As I've been saying for over a year, Putin is just another globalist / WEF obedient puppet - no different from any of the supposedly 'leaders' (i.e., WEF glove puppets) that run almost all other countries across the world for their WEF / Rothschild et al masters.

Why do people find this difficult or impossible to believe, when it so blindingly obvious?! Putin did, and said, exactly the same thing about the Covid 'crisis' and the Covid 'vaccines' as every globalist puppet leader across the world, at exactly the same stages of those two long-planned WEF operations as every other supposed national 'leader'.

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck.... then it IS a duck.

It is so bizarre that people base their beliefs about politicians on what they say. Thus, most Brexiteers, for example, refuse to believe that Boris Johnson was never remotely a Brexiteer - but of course, he had to pretend to be one. Even when people pointed out that Boris was wearing the WEF logo on his lapel for months on end, and was prattling on again and again about the globalist / WEF 'Great Reset' - which includes the establishment of a single World Government, the exact opposite of what Brexiteers want, and even after he did an even worse totally fake 'Brexit' deal than the one that the EU plonked into May's hand and told her to ram it through, Brexiteers still believe that Boris was a Brexiteer!

Why do they believe that Boris is a Brexiteer? Because he said he was!! Yes - people are that stupid.

And it's the same with Putin: he poses as a traditionalist and nationalist - and because he says he is... most Russians actually believe him!

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I am beginning to believe that this "war" which is so Hollywoodish, was a planned event and our "Young Global Leader" Vlad is just playing his roll in the Great Reset script. At first, after reading Dugin's "The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset" that perhaps he was pushing back but his continued push for "sustainable development" negates everything Dugin preached in his book. Either that or Vlad fell in love with the concept of total control of the proletariat (like his predecessors had) and is doing his own Agenda2030 thing. Hard to say. We do know that one day Russia will likely plug back into the global cabal so may as well stay on track.

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The globalist criminals running the West could never have driven energy prices through the roof - as essential part of their plan to trash Western economies for the Great Reset - without the globalist glove puppet Putin invading Ukraine, thereby providing the cabal with the pretext for their sanctions designed specifically to drive the price of oil, gas and electricity through the roof.

Quite amazing that people in the West actually believe that they choose their governments, and that they live in a democracy - when nothing could be further from the truth in reality.

Democracy today in the West in nothing more than a theatrical performance laid on for the plebs, so that they don't realize that they live in globalist dictatorships masquerading as democracies.

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"The globalist criminals running the West "

Quite agree with your view on the West. Many decades ago, Ezra Pound was already saying that "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews". But the globalist criminals also run the rest of the world, there is no Islamic country which is not under their control and the latest events have even shown that Buddhism is also under their control:


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Yeah, I'm coming to the same conclusion. And I have a feeling the overlords are going to somehow work a nuclear explosion(s) into this conflict. I still think that recent PSA on radiation in NYC is foreboding things to come. A nuclear detonation blamed conveniently on Putin.

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Yes, I agree - a nuclear explosion somewhere would provide the global cabal with the pretext for doing absolutely anything that they want to do.

I don't rule out the seemingly impossible - that the high-level globalists & neo-cons actually want a full-scale nuclear war with Russia.

When you think about it, it would achieve many of their objectives - including killing a large portion of the world's population, ridding themselves of the dangers to themselves of the Covid 'vaccines' scam, and many other things besides.

The top globalists & oligarchs have nuclear shelters or far-away islands in the Pacific etc. to hide - and when it was over, they could have their Brave New World.

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It may sound deranged, demented and sick beyond the imagination but I also would not be surprised that they want such a destructive event. Notice these creeps are only good at destruction, they can't build anything, they are parasites living off the work of others, like a spoiled brat with an inferiority complex, they strike out with destructive vindictiveness.

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I think a dirty bomb would be more like it. I mean, it is a cool city aside from the people. B sides, they don’t want to destroy all that infrastructure and housing that can eventually be used for global resettlement.

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Well, they sure had fun destroying the Twin Towers and WTC7. A tactical nuke in NYC would be marginally worse than that. And it would give them a good excuse to ban nuclear power since they know it is the one energy source that can replace fossil for essentially forever and every country on Earth can be energy independent. A terrible blow to their energy scarcity/energy control agenda.

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Because Putin is not "controlled." Anyone with four to five thousand nuclear weapons, a swathe of the Northern hemisphere and large fossil fuel resources is not going to behave as a mere puppet, of bankers technocrats or otherwise.

