Lol I just sent a link of your poverty article to Alex blog where he was saying it's a Western issue... Russia has the same issues but nobody wants to know?
@edwardslavsquat alex krainer is controlled opposition. he is on the payroll of brics intelligence and croatian intelligence. no country has done anything about all the chemicals, toxins, emfs, chemtrails and more in the environment. that is why human health and fertility around the world is plummeting.
Russky/Chinky "multipolarity" comes with "peer" levels of bullshit to "compete" with their terrorist USEUNATO plandemic/"war" business partners, it seems.
But they're doing that already (correct?) - and have been for some time - from the "near abroad" - Central Asia.
But - too late - you don't make a last gasp effort to pull yourself out of a demographic catastrophe and also send 100Ks of your young men to the slaughter in some WWI-like meat grinder (pick one). Tho, I suppose you might find among the very honest elite a "Catastrophe? - What catastrophe?" response.
Anyone want to buy a shuttered elementary school in some picturesque corner of rural Russia ? No reasonable bid refused!
To be fair, one can marvel at how anti-Russian the élite truly is, at the level of their chutzpah. But aren't the Russian people deserving of such treatment? Look at Türkiye - even after a century of secularism, their people are still savage, and increasingly Muslim. Meanwhile, the Slavs betrayed their own gods twice in a century - in 1917 and then 1991.
The tale of being oppressed seems to be rubbish everywhere you look, be it the Ukrainians oppressed by eevil Polacks or even eeviller Russians, or the Weimar Germans who were oppressed - and then stopped being.
Well, technically, they are correct. Speaking as a USA citizen, I know from experience that entire nations can be built from immigrants in a short time.
However, it destroys national identity and the cohesiveness thereof if it becomes routine.
That said, if things go nuclear, everyone will become immigrants, even in their own neighborhood.
"As Minister of Health and Social Development (2007-2012), Golikova urged Russians to shield themselves from “swine flu” by taking a drug called Arbidol, which had been placed on a list of obsolete medications with no proven efficacy. Manufactured by Pharmstandard, a drug company owned by a friend and business partner of Golikova’s husband, Arbidol was also purchased in bulk for Russia’s federal reserve stock of medicines."
It's comforting to know that Russia's pharmaceutical industry is similar to the US, as they're both run like criminal cartels.😁
well why not? It's like convincing someone to swallow a $1 bill, compressed into a tiny pill form. There's no taste, no nutritional benefit, and nothing of substance inside of it. Charge folks $20 (or $100 or sky's the limit) to swallow your magic pills, many many times (maybe even on a daily basis, for years!), and you'll need a forklift to manage all that cash flowing into your account.
Weirdly, there ARE pharmaceuticals which are effective (and don't kill you, injure you, etc), but they all have one thing in common: after one dose (or just a couple of doses), they do the job, and you don't need them anymore because you're healthy again.
There are many things that can be done to change the deographic trajectory.
1- Get rid of Tatyana Golikova. Put a man with at least 3 kids in charge.
2- Allow polygamy - provided the man can afford it. Make it socially acceptable by pointing out its numerous advantages to women. They can cooperate in bringing up the kids for example.
3- Stop vaccinating kids with substances that reduce fertility and damage health. No virus has ever been isolated - let alone proven to cause disease. The Germ hypothesis is false.
4- Warn people about the dangers of EMF. Stop the roll out of 5G.
interestingly enough, in some (Muslim-majority) countries, this law on "polygamy for those who can afford it" exists. You literally have to prove to the government you can afford a second (or third, or fourth, but not 5+) wife before getting permission to marry her.
Polygamy doesn't really work outside of Muslim contexts though because all those (pseudo) Christian cults who tried it end up being major pedophiles (FDLS, looking at you, homies).
Polygamy was common before Christianity was introduced in Russia and other northern countries. The rulers feared the tribes. In the tribes, polygamy and cousin-marriage was common. That is how the tribes grew and became strong. Christianity was used to destroy the tribal way of life.
