

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Well it is a robbery in progress, kind of. If you own the mine, or the gold, you can't rob it from yourself. Then, if your government facilitates you bringing it abroad and keeping the proceeds abroad, you aren't doing anything against the law.

We've seen this numerous times already, when people in power are hiding their capital and assets, usually in shady off-shore financial constructions (shell companies, financial secrecy jurisdictions etc.) in order to avoid paying tax. Which is where your gold and it's proceeds are at the moment. Most of the big accounting firms help them with it nowadays.


Is it immoral? Yes. Is it illegal? No. That's what happens if you let the same people decide what's legal or not. As far as precious metals go, have your own little stack like I do. No counter-party risk, no devaluation / inflation. Forget about those other people, you will never get them on it.

God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.

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agreed, but of course, who ever said robbery was never legal? :) Obviously the bigger issue here is that individuals have been given control over valuable natural resources which belong to the Russian people. So perhaps a more accurate statement would be "the Russian people are being robbed of their gold."

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The gold does not belong to the Russian people. Otherwise, they could just take it from the miners without having to pay for it (except maybe the cost of mining). The fact that they have to buy gold, indicates a transfer of ownership.

What the Russian people do own is the land, the soil, in which the gold can be found. Miners have to pay for the priviledge of extracting the gold by means of paying for a claim, or a licence fee. In return they get to have ownership of the gold. So the Russian people were already paid.

Now I wholely agree with you if you say it is a question of morality if the Russian people should have dibs on what happens to it, but 1. They already did, by their representation (e.g. government) who allowed these new practices to go on, and 2. we know that morality is not a core value of decision makers.

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That's been happening at least since the 1990s.

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There's rumours that in the West gold is not actually gold.

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Well that's what happens if you won't allow truly independant audits of your countries' gold reserves, and do allow for a derivatives market whose claims on physical gold outnumber the real stuff by 100 to maybe even 1000 fold. So the old addagio still rings true: "If you don't hold it, you don't own it".

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It doesn't matter, when the time comes, they will confiscate their citizen's gold.

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they can do that with registered guns, not gold, not even ammo

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It did already happen, in the USA in 1933/34. They just made it illegal to own gold, so they "bought" it at $20.67 per ounce. After they confiscated the gold from ordinairy people, they changed the rate of dollars vs. gold from $20,67 per ounce to $35 per ounce.

And we run the risk of it happening again. They will just make it illegal to own gold and silver. But like I always say, if they can find it, they can have it. Lost it at a poker game, boating accident, whatever.

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yes they have to find it. which is the point. And yes FDR did that in the US of all places but gold was probably the only reserve of value back then, except of real estate.

What probably gonna happen is the portuguese crown model in Brazil. Forbid small fractions of gold, force people to hold minumum 1kg bars. That makes expensive for most people, hard to trade/barter/hide

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Any significant quantity of gold is going to have a paper-trail.

It is kid-stuff for any government to set up an agency dedicated to serving subpoenas on metals dealers to identify their buyers. Then threaten the buyers either to cough up the gold, or prove that it was sold, and to whom. Pretty much all gold could be accounted for this way, in a relatively short time.

This would be especially true, the bigger the penalties for "hoarding" or for failing to cooperate with a subpoena are. If countries are enforcing multi-thousand-dollar fines (or equivalent) for tea-huts failing to check cattle-tags, imagine the kinds of sticks they'll use to coerce compliance with a gold confiscation. There is no longer any "stability-check" on government overreach, because governments have well demonstrated that they are no longer concerned with "stability" or long-term milking of the Herd. Countries of the world are all in culling, meat-grinding, and liquidation mode at present. When they choose to steal all the gold they'll get it, even if they have to mass-crucify children in every town square to get it. (Hell, they might even decide to mass-crucify the kids AFTER getting all the gold, just to, like, celebrate! Because, why not?)

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Gaddafi was murdered over the gold dinar. Now they've gotten to Russia.

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Actually gold is a smaller fraction of capital fleeing Russia. Officially, according to Russia's Central Bank, last year $72 billion was the legal net capital migration out of Russia, never to be seen again in that country. Approximately the same amount left Russia using other ways, not accounted for by the Central Bank. Back in 2019 Russian Duma sponsored research on the capital flight out of Russia. This research discovered that approximately $1.7 trillion left Russia since 1997. If we add 3 more years to get us up to the end of 2021, we can safely say that Russia sponsored Western economies to the tune of 2 trillion dollars in 24 years.

Well, we have to admit that it takes a very resilient, resource rich state to shed that much capital and to still manage to survive. Here in the West why should we be critical of it? Hey, Russia, give us more of your money, natural resources and brains, we'll gobble it all up! This is why I always laugh when I hear Western threats to boot Russia out of SWIFT system (banking funds transfer confirmation network) and to close Russia's correspondent accounts in USD in American banks for support of Russian banks operations in American dollars. Would not that be the greatest gift that West could give to Russia in the last 30 years, as it would, against Russia's Central Bank foundational policy of a free capital outflow, actually slow down robbery of this still great country by its "elites"?

