Maybe, only one question should be asked: Why are hundreds of thousands of young men in Ukraine and Russia being viewed by ruling elites as "disposable collateral damage" to expedite a global economic restructuring known as multipolarism, that in the end will be neofeudalism for the remaining working-class.

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Humans are always "assets", i.e. things, to psychopaths, that's where "HR" comes from - they literally steal soldiers' pants, then they send those soldiers to kill and die, and then they laugh drinking champagne with their cronies and say that whoever is stupid enough to actually go to kill and die at the orders of the pants-thieves do not deserve any better.

An equally interesting question is why soldiers go to do that when they know they had to buy pants at their own expense (unless it's to actually defend their homes against an amed aggressor)?

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They play on folks sense of nationalism. Pyscopaths know how to manipulate their subjects. That's how these goblins rise to the top. Normal people don't think like psychos so they tend to trust and believe, not thinking they're being exploited. And if they're conscious of their exploitation they're usually powerless, hence incapable of altering their miserable fate.

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My main concern is that the psychos are just redpilled...

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Yes. The sober fact is that the manipulators through time must always have been staggered at how easily it is to manipulate the masses in that one simple way: get one part to oppress the other part.

That's all in the end there ever is. Never did the manipulators do it without the assistance of a large part of the manipulated.

The manipulators never were and are not some alien superbeings directing a united suffering enslaved humanity.

Nope. They are simply certain humans who somehow have gotten to where large chunks of the manipulated happily give their lives in order to kill oppress eliminate the other part of the manipulated.


The soldiers in the Kiev Ukraine army i have seen on Telegram stating they are fighting to repel Russian aggressors/invaders when clearly they are standing on Donbas ground they have invaded and equally clearly they are facing Donbas Ukrainians as they have done for the last eight years. They are clearly living in a fantasy world.

Just as fantastic as the notion that their pure Ukrainian state will be the purer and more noble and wonderful if it actually dies to the last man in the pursuit of this noble goal of killing all the Russian Ukrainians within it.

They actually entertain and die for this notion: the their State will be the better if they were all to be dead! That they MUST fight to the last man in order to ennoble and fully realise their own State. NOT to wipe it out. No. They see it as full realisation of all noble potential.

This world is truly insane. We see it everywhere. We cannot simply blame the rich. Nor can we simply blame the politicians. Nor can we simply blame the criminal. Nor can avoid the clear complicity of the ordinary people without whom non of it would be possible.

I think it reaches, touches, every last one of us today, not only via the web but in the flesh, on the streets. I walk into a doctor's office and he is wearing mask. He does not demand I wear one. But he insists he MUST wear one. Why? No medical logic is offered. 'Because that is the law'. Medicine is gone. Replaced by diktat. Illogical, unreasoning diktat.

Once the doctor's office was the home of reason and logic, adherence to the truth which is what science must be and do else it cannot continue. The place where the unreason of witchcraft and myth were expunged and logic, fact, reason replaced them to benefit us all. The god of Truth and thereby some kind of love, therapy, benefice.

Now you walk in and find it the home of unreason, illogic, diktak, all the forces of darkness and oblivion, inimical to human welfare. You bend your knee to a false god when you walk in there. You see your physician in an attitude of abject subservience before a false god. That's pretty fancy dramatic talk, I know. But you just think about it, check it out. See if it isn't true.

And we need the truth of it to be clearly seen by all the people. Currently the people seem to be either asleep and unknowing or awake and deliberately choosing to 'no want to know'

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This term "multipolarity," so often used by opponents of the Western part of the Matrix, obscures the fact that it is actually a system of "multipolar imperialism." It is significant that this new, ostensibly "fairer world order" is to begin with expansions of the two up-and-coming empires and the disappearance of states. And it is sobering to realize that the pundits we believed in before argue seemingly the more confident the less they actually understand the complexity of the disaster.