In the Middle Ages, in the UK, DNA tests prove that only 1 in 5 men had offspring. Almost all the women had offspring. That is polygamy under another name. A rich landlord could fuck the wives of his tenants. The male tenant was pleased as that secured his future on the land.
These days, in the West and Russia, we have serial monogamy. It is really a destructive version of polygamy as the older woman cannot find a new husband equal to the one she lost.
When the hypocrisy is removed, you will realise that polygamy for those who can afford it is not such a bad deal for the women. Of course, the laws need to catch up.
I hardly need mention that sexually-successful Blacks have kids with many women. They almost never stay around.
Russians used to have large families before they were all crammed into cities. They don’t need polygamy, they need space, time, decent wages, and proper roads. Besides, polygamy is only suitable for less highly-strung women. You don’t want two Russian women in your house.
I liked your comment about "highly-strung women". I was married to one for 18 years. We never had open conflicts. I just went with the flow and did not openly disagree with her. I let her make all the decisions. A big mistake.
The guys who have more than one wife will obviously be able to afford more than one residence. Allowing many kids is a great way for spreading wealth.
I would be surprised if this was anything more than just for show.
Demographic policy will remain the same (while the immigration influx will continue, legal and illegal, 95% young military able man) as long as the same people continue being in charge. Who is in charge? Banks and big industry/corporations. City Of London in which Talmudic Law is above Admiralty and Commerce. Enough said.
Besides, never mind how the social contract between governments and people is non-existing eh? The fact that people still act like there is a valid social contract is a sign how things can only get worse, NOT BETTER.
If we have nations full of dummy sucking, couch warming, MSM hypnotised, nanny state inhabitants, our expectations have to be realistic under the circumstances.
Problem is, the uninformed and unaware, endanger all the rest of us.
Although morally repugnant, one is sometimes tempted to think, that some degree of discriminate culling might be desirable - for the greater good of all.
Evil regimes have always risen and fallen.
Yes but this cage might be worldwide and inescapable.
Alternatively, the evil perpetrators might find worldwide extermination inescapable.
The apparently useless masses, might yet have a vital role to play, if they awaken from their addictive slumbers.
I propose to stop vaccination with Sputnik and others and then less people will die and more children will be born. But nobody knows the long time adverse effects and how long the will last.
"Reply" not working? - RE: "one can marvel at how anti-Russian the élite truly is" (Adunai)
But nationalism as a modernist project very much involved a cult of the peasant or rural folk - Rumanian, Bulgarian, Greek - same everywhere. Russia, as always, went their own way: no lack of anti-Russian loathing among the (French speaking) pre-revolution aristocracy; but plenty of that cult as well - the Russian peasant, the Russian mir would be the salvation of the nation - easy to find in Tolstoy - and a sort of proto-Slavsquatian migration among factions of the ingtelligentsia to rural retreats was also common. But fast forward a 100 years and that cult is absolutely gone - the talking point today in the US is "Rural whites as a deadly threat to our democracy" - I guess it's a modernism / post-modernism thing.
Most of material benefits will change little to nothing, this is the experience of various EU countries (I live in one of those). To counter the demographic crisis the basic premise should be as follows: 1) People need to merry and settle *younger* (in order to have more years left to give birth to more kids before their biological clock ticks away). 2)Housing needs to be more affordable to young families in order to accommodate those kids.
Currently both topics are unfavourable for raising a family: The pressure to pursue academic titles for young adults is higher then ever, and the housing costs are also only increasing.
For the first point the more innovative measure would be to limit the duration of schooling (for both sexes of course). For example with reaching the age of 19, all the schooling programs, academic programs etc.. must end, the person has to go to work then (or may choose to stay unemployed), and then hopefully many of them would merry younger. After reaching the age of 45 the schooling, academic etc. could be continued.
For the second point: The bureaucracy for getting a build-permit should be reduced to just one piece of paper stating where the outline of the house stands in relation to the courtyard. As to how the young families should obtain a courtyard in first place this is at least should be easy considering vast territories of the country.