He is more like a sort of franchisee and stakeholder in a technocratic racket that spans China US EU Russia, India and more. The technocrats are not militarists, but some of the militarists find alliances with, and the ideas and techniques of, the technocrats useful. And Putin is one of those militarists (fascists) who finds it appealing to dehumanize his population to "bare life" (Agamben) with injections in much the same way as with military press-gangs.

Think of it as a political operating system for elites.

This is all of course, so far above the head of tankies it hurts.

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I see your point. I’m not convinced really that he is working toward a common goal with the WEF and Rockefeller created and controlled UN. I do think he loves their Agenda2030 population control plan and will adopt it on his own terms and on his own subjects. China has its own game plan as well. Still not sure if India is there yet. They are young and still heavily influenced by the outside world. They may play a more neutral roll - hard to force agenda2030 on a population that already eats bugs and has relatively a low carbon footprint per capita.

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If you read history! Very rarely did a kin or queen die from the conquest of another kingdom! They always entered into an alliance with the conquered now just a little more subordinate ! That's what this Is! Kaballah Freemasonry Jesuits. They all work together! Domestic goals subordinate to the international goals! But it is interesting! That when George Orwell wrote 1984, he explained how the world was carved into sections, with the East and the far east! Russia is the east and China is the far east! And the oligarchs are literally moving to the same plan that Orwell discovered almost a century ago! Soon, we won't even be able to communicate between these zones! But brothers and sisters! I will know you all exist in there as I do out here :)

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Saudi Arabia wants into BRICS, even ISIS/al-Qaeda is going "multipolar". The shithow going on between Russia/China and its terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate peers is going right into another overdrive phase.

War choreography in EUkraine would indicate that the CIA's Kiev puppets get to hit back at Putin for his missile showcase now. Time to get all the moblised taxcattle "vaccinated" for the next onslaught.

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They are ALL (!) together in it, Russia included, because they are all controlled by the same ultra evil power.

It's all about Net Zero, Agenda 21 / 2030 / 2050, Great Reset, CBDC, SCS, CO2 account, basic income, medical tyranny, total control => the ultimate global slave system: https://ogy.de/tpx3

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Yes, agree. Is there a nation left on the Earth which is not held hostage to the World Economic Forum and all the rest of the alphabet agencies, governments, corporations, institutions?

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I can imagine a lot, but not this. :-)

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Yes, it represents complex mental models for sure. Safe to say these foolish self-proclaimed elitists are not intending to make it easy for us skeptical planetary citizens.

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So let me propose a scenario. This winter brings a populist upheaval with total anarchy and rioting not dissimilar to Russia in 1917 or Germany when the Mark collapsed post WW1. Do they declare Marshall law and shut the bank accounts down of agitators like Canada did to the truckers? What do they do when the police turn on the government and join the fray as strong men appear on the scene like they did to Weimar Republic which ended up handing power to AH? And the military splits into factions. Just wondering if the WEF and banking cabal has a plan? I’ve a feeling the world will look different in a couple of years one way or another. Either way it will be hard and ugly but hopefully we rise from the ashes as opposed to simply being that - ashes.

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They still haven't done their cyberattack disaster that they've been planning. Followed by draconian internet control. They are on an orgy of disasters since they launched their plandemic. These Bankster Psychopath Parasites would rather burn it all down then give up their control.

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One aspect of psychopathy is that they feel very little fear (at least that's what I was told). They don't necessarily think very far in the future to close out every contingency.

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Thanks, Riley. It will be fun watching the Putin rationalizers, the desperadoes in need of a hero among the global elite who will save them, and the bots, twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain this stuff. More pretzels than in a New York deli.

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Let's go back in history a bit. The US faked the Apollo moon landings, the Russians faked the Gagarin bit, and probably a lot more than that, the Chinese copied parts of the US moon psyop and accidentally showed astronuts releasing air bubbles in the under water tank where the "space flight" took place. Funny enough the Western media didn't even call out the Chinese on their fakery. Then this bunch of international top level liars created the "International Space Station", I don't pretend to know how much of that is actually fake (I suspect all of it), but obviously a lot of it is fake, why else would they need to publish these green screen CGI (computer generated imagery) videos, where people suspended from wires on board a plane which performs parabolic flight that creates 20 seconds of zero gravity, are playing with droplets of water and other play things and engage in entertaining nonsensical activities and empty chatter. The US, Russia, Japan, Europe and Canada and all of the MSM are all on board with this scam. Supposedly Russia is still participating, in spite of the NATO / Russian war in Ukraine.