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Corruption in Russia: always even worse than you imagined, even when you think you know all about it

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So is pretty much everywhere though.

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No doubt about it, everyone got their own style and brand of corruption. Russian style is stealing missiles mid-air to sell spare parts and ask for more money, Western style is called “lobbying” and “sustainable development”, other nations have seamless corruption where it’s so streamlined and open you’re not even aware that you’re giving a bribe and think you’re paying official fees or something

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It should be mentioned that 40+ military schools were closed just before the war, that list was circulated on Telegram, and many Russians in the comments confirmed the truth of it. I want to say, as a Serbian patriot and a Russophile, that corruption is INTENTIONAL and that it goes from the top to the bottom, it is the way the globalists destroy the Russian army and economy, they set up their cadres to destroy everything. This today is just a continuation of Perestroika, when Gorbachev tore up the state and sold everything at the flea market. And I believe the war started according to the orders of the globalists, exactly when the narrative of the pandemic began to weaken, to fill the world media with news from the battlefield. God pity those people on both sides who die there, and honor to the murdered hero Mozgovoi, the former commander of Donbass, who was assassinated because he said that the war is an unnecessary slaughterhouse where the oligarchs of both sides make money. Once again, corruption is INTENTIONAL, it is a means of destroying Russia. The Russian government is treacherous and works for the globalists, Strelkov, that is, Girkin, knows what they are like, and can no longer remain silent.

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It's quite something that even the actual Russian patriot outlets are questioning the sPEciAL MiLiTArY oPErAtiOn more than the Z-loving, English-speaking alt media. Unfortunately I feel many in the English alt media will be dismissing this as wESteRn bACkEd mEDiA or fAKe iNDePeNdEnT mEDiA, seeing as how they don't know of/don't care for Russian-speaking outlets and only follow English RT or Sergei Lavrov memos for news from Russia (because of course only state media can tell the truth now). Don't consider myself a patriot by any means but I for sure agree with some of the sentiments outlined- that those, both mainstream and alt/indie/new/online/whatever the pundits wanna call themselves, who capitalised and subsequently profited off of making bold, CAPITALISED, sensationalist news/headlines on the war should have to answer for their words.

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From DD (TG): "Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev, Deputy Minister of Defense for Logistics, has been fired. He held this position from September 24, 2022, after Army General Bulgakov was fired."

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yes quite a development (if true). seems they are only Telegram reports for now (there are a few of them, with different "lists" of who was fired). Would be great to get some confirmation on this. Stay tuned?

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From MOD, confirmed: "Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev is appointed the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation responsible for logistic supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

◽️ Colonel General M.Mizintsev was previously the Chief of the National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation.

◽️ General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov is released from the position of the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation due to his transition to another job.

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this is very good news.

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The diversity hire Shoigu is the real problem, that gremlin is just a scapegoat. Mikhail is yet another scapegoat for the upcoming 'disaster'

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yes, probably true. actually, Strelkov just posted on Telegram about this, predicting that generals would keep being replaced, but nothing will actually change because the rot goes to the top (Shoigu, etc). Dunno. Time will tell!

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I have been meaning to find this again - and did so: 65 minutes but if you even get 5,10 minutes in you may achieve some sort of synthetic ah-ha insight. Guy starts with the Russian word for lying (one of two): Vranyo - culture of lying - "constant, incessant lying at all levels of command" ... "to their command, to their men, to themselves"


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this is the culture that Strelkov (and many, many others, as we documented) have been trying to call out. For some reason this problem, which is enormous, hasn't been getting the attention it deserves -- or when it does, it's dismissed as "NAFO propaganda"

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As you say: here is Shurygin, (via Rolo, via Dombass Cowboy): "our main weakness - lies .... which still “reign” in the minds of some "gentlemen commanders" .... regiments that are listed on the maps as full-fledged, but in fact - detachments of mobilized, almost unarmed people."