There should be also some limits on climbing the carrier ladder in state institution in connection to the fact if the person has his own biological children or not
Everyone arguing over this topic makes me LMFAO because literally the only populations with positive growth are Muslims (or Muslim-majority). Clearly, they know the "key" and everyone else, whether Jew, Shinto, Confucian, Hindu, atheist, or Christian, isn't able to figure it out.
PS - Where I live, big families (defined as 4 or more kids) get massive discounts on food at the grocery store. Which is mighty helpful, indeed.
Send us your poor, sick, deformed, ailing, unwanted, poverty stricken and your misfits. We have plenty of room and money right here in the USA. Our Congress has continued to sanction the massive attack on our borders by all who seek to enter. We are open for business and the crossings are bridged and the gates are wide open. Looking forward to seeing y'all. Without remorse, The Dummy.
Speaking as a non-Russian USA smartass, I'll just say that, to an English-speaker, Russia excels in names that sound evil... just as Slavic Jews excel at names that sound like a mad genius professor's wild hair looks. My online name, for example, derived from a former self-appointed online nickname: Wolfgang Meshugenattz. People often tell me I come across like a mad professor, wild hair and all. Here am I testing out my latest wild invention called The Hesitant Jaws of Fate:
What seems, oh, exquisitely ironic, is that Putin's willingness to let the big pharma/big government wreak runaway havoc via covid and genetic slurries, will likely result in his winning Wurl Wor Free but losing the stable government structure he so prizes.
I think it would be more gooder and cleaner fun if we shifted our theoretically conspiratorial gaze to scrying who/what bloc is likely to take advantage of this suicide by public health scams and become the new boss. Well, it's more positive than pondering nuclear outcomes.
Let us imagine the 1964 version of the following in Moscow not Glascow. I am hopeful that Edvard will provide something close in Russian. (PUH-leeeeeeez!)
Talking about cold war and nuclear armageddon threat... Well we've had that all our life. Fortunately, we could learn dancing on that shit in our youth:
You understand that the only way to raise the fertility rate is to go the Boko Haram route, abolishing the female rights to education, property and work? Of course, everyone is too scared to admit it. But there's no point playing word games when one is not in power, and thus is not required to pay lip service to <insert the appropriate Russian female or Turkish male organ>.
Well, there IS another way: stop poisoning women's ovaries with toxic medicines and generally polluted environments. I'd be curious to see rural vs urban fertility levels/birth rates.
Urban fertility rates are traditionally depressed, but that has nothing to do with poisoned ovaries. The crux is the cock carousel. Enabled by the right to own property and contraception.
Women are allowed not to marry. Because they can live alone. Considering their sex drive is lower (or chad-centric), they don't have sex and/or don't procreate. No point settling down if they can have sex on demand while also having no need for a provider.
Um, I'm pretty sure they have sex. But there's a little thing called contraception. Also the fact that so many available males are whiny resentful snots such as you publicly present.
> "Also the fact that so many available males are whiny resentful snots such as you publicly present."
In a traditional, civilised society, female choice is disregarded because it is based on caveman values. In proper civilisations, marriage is a contract between two men. That's why female value judgements are not to be trusted.
But the West is a Christian chimaera, lost to the Jewish idealist spirit of free love. The endpoint is extinction.
Lol I just sent a link of your poverty article to Alex blog where he was saying it's a Western issue... Russia has the same issues but nobody wants to know?
Mr. Krainer also thinks Sputnik V is a safe and effective 5D chess move against the globalists.
@edwardslavsquat alex krainer is controlled opposition. he is on the payroll of brics intelligence and croatian intelligence. no country has done anything about all the chemicals, toxins, emfs, chemtrails and more in the environment. that is why human health and fertility around the world is plummeting.
Russky/Chinky "multipolarity" comes with "peer" levels of bullshit to "compete" with their terrorist USEUNATO plandemic/"war" business partners, it seems.
Or they can just so it like the west, import huge numbers of 3rd worlders and claim there is population increase in the statistics
They're already doing that:
But they're doing that already (correct?) - and have been for some time - from the "near abroad" - Central Asia.