Now we go still a little bit further back in history, and we come to the point where probably most of you have internalized the popular now ca. 80 years old mother of all psyops so much, that you will call me an idiot and where most of you will refuse to even look at the evidence / indications which is available in abundance.

The so called nuclear bomb, allegedly first produced in Los Alamos by a team of Jewish geniuses, and soon after deployed against two Japanese cities.

The truth is that there have never been any man made nuclear explosions on planet earth.

The whole story was a war time psyop, meant to give the Japanese God Emperor and his military the opportunity of an "honorable surrender" in face of a never before seen powerful incredible "weapon of mass destruction". Soon after the Russians became aware of the scam, and in stead of exposing it for what it was, Stalin decided to join the Americans, and a little later other countries followed. All of them showing "tests" of their "wonder weapons" to the public, in the form of thousands of tonnes of TNT being blown up on remote islands, and showing crudely made primitively faked videos on the black and white television sets. Videos, which with modern technology and experience are easily exposed as the primitive fakes they were.

Yes but what about, and what about, and how could,... and radiation sickness,.. and what about "battlefield nukes" and what about the Israeli "whistle blower" Vanunnu and so on.

All of these questions have been answered, including the impossibility of the "scientific" fake narrative of "critical mass" and all the other nonsense.

The bottom line of all the above is, that the so called leaders of all the countries involved, and all those forced to "believe" in these lies, which is pretty much the rest of the world, have conspired and have spread fear for at least 80 years in their own populations. Of course now it is a big question after all the time gone by, and changing governments and military leaders, how many politicians and how many military people actually know the truth. Probably most of them believe the narrative, and only very few people in these respective countries are informed. (I think Putin and Netanyahu know, as well as certain people in the US and British Deep State) After all the best liars, are those who believe the lies.

Even if you do not believe what I am saying, try to imagine the consequences if what I told you actually would be true. This would explain many things, and it will explain even more things in the near future! All of humanity has been taken for a ride by their elites who on the surface level are waging war against each other, but who in reality are cooperating against their own populations in order to secure their own power.

Documentation: The latest documentation has a limited scope; it only is concerned with the so called nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and not with the question if nukes exist at all. It was first published in 2020, titled "Hiroshima Revisited - The evidence that napalm and mustard gas helped fake the atomic bombings." By Michael Palmer MD. Freely available at https://ia801705.us.archive.org/2/items/Hiroshima_revisited/hbook-0.9.11.pdf Also at Dr. Michael Palmer's own website: https://mpalmer.heresy.is/webnotes/HR/

Dr. Michael Palmer used to teach at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, but I don't know if he still does after he has been active in criticism of governmental covid policies. (His exposure of the nuclear hoax doesn't seem to have gotten much attention so far) Dr. Palmer's conclusions are based on extensive research of medical and hospital records from Japan, as well as other related and documented information.

On the political background for the Japanese surrender and related information from historical documents: "Death Object Exploding - The Nuclear Weapons Hoax" Paperback – April 27, 2017 by Akio Nakatani (Available on Amazon)

And the full monty; every aspect of the nuclear hoax, Los Alamos, Japan, photos, videos, drawings and scientific analysis of the physics allegedly involved, US propaganda material, and every other aspect covered by Anders Björkman, a Swedish civil engineer, and owner of the naval rescue organization Heiwaco. Mr. Björkman, holds several patents concerned with safety at sea. Björkman has worked as an advisor to governments and international organizations. He also analyzed and provided detailed reports of the sinking of the Estonia ferry, and analyzed several other false flags and hoaxes such as 9/11 and the moon landings.

Starting page of the nuke exposure: http://heiwaco.com/bomb.htm There are several more pages.

His website appears a bit old fashioned since it was created many years ago, and his language is full of scorn and ironical comments, and the pages looks a bit messy, but don't be deceived by that, he is extremely serious and well informed.

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Klaus Schwab has a bust of Lenin in his office after all, and as such the KGB party simply regrouped like a sustainably metastasizing cancer.

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The globalist are infighting among themselves as to who gets to run the new world order.... You have the Russian globalists saying the world order i our, the Western globalists saying no the world order must be our, the Chinese globalist saying of the world order belong to us. Hopefully the elites kill each other in the process...

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Yes, I think you're right. The head of the WEF made a little noticed tweet a couple of months ago, clearly absolutely furious, having just discovered something. In the tweet, he cursed both Putin and Xi as traitors, and other insults.