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Thanks - my intent was not to offer it as a major, new revelation to commentators and readers here - and, honestly, I have not been following closely; but sometimes a single word can lead to an ah ha - and I have not seen that word: Vranyo. The claim is it's deeply embedded in Russian culture long pre-Soviet. Isn't that why Gogol's Dead Souls is so deeply amusing? The guy buying (deeds of) dead serfs involves face to face lying fully acknowledged and denied simultaneously - I figure that's Vranyo. I think the guy doing the video is British - but, believe it or not - seems a honest dealer.

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Oh! and meanwhile: "On Thursday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg traveled to Kiev to declare that “Ukraine’s rightful place is in NATO.” The next day, speaking at a meeting of the Ukraine Contact Group at Ramstein Air Base, he asserted, “All NATO Allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member.” " ("Thursday" not clear 4/20 or 4/27).


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Why, with all due respect? What is it that current Russia is not providing at the best terms possible to the West or to China, sending it's own people to do two weeks shifts in permafrost to dig for any resources needed by the above-mentioned two in order for those "their own people" to have a chance for 800-1200 bucks a month?

I doubt many Chinese will want to do that, let alone Westerners. i.e., What exactly do the leaders of "the aggresive NATO bloc" have to gain by switching the eagerly cryptocolonial status of their Russian flunkies in government in the last 30 years to open conquest and direct control?

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Just look at this one rather obvious question, who the hell is motivating ALL the Western neighbors of Russia into the "aggressive NATO bloc"? Would their drive have been any less in the case of success of Russia's fast victory in Ukraine that was allegedly supposed to happen? After 24.02.2022, whatever the outcome, they'd be mad not to go begging at NATO's door to be accepted, wouldn't they?

So the question is WHO exactly is THAT bent on expanding NATO? Open your eyes, people. The sole function of the famous Munchen speech amd the happenings thereafter was to make sure the masters in the West wouldn't have to go looking for another unique flunkie this eager to sell the Beloved Motherland to them for beads and rusty rifles every 4-5 years.

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In this conflict, every side seems to do their utmost to prove their opponents right. NATO is a scourge of mankind.

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Putin is okay with this... the mother of Ukraine

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As someone who has grown up in Eastern Germany and living in China for many years I find this analysis is not just describing a Russian situation.

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The last Russian emperor was related by blood and by marriage (since, like a Jew, he married a cousin) to the UK's imperial regime which fostered the rise of Bolshevism in WW1, while Stalin happily hosted the puppets of Western corporate power Churchill and Roosevelt to coordinate WW2 and then signed off on the fabrication of the Rothschild Neocolony in British Palestine.

It's nothing new, just that the romantic way they tell stories of the "Great Patriotic War" and shit is meant to conceal the realities underlying the sacrifice of millions of Russian taxcattle. Today's WHO, "free trade", and UN-friendly Kremlin continues with the old traditions.

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Don't say things you don't know!

Tsar Nikolai Romanov had blood related to the German and English nobility, that is true, but in spirit he was a Russian, and he was a worthy Christian, and a true believer in the Lord, who did God's work, and that is what is important . It would be the grace of God to send such a ruler again to the Russians and the world. The Martyr Tsar was killed by the subversive servants of satan, sent by the vampire elites from the west. Tsar Nikolai Romanov is a holy martyr, we Orthodox Serbs respect him as a saint and hold an icon with his bright image next to other icons of saints, right next to the icon of Christ!

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A true sucker

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Explain your position on this topic, I will be happy to argue with a cultured person. If you have no knowledge or basic culture, go troll somewhere else.

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A nonsense article by someone who has no grasp of strategy and military operations.

1- The first priority is to avoid nuclear war.

2- Demilitarisation of Ukraine is proceeding as planned. In fact, NATO is also being demilitarised as their industrial capacity to replace weapons and ammunition is simply not there.

3- Denazification is proceeding at the rate of several hundred Nazis per day.