But - too late - you don't make a last gasp effort to pull yourself out of a demographic catastrophe and also send 100Ks of your young men to the slaughter in some WWI-like meat grinder (pick one). Tho, I suppose you might find among the very honest elite a "Catastrophe? - What catastrophe?" response.
Anyone want to buy a shuttered elementary school in some picturesque corner of rural Russia ? No reasonable bid refused!
To be fair, one can marvel at how anti-Russian the élite truly is, at the level of their chutzpah. But aren't the Russian people deserving of such treatment? Look at Türkiye - even after a century of secularism, their people are still savage, and increasingly Muslim. Meanwhile, the Slavs betrayed their own gods twice in a century - in 1917 and then 1991.
The tale of being oppressed seems to be rubbish everywhere you look, be it the Ukrainians oppressed by eevil Polacks or even eeviller Russians, or the Weimar Germans who were oppressed - and then stopped being.
Well, technically, they are correct. Speaking as a USA citizen, I know from experience that entire nations can be built from immigrants in a short time.
However, it destroys national identity and the cohesiveness thereof if it becomes routine.
That said, if things go nuclear, everyone will become immigrants, even in their own neighborhood.
"As Minister of Health and Social Development (2007-2012), Golikova urged Russians to shield themselves from “swine flu” by taking a drug called Arbidol, which had been placed on a list of obsolete medications with no proven efficacy. Manufactured by Pharmstandard, a drug company owned by a friend and business partner of Golikova’s husband, Arbidol was also purchased in bulk for Russia’s federal reserve stock of medicines."
It's comforting to know that Russia's pharmaceutical industry is similar to the US, as they're both run like criminal cartels.😁
well why not? It's like convincing someone to swallow a $1 bill, compressed into a tiny pill form. There's no taste, no nutritional benefit, and nothing of substance inside of it. Charge folks $20 (or $100 or sky's the limit) to swallow your magic pills, many many times (maybe even on a daily basis, for years!), and you'll need a forklift to manage all that cash flowing into your account.
Weirdly, there ARE pharmaceuticals which are effective (and don't kill you, injure you, etc), but they all have one thing in common: after one dose (or just a couple of doses), they do the job, and you don't need them anymore because you're healthy again.
But that's no way to make money, kids!
It would've been much better if it was an "empty pill" and not an experimental mRNA toxin causing strokes, heart attack, and turbo cancers.
There are many things that can be done to change the deographic trajectory.
1- Get rid of Tatyana Golikova. Put a man with at least 3 kids in charge.
2- Allow polygamy - provided the man can afford it. Make it socially acceptable by pointing out its numerous advantages to women. They can cooperate in bringing up the kids for example.
3- Stop vaccinating kids with substances that reduce fertility and damage health. No virus has ever been isolated - let alone proven to cause disease. The Germ hypothesis is false.
4- Warn people about the dangers of EMF. Stop the roll out of 5G.
interestingly enough, in some (Muslim-majority) countries, this law on "polygamy for those who can afford it" exists. You literally have to prove to the government you can afford a second (or third, or fourth, but not 5+) wife before getting permission to marry her.
Polygamy doesn't really work outside of Muslim contexts though because all those (pseudo) Christian cults who tried it end up being major pedophiles (FDLS, looking at you, homies).
Polygamy was common before Christianity was introduced in Russia and other northern countries. The rulers feared the tribes. In the tribes, polygamy and cousin-marriage was common. That is how the tribes grew and became strong. Christianity was used to destroy the tribal way of life.
In the Middle Ages, in the UK, DNA tests prove that only 1 in 5 men had offspring. Almost all the women had offspring. That is polygamy under another name. A rich landlord could fuck the wives of his tenants. The male tenant was pleased as that secured his future on the land.
These days, in the West and Russia, we have serial monogamy. It is really a destructive version of polygamy as the older woman cannot find a new husband equal to the one she lost.
When the hypocrisy is removed, you will realise that polygamy for those who can afford it is not such a bad deal for the women. Of course, the laws need to catch up.
I hardly need mention that sexually-successful Blacks have kids with many women. They almost never stay around.
Mistresses are a thing in Moscow but TBH I don’t think it helps the demographics.