I think that is the only 'resistance' there is, among those in positions of power across the planet: there is literally on our side - i.e., the side of the peoples of this planet - but the West / Schwab & Co. think that they're going to run the world, but the Chinese are determined to run it themselves, doubtless throwing a few bones to Russia.

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1984!!! Read it! The fighting you'll see break out is by design! The world will be in a constant state of passive aggressive war! You know! They kind of war where oil and gas pipelines still flow through and soldiers must wear face masks or be disciplined for spreading a cold! In other words! A real War! As real as Madagascars Alex the lions Roar! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRR

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Oct 19, 2022
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No, it was definitely from Schwab. I was surprised that I never saw any comments about such an expression of blind fury towards Putin and Xi - without any explanation.

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Can you post this tweet?

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Yeah. I wrote that more than 10 years ago - that the final battle would be amongst 4 areas. I think it will be North World and South World in the very near future. Things will continue to fall apart, as technocracy is not realistically 'sustainable' like nature is. A major rift will then erupt that will cause even greater damage to mankind and the Earth, once the world is divided in two. This will take some more time before it comes to pass, with duels fought in 'space' and serious damage to satellites and other metal and rust surrounding our planet, causing incredible disruption to the technocracy and its hardware. But in the very near future, once the two world dominances have been established, the insanity will cause the planet and mankind to become really foul and filthy, with a sunblock planned by WEF and Gates in about 8 years. Around 2040 I reckon the stench will become noticeable.

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It's all about the private Central Bank Cartel, that insists they own the entire World:

Neil Oliver: 'By taking back control of the money we can begin regaining control of our world'


"Neil Oliver: 'Now is the time to take back control of money – Its creation, its value and its flow. By so doing, we can begin the task of regaining control of our world."

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Neil loved his clot shots. His diatribe at the beginning of this fiasco was very telling. Not to mention he a MSM voice. Turbocharg your discernment.

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I really don’t think he’s controlled opposition just because he’s on GBN. I watched him evolve over the past 2 years after watching his history work for many more years. He has changed. We have to give some grace to those red-pilled later than us or we will never grow a force big enough to actually push back. I lost faith in the medical system 10 years ago and b Han to see the series of lies in society over time as I dig deeper. Let’s encourage late comers as opposed to shaming or condemning them. That the other sides MO.

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Definitely. Well said.

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Bull. He bought into the scam at first like most people. Then like many others he figured out what was going on and did a millionX more than you spreading the truth to the populace, unlike 99.999% of the MSM. Give up on the perfectionism, absolutism and idealism. That is a path to total failure. Embrace pragmatism and realism.

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I follow Neil but still wonder how do we take control of "the money"? It's their money and only exists in relation to the debts we owe them. I wish Bitcoin was the answer but they control the power and servers needed to make it viable. I'm a big gold and silver fan but the world will have to retreat back to simpler local economies and I don't think there are enough people with the right skill sets to make that work. Any idea?

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It ain't their money, it is stolen money. In any case the Public Treasury can pay down the debt with Sovereign debt-free money. You could pay the debt down 10%/yr with sovereign, newly created money, debt-free. Simultaneously you require all Banks to keep +10%/yr of sovereign money in Reserves for any loans. At the end of 10yrs all private debts will be paid, and Banks will only be able to lend the amount of money that they have in deposits, just as Credit Unions do, the way most people think banks operate, but they don't. And only sovereign money will be legal tender.

All it takes is for each country to elect non-corrupted politicians. That is the difficult part. I think our current crop of politicians, most of them are bought with $millions in grift, and/or blackmailed in honey traps or skeletons in the closet, and once they take the bait, they are trapped just like all the Covidian Cult enforcers. They now have their skin in the game.

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There is no “paying down” the debt. I’ve no idea how to replace the wealth aspect. Money is not wealth - it’s a contract. It merely gives the illusion of wealth. There is no money without a debt owed by someone else on the other side of the transaction. Land, gold and other commodities is true wealth. I’m a former CPA with an MBA but would need to really think and read about potential options. Paying the central banking cabal 30 trillion over time does not get us out of this mess.

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No that is doable, that's part of the Money Masters plan which was endorsed by Milton Freidmann. That will eliminate the debt money system. Elon Musk says it best, money is a metric that measures the relative value of goods & services. It has no real value. The real value is the goods & services of the nation. Money should ALWAYS be the servant of goods & services. NEVER the other way round.