But, we can't say that these processes go unnoticed by Russians. The fact even in Russia's main geopolitical propaganda nightly talk show, "Sunday night with Vladimir Solovyov" these words by one of the guests were uttered last Sunday: "By analogy with the statement by Russian Emperor, Alexander II, that Russia has only two allies - its Army and Navy, I can state that today Russia has only two enemies, England and the Russian Central Bank."

Russian finances, or to be more precise, the phenomenon of how this country still survives despite elaborate and long lasting actions by its leadership designed to weaken and destroy economy is a topic that deserves greater coverage. Perhaps I should revive my blog and cover it there.

And of course, Russia bashers on this forum keep peddling their favorites, like Kolyma. Apparently these people got more psychological trauma from it than Russians themselves. Curious, to say the least. Waiting for Solzhenitsyn to turn up in discussion again.

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You could start your blog already by copying these super long posts over there. Then you could stop griping about "Edward's" readership and do your own thing.

I must say, I've never met a Russian who's as nostalgic about Communism as you seem to be. Selection bias, no doubt.

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Wrong assumptions, Shy Boy. Communism had serious shortcomings. I, as most Russians, am nostalgic about sovereignty. It just happened this way, country had much more of it during preceding period. As for the long posts, they are not much longer than other people's, but I have to agree with you, elements of russophobic party pooping are present in my writing. Love to point out cliches about Russia that russophobes bring up almost every time - GULAG, Kolyma, Solzhenitsyn. Gives me inspiration ;)

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Your blog has convinced me that Russia is hell on earth.

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Rothschild controlled Russia corporation is merely playing their assigned part in the globalist theater of usurpation and domination.. So is Rothschild controlled China corporation, as are all E.U. "countries", I.E. corporations, and other "Country" corporations around the world.. It's all a deceptive centrally dictated globalist theater, in order to obscure from the global populace, the truth of the crimes committed.

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Yes. In today's world, Russia is no more or less a hell then our own countries. The only difference maybe is the ability to hide the truth from their population.

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Exactly. The cabal makes sure they apply "different" MOs in the different "countries", so that the global populace will never recognize that it's all one plan. So the roads to Rome may differ, but in the end, they all end up in Rome. The globalists have the same "destination" in mind, for all of us.

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The Rothschild Israeli Mossad motto is: "By way of deception thou shalt do war". And the deceptions are done masterfully, and world wide.

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To many Russians escaping Germany and returning home, its paradise in comparison.

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It's pretty close

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Russian puppet leaders serve the same musters as the rest of the worlds puppets (leaders)The World Is A Stage


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A robbery in progress is exactly what it is. The banking cartel MO is to repatriate all assets to London or the U.S. before a military invasion. Foreign gold reserves are typically the first asset targeted. Then foreign cash is stolen via SWIFT.

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This does not sound good. All of Russia’s gold was stolen twice in the 20th Century. Now it’s starting again.

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No problem - just reopen Kolyma


Further viewing ...

… Thomas Sgovio – Kolyma – the Uncut Documentary


For good measure ...

Joseph Davies - “Mission to Moscow”


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Very interesting issue in light of the current geopolitical situation. Assumed, all your infos are right, I would suggest to dig in into (i) goldprice level, (ii) exchange rate, (iii) currencies of the gold sales and perhaps (iv) hidden side letters between russian gov. & russian gold mines companies. Pls. take also into account, that yesterday Russia and China signed a gas seal nominated in Euro. Best, tom

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I have read (perhaps hastily) a translation of the linked article from finanz dot ru, and while it does state that gold exports were authorized, i haven't seen any part that stated that money can be kept abroad.

I assume that would be a big, and difficult, information to hide.

Is there any source for that claim? I am not saying it has to be false, but backing it up would be nice.

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"According to a document approved by the State Duma in May and published on Monday on the portal of legal information, from July 1, exporters are exempted from the requirement to necessarily credit the proceeds to Russian accounts if they sell goods that, in accordance with the common commodity nomenclature of the Eurasian Economic Union, are classified as non-primary and non-energy.

This list includes, among other things, gold of all kinds ( group 7108 ) - from monetary and ingots to powder, bars and unworked forms.

At the end of last year, gold exports from Russia grew by 160% after the Central Bank of the Russian Federation stopped buying precious metals in reserves in April, and the government began issuing general export licenses to producers, de facto allowing all gold that is mined in the country to be exported."


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First, thanks for the reply.

It's hard to fathom that someone would consider gold "non primary", and I'll have to dig deeper into this.

Nevertheless, even if gold turns out to not be on that "list", this is still concerning news.

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