I am suggesting something quite different. Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed polygamy a long time ago. A great way to break down large fortunes.
Of course, this goes against the woke agenda of the West.
Russians used to have large families before they were all crammed into cities. They don’t need polygamy, they need space, time, decent wages, and proper roads. Besides, polygamy is only suitable for less highly-strung women. You don’t want two Russian women in your house.
I liked your comment about "highly-strung women". I was married to one for 18 years. We never had open conflicts. I just went with the flow and did not openly disagree with her. I let her make all the decisions. A big mistake.
The guys who have more than one wife will obviously be able to afford more than one residence. Allowing many kids is a great way for spreading wealth.
The separate house idea certainly has its appeal.
They won’t get the kids until they make villages great again.
According to some large family advocates, there are many attractive villages and tons of good land available in Russia.
I would be surprised if this was anything more than just for show.
Demographic policy will remain the same (while the immigration influx will continue, legal and illegal, 95% young military able man) as long as the same people continue being in charge. Who is in charge? Banks and big industry/corporations. City Of London in which Talmudic Law is above Admiralty and Commerce. Enough said.
Besides, never mind how the social contract between governments and people is non-existing eh? The fact that people still act like there is a valid social contract is a sign how things can only get worse, NOT BETTER.
If we have nations full of dummy sucking, couch warming, MSM hypnotised, nanny state inhabitants, our expectations have to be realistic under the circumstances.
Problem is, the uninformed and unaware, endanger all the rest of us.
Although morally repugnant, one is sometimes tempted to think, that some degree of discriminate culling might be desirable - for the greater good of all.
Evil regimes have always risen and fallen.
Yes but this cage might be worldwide and inescapable.
Alternatively, the evil perpetrators might find worldwide extermination inescapable.
The apparently useless masses, might yet have a vital role to play, if they awaken from their addictive slumbers.
I propose to stop vaccination with Sputnik and others and then less people will die and more children will be born. But nobody knows the long time adverse effects and how long the will last.
"Patriotic voices inside Russia contend that the crisis facing Russia is the result of years of government inaction. "
Give me a break!
Is the government responsible for everything?
What about people action/inaction?
Pop out those kids. We need more gullible fodder for the fascistic foreign policy football 🏈 machine.
"Reply" not working? - RE: "one can marvel at how anti-Russian the élite truly is" (Adunai)
But nationalism as a modernist project very much involved a cult of the peasant or rural folk - Rumanian, Bulgarian, Greek - same everywhere. Russia, as always, went their own way: no lack of anti-Russian loathing among the (French speaking) pre-revolution aristocracy; but plenty of that cult as well - the Russian peasant, the Russian mir would be the salvation of the nation - easy to find in Tolstoy - and a sort of proto-Slavsquatian migration among factions of the ingtelligentsia to rural retreats was also common. But fast forward a 100 years and that cult is absolutely gone - the talking point today in the US is "Rural whites as a deadly threat to our democracy" - I guess it's a modernism / post-modernism thing.
Most of material benefits will change little to nothing, this is the experience of various EU countries (I live in one of those). To counter the demographic crisis the basic premise should be as follows: 1) People need to merry and settle *younger* (in order to have more years left to give birth to more kids before their biological clock ticks away). 2)Housing needs to be more affordable to young families in order to accommodate those kids.
Currently both topics are unfavourable for raising a family: The pressure to pursue academic titles for young adults is higher then ever, and the housing costs are also only increasing.
For the first point the more innovative measure would be to limit the duration of schooling (for both sexes of course). For example with reaching the age of 19, all the schooling programs, academic programs etc.. must end, the person has to go to work then (or may choose to stay unemployed), and then hopefully many of them would merry younger. After reaching the age of 45 the schooling, academic etc. could be continued.
For the second point: The bureaucracy for getting a build-permit should be reduced to just one piece of paper stating where the outline of the house stands in relation to the courtyard. As to how the young families should obtain a courtyard in first place this is at least should be easy considering vast territories of the country.