Don't forget that less than 15% of Russia's forces are committed in Ukraine. Russia has long borders.

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐔𝐤𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞


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Apr 28, 2023
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He is entitled to his opinion. And so am I.

All you can do is spew some ad hominem

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Apr 28, 2023
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More ad hominem?

You seem to have nothing constructive to say.

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Apr 29, 2023
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Sarah, congratulations. You've become just another online troll. To call me nasty names, you must first check this box and prove you're not a robot:


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trivia time...what do Zelenzky...Blinken and Nuland have in common...hint they're from the same ethnic tribe as Leon Trotsky...and this guy....https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html

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For the record, I haven't pick a side, although you might say I have a 'leaning'.

Russia has poison shots and seemingly no rampant child mutilation surgeries.

America has poison shots, rampant child mutilation surgeries, and now bills trying to legalise pedophilia.

I know which side I would prefer to lose if I *had* to make a choice. But I'm more of a third option kind of guy: have them annihilate each other, or better yet, have the public rise up against their globalist paymasters and toss them into the fiery pits!

>"nothing has gone according to plan, and little (or nothing) has been done to fix this."

The line from the Dark Knight movie addresses this quite well: "peace has cost you your strength, victory has defeated you".

Bane taunts the Dark Knight, saying he has become complacent because he hasn't fought any real enemies before, and thus isn't prepared for when a real threat (like Bane) turns up.

Likewise, globalism is a flawed policy because it presumes all elements are cooperative (it presumes 'peace' and 'victory'); the moment an element becomes uncooperative it collapses. If China denies you raw metals, you can't import the resources needed to manufacture. If Saudi Arabia denies you oil, you can't burn fuel or make oil-based products. If the US denies you food, you can't eat. As soon as a vacuum occurs, so does competition.

No country is what you'd call 'sovereign' (or 'self-sufficient' or 'isolationist') because all of them became co-dependents upon the flawed policy of globalism. Russia could go into a war economy... but what could they domestically manufacture?

Domestic manufacture during WW2 in Britain required that the weapons be designed to the available resources, and not the other way around. Globalism presumes abundance of resources of any type, and so resources fit the design, not the design resources.

So when a globalist-dependent war machine goes to war with another globalist element, suddenly there's a problem because the resources aren't abundant. Thus you can't manufacture goods. Ironically, the US's biggest source of imported bullets was Russia. Imagine, your First Amendment protections contingent on importing bullets from a 'much hated enemy'. RAND Corporation really did not think through their war with Russia.

In-fact, no-one has thought through war in general.

Mr Riley, you may wish to focus on developments in Sudan as well. It is rumoured (unconfirmed) that US and Russia are having a little proxy there as well. It isn't clear to me what the strategic value of the African state is, and it is interesting as to why the 'spillover' is happening there. Getting WW2 'Africa campaign' vibes.

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Is is possible that they're aren't listening in Moscow because... they don't wanna hear?! Thanks, Riley.

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People tend not to listen to their obvious when their nice salaries, let alone embezzled zillions depend on not listening.

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One last remark (via a quote from an ancient TV call-in news show):

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass stuff from our vehicles?

DONALD RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want.

Why the neocons went to war is one thing. Having decided, they had to use what they had. WHAT they had was mostly shit per late-stage milindustrial corruption, but nonetheless, they only had what they had at that time.

My take is that Putin/advisers felt they had to act sooner than later. (I agree, fwiw) Corrupt army/materiel providers is as old as war itself. Early in the rise of a polity, the corruption is reactive not proactive. As the polity matures, the milindustrial complex that its wars have created becomes proactive in encouraging wars. The corruption gets worse as a result and soon, the empire learns that its armed forces aren't *really* armed.

Meanwhile, some upstart new empire (see: Russia Reborn -- the acronym not the movie) knocks out the old empire with new and better weapons that it was able to create because its corruption is still more reactively opportunistic not proactively so, which means that to stay in business it has to deliver decent materiel or be fired. That is where I see RR at this point.