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Right. Just thinking from a resource point of view makes pretty clear that money is only an instrument for trade.

I mean, we have all resources to produce everything we need. No money needed. But still money is power. We could easily just take all money away and replace it with some other form of money.

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You would pay them $30T in sovereign money but they couldn't use it. They would have to keep it in their reserves. They could only loan any money they get in deposits.

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Good reporting as always.

Presenting the perspective of the media narrative from 'the other side', outside of zee Iron Curtain, ESG-style organisations like 'Sea-Change.org' are painted, inversely, as being the work of nefarious mustache twirling Russians in capes. Quoting https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/sea-change-foundation/:

"In December 2015, the center-right Environmental Policy Alliance released a follow-up report to the 2014 Senate committee report that alleged Klein Ltd. connections to Russia and Russian president Vladimir Putin, proposing that Klein Ltd. and Sea Change Foundation acted as a conduit for funneling Russian government money to U.S. environmental groups in order to undermine American natural gas and oil production to Russia’s benefit"

Fox news parroted similarly (see: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-republicans-demand-answers-environmental-groups-collusion-russia).

So it is interesting to see inside Russia the ESG are painted as being American infiltrators with the goal of undermining the sovereign interests of Russia.

Methinks the two sides are being played against each other (ala the Robber's Cave article I sent a copy of https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/what-robbers-cave-can-teach-you-about) in order for globalist interests to pretend 'it isn't us that are doing it, those outsiders over there, they made me do this'.

Perhaps the American and Russian peoples need to team up and perform a double-whammy against the globalist interests?

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Matt Ehret is like the kids in my class that grew up without issues in their cozy families who rise up and think they know what's best for everyone else.

So ignorant that they think any criticism of their "genius" must be crazy.

He honestly thought I was nuts to point out that Russia and China still push the convid shit.

And the day I knew he was the fcking crazy one: he defended china's lockdowns cause apparently this "virus" was engineered to go after han Chinese lineage.

Matt, you are a moron. Didn't you see it was a scam before that bullshit story?

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Riley, contrary to what I am hoping for (that Rusland is the last vestige of sanity, normal values, the nuclear family, a sane economy, etc) what bothers me tremendously is that Rusland is now also being seeded with increasingly more pre-release 5G networks (take a look at the Ookla 5G map - https://www.speedtest.net/ookla-5g-map).

In addition, Russia's global collaboration in terms of the destructive space industry continues undeterredly; the false concept of the 'global warming' continues with fervent Russian support; and digitalization and AI flourish under Russia's own globalist endeavors, with or without WEF recognition.

As anyone should know, 'global warming' is not caused by the Sun warming up, or other such hogwash; it is caused by the use of EMF (see HAARP installations) for the benefit of the space industry and the launches of a vast network of satellites that will monitor each and every human being that is left to live and that will come about by the grace of the new 'God' - technocracy and AI.

Climate change is just another lie, just like the moonlanding was, just like the covid plandemic was. There is much more going on by Globalists than the sheeple can even begin to comprehend. Ashes to ashes, rust to rust - my guess is around 2040 when the continued decay will start to stink up the planet for real.


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I'm in an echo chamber! But I don't care! I love you guys! We're all we have now!

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In my opinion, Russia's romance with United Nations sustainable development agenda is a matter of simple lip service to the United Nations in order to KEEP their seat at the United Nations security council. Without this UN valuable security council seat, China would abstain and a no-fly NATO zone would be established in Ukraine with a UN security council no fly zone resolution. Russia's veto is the ONLY vote that STOPS this.

Russia, like the rest of the world, can have all the sustainable goals it wants because goals are just goals. These goals will NOT be achieved any time soon especially now.

Meanwhile Poland mines and uses more coal than it did last year. And African countries are getting wise to the unfairness of sustainable development. For example, Uganda is building an oil pipeline right now. How is it fair for Norway to build a pipeline to Poland and then the European Union tells Uganda to stop building their pipeline?

So what if Russia pays lip service to sustainable development goals. No big deal.

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JFYI: The Tsargrad article was offline half an hour ago (404) but now it's working again. As always, good work. Thanks.

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Intrepid, tireless, dispatcher, thank you for your detective posts. Quite a few hold such hope in the claims by Putin that he is a true conservative. Your puzzle pieces show us the contradictions in such claims, and the coordination and eerily similar proclamations of wokeness nonsense passionately pursued in Russia as in the west.

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>>> 55:04. Does a Yvonne Meyers work for RT News?


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