There should be also some limits on climbing the carrier ladder in state institution in connection to the fact if the person has his own biological children or not
Everyone arguing over this topic makes me LMFAO because literally the only populations with positive growth are Muslims (or Muslim-majority). Clearly, they know the "key" and everyone else, whether Jew, Shinto, Confucian, Hindu, atheist, or Christian, isn't able to figure it out.
PS - Where I live, big families (defined as 4 or more kids) get massive discounts on food at the grocery store. Which is mighty helpful, indeed.
I explored the attitude of large family practitioners and advocates, to Putin's pro-large family agenda.
What planet where large family practitioners on during covid?
Exactly what do they not understand about the depopulation agenda?
Many seem to be shockingly ignorant and alarmingly naive.
Guess covid was just a "pandemic" and there is no covert agenda.
The pro-large family agenda is entirely trustworthy.
While some conservatives are wide awake, most appear to be asleep.
Bit of a concern.
Send us your poor, sick, deformed, ailing, unwanted, poverty stricken and your misfits. We have plenty of room and money right here in the USA. Our Congress has continued to sanction the massive attack on our borders by all who seek to enter. We are open for business and the crossings are bridged and the gates are wide open. Looking forward to seeing y'all. Without remorse, The Dummy.
"Tatyana Golikova"
Speaking as a non-Russian USA smartass, I'll just say that, to an English-speaker, Russia excels in names that sound evil... just as Slavic Jews excel at names that sound like a mad genius professor's wild hair looks. My online name, for example, derived from a former self-appointed online nickname: Wolfgang Meshugenattz. People often tell me I come across like a mad professor, wild hair and all. Here am I testing out my latest wild invention called The Hesitant Jaws of Fate:
What seems, oh, exquisitely ironic, is that Putin's willingness to let the big pharma/big government wreak runaway havoc via covid and genetic slurries, will likely result in his winning Wurl Wor Free but losing the stable government structure he so prizes.
I am obviously bored with the usual railing against space lizards and claiming to know their every 15-Triple DDD move ( ) .
I think it would be more gooder and cleaner fun if we shifted our theoretically conspiratorial gaze to scrying who/what bloc is likely to take advantage of this suicide by public health scams and become the new boss. Well, it's more positive than pondering nuclear outcomes.
Let us imagine the 1964 version of the following in Moscow not Glascow. I am hopeful that Edvard will provide something close in Russian. (PUH-leeeeeeez!)
Part of an ongoing Cold War cornball nostalgia theme:
Salut Bosco'
Talking about cold war and nuclear armageddon threat... Well we've had that all our life. Fortunately, we could learn dancing on that shit in our youth:
Enjoy the clip man...
You understand that the only way to raise the fertility rate is to go the Boko Haram route, abolishing the female rights to education, property and work? Of course, everyone is too scared to admit it. But there's no point playing word games when one is not in power, and thus is not required to pay lip service to <insert the appropriate Russian female or Turkish male organ>.
Well, there IS another way: stop poisoning women's ovaries with toxic medicines and generally polluted environments. I'd be curious to see rural vs urban fertility levels/birth rates.
Urban fertility rates are traditionally depressed, but that has nothing to do with poisoned ovaries. The crux is the cock carousel. Enabled by the right to own property and contraception.
Please show me how this is causing Russian population/fertility issues.
Like all women, Slav women wait until their mid thirties to have one kid. Or they have a kid with a cad early and then no more because he dumps them.
Women are allowed not to marry. Because they can live alone. Considering their sex drive is lower (or chad-centric), they don't have sex and/or don't procreate. No point settling down if they can have sex on demand while also having no need for a provider.
Um, I'm pretty sure they have sex. But there's a little thing called contraception. Also the fact that so many available males are whiny resentful snots such as you publicly present.
> "Also the fact that so many available males are whiny resentful snots such as you publicly present."
In a traditional, civilised society, female choice is disregarded because it is based on caveman values. In proper civilisations, marriage is a contract between two men. That's why female value judgements are not to be trusted.
But the West is a Christian chimaera, lost to the Jewish idealist spirit of free love. The endpoint is extinction.