Fuck military hardliners. Experts are experts, and we all know that an ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure.

As for Yevgeny Prigozhin: he's a loose cannon that has served its purpose and now must be defanged. We all remember that it is a PARAmilitary outfit, right? You know, one of these:


The disco-in-bellbottoms will continue until morale improves:


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For Edvardo Riley Slavsquatch:


Szigeti was the Jimi Hendrix of 20th Century classical violin in that he pulled the wildest sounds from his violin and was the major Big Name Violinist pursuing what was then called 'modern classical music'.

Sadly, my ears are too old to hear those high notes with their almost sea-sickly vibrato. Same with this master performance with 20th Century Russia's other great Russian composer (I don't care much for Shostakovich although he certainly has his moments).


The slow movements are like open-heart surgery to repair a broken heart.

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I see we've discovered that Russia is a nation composed of those weak weird creatures: humans. So of course it's messed up. Government, large human structures, are always messed up.

I highly doubt, however, that Russia will fail to achieve its primary SMO goals in Ukraine. Meanwhile, their armed forces will experience needed reform and should grow stronger from this massively murderous kerfuffle.

Russia's problem as I see it is the population decline thing. Digicurrencies, infinite vaccine campaigns... these will fade fairly rapidly. Both sit on blatantly rotten foundations. Meanwhile, the resources to provide a decent standard of living (including hope for the future) will still be much more abundant in Russia than any other major power. Coupled with Russia's obvious militech superiority on the MKL (Major Kinetic Level, my very own acronym), Russia still sits in the catbird seat.

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Yes I can agree with that. Human inequality is a fact and that should be recognised.

But in the recognising I think it should not be distorted into some kind of presumed inequality: an inequality of a certain type.

Human inequality is in fact an unequal distribution of very many factors across the population so that we all become unique with our own particular assemblage of these distributions.

Too often it is assumed the inequality manifests in absurdly simplified and incorrect ways. For instance it is assumed there are 'the clever' and 'the stupid'. Or the 'deserving' and 'undeserving'. Or the 'weak' or 'the strong'. or most commonly 'the good' and 'the bad'. Making binary divisions of the population based on ethereal undefined unmeasured parameters assumed to be definitive of the whole.

Having made those absurd over simplifications and total misunderstanding of the nature of fact people they then go on to condemn the 'other' side of that binary division.

Fairly ludicrous and very, very dangerous.

There is often a basic assumption, a presumption, on the part of the 'unequalists' that leads to value judgements on the 'unequals' they find. And that is their own implicit understanding of desirable goals, directions, methods, attitudes, needs - even an implicit (point being: not spoken out loud nor even consciously understood to be there) presumption of what a human being should be.

So there is an assumption of godly knowledge:

They know what a human being should be.

They know how human society should be organised.

They know what directions human society should take.

They know how human beings should think.

And so on.

They are wrong, of course, in all of this.

It is not for them to adopt that attitude having seen the clear fact of human difference (which they interpret in value judgement terms: 'inequality').

Better for them to continue to investigate and not to adopt judgemental attitudes but rather attempt to find what would be most appropriate given these truths, don't you think?

Their prevailing attitudes being that what would be most appropriate would be for all the inequalities to be ironed out. i.e. they are at odds with reality. They hate it, despise it, will not accept it, seek to find some victims to punish because of how dissatisfied they are with reality.

Just that simple thing: Democracy.

Most of us who think about such things believe it to be the best system and therefore 'all should have it'.

But it is clear all do not want it. For better or worse. They simply will not participate in it.

Well why waste time and energy and lives disputing that fact? Better find other ways of social organisation that will perform the better.

I think that stands as an example that pertains to all the other areas, too.

Accept what we find and work with it in a benevolent manner. If at all possible.

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My question is what do the PTB want to build in those bloodied fields?

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